Let's be honest about USA gun violence

View attachment 180657
The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.
If you’re not lying, you’re not speaking.

Yes but look at the nations you are comparing. They also don't have nearly the number of guns America has, which might be the biggest issue, access. Too easy for the wrong people, bad guys to get access to weapons as they are plentiful.
Way too many guns in this country and way too easy for crazy people to get them.

Well, they certainly like our guns when someome like Hitler is overrunning their asses.
View attachment 180657
The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.
If you’re not lying, you’re not speaking.

Yes but look at the nations you are comparing. They also don't have nearly the number of guns America has, which might be the biggest issue, access. Too easy for the wrong people, bad guys to get access to weapons as they are plentiful.
Way too many guns in this country and way too easy for crazy people to get them.

Well, they certainly like our guns when someome like Hitler is overrunning their asses.
Weakest argument for any topic I’ve read in months.
You must be a deplorable.
View attachment 180657
The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.
If you’re not lying, you’re not speaking.

Yes but look at the nations you are comparing. They also don't have nearly the number of guns America has, which might be the biggest issue, access. Too easy for the wrong people, bad guys to get access to weapons as they are plentiful.
Way too many guns in this country and way too easy for crazy people to get them.

Well, they certainly like our guns when someome like Hitler is overrunning their asses.
Weakest argument for any topic I’ve read in months.
You must be a deplorable.

You think they didn't like our help.

You clean out black on black crime and those numbers go way down.

As for being a deplorable....if you mean in the Hillary sense of the word...hell, yes.

Fuck off.
View attachment 180657 If you’re not lying, you’re not speaking.

Yes but look at the nations you are comparing. They also don't have nearly the number of guns America has, which might be the biggest issue, access. Too easy for the wrong people, bad guys to get access to weapons as they are plentiful.
Way too many guns in this country and way too easy for crazy people to get them.

Well, they certainly like our guns when someome like Hitler is overrunning their asses.
Weakest argument for any topic I’ve read in months.
You must be a deplorable.

You think they didn't like our help.

You clean out black on black crime and those numbers go way down.

As for being a deplorable....if you mean in the Hillary sense of the word...hell, yes.

Fuck off.
I can smell the stink of a deplorable from a mile away.
After just a few words they always give themselves away because Trump whores are the dumbest people on earth..

DT: I love my uneducated base.
Yes but look at the nations you are comparing. They also don't have nearly the number of guns America has, which might be the biggest issue, access. Too easy for the wrong people, bad guys to get access to weapons as they are plentiful.
Way too many guns in this country and way too easy for crazy people to get them.

Well, they certainly like our guns when someome like Hitler is overrunning their asses.
Weakest argument for any topic I’ve read in months.
You must be a deplorable.

You think they didn't like our help.

You clean out black on black crime and those numbers go way down.

As for being a deplorable....if you mean in the Hillary sense of the word...hell, yes.

Fuck off.
I can smell the stink of a deplorable from a mile away.
After just a few words they always give themselves away because Trump whores are the dumbest people on earth..

DT: I love my uneducated base.

Well, it must been hard on you last election day with all those deplorables kicking your ass up one side and down the other.

Hope you are comfortable on the sidelines while the real people run the show.

DT: does have an uneducated base....just like Hillary.

Most blacks are democrats and they represent a huge portion of the uneducated.

Hope you like watermelon and BBQ.
Ha ha, check out "reasonable", I think he's in labor. You upset reasonable, what are you resisting again? I remember now, your mother's futile demand you move out of the house.
Every major mass shooting and terrorist event going back to Ruby Ridge has been a deep state psy-op/false flag with the FBI,ATF, DHS, CIA (or a combination of) pulling the strings while the CIA infiltrated lamestream media sets the narrative. Some of these Operation Gladio events have actual casualties, some don't.....like Charleston, Boston bombing and Sandy Hook, Pulse nite club in Orlando . Others have patsies like the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, Columbine, the Murrah building but make NO mistake...these were orchestrated events by third party entities working on behalf of the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. The modus operandi is always the same and so is the narrative and why do they use the same tactic? Because it works and why does it work? Because the people have been "dumbed down" to the point that they believe in "gubermint god".

