Lets all remember al gore....in 2006, shall we?

Did he predict those.

He certainly failed on the timing of the disappearing glaciers.
I guess if his "predictions" don't come exactly through you'll be petty and cherry pick. Whatever. Seems like his predictions are coming true. Maybe not exactly when it would happen but damn are you guys stubborn. No matter how bad things get, you'll keep on denying.

What has to happen before you'll wake up?

In looking through this, it appears to be referencing 2010.

Did I read that wrong ?
Yea, I didn't realize it when I posted it. But, funny you mention it. Ginger Z today was explaining how some parts of the country haven't been hit by the heat wave. So it doesn't really matter if your city or your state has been cool thus far.

And stay tuned. Things are just warming up.
Did he predict those.

He certainly failed on the timing of the disappearing glaciers.
Republicans were wrong when they predicted we'd be in a recession already. Are you going to vote for them in 2024 even though they were wrong?

Just trying to see if you hold them to the same high standards you hold Gore. Gore had to be exactly right on how hot and how long it will take. Because he wasn't exactly right, you have the balls to say he was wrong.

I'd say if the weather in Florida was an economy, it'd be in a recession. 100 degree ocean water? Is that hot enough to boil hotdog yet? LOL
Says the scientific community? Nope. Why do you disagree with them that man made climate change is real?
Gaia's Goofy Gurus

Because the nerdy social rejects who have taken over science believe in comic-book fantasies where they are manly super=heroes out to save the world from boring practical scientists.

Science is the opposite of their primitive, passive, and mindless Nature-worship. Their superstition tells them that anything that changes the natural order must be a sacrilege and lead to punishment for that sin.
Gaia's Goofy Gurus

Because the nerdy social rejects who have taken over science believe in comic-book fantasies where they are manly super=heroes out to save the world from boring practical scientists.

Science is the opposite of their primitive, passive, and mindless Nature-worship. Their superstition tells them that anything that changes the natural order must be a sacrilege and lead to punishment for that sin.
Taken over science? You're at war with science? Fucking loser. Maybe you guys should start an alternative science institute. Good luck with that.

Reminds me of Conservapedia is an English-language, wiki-based, online encyclopedia written from a self-described American conservative[2] and fundamentalist Christian[3] point of view. The website was established in 2006 by American homeschool teacher and attorney Andrew Schlafly, son of the conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly,[4][5] to counter what he perceived as a liberal bias in Wikipedia.[6][7] It uses editorials and a wiki-based system for content generation.

Examples of Conservapedia's ideology include its accusations against and strong criticism of former US President Barack Obama—including advocacy of Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories[8]—along with criticisms of atheism, feminism, homosexuality, the Democratic Party, and evolution. Conservapedia views Albert Einstein's theory of relativity as promoting moral relativism,[9] falsely claims that abortion increases risk of breast cancer, praises Republican politicians, supports celebrities and artistic works it believes represent moral standards in line with Christian family values, and espouses fundamentalist Christian doctrines such as Young Earth creationism.[10][11] Conservapedia's "Conservative Bible Project" is a crowd-sourced retranslation of the English-language Bible which the site says to be "free of corruption by liberal untruths."[12]

Conservapedia has received negative reactions from the mainstream media and political figures,[13][14] and has been criticized by liberal and conservative critics alike for bias and inaccuracies.

As of January 2022, Conservapedia has more than 52,000 articles.[17]
Republicans were wrong when they predicted we'd be in a recession already. Are you going to vote for them in 2024 even though they were wrong?

He did fail on the timing of the disappearing glaciers.

That much is true.

He also screwed this one up.

Seems like you'd want to make sure you had something good in hand before touting this kind of catastrophe. But Gore always believed his own press releases and gave himself way to much credit.

You can keep defending him. I really am not attacking him. I am pointing out where his crystal ball failed him.
He did fail on the timing of the disappearing glaciers.

That much is true.

He also screwed this one up.

Seems like you'd want to make sure you had something good in hand before touting this kind of catastrophe. But Gore always believed his own press releases and gave himself way to much credit.

You can keep defending him. I really am not attacking him. I am pointing out where his crystal ball failed him.
His timing was off? Is it ok if it happens 20 years later than he predicted? The glaciers are melting rapidly. And after this year, it’s going to get worse.

