Let's all support Tea Party Primaries

BTW rdean, Which Tea Party candidates are you planning to donate to?

All of them. America needs to be faced with the reality front and center of destructive right wingnut policies to turn away from Kim Kardasian and focus on what actually affects the country.
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BTW rdean, Which Tea Party candidates are you planning to donate to?

All of them. America needs to be faced with the reality front and center of destructive right wingnut policies to turn away from Kim Kardasian and focus on what actually affects the country.

Whoa! rdean has the hots for Kim Kardasian.

That explains a lot of stuff.

See what I mean? When I say "turn away from Kim Kardasian" (meaning pop culture) and focus on the country, someone hears "I have the hots for Kim Kardasian".
All of them. America needs to be faced with the reality front and center of destructive right wingnut policies to turn away from Kim Kardasian and focus on what actually affects the country.

Whoa! rdean has the hots for Kim Kardasian.

That explains a lot of stuff.

See what I mean? When I say "turn away from Kim Kardasian" (meaning pop culture) and focus on the country, someone hears "I have the hots for Kim Kardasian".

You brought her up, not me. Just saying...

btw, your posts are becoming more conservative....is this for real?
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Isn't it funny how all of the objectives of the so-called "grassroots" TP and the corporations are the same?
That's got to be a coincidence, right?


Obama sure is making massive profits for the banks and the insurance companies. He must get campaign contributions from the Tea Party.

Do y'all realize how silly this picture is becoming?

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Isn't it funny how all of the objectives of the so-called "grassroots" TP and the corporations are the same?
That's got to be a coincidence, right?


Obama sure is making massive profits for the banks and the insurance companies. He must get campaign contributions from the Tea Party.

Do y'all realize how silly this picture is becoming?


How is he doing that? By signing Dodd-Frank?

Dumbass. :lol:
What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?
Rightly so.

I don't know when it became popular to shun being responsible with the peoples money, but it seems that being an adult and demanding that government live within its means seems to have brought out the more evil aspects of liberalism.
What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?
Rightly so.

I don't know when it became popular to shun being responsible with the peoples money, but it seems that being an adult and demanding that government live within its means seems to have brought out the more evil aspects of liberalism.

You mean like creating a huge, needless Dept. of Homeland Security, and starting a war of choice based on lies?

I agree!
Teddy is waiting to vote in favor of Immigration Reform after the mid-term elections.
He can't wait for more Low-Information Republicans to lose their careers and vote for him again after he blames it on Obama.
Because emergency room care is so much better for the country, not to mention a real cost saver. Nothing more effective than "Emergency Room Care", right?

Get a job and PAY for your fucking health care... ever think of that you little commie dip shit?

Fuck off, you pathetic parasite.

Gawd, you are so damn dumb. What is it, the inbreeding?

Anyone without health care uses the emergency room and the tax payers have to foot the bill.

Unless you're saying "let them die".

Then that's just creepy.

Hi RDean
what about charging people for services they use instead of charging
taxpayers who didn't incur those extra charges to the public.
what about charging or requiring convicted criminals to work for health care and prison costs
instead of forcing citizens to hand over their wages from labor
who didn't commit crimes or incur costs to the public.

why this insistence on passing the costs to people who aren't guilty
of crimes or burdens, while NOT holding criminals responsible
for costs of crimes they were convicted of, or illegal immigrants
responsible for paying for benefits they received illegally

why put this on lawabiding citizens w ithout any due process as
to which persons incurred the costs by abusing the system
BTW rdean about your avatar:

If police saw zimmerman's nose freshly bleeding and broken (and the back of his head gashed and bleeding)
this MIGHT explain why they believed his testimony that he got into a threatening fight and had his head bashed against the pavement

If they only saw a photo like yours after the broken nose was healed and barely looked like scratches,
they would believe as you do that no such danger or fight really happened.

The jury was shown pictures of the injuries before they were healed.

Maybe that is why they believed zimmerman had been injured in a fight.

I don't think your avatar and caption are fair. if you want to show both, that would be fair and balanced,
but not one side that doesnt show what the police and jury saw when they made their decision to believe Zimmerman.

At least be fair where it doesn't look like the police and jury were siding with Zimmerman "for no reason" but racism.

What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?
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The near-term impact of The Party of "Taxed Enough Already" is to cause "Moderate Republicans" (read as RINO) to do a little introspection and decide whether they want to continue their career. How? By listening to their own constituents and quitting the practice of jumping and shouting "How High Please, Kind Sir" when The New Messiah commands.

Where the libs got it wrong is they think TEA Party candidates have to be elected to be effective. Let's keep that our little secret.
That's got to be a coincidence, right?


Obama sure is making massive profits for the banks and the insurance companies. He must get campaign contributions from the Tea Party.

Do y'all realize how silly this picture is becoming?


How is he doing that? By signing Dodd-Frank?

Dumbass. :lol:

Do you want the list of corporate cronies? It is a long one. It starts with General Electric and Goldman Sachs...and just goes on and on and on ...like the energizer bunny.
Obama sure is making massive profits for the banks and the insurance companies. He must get campaign contributions from the Tea Party.

Do y'all realize how silly this picture is becoming?


How is he doing that? By signing Dodd-Frank?

Dumbass. :lol:

Do you want the list of corporate cronies? It is a long one. It starts with General Electric and Goldman Sachs...and just goes on and on and on ...like the energizer bunny.

What about them?

Are you claiming these corporations made no money, yet paid high taxes under Bush?

What has changed for them under Obama? Other than Dodd-Frank?

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