They have to make people afraid, make them feel vulnerable and the best way to make that happen is to use the children......it provides them a safe cover because if you call into question the official story? You will be deemed as an insensitive gun nut that would rather allow innocent children to die than to give up your right to arm and protect yourself. Leftards are emotional first and foremost...they do not think logically and it's because they suffer from arrested development. They also want to do their part to fulfill another plank in the communist manifesto which is the disarming of Americans.

I have reached the point in my awakening of what is and has been REALLY going on and since the picture is so crystal clear to me? Well, I have reached that "I just don't give a shit who believes me or not" point. Knowledge is power.

I usually don't dive into conspiracy theories, but I have to say that's an interesting perspective. Wholly shit if that were the truth, those responsible would be from the depths of Hell...............A lot of bad people out there, why not the FBI?..............................And I'm not lost on how easily swayed our public is now. The dumber and weaker we are, which both are regressing south, then the easier we are to control. Cell phone gadgets are a dream come true for those with bad intentions. Take away the guns even better..

The term "conspiracy theorist" was weaponized by the CIA in 1967 when people started questioning the obvious cover-up of the murder of JFK and findings of the Warren Commision. I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am a conspiracy analyst that is jaded about what the mainstream media tells us because I did my own research into how the information that is given to the masses is controlled by six conglomerates that belong to the same "think tank groups". I have been down the rabbit hole and I have hit the brick wall a time or three. Sometimes I have used a sledgehammer, sometimes it felt that I was using my head as a battering ram....and sometimes it was easier to climb over the wall if clearance permitted. I have personally met with whistle blowers like Brigadier General Benton Partin. I have been in contact with people like Dane Wigington as it pertains to geo-engineering, Tyrone Hayes that exposed the dangers of Atrazine that is sprayed on half of the corn crop in America. Francis Richard Conolly, whose incredible documentary "JFK To 9/11....Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" has been seen over a BILLION times on youtube........you can watch it now but it was banned for a period of time. It is IMHO the best documentary ever made and factually impeccable......don't watch it unless you want to be "red-pilled". We connected because he heard my radio and podcast interviews where I touted his work and we came in contact with each other .

Francis Richard Conolly is doing a sequel to this and he wants me to help provide him with source data and the topic is mind-blowing. We have no ulterior motive than that of waking up our fellow man. I have never charged a dime for any personal appearance I have made nor have I ever done a radio or podcast interview where I pushed anything. I am simply paying forward for those that did the heavy lifting for me.
Every major mass shooting and terrorist event going back to Ruby Ridge has been a deep state psy-op/false flag with the FBI,ATF, DHS, CIA (or a combination of) pulling the strings while the CIA infiltrated lamestream media sets the narrative. Some of these Operation Gladio events have actual casualties, some don't.....like Charleston, Boston bombing and Sandy Hook, Pulse nite club in Orlando . Others have patsies like the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, Columbine, the Murrah building but make NO mistake...these were orchestrated events by third party entities working on behalf of the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. The modus operandi is always the same and so is the narrative and why do they use the same tactic? Because it works and why does it work? Because the people have been "dumbed down" to the point that they believe in "gubermint god".

They have to make people afraid, make them feel vulnerable and the best way to make that happen is to use the children......it provides them a safe cover because if you call into question the official story? You will be deemed as an insensitive gun nut that would rather allow innocent children to die than to give up your right to arm and protect yourself. Leftards are emotional first and foremost...they do not think logically and it's because they suffer from arrested development. They also want to do their part to fulfill another plank in the communist manifesto which is the disarming of Americans.

I have reached the point in my awakening of what is and has been REALLY going on and since the picture is so crystal clear to me? Well, I have reached that "I just don't give a shit who believes me or not" point. Knowledge is power.
This is the same nut that thinks Pizzagate was real.
No really.

Comet Ping Pong and Pizza was a front for child porn and child porn snuff films that they sold using bitcoin......ask me how I know this.....
Watching JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick now. Very well done so far. Going to take some time, so tomorrow I'll prop the recliner in front of the computer. Thank you.
View attachment 180657
The homicide rate in the US pales in comparison to Mexico and South American countries.
If you’re not lying, you’re not speaking.