Things are bad. Been bad for years. When did gore say it would start getting bad? We’re there now.
His timing was off? Is it ok if it happens 20 years later than he predicted? The glaciers are melting rapidly. And after this year, it’s going to get worse.

Things are bad. Been bad for years. When did gore say it would start getting bad? We’re there now.

He said the polar ice cap would gone by 2013.

Pretty ballsy....and pretty wrong.

No doubt they say the caps are melting, but won't be gone for a while (at this rate).

Point being that Mr Doomsday (who lacked credibiity to begin with) didn't help the movement any.

You only get to cry wolf so many times before they ignore you.
The people most concerned with climate change live on islands

Like homO and Big Mike?


You clearly have an IQ so low that the concept of data and fudge being different is above your ability to understand. There is data and there is fudge. Fudge is only evidence of lying and fraud.
It is happening. The water in Florida is over 100. They’re expecting bad hurricanes this year. Ron D and Floridians are fucked. That’s a sealybobo prediction. It’s already so bad insurance companies won’t insure floridians. O they will but its expensive.

Why do you think the strongest decade on record for canes is still the 1940s?

If your side was correct about ocean warming, canes would be setting new records every decade since....

When was the last time homO and big Mike's island got hit by Cat 5? 1938

Sorry, you lose....
Why do you think the strongest decade on record for canes is still the 1940s?

If your side was correct about ocean warming, canes would be setting new records every decade since....

When was the last time homO and big Mike's island got hit by Cat 5? 1938

Sorry, you lose....
Stay tuned.

And I'll te
Meteorological fall kicks off on Sept. 1, but summery weather will linger into the start of the new season for millions of people across the Northeast and Midwest.

The temperature could top out around 90 degrees in New York City and Philadelphiaduring the first week or two of September, slightly later than the historical average for the latest 90-degree day. In Chicago, the final 90-degree day of the year might not occur until the latter part of September.
ll you why. Because it's weather. Unpredictable. Just because there were a lot of hurricanes in 1940 doesn't mean man made climate change isn't real. It's a bad argument.

Hot water will be 'very critical' to Atlantic hurricane season​

A strengthening El Niño tends to put a cap on tropical activity across the Atlantic basin, but people in hurricane-prone regions of the U.S. should not let their guard down this season.

Big changes to follow mild start to autumn in central US​

The central U.S. and Rocky Mountains are in for a major shakeup following a mild start to autumn.

Wildfire season in West to 'build up quickly'​

It has been a hot summer across most of the western U.S., and that theme will continue right into the start of autumn.

"Summer probably will hang around for a little bit longer, especially in the Southwest," Pastelok said. "California, the central valleys, the deserts, they probably should stay hot at least until October."
Taken over science? You're at war with science? Fucking loser. Maybe you guys should start an alternative science institute. Good luck with that.

Reminds me of Conservapedia is an English-language, wiki-based, online encyclopedia written from a self-described American conservative[2] and fundamentalist Christian[3] point of view. The website was established in 2006 by American homeschool teacher and attorney Andrew Schlafly, son of the conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly,[4][5] to counter what he perceived as a liberal bias in Wikipedia.[6][7] It uses editorials and a wiki-based system for content generation.

Examples of Conservapedia's ideology include its accusations against and strong criticism of former US President Barack Obama—including advocacy of Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories[8]—along with criticisms of atheism, feminism, homosexuality, the Democratic Party, and evolution. Conservapedia views Albert Einstein's theory of relativity as promoting moral relativism,[9] falsely claims that abortion increases risk of breast cancer, praises Republican politicians, supports celebrities and artistic works it believes represent moral standards in line with Christian family values, and espouses fundamentalist Christian doctrines such as Young Earth creationism.[10][11] Conservapedia's "Conservative Bible Project" is a crowd-sourced retranslation of the English-language Bible which the site says to be "free of corruption by liberal untruths."[12]

Conservapedia has received negative reactions from the mainstream media and political figures,[13][14] and has been criticized by liberal and conservative critics alike for bias and inaccuracies.

As of January 2022, Conservapedia has more than 52,000 articles.[17]
Warmalarmie Scarecrows Are Stuffed With Strawmen
He did fail on the timing of the disappearing glaciers.

That much is true.

