Lets all remember al gore....in 2006, shall we?

You are so fucking wrong

Your own link says the information you climate change deniers use to suggest man made climate change isn't real is faulty. Should I click on the link to read on?

There you go with the WORDSMITH

Climate change is dictated on Earth by the amount of ICE on the planet. ICE controls sea level, temperature, atmospheric density/thickness, and humidity. What controls ICE on Earth? The POSITION of LAND NEAR the POLES

Antarctica 90%
Greenland 7%

YOUR THEORY is that Co2 causes it. YOUR THEORY is WRONG. The atmospheric data never showed warming despite rising Co2.


You cannot answer basic climate questions.

CNN is to truth what the Co2 fraud is to science, a pathetic reminder that when we misdiagnose, we get clobbered.

Your side has

The question was never actually political, but the fossil fuel PR types quickly saw that the way to most easily sell their "arguments" was to make use of Al Gore's identification with the issue to make it as political as possible. They had a preexisting schism with preexisting prejudicial beliefs and biases they could build on. The right hand side of the political spectrum in America has been nothing but the fossil fuel industry's useful idiots. It is not the left that has made it political, it is the fossil fuel industry and the fools (you fools) on the right.

You are a lying sack of shit traitor, it was always your side that politicized this because YOUR SIDE HAS NEVER HAD ANY TRUTH AT ALL!!
There you go with the WORDSMITH

Climate change is dictated on Earth by the amount of ICE on the planet. ICE controls sea level, temperature, atmospheric density/thickness, and humidity. What controls ICE on Earth? The POSITION of LAND NEAR the POLES

Antarctica 90%
Greenland 7%

YOUR THEORY is that Co2 causes it. YOUR THEORY is WRONG. The atmospheric data never showed warming despite rising Co2.


You cannot answer basic climate questions.

CNN is to truth what the Co2 fraud is to science, a pathetic reminder that when we misdiagnose, we get clobbered.

Your side has


I wish a climate scientist were here to explain the errors in your post. But instead, all we have to go on is NASA and climate scientist community says you are wrong.

Anytime a Republican brings up C02, you know they are talking out of their ass. They are cherry picking and missing something.

All your no's? They are yes'. Yes the atmosphere, oceans, ice are warming at an alarming rate. And what about coral reefs? They were alive for hundreds of thousands of years and now they're dying finally. The tipping point. Gore was right.

In the Florida Keys, record ocean temps spark scramble to save dying corals​

Scientists are evacuating hundreds of corals from the unprecedented ocean heat in a last-ditch effort to curb a mass die-off.

No biggy right?
There you go with the WORDSMITH

Climate change is dictated on Earth by the amount of ICE on the planet. ICE controls sea level, temperature, atmospheric density/thickness, and humidity. What controls ICE on Earth? The POSITION of LAND NEAR the POLES

Antarctica 90%
Greenland 7%

YOUR THEORY is that Co2 causes it. YOUR THEORY is WRONG. The atmospheric data never showed warming despite rising Co2.


You cannot answer basic climate questions.

CNN is to truth what the Co2 fraud is to science, a pathetic reminder that when we misdiagnose, we get clobbered.

Your side has


Why it matters: Sea surface temperatures have jumped to unprecedented levels in recent months, putting coral — a habitat for marine life like crabs and sharks — at greater risk of dying.

  • Once-rare marine heatwaves are becoming more common. The number of marine heatwave days doubled between 1982 and 2016 and is projected to increase even more, writes Axios' Alison Snyder.
Gore was right
The question was never actually political, but the fossil fuel PR types quickly saw that the way to most easily sell their "arguments" was to make use of Al Gore's identification with the issue to make it as political as possible. They had a preexisting schism with preexisting prejudicial beliefs and biases they could build on. The right hand side of the political spectrum in America has been nothing but the fossil fuel industry's useful idiots. It is not the left that has made it political, it is the fossil fuel industry and the fools (you fools) on the right.
Of course this is political. They use it as a bell cow to rile up the herd and get them to vote. It's sad.
I wish a climate scientist were here to explain the errors in your post. But instead, all we have to go on is NASA and climate scientist community says you are wrong.

Anytime a Republican brings up C02, you know they are talking out of their ass. They are cherry picking and missing something.

All your no's? They are yes'. Yes the atmosphere, oceans, ice are warming at an alarming rate. And what about coral reefs? They were alive for hundreds of thousands of years and now they're dying finally. The tipping point. Gore was right.

In the Florida Keys, record ocean temps spark scramble to save dying corals​

Scientists are evacuating hundreds of corals from the unprecedented ocean heat in a last-ditch effort to curb a mass die-off.

No biggy right?

A biggie lie...

and you believe, like a religious fanatic.