You are correct. US ranks 83rd in homicides. Guns are not the only murder weapons, and if they can't get a gun, they use something else.

Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) - Country Ranking
Definition: Intentional homicides are estimates of unlawful homicides purposely inflicted as a result of domestic disputes, interpersonal violence, violent conflicts over land resources, intergang violence over turf or control, and predatory violence and killing by armed groups. Intentional homicide does not include all intentional killing; the difference is usually in the organization of the killing. Individuals or small groups usually commit homicide, whereas killing in armed conflict is usually committed by fairly cohesive groups of up to several hundred members and is thus usually excluded.

Source: UN Office on Drugs and Crime's International Homicide Statistics database.

See also: Thematic map, Time series comparison

Find indicator:
Rank Country Value Year
1 El Salvador 108.60 2015
2 Iraq 66.10 2007
3 Honduras 63.80 2015
4 Venezuela 57.10 2015
5 Jamaica 43.20 2015
6 Lesotho 38.00 2010
7 Belize 34.40 2014
8 South Africa 34.30 2015
9 St. Kitts and Nevis 33.60 2012
10 Guatemala 31.20 2014
11 Trinidad and Tobago 30.90 2015
12 The Bahamas 29.80 2012
13 Brazil 26.70 2015
14 Colombia 26.50 2015
15 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 25.60 2012
16 St. Lucia 21.60 2012
17 Tuvalu 20.30 2012
18 Guyana 19.40 2015
19 Dominican Republic 17.40 2014
20 Namibia 16.90 2012
21 Mexico 16.30 2015
22 Puerto Rico 15.90 2015
23 Cayman Islands 14.70 2009
24 Dem. Rep. Congo 13.40 2015
25 Central African Republic 13.10 2015
26 Greenland 12.50 2015
27 Bolivia 12.40 2012
28 Uganda 11.80 2014
28 Côte d'Ivoire 11.80 2015
28 Costa Rica 11.80 2015
31 Nicaragua 11.50 2012
32 Panama 11.40 2015
33 Russia 11.30 2015
34 Antigua and Barbuda 11.20 2012
35 Barbados 10.90 2015
36 Mali 10.80 2015
37 Suriname 10.70 2015
38 Botswana 10.50 2011
39 Papua New Guinea 10.40 2010
40 Mauritania 10.20 2015
41 Congo 10.10 2015
42 Haiti 10.00 2012
43 Nigeria 9.80 2015
43 Philippines 9.80 2014
45 Angola 9.60 2015
46 Paraguay 9.30 2015
47 Guinea-Bissau 9.20 2015
48 The Gambia 9.10 2015
48 Togo 9.10 2015
50 Gabon 9.00 2015
50 Chad 9.00 2015
52 Cabo Verde 8.80 2015
53 Guinea 8.50 2015
54 Dominica 8.40 2011
54 Uruguay 8.40 2015
56 Swaziland 8.20 2013
56 Ecuador 8.20 2014
58 Qatar 8.10 2015
59 Pakistan 7.80 2012
60 Comoros 7.60 2015
60 Ethiopia 7.60 2015
62 Eritrea 7.50 2015
62 Grenada 7.50 2014
62 Kiribati 7.50 2012
65 Senegal 7.30 2015
66 Peru 7.20 2015
66 Mongolia 7.20 2015
68 Tanzania 7.00 2015
69 Lao PDR 6.90 2015
70 Djibouti 6.80 2015
71 Yemen 6.70 2013
71 Zimbabwe 6.70 2012
73 Afghanistan 6.60 2012
74 Argentina 6.50 2015
74 Sudan 6.50 2015
76 Lithuania 6.00 2015
76 Benin 6.00 2015
78 Cameroon 5.90 2015
