2 Black Men Tortured By Mississippi Officers Call For Toughest Sentences.

I think the deputies all pled guilty to both state and federal charges. They've not been sentenced on the state charges. AND the Rankin Co Sheriff refuses to resign, and apparently, he can't be fired, only defeated in an election. WTF is the DOJ, is my question.

So they admitted their guilt. They deserve the harhest sentence as possible.
So they admitted their guilt. They deserve the harhest sentence as possible.

How do you figure on this?

Defendants are almost always blessed when they plead guilty. Throwing the book at these defendants would make future guilty pleas a lot less likely in other cases. Further, the defendants might withdraw their pleas and force the prosecutor to actually prove their cases.
How do you figure on this?

Defendants are almost always blessed when they plead guilty. Throwing the book at these defendants would make future guilty pleas a lot less likely in other cases. Further, the defendants might withdraw their pleas and force the prosecutor to actually prove their cases.

They tortured two Black Men that is how I figured it out.
Even Americans are completely familiar with Klan style denials of being racists. We're seeing some examples already on this topic.

See how Meathead attempts to avoid proclaiming that he's not a racist!
Shamed by the Shamans of Sham

There's no reason to deny being a racist because there's nothing morally wrong or irrational about realistic judgments of inferiority. You race traitors are winning as long as people deny what they should be proud of, such as the overwhelmingly superior achievements of their own race.
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2 Black Men Tortured By Mississippi Officers Call For Toughest Sentences.

Stay on topic or leave thread.
Yeah you laugh. Is that your discomfort in knowing such people exist in your vocation or do you also enjoy sadistic abuses of the young?

I suffered tons of verbal abuse for years because of my pathological stutter (I had disfunctional pallet). People will never understand how such abuse lasts for a life time. To this day there are words I cannot say without stuttering. Mean people are the worst.
Its an amazing paradox. Blacks just keep voting for dems who were the party of slavery and segregation and keep them in bondage
TO THIS DAY. I cant explain it. There has to be some type of clinical disorder explanation similar to a child who is abused by his parents but still loves them.

Maybe because ReNaziKlans want to strip them of their voting rights!
I suffered tons of verbal abuse for years because of my pathological stutter (I had disfunctional pallet). People will never understand how such abuse lasts for a life time. To this day there are words I cannot say without stuttering. Mean people are the worst.
I had moved past it, looking to live my life. I didn't even bring it up or concern myself with the past, wanting to make something of my future.

These cowardly bastards don't allow that. Perpetual abuses of citizens and they do so with a creepy pleasure in the process.

G-d will cut them down when they face the music. No one lives forever...
I had moved past it, looking to live my life. I didn't even bring it up or concern myself with the past, wanting to make something of my future.

These cowardly bastards don't allow that. Perpetual abuses of citizens and they do so with a creepy pleasure in the process.

G-d will cut them down when they face the music. No one lives forever...

I saw one of my former tormentors in Novato Ca. not to long ago. She made all kinds of nice. I walked to her and spit in her face. "I was trying to be nice" she said. "Since when", is all I said.
I suffered tons of verbal abuse for years because of my pathological stutter (I had disfunctional pallet). People will never understand how such abuse lasts for a life time. To this day there are words I cannot say without stuttering. Mean people are the worst.
There is much that falls between the cracks. Those affected know it. And the corrupted have gotten rich from it.
I saw one of my former tormentors in Novato Ca. not to long ago. She made all kinds of nice. I walked to her and spit in her face. "I was trying to be nice" she said. "Since when", is all I said.
That is NOT how you react. I wouldn't have done a thing to my torturer if I met him say, 10 years later when I was 27 instead of 17. I would simply called him what he was.

Some of your American police are helping out the Canadians. I have no use for cowards. You'd have to be a coward to help out those who abuse the vulnerable for decades.

They know who I am and I know what they are. An entirely different breed, cut from different cloth and DNA.
That is NOT how you react. I wouldn't have done a thing to my torturer if I met him say, 10 years later when I was 27 instead of 17. I would simply called him what he was.

Some of your American police are helping out the Canadians. I have no use for cowards. You'd have to be a coward to help out those who abuse the vulnerable for decades.

They know who I am and I know what they are. An entirely different breed, cut from different cloth and DNA.

You choose react your way, I choose to react my way. I do NOT forgive and I DO NOT forget.
This sort of police conduct represents like .00000000001 of police action.
The problem is when Police back misconduct...

Owning up and saying that we are not perfect and continually try to improve is a far better attitude...

By international comparison US cops gets a lot less training..average of about 18-21 weeks to complete police officer training in the United States... Germany is over 2 years... EU is now making a degree course with practical...

In Ireland, Irish police train for 104 weeks and get BA in Applied Policing... After that they are still not trained for high speed driving and carry a gun, that is even more training...

Finland are now at three years training ...


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Indeed. Then you live your life having it eat you up.

G-d Wrath knows no bounds. It is his will to decide.

Actually no. After spitting on that bitch I felt so much better. I felt the control she and others had over me depart.

By confronting her my way, I let go of her. I saw later at the local CostCo, she was there with her husband. I walked over to her and for the first I saw fear in her eyes. It felt good. I said hi and please move out of my way, I see some cheese I want. She complied. Her husband asked where I knew her from, I told his high school. "Yeah, I heard she was real bitch back then". I agreed. Like I said, you deal your way and I will deal my way.

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