Let's chat, Coyote.

Me and coyote in our love nest.

Tycho...there is a pic thread around here somewhere. I think in Badlands or Rubber Room down in the basement. Lots of pics in there. Also look up at the top of the screen. See GALLERY? Pics in there as well. But none of me although I might have missed one some years ago. I don't post pics of myself online and leave them up. Too many wackadoodles.
Tycho...there is a pic thread around here somewhere. I think in Badlands or Rubber Room down in the basement. Lots of pics in there. Also look up at the top of the screen. See GALLERY? Pics in there as well. But none of me although I might have missed one some years ago. I don't post pics of myself online and leave them up. Too many wackadoodles.
Thanks for the tip, Gracie. I'd probably check it out if I was really that interested. :)
I know. You want to know about Coyote cuz now that you know I am old and furry...sniff....you back pedal:(. Well..I took a pic of him recently. He won't mind if I share:

There's something I like about you. Help me figure out why that is.

Let's start with a few basic questions....
What line of work are you in?
Are you married?
Any kids?


I'm staff at a University (Geology and Geography) and I teach dog training classes
No kids...except furry ones :p

There is always that...even evil has to sleep occassionally :dev2:
Evil? Since when are you evil? Stop joshin' the poor guy. He wants to know if you are male or female and the a/s/l thing kinda creeped me out. So..I borrowed someones white knight outfit left in the flame zone until I could uncover this guys intentions. :lol:
Evil? Since when are you evil? Stop joshin' the poor guy. He wants to know if you are male or female and the a/s/l thing kinda creeped me out. So..I borrowed someones white knight outfit left in the flame zone until I could uncover this guys intentions. :lol:

Ok, I"m just wicked ;)

You're awesome Gracie!

To all who aren't sure I iz a bitch :D

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