79 Zambia 5.80 2010
79 Kenya 5.80 2015
81 Somalia 5.60 2015
82 Kyrgyz Republic 5.10 2015
83 United States 4.90 2015
84 Kazakhstan 4.80 2015
85 Cuba 4.70 2011
86 Rwanda 4.50 2013
86 Niger 4.50 2012
88 Dem. People's Rep. Korea 4.40 2015
88 Ukraine 4.40 2010
90 Turkey 4.30 2012
91 Turkmenistan 4.20 2015
92 Iran 4.10 2015
92 Latvia 4.10 2015
94 Burundi 4.00 2014
95 Lebanon 3.90 2015
96 Solomon Islands 3.80 2008
97 Timor-Leste 3.70 2010
98 Belarus 3.60 2014
98 Chile 3.60 2014
100 Thailand 3.50 2015
101 Mozambique 3.40 2011
101 São Tomé and Principe 3.40 2011
103 New Caledonia 3.30 2009
104 Moldova 3.20 2014
104 Liberia 3.20 2012
104 Samoa 3.20 2013
104 Estonia 3.20 2015
104 Egypt 3.20 2011
104 Equatorial Guinea 3.20 2015
104 India 3.20 2014
111 Tunisia 3.10 2012
111 Palau 3.10 2012
113 Uzbekistan 3.00 2015
113 Fiji 3.00 2012
115 Sri Lanka 2.90 2013
116 Bhutan 2.70 2014
116 Montenegro 2.70 2015
116 Georgia 2.70 2014
116 Mauritius 2.70 2011
120 Armenia 2.50 2015
120 Azerbaijan 2.50 2014
120 Libya 2.50 2015
120 Bangladesh 2.50 2015
124 Myanmar 2.40 2015
125 Nepal 2.30 2014
125 Albania 2.30 2015
127 Syrian Arab Republic 2.20 2010
128 Seychelles 2.10 2010
128 Vanuatu 2.10 2015
130 Jordan 2.00 2013
131 Malaysia 1.90 2010
131 Sierra Leone 1.90 2015
131 Belgium 1.90 2015
134 Malawi 1.80 2012
134 Bulgaria 1.80 2015
134 Cambodia 1.80 2011
134 Kuwait 1.80 2012
138 Ghana 1.70 2011
138 Canada 1.70 2015
140 Finland 1.60 2015
140 Macedonia 1.60 2014
140 France 1.60 2015
143 Vietnam 1.50 2011
143 Romania 1.50 2015
143 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.50 2015
143 Hungary 1.50 2014
143 Saudi Arabia 1.50 2015
148 Algeria 1.40 2015
148 Tajikistan 1.40 2013
148 Israel 1.40 2015
151 Nauru 1.30 2012
151 Cyprus 1.30 2015
153 Slovenia 1.20 2015
154 Serbia 1.10 2015
154 Sweden 1.10 2015
154 Oman 1.10 2011
157 Portugal 1.00 2015
157 Tonga 1.00 2012
157 Morocco 1.00 2014
157 Denmark 1.00 2015
157 Malta 1.00 2015
157 Australia 1.00 2015
163 Croatia 0.90 2015
163 New Zealand 0.90 2014
163 Iceland 0.90 2015
163 Slovak Republic 0.90 2015
163 United Kingdom 0.90 2014
168 Germany 0.80 2015
168 Greece 0.80 2015
168 Italy 0.80 2015
171 Czech Republic 0.70 2015
171 Spain 0.70 2015
171 Switzerland 0.70 2015
171 Burkina Faso 0.70 2012
171 Poland 0.70 2015
171 China 0.70 2014
171 Korea 0.70 2014
171 Luxembourg 0.70 2014
171 United Arab Emirates 0.70 2015
180 Netherlands 0.60 2015
180 Norway 0.60 2014
180 Madagascar 0.60 2010
180 Ireland 0.60 2015
184 Indonesia 0.50 2014
184 Austria 0.50 2015
184 Bahrain 0.50 2011
184 Brunei 0.50 2013
188 Japan 0.30 2014
188 Hong Kong SAR, China 0.30 2015
190 Singapore 0.20 2015
190 Macao SAR, China 0.20 2015
192 Liechtenstein 0.00 2015
192 San Marino 0.00 2011
192 Andorra 0.00 2015
192 Monaco 0.00 2008
Way too many guns in this country and way too easy for crazy people to get them.

