Letitia James Faces Growing Pressure to Prosecute Jon Stewart over Property Overvaluation

No. YOU prove that others have been charged under the same circumstances.
That's not how it works, sweetheart. You brought up the charge that no one but your poor orange douchebag is being prosecuted for the same crime. So, go ahead...prove it.

But you won't. Hence the reason why I call you a retard. Get it now? No? Read it a few times and when you are done, read it a couple more times. Even a retard like you will eventually get it. Good Luck.
Setting a high price , FOR WHOM matters.... to sell your home, by all means....go for it! To brag in the public about its worth, go for it!

To say your asset is worth X amount in value, because you can raise rental rates each year... thus income each year, making the property quite valuable on the market to a buyer... is expected and a common way to say your estimated property value is higher than what it may appear this moment in time... And things like that, which borrowers use as a way to increase their assets... so to lower their loan risk in the bank's eyes.

But, the Trump org did fraudulent things to claim their assets were higher...using the example above, the Trump org on a few properties that had lots of rental income, coming in, where he claimed its value was much higher due to the rise in future rental income,

were RENT CONTROL buildings.... Where their building value and Trump's asset, was worth much LESS than he claimed when he lied on the form saying those buildings he owned were not under RENT CONTROL.

THEN the Trump org lied about Trump's penthouse home, claiming its asset value in the 1000% over the market value of it, by claiming his 10,000 sq foot penthouse was 30,000 feet.

These, fraudulent type claims and over valuing his assets over the statutory 10 year period, were repeated over and over again, changing lies even, over the period.

These were INTENTIONAL fraudulent claims....not just an opinion of market value that could be subjective. Trump org, put down outright made up lies over and over and over again similar to the ones listed above...
I have found in researching other articles that Stewart SOLD his penthouse for $18 million which was not clear from the NY Post report. I agree therefore that Stewart did nothing wrong. I disagree that Trump did anything wrong and that there was any logical or legal basis for a civil fraud case. "Fraudulent" does not apply since no one or no entity was defrauded in any way.
Oh that's easy! You just go to the Stalinist playbook and do like Lavrentiy Beria. "Show me the man, I'll give you the crime".
Yeah....only this time it's not going to fly.....NY is full of hungry little municipalities starving for cash. The bait is on the table.
That's not how it works, sweetheart. You brought up the charge that no one but your poor orange douchebag is being prosecuted for the same crime. So, go ahead...prove it.

But you won't. Hence the reason why I call you a retard. Get it now? No? Read it a few times and when you are done, read it a couple more times. Even a retard like you will eventually get it. Good Luck.
Nope. You’re asking me to prove a negative: “show me it hasn’t been done before.”

So sorry, hon, you’ve got it backwards: you’re claiming this isn’t selective prosecution and that Trump wasn’t singled out? Then tell me who else has also been prosecuted under the same circumstances - no dmages, no victim, and a lawsuit never brought by either party.

If you weren’t such a retard, you’d know that you can’t prove a negative.
Nope. You’re asking me to prove a negative: “show me it hasn’t been done before.”

So sorry, hon, you’ve got it backwards: you’re claiming this isn’t selective prosecution and that Trump wasn’t singled out? Then tell me who else has also been prosecuted under the same circumstances - no dmages, no victim, and a lawsuit never brought by either party.

If you weren’t such a retard, you’d know that you can’t prove a negative.
Ohhhh.....but no one has ever done this before in NY.....only Trump! Notice how dead quiet Michael Bloomberg has been?
Not one goddamned peep from him on this whole matter
There's nothing dumb about it
This is the he 800 million pound Gorilla......you already know this....I said from the outset that this case would eventually run aground because it must. You confuse that with defending the actions....which I do not.
Everything about it is stupid. That's why you haven't been able to fashion any counterpoint. Just vapid whining and unargued/unevidenced cult, self soothing claims. Just like this vapid, whiny post I responded to.

