Lets Call Ir Like It Is.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
Lets face some of the facts about Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama has surrounded himself with dolts and tax cheats and Clinton Administration retreads. Half the people he’s nominated to Cabinet positions including the biggest lair of them all, Hillary Clinton. Some others of them have had to back out due to failure to pay taxes, and others have survived their tax failures and settled into their seats of power, expecting you & me to play by the rules that they flaunt. Nancy Killefer was gonna be the new Chief Performance Officer (whatever the fuck THAT is) but she’s a tax cheat. Tom “Dash-hole” Daschle withdrew from consideration as Health & Human Services Secretary. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson was on the short list to for both State and Commerce, and withdrew over a grand jury investigation into ethics and the awarding of contracts to his supporters.
Alleged financial wunderkind Tim Geithner is now the Sec. Treasury, but is such a financial imbecile that he “accidentally” cheated on his taxes due to an inability to operate TurboTax. Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius is the latest nominee to the poisoned post of HHS, and she has tax problems. And what in the HELL is Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano doing as Secretary of Homeland Security? Is this a joke?

She couldn’t keep illegals out of her own state so how in the hell can we expect her to secure the entire nation? Arizona’s biggest import is Mexicans, followed by dope. Arizona’s biggest export to other states is Mexicans, followed by dope. She has the fucking audacity to call the Global War on Terror a “contingency”, and terrorism is now simply a “man-caused disaster”. What kind of politically correct bullshit is that? Why not just call it an Oopsie, or a Mildly Unpleasant Misunderstanding? And Shrillary Hillary Clinton…her and Obama were at each other’s throats all through the elections, and now they play all nicey-nice as she kow-tows to various foreign hosts and places all the blame for Mexico’s drain-circling on our shoulders. Maybe she’s just purposely assing it up to make Obie look bad? And lest we forget Barney “Buddy Hackett” Frank and Nasty Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein and Dirty Harry Reid…and that embarrassment Joe Biden...gawd, it took 233 years to get us here as a nation, and less than 90 days to derail the American Dream. Hope and Change!!! Yes We Can!!
^^^ It's nitwits like you that give rednecks a bad name.

Look at your thread title....... you can't even spell the word 'it'. .. :lol:
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^^^ It's nitwits like you that give rednecks a bad name.

Look at your thread title....... you can't even spell the word 'it'. .. :lol:

And I see that YOU had to edit your own post .. What did you have trouble spelling? LOL!

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