Lets all remember al gore....in 2006, shall we?

The best way to get rid of idiotic thinking is to embrace it fully so that everyone can share in its misery.

It is difficult to reconcile the Republican Party of 2008 with the party of 2017, whose leader, President Trump, has called global warming a hoax, reversed environmental policies that Mr. McCain advocated on his run for the White House, and this past week announced that he would take the nation out of the Paris climate accord, which was to bind the globe in an effort to halt the planet’s warming.

You apparently don't realize how stupid you sound


It is difficult to reconcile the Republican Party of 2008 with the party of 2017, whose leader, President Trump, has called global warming a hoax, reversed environmental policies that Mr. McCain advocated on his run for the White House, and this past week announced that he would take the nation out of the Paris climate accord, which was to bind the globe in an effort to halt the planet’s warming.

You apparently don't realize how stupid you sound

Apparently you think politicians only say things they believe and not things others want to hear. And I'm the one that sounds stupid?

Tell me again how AGW affects you?
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It is difficult to reconcile the Republican Party of 2008 with the party of 2017, whose leader, President Trump, has called global warming a hoax, reversed environmental policies that Mr. McCain advocated on his run for the White House, and this past week announced that he would take the nation out of the Paris climate accord, which was to bind the globe in an effort to halt the planet’s warming.

You apparently don't realize how stupid you sound

What's dumb about saying people should get to experience what they wish for to discover if what they wished for was what they really wanted.
The best way to get rid of idiotic thinking is to embrace it fully so that everyone can share in its misery.
Remember Reagan ordered the solar panels be taken off the white house? Republicans have been against going green forever because they are in the coal and oil lobbyists pockets. It's also why they want to build oil wells and pipelines throughout our most prestine places like Yellowstone.
Apparently you think politicians only say things they believe and not things others want to hear. And I'm the one that sounds stupid?

Tell me again how AGW affects you?

No Republicans don't believe MMCC is a hoax. It's what their lobbyists want to hear.

It is difficult to reconcile the Republican Party of 2008 with the party of 2017, whose leader, President Trump, has called global warming a hoax, reversed environmental policies that Mr. McCain advocated on his run for the White House, and this past week announced that he would take the nation out of the Paris climate accord, which was to bind the globe in an effort to halt the planet’s warming.

You apparently don't realize how stupid you sound

why is it that the solution to global warming is to build giant wind turbines and solar panels that are consume so much natural resources they are now the largest single contributor of CO2 emissions.
why is it that the solution to global warming is to build giant wind turbines and solar panels that are consume so much natural resources they are now the largest single contributor of CO2 emissions.
A coal or natural gas plant burns fuel — and releases carbon dioxide — every moment that it runs. By contrast, most of the carbon pollution generated during a wind turbine's life occurs during manufacturing. Once it's up and spinning, the turbine generates close to zero pollution.
why is it that the solution to global warming is to build giant wind turbines and solar panels that are consume so much natural resources they are now the largest single contributor of CO2 emissions.

Can you provide a link because I can't find one source that agrees with you. I did find a lot of this

Solar, wind and nuclear have ‘amazingly low’ carbon footprints, study finds​

And then I found this

Countless studies have found that because output from wind and solar replaces fossil generation, renewables also reduce CO2 emissions. For example, an NREL study found that generating 35% of electricity using wind and solar in the western U.S. would reduce CO2 emissions by 25-45%.

Countless studies

A coal or natural gas plant burns fuel — and releases carbon dioxide — every moment that it runs. By contrast, most of the carbon pollution generated during a wind turbine's life occurs during manufacturing. Once it's up and spinning, the turbine generates close to zero pollution.
a coal or natural gas plant burn fuel - and releases carbon dioxide, every moment it runs while supplying the energy needed to manufacture wind turbines.

Wind Turbines are so inefficient, they never ever equal the electricity production of one coal plant. Hence we must build them forever.
Can you provide a link because I can't find one source that agrees with you. I did find a lot of this
why do you need a source? What is the largest heavy industry project on earth? What is bigger that is being mass produced? What takes up more land? Why is the price tag $200 trillion or more?

Do you need a link to understand that the largest project on earth pollutes the most?
a coal or natural gas plant burn fuel - and releases carbon dioxide, every moment it runs while supplying the energy needed to manufacture wind turbines.

Wind Turbines are so inefficient, they never ever equal the electricity production of one coal plant. Hence we must build them forever.
The wind turbine. Once it's up and spinning, the turbine generates close to zero pollution.
why do you need a source? What is the largest heavy industry project on earth? What is bigger that is being mass produced? What takes up more land? Why is the price tag $200 trillion or more?

Do you need a link to understand that the largest project on earth pollutes the most?

Because I will be able to go pick your source apart and find the errors. No source? Then you're just spewing bullshit. So will your sources.
How much concrete is required for the base of a wind turbine?
This must be an argument going around in right wing circles. So I look and I find this

Current wind-turbine tower installation involves pouring a large concrete footing at the base of each 300-foot tower. The footings are 9 feet thick and 60 feet in diameter and require 30 to 40 truckloads of concrete – about 300 cubic yards.

Interesting. You aren't worried about raping the planet of it's natural resources until it comes to the concrete needed to build wind turbines. That's fucking funny. So you are an environmentalist too. Just instead of trying to conserve coal and oil you want to conserve concrete.

I saw this is why we need to go to Mars. So we can mine the meteor belt. Stop raping the planet.
This must be an argument going around in right wing circles. So I look and I find this

Current wind-turbine tower installation involves pouring a large concrete footing at the base of each 300-foot tower. The footings are 9 feet thick and 60 feet in diameter and require 30 to 40 truckloads of concrete – about 300 cubic yards.

Interesting. You aren't worried about raping the planet of it's natural resources until it comes to the concrete needed to build wind turbines. That's fucking funny. So you are an environmentalist too. Just instead of trying to conserve coal and oil you want to conserve concrete.

I saw this is why we need to go to Mars. So we can mine the meteor belt. Stop raping the planet.

How much carbon did those 40 truckloads of concrete generate?
Because I will be able to go pick your source apart and find the errors. No source? Then you're just spewing bullshit. So will your sources.
if the heavily regulated a partisan google search engine does not find a source, it is not true?

You go to google like it is a deck of cards, winning the game, just by searching your opinion, and miraculously you find something that agrees with you?

hahaaha, you here this shit on the news, read it on the internet, and think that a link makes it true.
How much concrete is required for the base of a wind turbine?
Actually, you may be right here. So you are starting to think about how we can best go green. Perhaps we need to figure out a better way. I know we don't have the perfect solution yet. But we do need to stop coal and oil. Perhaps nuclear is the way to go.

The demand for minerals likely won’t be met by mines in Europe or the U.S. Instead, much of the mining will take place in nations with oppressive labor practices. The Democratic Republic of the Congo produces 70% of the world’s raw cobalt, and China controls 90% of cobalt refining. The Sydney-based Institute for a Sustainable Future cautions that a global “gold” rush for minerals could take miners into “some remote wilderness areas [that] have maintained high biodiversity because they haven’t yet been disturbed.”


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