Well, they certainly like our guns when someome like Hitler is overrunning their asses.
Weakest argument for any topic I’ve read in months.
You must be a deplorable.

You think they didn't like our help.

You clean out black on black crime and those numbers go way down.

As for being a deplorable....if you mean in the Hillary sense of the word...hell, yes.

Fuck off.
I can smell the stink of a deplorable from a mile away.
After just a few words they always give themselves away because Trump whores are the dumbest people on earth..

DT: I love my uneducated base.

Well, it must been hard on you last election day with all those deplorables kicking your ass up one side and down the other.

Hope you are comfortable on the sidelines while the real people run the show.

DT: does have an uneducated base....just like Hillary.

Most blacks are democrats and they represent a huge portion of the uneducated.

Hope you like watermelon and BBQ.
This white supremacist is proud of his racism.

You’re “ running the show?”

The GOP and this serial sex offender president is running the country into the ground.
Every major mass shooting and terrorist event going back to Ruby Ridge has been a deep state psy-op/false flag with the FBI,ATF, DHS, CIA (or a combination of) pulling the strings while the CIA infiltrated lamestream media sets the narrative. Some of these Operation Gladio events have actual casualties, some don't.....like Charleston, Boston bombing and Sandy Hook, Pulse nite club in Orlando . Others have patsies like the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, Columbine, the Murrah building but make NO mistake...these were orchestrated events by third party entities working on behalf of the shadow government and their deep state lackeys. The modus operandi is always the same and so is the narrative and why do they use the same tactic? Because it works and why does it work? Because the people have been "dumbed down" to the point that they believe in "gubermint god".

They have to make people afraid, make them feel vulnerable and the best way to make that happen is to use the children......it provides them a safe cover because if you call into question the official story? You will be deemed as an insensitive gun nut that would rather allow innocent children to die than to give up your right to arm and protect yourself. Leftards are emotional first and foremost...they do not think logically and it's because they suffer from arrested development. They also want to do their part to fulfill another plank in the communist manifesto which is the disarming of Americans.

I have reached the point in my awakening of what is and has been REALLY going on and since the picture is so crystal clear to me? Well, I have reached that "I just don't give a shit who believes me or not" point. Knowledge is power.
This is the same nut that thinks Pizzagate was real.
No really.

Comet Ping Pong and Pizza was a front for child porn and child porn snuff films that they sold using bitcoin......ask me how I know this.....
Debunked over and over again. You’d make Alex Jones cringe from embarrassment.
If you look where the most gun homicides occur per capita, #1 is south of the border. Ah shit, who'd have guessed it. Meanwhile, no cause concerned liberals cling to open borders, break the law and favor illegal immigrants. How fucking stupid.

Here's some fun, the highest rate of gun homicide occurs in Honduras, where there are 6 guns per 100 people. The USA is ranked 18th in gun homicide, with 100 guns per 100 people.

Oh yeah, take a wild guess which continent runs second chair to south america? That would be some African countries. So if you're wondering why all the crime in cities like Detriot & Chicago, perhaps there's something to it.

Cause and effect. Plenty of white fucks too, but seems to me we're a melting pot with the gates open to south america. You figure that has an impact on crime, especially considering illegal immigrants commit more crime?

As for the Florida shooting, that occurred despite regulations. The FBI, local police and the Obama admin. fucked up.

Remember, we didn't use to have this level of a problem. While there are multiple reasons for the gun violence, we're clearly regressing, and dick-head (e.g., California) immigration "policy" plays a major role. It's just another instance of primarily liberals fucking shit up, they don't see the cause, but are sure to pass a knee jerk reaction........"It's the gun's fault, it's our Constitution's fault, let's progressive".........Wholly shit.

Well, here's the reality.

The highest levels of gun crime are in the Americas.

I've heard reasons why. Most of them are made up because people can't be bothered to research properly.

We've had diversity is the reason why the US has more gun crime than Western Europe, but then Honduras isn't a very diverse country, is it?

You can blame Africans, yet half the African countries have lower murder rates.

What seems to be something that sticks out is that CHRISTIAN countries seem to have a lot more crime.

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