Letitia James makes $4 Million per year and her net worth went from 0 to 15Million in less than 10 years.

Just one example.....https://www.ethics.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/02ccce18-df8d-48cb-bea4-ed14b155cba6/2023-financial-disclosure-report-booklet-for-cy2022.pdf

People in elected office generally have to file some type of financial disclosure form. That is a fact.

Okay, go get nancy's complete write up that explains where every penny she owns came from and what it's invested in. Or better yet, Biden's and his immediate family.
Okay, go get nancy's complete write up that explains where every penny she owns came from and what it's invested in. Or better yet, Biden's and his immediate family.

Both Biden and Pelosi have filed financial disclosure forms

Trump refuses
It is now official

Letetia James is now wealthier than Donald Trump
Time for an investigation into this young lady's insane income and explosion in net worth.

Before starting an investigation, it's best to have some FIRM EVIDENCE that she's a criminal. Republicans have this habit of making up shit and then trying to prove it's true, which is what you're doing here. You don't investigate hoping to find evidence of crimes. You find crimes, and then look for evidence of who committed the crime.

You seem to have a real problem with rich black women. I don't see you asking how any Republicans got rich, or suggesting that wealthy white men be investigated to find out how they got so rich. But Fani Willis or Leticia James????? How did THEY get rich. Start an investigation!!!!!
It is now official

Letetia James is now wealthier than Donald Trump
Wealth as we know is not even. We live in a culture where people can be born into it, and it helps them. Or one member of the family gains great power and it trickles down to all the family. Or people are pushed no matter the talents. And there are other comparable ways. Unfortunately, in all of this there can be and is, abilities not taken as part of it. This woman had a hatred for Trump No matter what was true or not. From the hood and she just had to be right. Many people are myopic. She did anything to get Trump. Now comes the tricky part. Does it affect New York City negatively? Economic prosperity and contractions happen in every era. Causing a contraction due to hating a person is pure idiocy. If it does happen. And it still does not mean Trump did anything wrong.
Awww, did I hurt your wittle feewwlings, or are you always this childish and have to call people names?
LOL thinking you can tell anyone what to do. You want to know a politicians financial background, look it up dummy and stop whining about it on here you lazy fuck.
LOL thinking you can tell anyone what to do. You want to know a politicians financial background, look it up dummy and stop whining about it on here you lazy fuck.

So you can't provide a link? Don't be angry at me because you suck. :cuckoo:
All people who hold public office should be open to financial scrutiny, they should have to account for every penny in every account in their name and their spouse's name if married. The cost of holding public office, if you want to be there, then your finances are completely transparent.
Absolutely. And Letitia James should have the same level of scrutiny on her real estate investments and other sources of income that she applied to Donald Trump. She has fashioned herself a champion of justice, so she should welcome the investigation into her massive increase in income and net worth over such a short period of time.
Trumpanzees say the silliest things.

Mountains of evidence of decades of fraud by Trump?

" I don't see any fraud!"

Not a single shred of evidence of fraud by joe biden or Letitia james?

" Fraud! Fraud everywhere! Fraud in every puddle!"
Trumpanzees say the silliest things.

Mountains of evidence of decades of fraud by Trump?

" I don't see any fraud!"

Not a single shred of evidence of fraud by joe biden or Letitia james?

" Fraud! Fraud everywhere! Fraud in every puddle!"
The people will make things right in November.

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