Lets all remember al gore....in 2006, shall we?

It is concerning. I don't disagree.

I've read other things about this.

I guess what nobody can say with authority is what will happen if the current actually collapses.

I, for one, am not anxious to find out. But I am afraid that we are beyond influencing it.
I think we are doomed too.

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most sure we will be fine, I'm probably a 4.
I think we are doomed too.

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most sure we will be fine, I'm probably a 4.

I think we'll need to adapt.

I think that is where the conversation needs to be now.

But, we've so screwed up the conversation......no one is listening.
Will you guys ever admit you are wrong? Nope. If the past few months are any indicator, it seems something closer to the opposite may be happening. As temperatures have spiked, conservative backlash around the world to climate policy may have also reached a fever pitch. In the U.S., former President Donald Trump has turned electric vehicles into a major attack line targeting President Joe Biden. In a late June speech, he called Biden’s policies “environmental extremism” and claimed they were “heartless and disloyal and horrible for the American worker.’

And it isn't just conservatives and corporations in America.

In Spain, the far-right party, campaigned on softening climate policy, among other things, ahead of a national election on July 23. During the campaign, Vox called the country’s 2021 climate law “the return to caves and poverty” as the country pushes measures like water conservation to help adapt to a warmer planet.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that climate solutions should be executed in a way that is “proportionate and pragmatic” and “doesn’t unnecessarily give people more hassle and more costs in their lives.” (Unlike others listed here, Sunak does support the broader aims of the energy transition).

So this is all about Republicans and corporations not wanting to pay more. They want to stick with coal and oil. Dirty energy.

In short, it’s not clear exactly how or whether extreme weather triggers people to reassess their views on climate change. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's clear that partisanship matters here. A 2020 paperin the journal Nature Climate Change pointed to a clear dividing line in the U.S. Extreme weather tends to reinforce the link between climate change and weather effects in Democratic and/or highly educated communities—and less so elsewhere.

This dynamic means that extreme weather may actually be creating an opportunity for conservatives to cater to their base. As heat waves or flooding raises the specter of climate change for certain groups, others can use it to raise the specter of the costs of climate policy to rally their most loyal supporters who are primed to oppose it anyway.
Preach to the Sun, Spotty
Yea, I feel the same way. Michigan a little warmer? Sounds good to me. But it's a very ignorant thought.

I heard July is officially going to be the hottest July EVER. Wow, Gore was right. It's happening. Scientists agree with him. The only ones who don't are stupid Republican voters who are brainwashed by Republicans who are paid off by the oil and coal lobbyists. It's so obvious.
Dude, it's just weather. You are overreacting. Come this winter your state will be covered in snow and that should serve as an annual reminder to you that the planet you live on is in an ice age and our present temperature is just a brief interlude (relatively speaking) from frigid temperatures. This whole topic is insane.
Obviously the shallow water between Florida mainland and the Keys is a heat trap. But it has always been a heat trap. This is a new record for that location. You cannot dismiss this by saying it's always hot, because it has never been known to get THIS hot and by a relatively huge margin. So, you're the one being unscientific.


When a buoy in the Arctic read over 80F a few years back, your side went batshit as usual blaming Co2, never mind the location was over Gakkel Ridge...

It is not at all unrealistic to believe this was another $10 million taxpayer funds funding several ships dumping boiling water around the buoy.... and it got the headlines....

And none of the "news" about it asks why given all this ocean "warming...."

Deep in the Atlantic Ocean, there's a massive current the size of 8,000 Mississippi Rivers. Its role in the Earth's climate is so powerful that it determines weather from the equator to Europe, crop production in Africa and sea level rise on the East Coast.

Scientists say there's a risk this vital current could shut down as the climate gets hotter, a collapse that could have dire consequences worldwide.

Researchers have been trying to determine when the Atlantic might cross that tipping point. But answering that is no easy task.



Since there is NO EVIDENCE of planetary "warming" in the atmosphere, on the surface.... they claim it is DEEP UNDER THE OCEAN and DEEP UNDER ANTARCTICA's ice....

because that makes it very difficult and expensive to disprove...


Co2 in the atmosphere is not warming the atmosphere, but way under the ocean, that's what it is "warming!"""


