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Let’s Arm Teachers. Yeah, That’s a Peachy Idea (Eye Roll)


Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

It’s that unreasonable conservative mind-set, that forces them to believe the fairy tale that untrained civilians know instinctively, where the gunfire is located, immediately recognize the individual(s) doing the shooting, and have the steel nerves and iron will to confront and kill the shooter(s), without hesitation or concern for their own safety.

What so often proves this unreasonable mind-set of the conservatives to be a total fantasy is the choice by trained law enforcement officers to avoid exacerbating an already uncontrolled situation. This can be seen no better than in the shooting incident last week at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In addition to the school resource officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s office Scot Peterson, Coral Springs police officers arriving at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, found three additional Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies who had not yet entered the building.

Sadly, these four men apparently remained outside while directing Coral Springs police officers to the building where the shooting took place, even as the Coral Springs officers entered, joined by two newly arrived Broward County Deputies.

It is likely there will be a whitewash of this incident as “Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.” Gotta CYA to protect the county and themselves from the inevitable lawsuits.

But the coming whitewash aside, this again proves that “Rambo” instinct, which most conservatives are certain they posses, is a fairy tale they use to fool themselves.

As it turns out, Deputy Peterson was eligible for retirement. So one must wonder if that didn’t enter into his decision to remain outside. He had, after all, survived his career in law enforcement long enough to retire from the Sheriff’s Department. Like Peterson, the three other deputies could very well have had second thoughts, making them unsure of the results were they to rush headlong into the unknown.

Conservatives who are certain they have that “Rambo” instinct, like to think they are courageous hero-types and are capable of single-handedly saving the day. But, there is a good reason law enforcement agencies have SWAT teams. The officers who are members of these teams train and retrain regularly. They wear protective gear, have available to them fully automatic weapons, are experts in their use, and in the use of other military-style equipment.

The four experienced officers who were armed with only pistols chose caution and did not rush into the unknown situation. But, conservatives expect teachers armed only with pistols and minimal training to jump in and face killers firing their AR-15s at anything that moves.

It’s unfortunate these conservatives calling for the arming of teachers are so certain of this “Rambo” instinct. If it does exist, it does so only in a tiny, tiny percentage of regular citizens (most of whom must have death wishes).

As people of reason know, these conservatives are nothing more than “keyboard warriors”. They are brave beyond all else, but only when safely typing their attacks, anonymously. The truth is, they are too old, or too fat, or are out of shape, or too slow and crippled-up, or would freeze in fear, or any combination there of, to truly be the heroes they’ve convinced themselves they would be. They are the “Monday morning quarterbacks” of mass shooting response, and all of them would hesitate or totally freeze when called upon to weigh the threat of their own death against defending strangers. Just as the four Broward County Deputies did. No Rambos there.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.





Imagine your teacher is 5 foot 2 inches and weighs not very much at all, and has a gun in her pocket. Two boys come at her, one from in front, one from behind.

Is she going to get to her gun and pull it out on them? Probably not. She might. Then what? Teacher pulls gun out on students shock horror.

So she doesn't take the gun out, but one of the boys takes the gun from her, then points it at the class.

Is this really the sort of thing people want in their schools?

Texas, Utah, Oklahoma, Colorado all allow teachers to carry. 18 more allow adults who have carry permits with approval from school officials.
As far as I know, there hasn't been a scenario that you describe.

Allows teachers to carry, doesn't force them to carry, which seemed to be what Trump was saying, right?

No one wants to force teachers to carry.

Are you sure about that?

Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

It’s that unreasonable conservative mind-set, that forces them to believe the fairy tale that untrained civilians know instinctively, where the gunfire is located, immediately recognize the individual(s) doing the shooting, and have the steel nerves and iron will to confront and kill the shooter(s), without hesitation or concern for their own safety.

What so often proves this unreasonable mind-set of the conservatives to be a total fantasy is the choice by trained law enforcement officers to avoid exacerbating an already uncontrolled situation. This can be seen no better than in the shooting incident last week at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In addition to the school resource officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s office Scot Peterson, Coral Springs police officers arriving at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, found three additional Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies who had not yet entered the building.

Sadly, these four men apparently remained outside while directing Coral Springs police officers to the building where the shooting took place, even as the Coral Springs officers entered, joined by two newly arrived Broward County Deputies.

