Let's all support Tea Party Primaries

If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.

Also cite where in the ACA insurance companies were required to cancel policies that didn’t meet the Act’s requirements, or be subject to punitive measures.

If the policies that we're being offered no longer meet the requirements the law now demanded what did you think would happen the insurance companies would continue to offer plans the law no said we're below the government mandated standard? If the government really wanted the people to able to keep the plans they had why rewrite the grandfather clause?

Republicans fighting to keep garbage insurance is like Republicans fighting to lower the minimum wage or fighting for voter suppression or fighting to end daycare or school lunches. They are always fighting to somehow screw over as many people as possible. They indulge in voter suppression and then scream "We are losing our freedom". Yea, because of them.
They are like the worst of America with below average intelligence all rolled into one 90% white political party.
I can't guess how many times I've asked them to name one of their policies they are proud of and they can't. Not even one. With only barely enough to sense to not say "Redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%".
If Americans can be gulled into calling the greatest Abortion of the 21st Century "ACA" rather than Obamacare then it won't be long before you'll also be gulled into believing Bush signed it into law and Democrats had nothing to do with it but are powerless to fix it.

Because emergency room care is so much better for the country, not to mention a real cost saver. Nothing more effective than "Emergency Room Care", right?
What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?
Well hold on to your nut sack little derp slurp, because Senator Cruz and Senator Paul are leading by a massive margin in the polls as far as the next conservative president. I hope your freakin' head explodes when he gets elected, and everyone like you...

Poll: Ted Cruz leads 2016 GOP primary - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com
If Americans can be gulled into calling the greatest Abortion of the 21st Century "ACA" rather than Obamacare then it won't be long before you'll also be gulled into believing Bush signed it into law and Democrats had nothing to do with it but are powerless to fix it.

Because emergency room care is so much better for the country, not to mention a real cost saver. Nothing more effective than "Emergency Room Care", right?

Get a job and PAY for your fucking health care... ever think of that you little commie dip shit?

Fuck off, you pathetic parasite.
Please do rdean. I will take pleasure in your support and money going to make this country a better place despite your desire for the opposite.

I truly hope that someday you will be obliged to do what's right. And if you end up doing what's right because you incorrectly believe in helps you politically, at least you're making progress.
Is the left really pretending that Obamacare isn't going to be the topic next election cycle or is the left pretending that everybody loves Obamacare? Even Obama doesn't love Obamacare since he keeps postponing major portions of it. Is the left pretending that Obamacare's approval ratings are so low because the Kock brothers infected the American water supply with hallucinogenic Chick-fil-A patties?
You want to know what "Tea" stands for in Tea Party? It stands for, "tea-hee-hee... those democrats are in denial".
Obamacare. End of discussion.

What the republicans did in the Senate is deplorable but in the end, it is "OBARRYCARE" that will be the death of the democrats in 2014.

Let's put it in a way that these "useful idiots" can comprehend….democrats are toast. They are done. It is over. Done deal. Screwed. Dead.

Funny part? They already know it.
If Americans can be gulled into calling the greatest Abortion of the 21st Century "ACA" rather than Obamacare then it won't be long before you'll also be gulled into believing Bush signed it into law and Democrats had nothing to do with it but are powerless to fix it.

Because emergency room care is so much better for the country, not to mention a real cost saver. Nothing more effective than "Emergency Room Care", right?

Get a job and PAY for your fucking health care... ever think of that you little commie dip shit?

Fuck off, you pathetic parasite.

Couldn't have stated it better myself. Thanks!
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What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?

Let's all be pitiable ignoramuses like the guy who put up this thread...
We have a mild conservative Republican in our district without a TPM challenger of any significance.
If you like your insurance you can keep it period lets encourage the Democrats to run on that promise.

Please point to one policy that either Obama or the government cancelled.


I did the last time you asked me that you ignored it. But one more time the grandfather clause written into Obsmacare that would have let people keep their plans was rewritten by HHS so those plans no longer meet the Obamacare standards and were cancelled in case it slipped your mind HHS is part of the government the person heading it up giving the go ahead to the rewritten grandfather clause was appointed by Obama. I have now explained this to you twice I won't be doing it a third time.

They were cancelled by insurance companies, not the government.

There was no government law that forced cancellation. Insurance companies could have just amended the policies to come up to code instead of cancelling them.