He also screwed this one up.

Seems like you'd want to make sure you had something good in hand before touting this kind of catastrophe. But Gore always believed his own press releases and gave himself way to much credit.

You can keep defending him. I really am not attacking him. I am pointing out where his crystal ball failed him.
The Plutocrats' Puppet Show Is Full of Chuckies

Just like they did with creepy John Kerry, the bipartisan string-pullers assigned boring goofball Al Gore to make draftdodger Dumbo Dubya look good. Mission Accomplished.
Warmalarmie Scarecrows Are Stuffed With Strawmen
Will you guys ever admit you are wrong? Nope. If the past few months are any indicator, it seems something closer to the opposite may be happening. As temperatures have spiked, conservative backlash around the world to climate policy may have also reached a fever pitch. In the U.S., former President Donald Trump has turned electric vehicles into a major attack line targeting President Joe Biden. In a late June speech, he called Biden’s policies “environmental extremism” and claimed they were “heartless and disloyal and horrible for the American worker.’

And it isn't just conservatives and corporations in America.

In Spain, the far-right party, campaigned on softening climate policy, among other things, ahead of a national election on July 23. During the campaign, Vox called the country’s 2021 climate law “the return to caves and poverty” as the country pushes measures like water conservation to help adapt to a warmer planet.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that climate solutions should be executed in a way that is “proportionate and pragmatic” and “doesn’t unnecessarily give people more hassle and more costs in their lives.” (Unlike others listed here, Sunak does support the broader aims of the energy transition).

So this is all about Republicans and corporations not wanting to pay more. They want to stick with coal and oil. Dirty energy.

In short, it’s not clear exactly how or whether extreme weather triggers people to reassess their views on climate change. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's clear that partisanship matters here. A 2020 paperin the journal Nature Climate Change pointed to a clear dividing line in the U.S. Extreme weather tends to reinforce the link between climate change and weather effects in Democratic and/or highly educated communities—and less so elsewhere.

This dynamic means that extreme weather may actually be creating an opportunity for conservatives to cater to their base. As heat waves or flooding raises the specter of climate change for certain groups, others can use it to raise the specter of the costs of climate policy to rally their most loyal supporters who are primed to oppose it anyway.
He said the polar ice cap would gone by 2013.

Pretty ballsy....and pretty wrong.

No doubt they say the caps are melting, but won't be gone for a while (at this rate).

Point being that Mr Doomsday (who lacked credibiity to begin with) didn't help the movement any.

You only get to cry wolf so many times before they ignore you.

I just read that the worse the weather gets. The more it looks like Al Gore was right. The more Republicans are going to dig in and insist it's just natural.

So basically Republicans will never admit they were wrong. Even if we destroy ourselves with GW, Republicans will say it was natural and was going to happen regardless of what we did.
I just read that the worse the weather gets. The more it looks like Al Gore was right. The more Republicans are going to dig in and insist it's just natural.

So basically Republicans will never admit they were wrong. Even if we destroy ourselves with GW, Republicans will say it was natural and was going to happen regardless of what we did.

What do you mean the "worse it gets" ? If things warm up, Wisconsin might have a longer grower season...I dunno.

But you keep ignoring the basic point, so I'll try once more. The last word is yours. If Lord Gore is who you worship, I certainly don't want to discourage you.

He should never have set a date. He was right in a lot of things, just not the rate or the extent they were happening.

BTW: Newsflash, it is going to happen.
His timing was off? Is it ok if it happens 20 years later than he predicted? The glaciers are melting rapidly. And after this year, it’s going to get worse.

Things are bad. Been bad for years. When did gore say it would start getting bad? We’re there now.
Do you have any idea what the temperature would have to be for the northern hemisphere to be ice free and what that corresponding rise in sea level would be? Because you do realize that that information is readily available, right? No one even disputes its accuracy. It's happened before in earth's history and the geologic record contains the empirical climate data record of that event. My point is if you don't know those answers then you can't say what that timing would be. Or more importantly how ridiculous that statement is on it's face value. If all ice in the northern hemisphere melted and only the southern hemisphere remained glaciated, the seas would rise by 26 ft. To put that in it's proper context the sea level is rising at 3 -4 mm/yr. So knowing this, doesn't his statement and your argument now sound silly?

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