It is likely there will be a whitewash of this incident as “Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.” Gotta CYA to protect the county and themselves from the inevitable lawsuits.

But the coming whitewash aside, this again proves that “Rambo” instinct, which most conservatives are certain they posses, is a fairy tale they use to fool themselves.

As it turns out, Deputy Peterson was eligible for retirement. So one must wonder if that didn’t enter into his decision to remain outside. He had, after all, survived his career in law enforcement long enough to retire from the Sheriff’s Department. Like Peterson, the three other deputies could very well have had second thoughts, making them unsure of the results were they to rush headlong into the unknown.

Conservatives who are certain they have that “Rambo” instinct, like to think they are courageous hero-types and are capable of single-handedly saving the day. But, there is a good reason law enforcement agencies have SWAT teams. The officers who are members of these teams train and retrain regularly. They wear protective gear, have available to them fully automatic weapons, are experts in their use, and in the use of other military-style equipment.

The four experienced officers who were armed with only pistols chose caution and did not rush into the unknown situation. But, conservatives expect teachers armed only with pistols and minimal training to jump in and face killers firing their AR-15s at anything that moves.

It’s unfortunate these conservatives calling for the arming of teachers are so certain of this “Rambo” instinct. If it does exist, it does so only in a tiny, tiny percentage of regular citizens (most of whom must have death wishes).

As people of reason know, these conservatives are nothing more than “keyboard warriors”. They are brave beyond all else, but only when safely typing their attacks, anonymously. The truth is, they are too old, or too fat, or are out of shape, or too slow and crippled-up, or would freeze in fear, or any combination there of, to truly be the heroes they’ve convinced themselves they would be. They are the “Monday morning quarterbacks” of mass shooting response, and all of them would hesitate or totally freeze when called upon to weigh the threat of their own death against defending strangers. Just as the four Broward County Deputies did. No Rambos there.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.





So, in essence, he was a coward and failed to do his job of at least trying to save innocent lives. Its too bad that his retirement savings will not be taken away.
Exactly. They want to cover the very likely scenario of a teacher protecting the children in their classroom. There's usually one relatively small door through which the shooter has to enter. No one's supposed to be Rambo.

Look, I've been a kid in school classrooms, I've been in classrooms with nasty little fuckers who wouldn't think twice about taking a gun.

Yes, you're so fucking concerned about children getting shot up. But they're not getting shot up in the UK, or France, or Germany, or Spain, they're getting shot up in the US, and the only difference between those countries in this regard, is the easy availability of guns in the US.

They would have first know the teacher was carrying.

And if you make all teachers carry, then.... they know.

That's just it, you don't. That's nothing more than a straw man argument that no one is making.

You only allow the teachers who have a CC permit and are willing to assume the responsibility to carry. Heck, you could even give them additional training. Seriously, jumping immediately to such extremes is not making a point.

Ever heard of the "slippery slope"?

The NRA and people like you are pushing for increasing arms all the time. Oh, there's a problem with guns, let's get more of them.

At what point does a teacher end up having to take such training in order to have their job?

At what point does a teacher get told they're not doing their job properly if they're not carrying a weapon?

It hasn't happened yet, and of course it's not convenient for you to think about such a thing, but this seems to be where it's leading.

The US is having more and more attacks like this. In 1999 Columbine was a massive shock in the US. Now it's not even in the top 10 of school shootings. There's a trend, and it's not changing.

You want more guns. Cops have guns, and more cops die in the US (by a long way) than in the UK where they don't have guns. Guns add fuel to the fire, they don't put the fire out.

But hey, gotta protect your guns.
I did not say we need more guns. If you think I did, kindly point it out. If you can't do so, admit you're full of it and making a false argument. I won't say you're lying (yet) because you just may be confused by the partisan adrenaline.

If you're worried about a slippery slope, it would be foolhardy to require people to carry weapons who don't want to and are not capable of using them safely and effectively. There's a reason, for example, why we no longer have a draft. We figured out that a volunteer force was a whole lot more effective. The same would hold for teachers in the classroom. Most don't want to carry a weapon and thus should not.
Imagine your teacher is 5 foot 2 inches and weighs not very much at all, and has a gun in her pocket. Two boys come at her, one from in front, one from behind.

Is she going to get to her gun and pull it out on them? Probably not. She might. Then what? Teacher pulls gun out on students shock horror.