Yes, when you make up stupid lies and make vapid claims to distract from and to diminish the orange slob's crime sprees, "defending him" is precisely what you are doing. Who do you think you are fooling?
Oh that's easy! You just go to the Stalinist playbook and do like Lavrentiy Beria. "Show me the man, I'll give you the crime".
Haha, you don't know what "Stalinist" means.

Loud man on AM radio said it and you felt scared. So now you say it. Mindless blather.
Ohhhh.....but no one has ever done this before in NY.....only Trump! Notice how dead quiet Michael Bloomberg has been?
Not one goddamned peep from him on this whole matter
I think the Trump team should requisition the business records of every rich Democrat to show that what Trump did is done by others at this level of the game, and that they were never charged. Then the appeal court could just dismiss the whole thing due to selective prosecution.
Everything about it is stupid. That's why you haven't been able to fashion any counterpoint. Just vapid whining and unargued/unevidenced cult, self soothing claims. Just like this vapid, whiny post I responded to.
No....it's not stupid at all. You can pretend that Trump is the unique villain of the century. It only points to your naivete and childish desire to pretend on the non existent moral high ground which is nothing if not adorable.

Truth is....as has been well documented by many that the practice is widespread and many decades old. This does not Make it right. It certainly makes the prosecution selective however. Let's face it...Trump is an asshole....the compulsion to go after him is nearly irrisistable.
I think the Trump team should requisition the business records of every rich Democrat to show that what Trump did is done by others at this level of the game, and that they were never charged. Then the appeal court could just dismiss the whole thing due to selective prosecution.
I suspect some of it will begin to leak out.....
No....it's not stupid at all. You can pretend that Trump is the unique villain of the century. It only points to your naivete and childish desire to pretend on the non existent moral high ground which is nothing if not adorable.

Truth is....as has been well documented by many that the practice is widespread and many decades old. This does not Make it right. It certainly makes the prosecution selective however. Let's face it...Trump is an asshole....the compulsion to go after him is nearly irrisistable.
Haha, you did it again. A bunch of self soothing chest beating and unsupported claims.

And you are lying about the documentation that these felonies imare widespread practice. That's a stupid lie someone made up for you to soothe yourself and to defend the orange slob.
Haha, you did it again. A bunch of self soothing chest beating and unsupported claims.

And you are lying about the documentation that these felonies imare widespread practice. That's a stupid lie someone made up for you to soothe yourself and to defend the orange slob.
Nope....not a lie. I don't see any chest beating... do you have the right post? You see I don't need that to make a partisan fool out of you.

This is simply a reality. It was nationwide leading up to the 2008 correction and the main contributor to the junk derivatives that imploded for a 70 trillion bubble burst.

There's no need for me to soothe myself. I don't feel any sense of loss; Nor do I feel sorry for Trump. It is however very instructive and amusing to watch the contortions in behalf of the non existent moral high ground. You must need that illusion....

Nope. You’re asking me to prove a negative: “show me it hasn’t been done before.”

So sorry, hon, you’ve got it backwards: you’re claiming this isn’t selective prosecution and that Trump wasn’t singled out? Then tell me who else has also been prosecuted under the same circumstances - no dmages, no victim, and a lawsuit never brought by either party.

If you weren’t such a retard, you’d know that you can’t prove a negative.
Retard. It’s you who is asking me to prove a negative. You were the one who brought up the fact that Trump is being prosecuted while others are going free.

I say - prove it. Get it?

Why do you idiots come to argue when you have nothing?

Do you like to be called a retard? Ok, happy to oblige.
She didn't determine the amount, the presiding Judge did.... So she didn't get a whipping from the appellate court.

And the appellate court only reduced the bond down to $175 million, they did not reduce the +/-$450 million penalty fine.

Only if trump wins on appeal, can that happen.
They wouldn't have taken any action unless the appellate court decided Trump was likely to win on appeal. The action was taken to ALLOW Trump to appeal. The huge fine was a deliberate attempt to deny the due process of an appeal to a higher court.

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