Let's chat, Coyote.

Did you lean left before working at the university, Coyote?

Yes, I've always been left - more so when I was younger. Our department is mixed in terms of political ideology because we are also part of the energy sector, with geology.
More so when you were younger? Does that mean you're moving towards the center?
Would you support Trump if he's able to accomplish many of his goals?

Btw... I decided to upgrade my account because of you. It's my way of saying thanks for being a reasonable mod while holding liberal beliefs. :)
I'm not sure if I've moved more towards the center or I've gotten more pragmatic about some things. I can see areas where right and left can find common ground and work together...but they won't. Each seems invested in a scorched earth policy and each is marginalizing, if not outright driving out its moderates. Worries me.

On Trump....that is difficult. Many of his goals are the antithesis of what I believe in so how could I support them or him?
What areas of common ground are you seeing?

Immigration, tax reform, fixing ACA, prison reform...
I'm thinking we might have a few things in common. ;)
Yes, I've always been left - more so when I was younger. Our department is mixed in terms of political ideology because we are also part of the energy sector, with geology.
More so when you were younger? Does that mean you're moving towards the center?
Would you support Trump if he's able to accomplish many of his goals?

Btw... I decided to upgrade my account because of you. It's my way of saying thanks for being a reasonable mod while holding liberal beliefs. :)
I'm not sure if I've moved more towards the center or I've gotten more pragmatic about some things. I can see areas where right and left can find common ground and work together...but they won't. Each seems invested in a scorched earth policy and each is marginalizing, if not outright driving out its moderates. Worries me.

On Trump....that is difficult. Many of his goals are the antithesis of what I believe in so how could I support them or him?
What areas of common ground are you seeing?

Immigration, tax reform, fixing ACA, prison reform...
I'm thinking we might have a few things in common. ;)
More so when you were younger? Does that mean you're moving towards the center?
Would you support Trump if he's able to accomplish many of his goals?

Btw... I decided to upgrade my account because of you. It's my way of saying thanks for being a reasonable mod while holding liberal beliefs. :)
I'm not sure if I've moved more towards the center or I've gotten more pragmatic about some things. I can see areas where right and left can find common ground and work together...but they won't. Each seems invested in a scorched earth policy and each is marginalizing, if not outright driving out its moderates. Worries me.

On Trump....that is difficult. Many of his goals are the antithesis of what I believe in so how could I support them or him?
What areas of common ground are you seeing?

Immigration, tax reform, fixing ACA, prison reform...
I'm thinking we might have a few things in common. ;)
That's exactly what I thought when I started realizing I liked you. lol
What are your views on immigration?
What are your views on immigration?
I'm with Trump on having control of our boarders. People coming into this country should be properly vetted.
I'm good with helping anyone looking to become a productive citizen, and willing to accept and respect our laws and way of life.
I'm not sure if I've moved more towards the center or I've gotten more pragmatic about some things. I can see areas where right and left can find common ground and work together...but they won't. Each seems invested in a scorched earth policy and each is marginalizing, if not outright driving out its moderates. Worries me.

On Trump....that is difficult. Many of his goals are the antithesis of what I believe in so how could I support them or him?
What areas of common ground are you seeing?

Immigration, tax reform, fixing ACA, prison reform...
I'm thinking we might have a few things in common. ;)
That's exactly what I thought when I started realizing I liked you. lol

Get a room, lol.
That's exactly what I thought when I started realizing I liked you. lol

Get a room, lol.
I haven't even seen a pic. lol

I bet she's hot as hell.
Could be.
Doesn't matter because I quit certain habits a few years ago.

She's gonna be really disappointed to see that.
She's also in a relationship.
How about you, Coyote? What are your thoughts on immigration?

I think any immigration strategy has to be comprehensive. I agree we have to have good border security, but absolutely reject the idea of a wall - it's costly, destructive to the communitees along the border region, and environmentally damaging in terms of species movements and migrations. There is a hell of a lot of good technology out there -we should use that.

I also feel that we need to focus on the LEGAL side - why such a bottleneck that means years before a person can enter? If we close the illegal end, we should open the legal end. We need skilled and invovative workers - particularly in the high tech industries that benefit by hiring foreign workers - we should not be ending that. There is also a huge need for agricultural labor. Like it or not - Americans don't want to do it and don't want those wages. How is the dairy industry going to get it's cows milk and the orange groves get picked? We need a legal avenue to address those needs - doesn't have to be citizenship, they probabably don't WANT citizenship, but temporary work visas instead. I also strongly support the "dreamer" act. Kids who are brought over don't have a choice and should not be punished. They are as American as you or I, having grown up in our culture - they deserve a chance. I fully support deporting those who have committed violent crimes - in fact, I think that should be expidited with few appeals. But I don't like the idea of coming down on those who have not committed violent crimes and especially think breaking up families in this way is wrong. I'd rather focus on stopping it at the border, opening legal avenues and deporting serious criminals.

That's my take on it :)
How about you, Coyote? What are your thoughts on immigration?

I think any immigration strategy has to be comprehensive. I agree we have to have good border security, but absolutely reject the idea of a wall - it's costly, destructive to the communitees along the border region, and environmentally damaging in terms of species movements and migrations. There is a hell of a lot of good technology out there -we should use that.

I also feel that we need to focus on the LEGAL side - why such a bottleneck that means years before a person can enter? If we close the illegal end, we should open the legal end. We need skilled and invovative workers - particularly in the high tech industries that benefit by hiring foreign workers - we should not be ending that. There is also a huge need for agricultural labor. Like it or not - Americans don't want to do it and don't want those wages. How is the dairy industry going to get it's cows milk and the orange groves get picked? We need a legal avenue to address those needs - doesn't have to be citizenship, they probabably don't WANT citizenship, but temporary work visas instead. I also strongly support the "dreamer" act. Kids who are brought over don't have a choice and should not be punished. They are as American as you or I, having grown up in our culture - they deserve a chance. I fully support deporting those who have committed violent crimes - in fact, I think that should be expidited with few appeals. But I don't like the idea of coming down on those who have not committed violent crimes and especially think breaking up families in this way is wrong. I'd rather focus on stopping it at the border, opening legal avenues and deporting serious criminals.

That's my take on it :)
What are your thoughts on Kate Steinly being murdered by an illegal protected by a sanctuary city?
Should the Feds be allowed to step in and remove these people?

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