So she doesn't take the gun out, but one of the boys takes the gun from her, then points it at the class.

Is this really the sort of thing people want in their schools?

Texas, Utah, Oklahoma, Colorado all allow teachers to carry. 18 more allow adults who have carry permits with approval from school officials.
As far as I know, there hasn't been a scenario that you describe.

Allows teachers to carry, doesn't force them to carry, which seemed to be what Trump was saying, right?

Exactly. They want to cover the very likely scenario of a teacher protecting the children in their classroom. There's usually one relatively small door through which the shooter has to enter. No one's supposed to be Rambo.

Look, I've been a kid in school classrooms, I've been in classrooms with nasty little fuckers who wouldn't think twice about taking a gun.

Yes, you're so fucking concerned about children getting shot up. But they're not getting shot up in the UK, or France, or Germany, or Spain, they're getting shot up in the US, and the only difference between those countries in this regard, is the easy availability of guns in the US.
oh well, sucks to be them.

Yes, sucks to be a kid in a US school, going to school every day with the threat of never going home again.
You guys keep saying that you want to arm the teachers and give them bonuses for carrying weapons in school, but you fail to leave out what kind of training you would want them to have.

Would you require them to have a good score for accuracy? If so, how high do they have to score to get the bonus?

Would they be required to be trained in various shooting stances like modified Weaver, shooting from one knee, shooting from behind cover, etc., or would simply being able to shoot accurately be enough?

Would they be required to train in ranges where they must identify friendly people from gunmen? Why or why not?

When was the last time you were in a school?

Had contact with schools and teachers on a monthly basis from 1999 until 2002 while working in recruiting. The last time I was in a school was when I went to a graduation a couple of years back.


So you are clueless. Thank you for admitting as much.
My teachers were models of parental and grandparental wisdom, nurturing, and protection by example. A calming influence. A certain sublime quality as a role model of intellect to be looked up to. They were not security guards. Schools today need security that is focused on that specific job.
No they don't, moron. We've already seen how that works. It doesn't.\

To bake a cake, you don't need a professional baker. Millions of people who aren't professionals do it every day.

You're right, to bake a cake, you don't need a professional baker.

But.................cakes don't leave lethal holes in a body either.

Cars are very lethal. Yet we allow millions of 16 year old kids to drive them. They aren't professionals.

Yeah, and those 16 year olds go through a semester of class learning how to drive. And, while they still have their learners permit, they are required to have a licensed driver sitting next to them.

You and your fellow douchebags have claimed that only professionals should be allowed to carry weapons in school. Why don't you use the same standard for cars? We know why: because you're a bunch of lying snowflakes who want piles of dead bodies.
Wow, you get dumber by the minute.

You are so fucking stupid you can't understand that a shooter or shooters in a school is a complicated situation. That's why they pull people off the street & make rhem SWAT officers.

Just because you can shoot a gun does not make you safe as a carrier or know how to handle a kid with a gun.

This is why you are a dumb fuck.
My teachers were models of parental and grandparental wisdom, nurturing, and protection by example. A calming influence. A certain sublime quality as a role model of intellect to be looked up to. They were not security guards. Schools today need security that is focused on that specific job.
No they don't, moron. We've already seen how that works. It doesn't.\

To bake a cake, you don't need a professional baker. Millions of people who aren't professionals do it every day.

You're right, to bake a cake, you don't need a professional baker.

But.................cakes don't leave lethal holes in a body either.

Cars are very lethal. Yet we allow millions of 16 year old kids to drive them. They aren't professionals.

Yeah, and those 16 year olds go through a semester of class learning how to drive. And, while they still have their learners permit, they are required to have a licensed driver sitting next to them.

Semester? Once again, clueless!
My teachers were models of parental and grandparental wisdom, nurturing, and protection by example. A calming influence. A certain sublime quality as a role model of intellect to be looked up to. They were not security guards. Schools today need security that is focused on that specific job.
No they don't, moron. We've already seen how that works. It doesn't.\

To bake a cake, you don't need a professional baker. Millions of people who aren't professionals do it every day.

You're right, to bake a cake, you don't need a professional baker.

But.................cakes don't leave lethal holes in a body either.

Cars are very lethal. Yet we allow millions of 16 year old kids to drive them. They aren't professionals.