Why can't your side show us one single photo of a landmark sinking due to "ocean rise?"

Why can't you or anyone from your side explain why there is ice age glacier on Greenland south of Arctic Circle while Alaska has no such glacier north of Arctic Circle?

Why is the strongest decade for hurricanes still the 1940s?

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?

It is, indeed, you who are misinformed, moronic, truthless, sick and evil....
Why it matters: Sea surface temperatures have jumped to unprecedented levels in recent months, putting coral — a habitat for marine life like crabs and sharks — at greater risk of dying.

  • Once-rare marine heatwaves are becoming more common. The number of marine heatwave days doubled between 1982 and 2016 and is projected to increase even more, writes Axios' Alison Snyder.
Gore was right

There is a claim of ocean warming.

Warmer oceans would produce more and bigger hurricanes, which are directly correlated to ocean temperature....

But, of course, that is NOT HAPPENING.

The strongest decade for canes is still the 1940s

and the last time homO and Big Mike's island got hit by cat 5 gusts was... 1938.... the LAST TIME a CAT 5 got THAT FAR NORTH on your "warming" planet...

And once again we have "claims" of this and that which are quickly outed as 100% taxpayer funded BULLSHIT because your side has nothing....
A biggie lie...

and you believe, like a religious fanatic.

Why can't your side show us one single photo of a landmark sinking due to "ocean rise?"

Why can't you or anyone from your side explain why there is ice age glacier on Greenland south of Arctic Circle while Alaska has no such glacier north of Arctic Circle?

Why is the strongest decade for hurricanes still the 1940s?

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?

It is, indeed, you who are misinformed, moronic, truthless, sick and evil....
They show you lots of evidence and you always come back with yea but what about….

And you don’t know what you are saying. I’m sure sea level has risen. The people most concerned with climate change live on islands.

Now you may say gw is natural and not man mad3 but you can’t deny it’s happening. Seems like that’s what you’re doing.
There is a claim of ocean warming.

Warmer oceans would produce more and bigger hurricanes, which are directly correlated to ocean temperature....

But, of course, that is NOT HAPPENING.

The strongest decade for canes is still the 1940s

and the last time homO and Big Mike's island got hit by cat 5 gusts was... 1938.... the LAST TIME a CAT 5 got THAT FAR NORTH on your "warming" planet...

And once again we have "claims" of this and that which are quickly outed as 100% taxpayer funded BULLSHIT because your side has nothing....
It is happening. The water in Florida is over 100. They’re expecting bad hurricanes this year. Ron D and Floridians are fucked. That’s a sealybobo prediction. It’s already so bad insurance companies won’t insure floridians. O they will but its expensive.

Well, there's Lonnie he says with one of the last slivers of the great glacier and of course....."within the decade there will be more snows of Kilimanjaro."

For those who buy into the notion as lobbied by democrats and rinos who believe tiktok is spying on us but not FB or YouTube, or Instagram, or snapchat or any of the other Silicon Valley Google people who's lunch is being eaten by tiktok add money.


Kilimanjaro recently

Rapid climatic change in the 20th century is directly responsible for the increasing pace of glacier loss, or sublimation, on Kilimanjaro. Kilimanjaro glaciers are expected to disappear completely between 2030 to 2060.

There is a claim of ocean warming.

Warmer oceans would produce more and bigger hurricanes, which are directly correlated to ocean temperature....

But, of course, that is NOT HAPPENING.

The strongest decade for canes is still the 1940s

and the last time homO and Big Mike's island got hit by cat 5 gusts was... 1938.... the LAST TIME a CAT 5 got THAT FAR NORTH on your "warming" planet...

And once again we have "claims" of this and that which are quickly outed as 100% taxpayer funded BULLSHIT because your side has nothing....

Did you see the news today?

Like a hot tub: Water temperatures off Florida soar over 100 degrees​

On Monday, as much of the country stewed in bubbling heat, a boiling milestone was hit — a buoy in Florida registered a jaw-dropping 101.1 degrees Fahrenheit water temperature.

Florida Keys lab races to save thousands of coral species from unprecedented heat wave​

I looked up the definition of unprecedented. Do you know what it means? never done or known before.

Rapid climatic change in the 20th century is directly responsible for the increasing pace of glacier loss, or sublimation, on Kilimanjaro. Kilimanjaro glaciers are expected to disappear completely between 2030 to 2060.

Did you see this?

Scientists Warn Major Ocean Current System Could Collapse​

The system, part of the "global conveyor belt," could slow down or stop completely by mid-century, a new study finds.

Their models rely on “the current scenario of future emissions,” assuming that greenhouse gases would continue to be released into the atmosphere without dramatic steps to reduce them. The new research was published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications.

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