I've now explained this to YOU twice, but you'll keep spreading that lie, because RushSeanGlenn.
What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?
Well hold on to your nut sack little derp slurp, because Senator Cruz and Senator Paul are leading by a massive margin in the polls as far as the next conservative president. I hope your freakin' head explodes when he gets elected, and everyone like you...

Poll: Ted Cruz leads 2016 GOP primary - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com
Neither one of those teabaggers will EVER be president. No teabagger will win a national office.

I hope one wins the GOP primary, though - it will be the biggest Democratic landslide in history - even bigger than either of Obama's landslides. Which were huge.
If Americans can be gulled into calling the greatest Abortion of the 21st Century "ACA" rather than Obamacare then it won't be long before you'll also be gulled into believing Bush signed it into law and Democrats had nothing to do with it but are powerless to fix it.

Because emergency room care is so much better for the country, not to mention a real cost saver. Nothing more effective than "Emergency Room Care", right?

Get a job and PAY for your fucking health care... ever think of that you little commie dip shit?

Fuck off, you pathetic parasite.
That's what the ACA is all about! Paying for your own healthcare.

YOU want your employer to pay for it, you moocher.

Oh, wait - you're probably jobless, as well as brainless and dickless.
Is the left really pretending that Obamacare isn't going to be the topic next election cycle or is the left pretending that everybody loves Obamacare? Even Obama doesn't love Obamacare since he keeps postponing major portions of it. Is the left pretending that Obamacare's approval ratings are so low because the Kock brothers infected the American water supply with hallucinogenic Chick-fil-A patties?
You want to know what "Tea" stands for in Tea Party? It stands for, "tea-hee-hee... those democrats are in denial".

Over 7 million new Medicaid.
Over 3 million young people now able to stay on parent's policy.
Over 3.3 million healthcare.gov signups.

And GROWING EVERY DAY! Yup - It's gonna be a HUGE success.
Please point to one policy that either Obama or the government cancelled.


I did the last time you asked me that you ignored it. But one more time the grandfather clause written into Obsmacare that would have let people keep their plans was rewritten by HHS so those plans no longer meet the Obamacare standards and were cancelled in case it slipped your mind HHS is part of the government the person heading it up giving the go ahead to the rewritten grandfather clause was appointed by Obama. I have now explained this to you twice I won't be doing it a third time.

They were cancelled by insurance companies, not the government.

There was no government law that forced cancellation. Insurance companies could have just amended the policies to come up to code instead of cancelling them.

I've now explained this to YOU twice, but you'll keep spreading that lie, because RushSeanGlenn.

Total bullshit. An amended insurance policy is a changed insurance policy. Obama explained this stuff when he was excusifying his lie.

Do you need the youtube video?
What happened is the debt ceiling bill could have passed the Senate with 55 Democrats voting for it, but because of Ted Cruz threatening to filibuster, Republicans had to get their hands dirty to make 60. And it couldn't just be a few. No Republican wanted to be vote "60".

Now a lot of Republican Senators have a big Tea Party target on their backs a la Ted Cruz.

Thanks Ted.


We wanted to do that for you but couldn't think of a way. You did it for us.

Can anyone say "Tea Party Primary"?
Well hold on to your nut sack little derp slurp, because Senator Cruz and Senator Paul are leading by a massive margin in the polls as far as the next conservative president. I hope your freakin' head explodes when he gets elected, and everyone like you...

Poll: Ted Cruz leads 2016 GOP primary - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

I just clicked your link: it's from September, you dishonest little piece of shit!

Right now, Ted Cruz is LAST!!!!



RealClearPolitics - Latest Polls
I did the last time you asked me that you ignored it. But one more time the grandfather clause written into Obsmacare that would have let people keep their plans was rewritten by HHS so those plans no longer meet the Obamacare standards and were cancelled in case it slipped your mind HHS is part of the government the person heading it up giving the go ahead to the rewritten grandfather clause was appointed by Obama. I have now explained this to you twice I won't be doing it a third time.

They were cancelled by insurance companies, not the government.

There was no government law that forced cancellation. Insurance companies could have just amended the policies to come up to code instead of cancelling them.

I've now explained this to YOU twice, but you'll keep spreading that lie, because RushSeanGlenn.

Total bullshit. An amended insurance policy is a changed insurance policy. Obama explained this stuff when he was excusifying his lie.


Changed is not a synonym for Cancelled, dope.

There was no need to cancel a single policy, like I said.

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