Cars have a purpose. An AR-15 does not.
Look, I've been a kid in school classrooms, I've been in classrooms with nasty little fuckers who wouldn't think twice about taking a gun.

Yes, you're so fucking concerned about children getting shot up. But they're not getting shot up in the UK, or France, or Germany, or Spain, they're getting shot up in the US, and the only difference between those countries in this regard, is the easy availability of guns in the US.

They would have first know the teacher was carrying.

And if you make all teachers carry, then.... they know.

That's just it, you don't. That's nothing more than a straw man argument that no one is making.

You only allow the teachers who have a CC permit and are willing to assume the responsibility to carry. Heck, you could even give them additional training. Seriously, jumping immediately to such extremes is not making a point.

Ever heard of the "slippery slope"?

The NRA and people like you are pushing for increasing arms all the time. Oh, there's a problem with guns, let's get more of them.

At what point does a teacher end up having to take such training in order to have their job?

At what point does a teacher get told they're not doing their job properly if they're not carrying a weapon?

It hasn't happened yet, and of course it's not convenient for you to think about such a thing, but this seems to be where it's leading.

The US is having more and more attacks like this. In 1999 Columbine was a massive shock in the US. Now it's not even in the top 10 of school shootings. There's a trend, and it's not changing.

You want more guns. Cops have guns, and more cops die in the US (by a long way) than in the UK where they don't have guns. Guns add fuel to the fire, they don't put the fire out.

But hey, gotta protect your guns.
I did not say we need more guns. If you think I did, kindly point it out. If you can't do so, admit you're full of it and making a false argument. I won't say you're lying (yet) because you just may be confused by the partisan adrenaline.

If you're worried about a slippery slope, it would be foolhardy to require people to carry weapons who don't want to and are not capable of using them safely and effectively. There's a reason, for example, why we no longer have a draft. We figured out that a volunteer force was a whole lot more effective. The same would hold for teachers in the classroom. Most don't want to carry a weapon and thus should not.

I don't care whether you said this or not. People do. I can't know your every position on every single damn issue. I hardly even know who you are. I don't know your positions on almost everything.

When I said "You want more guns", it was a rather vague kind of sentence. I didn't mean it to say YOU want more guns, but as a way of introducing what I was going to say next. Whatever, shit gets lost when you can't put intonation in the right places.

I'm worried about a lot of things about teachers having guns in classrooms. There are a variety of problems that could be caused. Texas has some teachers carrying and concealing, but we don't know how many or who they are, or enough information to really tell what would happen on a larger scale.

But teachers are often stressed, they sometimes snap, they sometimes make bad calls, and sometimes kids target teachers and cause problems.

Classrooms are not places where kids should be in fear, but I guess in the US fear is becoming more and more common.
Texas, Utah, Oklahoma, Colorado all allow teachers to carry. 18 more allow adults who have carry permits with approval from school officials.
As far as I know, there hasn't been a scenario that you describe.

Allows teachers to carry, doesn't force them to carry, which seemed to be what Trump was saying, right?

Exactly. They want to cover the very likely scenario of a teacher protecting the children in their classroom. There's usually one relatively small door through which the shooter has to enter. No one's supposed to be Rambo.

Look, I've been a kid in school classrooms, I've been in classrooms with nasty little fuckers who wouldn't think twice about taking a gun.

Yes, you're so fucking concerned about children getting shot up. But they're not getting shot up in the UK, or France, or Germany, or Spain, they're getting shot up in the US, and the only difference between those countries in this regard, is the easy availability of guns in the US.
oh well, sucks to be them.

Yes, sucks to be a kid in a US school, going to school every day with the threat of never going home again.

Pretty much downhill after the SC kicked God out of school. Don't worry though, mans depravity will continue and the shootings will exponentially increase.
Exactly. They want to cover the very likely scenario of a teacher protecting the children in their classroom. There's usually one relatively small door through which the shooter has to enter. No one's supposed to be Rambo.

Look, I've been a kid in school classrooms, I've been in classrooms with nasty little fuckers who wouldn't think twice about taking a gun.

Yes, you're so fucking concerned about children getting shot up. But they're not getting shot up in the UK, or France, or Germany, or Spain, they're getting shot up in the US, and the only difference between those countries in this regard, is the easy availability of guns in the US.

They would have first know the teacher was carrying.

And if you make all teachers carry, then.... they know.

That's just it, you don't. That's nothing more than a straw man argument that no one is making.

