Let's be honest about USA gun violence

Yeah let’s be honest about gun violence in America.

(CNN)When it comes to gun massacres, the United States is tragically exceptional: *****There are more public mass shootings in the United States than in any other country in the world, ********according to a study publishedrecently.

Between 1966 and 2012, there were 90 mass shootings in the United States. Mass shootings are defined for the study as having four or more victims and don't include gang killings or slayings that involve the death of multiple family members. These shootings include the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando in June 2016 -- the worst mass shooting in US history -- and others in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater and at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, both in 2012.

Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
Yeah let’s be honest about gun violence in America.

(CNN)When it comes to gun massacres, the United States is tragically exceptional: *****There are more public mass shootings in the United States than in any other country in the world, ********according to a study publishedrecently.

Between 1966 and 2012, there were 90 mass shootings in the United States. Mass shootings are defined for the study as having four or more victims and don't include gang killings or slayings that involve the death of multiple family members. These shootings include the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando in June 2016 -- the worst mass shooting in US history -- and others in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater and at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, both in 2012.

Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
That article is surprisingly honest. It's a combination of (1) gun-free zones, (2) the copycat phenomenon, and (3) the desire for fame.

1. Caused by gun-grabbing pussies.
2. Caused by CNN and the like.
3. Caused by CNN and the like.

Every major mass shooting and terrorist event going back to Ruby Ridge has been a deep state psy-op/false flag with the FBI,ATF, DHS, CIA (or a combination of) pulling the strings while the CIA infiltrated lamestream media sets the narrative. Some of these Operation Gladio events have actual casualties, some don't.....like Charleston, Boston bombing and Sandy Hook, Pulse nite club in Orlando . Others have patsies like the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, Columbine, the Murrah building but make NO mistake...these were orchestrated events by third party entities working on behalf of the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. The modus operandi is always the same and so is the narrative and why do they use the same tactic? Because it works and why does it work? Because the people have been "dumbed down" to the point that they believe in "gubermint god".

They have to make people afraid, make them feel vulnerable and the best way to make that happen is to use the children......it provides them a safe cover because if you call into question the official story? You will be deemed as an insensitive gun nut that would rather allow innocent children to die than to give up your right to arm and protect yourself. Leftards are emotional first and foremost...they do not think logically and it's because they suffer from arrested development. They also want to do their part to fulfill another plank in the communist manifesto which is the disarming of Americans.

I have reached the point in my awakening of what is and has been REALLY going on and since the picture is so crystal clear to me? Well, I have reached that "I just don't give a shit who believes me or not" point. Knowledge is power.
This is the same nut that thinks Pizzagate was real.
No really.

Comet Ping Pong and Pizza was a front for child porn and child porn snuff films that they sold using bitcoin......ask me how I know this.....
Debunked over and over again. You’d make Alex Jones cringe from embarrassment.

Debunked by whom? What investigation was done? One citizen did do something about it with a certain set of skills was able to hack the Comet Pizza and Ping Pong server that found that Comet was a front for selling child porn and snuff films that was connected to eight other servers most of which were in Europe and they only accepted bitcoin making it safer for the pedos and harder for them to be caught.
Yeah let’s be honest about gun violence in America.

(CNN)When it comes to gun massacres, the United States is tragically exceptional: *****There are more public mass shootings in the United States than in any other country in the world, ********according to a study publishedrecently.

Between 1966 and 2012, there were 90 mass shootings in the United States. Mass shootings are defined for the study as having four or more victims and don't include gang killings or slayings that involve the death of multiple family members. These shootings include the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando in June 2016 -- the worst mass shooting in US history -- and others in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater and at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, both in 2012.

Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN

Aurora, Colorado = False flag with victims. Sandy Hoax = False flag with NO victims.........and CNN is the worst when it comes to "fake news".

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