Ocean currents change. Wind changes. Jet stream changes. That's weather.

What your side does NOT HAVE.

An ongoing net ice melt - nope
ocean rise - nope
breakout in canes - nope
warming in the atmosphere - nope
ocean warming - nope
Dude, it's just weather. You are overreacting. Come this winter your state will be covered in snow and that should serve as an annual reminder to you that the planet you live on is in an ice age and our present temperature is just a brief interlude (relatively speaking) from frigid temperatures. This whole topic is insane.
That proves nothing. If we have an extreme winter, that may be proof of man made climate change. We should have never called it global warming because you seem to think that if it's cool where you are, it's cool. You a fool.
That proves nothing. If we have an extreme winter, that may be proof of man made climate change. We should have never called it global warming because you seem to think that if it's cool where you are, it's cool. You a fool.
Says the guy who thinks his emperor is wearing clothes. Please tell me more about how bad it’s going to get.
Says the guy who thinks his emperor is wearing clothes. Please tell me more about how bad it’s going to get.
Air quality also got worse in the United States, the report found. Average PM2. 5 levels in 2,408 American cities climbed from 9.6 mcg/m3 in 2020 to 10.3 mcg/m3 in 2021. In the United States, Atlanta and Minneapolis saw significant increases in pollution.

Actually, we are overpopulated so I think eventually it's going to lower the number of humans that inhabit this planet so actually, I think it's great. For the planet. And the other animals. Turn this place back to Eden.
Air quality also got worse in the United States, the report found. Average PM2. 5 levels in 2,408 American cities climbed from 9.6 mcg/m3 in 2020 to 10.3 mcg/m3 in 2021. In the United States, Atlanta and Minneapolis saw significant increases in pollution.

Actually, we are overpopulated so I think eventually it's going to lower the number of humans that inhabit this planet so actually, I think it's great. For the planet. And the other animals. Turn this place back to Eden.
That sounds horrible. You should start a sterilization campaign immediately.
I don't believe the blacks and Latinos in Michigan share your same concerns.
Oh racism from ding the profit. I love it.

I believe even they will slow down.

And do we want them to? We have lots of low wage jobs. So it’s good when poor people have kids. More kids to work at mcd and collect foodstamps. Use the government as part of your business model. Whatever. I just want them working and paying into social security.

Whites won’t do it.

With AI all we need are rich and poor. No middle class. Cut population in half. We will be lords.
Oh racism from ding the profit. I love it.

I believe even they will slow down.

And do we want them to? We have lots of low wage jobs. So it’s good when poor people have kids. More kids to work at mcd and collect foodstamps. Use the government as part of your business model. Whatever. I just want them working and paying into social security.

Whites won’t do it.

With AI all we need are rich and poor. No middle class. Cut population in half. We will be lords.
How is that racist? Blacks and Hispanics in Michigan don't share your concerns about over population.

What you just wrote is racist. They are coming for your women, honky!!!
Al Gore isn't a climate scientist but he got the big picture long before most people.
Did you know that the GOP is only mayor political party in the WORLD that still denies global climate change.

Did you know that calling someone a "denier" means you're in a Cult?
He said the polar ice cap would gone by 2013.

Pretty ballsy....and pretty wrong.

No doubt they say the caps are melting, but won't be gone for a while (at this rate).

Point being that Mr Doomsday (who lacked credibiity to begin with) didn't help the movement any.

You only get to cry wolf so many times before they ignore you.

The other day one of you deniers asked why rich people are still building homes on the coast if sea levels are rising. Aren't they worried their homes are going to be destroyed by rising sea levels? I specifically remember the person talking about melting glaciers. Who was that dumb son of a bitch?

A house has fallen into the Mendenhall river in Alaska's capital, Juneau after record glacial flooding in the city.

Again, it's happening most in red states. And they are the idiots denying it's real.
Meanwhile, while the Co2 fraud is trying to hype weather, the actual climate data continues to read precisely

NO WARMING in the atmosphere
NO WARMING in the oceans
NO BREAKOUT in cane activity
NO ONGOING net ice melt....
A house has fallen into the Mendenhall river in Alaska's capital, Juneau after record glacial flooding in the city.



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