You only allow the teachers who have a CC permit and are willing to assume the responsibility to carry. Heck, you could even give them additional training. Seriously, jumping immediately to such extremes is not making a point.

Ever heard of the "slippery slope"?

The NRA and people like you are pushing for increasing arms all the time. Oh, there's a problem with guns, let's get more of them.

At what point does a teacher end up having to take such training in order to have their job?

At what point does a teacher get told they're not doing their job properly if they're not carrying a weapon?

It hasn't happened yet, and of course it's not convenient for you to think about such a thing, but this seems to be where it's leading.

The US is having more and more attacks like this. In 1999 Columbine was a massive shock in the US. Now it's not even in the top 10 of school shootings. There's a trend, and it's not changing.

You want more guns. Cops have guns, and more cops die in the US (by a long way) than in the UK where they don't have guns. Guns add fuel to the fire, they don't put the fire out.

But hey, gotta protect your guns.

At what point will teachers be required to carry guns?

Possibly, when less people die on bathtubs than in school shootings...

There is no problem with guns, but with the unlawful use of said guns.
Of course both substitute teachers and security have to be qualified.

Usually, never the twain shall meet!

My son, as a former Infantry sergeant, would make a great security guard. The fact he has little college education yet, makes him a lousy substitute teacher as far as qualifications go,
Allows teachers to carry, doesn't force them to carry, which seemed to be what Trump was saying, right?

Exactly. They want to cover the very likely scenario of a teacher protecting the children in their classroom. There's usually one relatively small door through which the shooter has to enter. No one's supposed to be Rambo.

Look, I've been a kid in school classrooms, I've been in classrooms with nasty little fuckers who wouldn't think twice about taking a gun.

Yes, you're so fucking concerned about children getting shot up. But they're not getting shot up in the UK, or France, or Germany, or Spain, they're getting shot up in the US, and the only difference between those countries in this regard, is the easy availability of guns in the US.
oh well, sucks to be them.

Yes, sucks to be a kid in a US school, going to school every day with the threat of never going home again.

Pretty much downhill after the SC kicked God out of school. Don't worry though, mans depravity will continue and the shootings will exponentially increase.
You mean like cheating on wives, cheating people in business, grabbing women by the pussy, paying porn stars for sex & dating ex-playboy bunnies while your wife is home with your two month old kid,

That kid of depravity?
Allows teachers to carry, doesn't force them to carry, which seemed to be what Trump was saying, right?

Exactly. They want to cover the very likely scenario of a teacher protecting the children in their classroom. There's usually one relatively small door through which the shooter has to enter. No one's supposed to be Rambo.

Look, I've been a kid in school classrooms, I've been in classrooms with nasty little fuckers who wouldn't think twice about taking a gun.

Yes, you're so fucking concerned about children getting shot up. But they're not getting shot up in the UK, or France, or Germany, or Spain, they're getting shot up in the US, and the only difference between those countries in this regard, is the easy availability of guns in the US.
oh well, sucks to be them.

Yes, sucks to be a kid in a US school, going to school every day with the threat of never going home again.

Pretty much downhill after the SC kicked God out of school. Don't worry though, mans depravity will continue and the shootings will exponentially increase.

Why do you religious nut cases say shit like that? God was never kicked out of school. Organized prayer being forced on students who did not necessarily believe in the prescribed religion de jour was eliminated.

I am a United Methodist Church member, the financial secretary, and a lay leader, but I will NOT tolerate anyone imposing their religion on me or any of my students in my classroom where I teach!

I do not want Mormon prayers, Buddhist prayers, Islamic prayers, or even Pastafarian prayers in my schools. Force me to do that and I will have the ACLU filing a lawsuit so fast it will make your head spin!

Stop saying that stupid shit about God being kicked out of schools! My God is there every day and I am truly sorry your that God is so impotent.
Exactly. They want to cover the very likely scenario of a teacher protecting the children in their classroom. There's usually one relatively small door through which the shooter has to enter. No one's supposed to be Rambo.

Look, I've been a kid in school classrooms, I've been in classrooms with nasty little fuckers who wouldn't think twice about taking a gun.

Yes, you're so fucking concerned about children getting shot up. But they're not getting shot up in the UK, or France, or Germany, or Spain, they're getting shot up in the US, and the only difference between those countries in this regard, is the easy availability of guns in the US.
oh well, sucks to be them.

Yes, sucks to be a kid in a US school, going to school every day with the threat of never going home again.

Pretty much downhill after the SC kicked God out of school. Don't worry though, mans depravity will continue and the shootings will exponentially increase.

Why do you religious nut cases say shit like that? God was never kicked out of school. Organized prayer being forced on students who did not necessarily believe in the prescribed religion de jour was eliminated.

I am a United Methodist Church member, the financial secretary, and a lay leader, but I will NOT tolerate anyone imposing their religion on me or any of my students in my classroom where I teach!

I do not want Mormon prayers, Buddhist prayers, Islamic prayers, or even Pastafarian prayers in my schools. Force me to do that and I will have the ACLU filing a lawsuit so fast it will make your head spin!

Stop saying that stupid shit about God being kicked out of schools! My God is there every day and I am truly sorry your that God is so impotent.

No religious nut here. And yes, the ten commandments were taken out of school and no one forced anyone to pray. And yes, the murder and mass shootings have increased since then. I don't want mormon, buddhist, islam, hindu either. They're all worthless.
My teachers were models of parental and grandparental wisdom, nurturing, and protection by example. A calming influence. A certain sublime quality as a role model of intellect to be looked up to. They were not security guards. Schools today need security that is focused on that specific job.
No they don't, moron. We've already seen how that works. It doesn't.\

To bake a cake, you don't need a professional baker. Millions of people who aren't professionals do it every day.

You're right, to bake a cake, you don't need a professional baker.

But.................cakes don't leave lethal holes in a body either.

Cars are very lethal. Yet we allow millions of 16 year old kids to drive them. They aren't professionals.

Cars have a purpose. An AR-15 does not.

Sure they do. Aside from self defense, there's this:

Exactly. They want to cover the very likely scenario of a teacher protecting the children in their classroom. There's usually one relatively small door through which the shooter has to enter. No one's supposed to be Rambo.

Look, I've been a kid in school classrooms, I've been in classrooms with nasty little fuckers who wouldn't think twice about taking a gun.

Yes, you're so fucking concerned about children getting shot up. But they're not getting shot up in the UK, or France, or Germany, or Spain, they're getting shot up in the US, and the only difference between those countries in this regard, is the easy availability of guns in the US.

They would have first know the teacher was carrying.

And if you make all teachers carry, then.... they know.

That's just it, you don't. That's nothing more than a straw man argument that no one is making.

You only allow the teachers who have a CC permit and are willing to assume the responsibility to carry. Heck, you could even give them additional training. Seriously, jumping immediately to such extremes is not making a point.

Ever heard of the "slippery slope"?

The NRA and people like you are pushing for increasing arms all the time. Oh, there's a problem with guns, let's get more of them.

At what point does a teacher end up having to take such training in order to have their job?

At what point does a teacher get told they're not doing their job properly if they're not carrying a weapon?

It hasn't happened yet, and of course it's not convenient for you to think about such a thing, but this seems to be where it's leading.

The US is having more and more attacks like this. In 1999 Columbine was a massive shock in the US. Now it's not even in the top 10 of school shootings. There's a trend, and it's not changing.

You want more guns. Cops have guns, and more cops die in the US (by a long way) than in the UK where they don't have guns. Guns add fuel to the fire, they don't put the fire out.

But hey, gotta protect your guns.
Increasing arms? What does that mean?
Texas, Utah, Oklahoma, Colorado all allow teachers to carry. 18 more allow adults who have carry permits with approval from school officials.
As far as I know, there hasn't been a scenario that you describe.

Allows teachers to carry, doesn't force them to carry, which seemed to be what Trump was saying, right?

Exactly. They want to cover the very likely scenario of a teacher protecting the children in their classroom. There's usually one relatively small door through which the shooter has to enter. No one's supposed to be Rambo.

Look, I've been a kid in school classrooms, I've been in classrooms with nasty little fuckers who wouldn't think twice about taking a gun.

Yes, you're so fucking concerned about children getting shot up. But they're not getting shot up in the UK, or France, or Germany, or Spain, they're getting shot up in the US, and the only difference between those countries in this regard, is the easy availability of guns in the US.
oh well, sucks to be them.

Yes, sucks to be a kid in a US school, going to school every day with the threat of never going home again.
because it happens every day eh? How fking stupid

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