Let's compare the reaction of Democrats to 9-11 to that of Republicans after Orlando

After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

...and then we had to listen to years of blame America for 911 which always came from the left. Maybe we ought to blame homosexuals for what happen in Orlando?

It was Ron Paul and Pat Robertson who blamed America

Both prominent Republican candidates for President
Blamed America, or blamed our foreign policy?

Don't get caught up in right wing talking points.
Democrats supported the President in a time of crisis

Something Republicans refuse to do

We've been over this...adults do not support children leading in a time of crisis. Obama and the Dumbocrats are children. You need to sit quietly in the corner RW and play with your toys. You people caused the problem. As usual....we conservatives will clean it up. Remember - there is a reason you need government to survive. You're not capable of doing it on your own. So just let us handle the mess you've made. Go play.
I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, and there have been a hundred thousand, who have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?

They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.
Refugees --- from any nation -- are accepted only "after subjecting them to the most rigorous screening and security vetting of any traveler to the United States," a senior administration official said.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.
My grandmother was 15 years old when she came to America. She was uneducated, poor, and didn't speak English. Though she couldn't read them at the time, here are the words which greeted her...
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
If you brain-dead, coward-driven, regressive-conservative, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals don't like it, then get the fuck out. Helping downtrodden immigrants, and offering them the freedom we enjoy, is what America is all about.

Only problem is these folks are coming from a war ravaged country.

Only a brain dead, no common sense idiot, regressive Democratic, knuckle dragging Neaderthal like you would think any screening they do will be any good.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

What a pity for you that I do think for myself. The same can't be said for you.

You have no common sense and no, taking in refugee's isn't what we do. Not when you can't vet them and not when they are going to cost the taxpayer millions. You might want to support these people for decades but I sure don't.

How do you know none of them have committed terror attacks? How do you know there aren't jihadists among them. The FBI has already said they can't property vet them.

No I didn't say they weren't screened. I said they can't be vetted properly. How could they be. They are coming from a war torn country and I'm sure there is no way to verify any paperwork they may have. Common Sense you idiot.

Its idiots like you who make the terrorists plans so easy to implement. Your bleeding heart is a dead giveaway.

I sure hope nothing happens with these folks but I wouldn't bet the farm on it and neither should you.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

There was plenty of finger-pointing by leftists. You suffer from a condition exhibited by many liberals. Selective memory loss.

It is a shame Clinton removed the shooter from the watch list. Just like it was a shame the democrats built a wall between intelligence gathering agencies before 9/11.

Show me some Democrats who pointed the finger at Bush in the days after 9-11 and we can compare it to Trump blaming Obama within hours
Because even Dumbocrats knew that it was Bill Clinton gutting defense to the tune of half a billion dollars over 8 years and ignoring Al Qaeda for the same period of time that lead to 9/11 just 8 months after Bush had assumed the presidency (and still operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget).

Conversely though, the entire nation knows that Obama and the Dumbocrats are to blame for facilitating both ISIS and eliminating all border security - all for selfish political gain.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, and there have been a hundred thousand, who have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?

They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.
Refugees --- from any nation -- are accepted only "after subjecting them to the most rigorous screening and security vetting of any traveler to the United States," a senior administration official said.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.
My grandmother was 15 years old when she came to America. She was uneducated, poor, and didn't speak English. Though she couldn't read them at the time, here are the words which greeted her...
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
If you brain-dead, coward-driven, regressive-conservative, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals don't like it, then get the fuck out. Helping downtrodden immigrants, and offering them the freedom we enjoy, is what America is all about.

Only problem is these folks are coming from a war ravaged country.

Only a brain dead, no common sense idiot, regressive Democratic, knuckle dragging Neaderthal like you would think any screening they do will be any good.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

What a pity for you that I do think for myself. The same can't be said for you.

You have no common sense and no, taking in refugee's isn't what we do. Not when you can't vet them and not when they are going to cost the taxpayer millions. You might want to support these people for decades but I sure don't.

How do you know none of them have committed terror attacks? How do you know there aren't jihadists among them. The FBI has already said they can't property vet them.

No I didn't say they weren't screened. I said they can't be vetted properly. How could they be. They are coming from a war torn country and I'm sure there is no way to verify any paperwork they may have. Common Sense you idiot.

Its idiots like you who make the terrorists plans so easy to implement. Your bleeding heart is a dead giveaway.

I sure hope nothing happens with these folks but I wouldn't bet the farm on it and neither should you.
Are you seriously asking little Fauny to illustrate common sense? Fauny can't tie her shoes without the government helping her.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

Except your wrong Faun, but I doubt you'll acknowledge it. Libs prefer to ignore reality.

Report: San Bernardino Shooter Passed DHS Counterterrorism Vetting, by Joel Gehrke, National Review
Faun is always wrong. You would think by blind dumb luck she would be right once in awhile....but nope!
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, and there have been a hundred thousand, who have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?

They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.
Refugees --- from any nation -- are accepted only "after subjecting them to the most rigorous screening and security vetting of any traveler to the United States," a senior administration official said.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.
My grandmother was 15 years old when she came to America. She was uneducated, poor, and didn't speak English. Though she couldn't read them at the time, here are the words which greeted her...
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
If you brain-dead, coward-driven, regressive-conservative, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals don't like it, then get the fuck out. Helping downtrodden immigrants, and offering them the freedom we enjoy, is what America is all about.

Only problem is these folks are coming from a war ravaged country.

Only a brain dead, no common sense idiot, regressive Democratic, knuckle dragging Neaderthal like you would think any screening they do will be any good.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

There is a reason as to why people are pissed about open borders and unvetted muslim immigrants that are being overtly and covertly flown over here and dropped in the laps of unsuspecting towns and cities and told by the federal "gubermint"..."Hey, they are your problem now...deal with them".

Actually it is the Churches who are welcoming these refugees (with open arms). But don't let facts stand in your way.

Ten thousand Syrian refugees will be coming to America over the next year.

And churches will be ready to welcome them with open arms, says Stephan Bauman, president of World Relief, an evangelical agency active in refugee resettlement

“Whether it’s hosting refugees in our own country, or supporting churches serving them in other countries, the American church has chosen to act,” said Bauman.

Bauman and other Christian leaders also called on the US to resettle another 100,000 refugees from other nations.

“While the US government continues to admit refugees, the annual intake has declined significantly from 1980, when the country accepted and, with the help of churches, schools, and community organizations, integrated more than 200,000 refugees. In the current fiscal year, the US is on track to accept about 70,000 refugees,” he said.

10,000 Syrian Refugees Headed for the United States

Do those numbers include those that are being flown in under the radar and covertly? You are too much of a partisan shill to understand what is going on and what the end game is . I would, however, enjoy watching you sit on the curb waiting for your beloved "gubermint" to come save you when the shit hits the fan and I doubt you will see the irony that it was your beloved "gubermint" that did it to you to begin with. (snicker)

FBI Says There IS No Way To Vet Incoming Syrian Refugees | NumbersUSA

"being flown in under the radar and covertly?"

Dude. You need an upgrade. Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

Are they secretly being flown to Area 51?

I bet they are being distributed through the Wall Mart tunnels too!

Why is it that I am not surprised that you don't know this? Because if it's not on CNN or MSNBC? It didn't happen!

You are an idiot.

The reference was to Christianity Today. Not CNN or MSNBC.

Seriously, a new AFDB will do you a world of good. I mean, it might not help with the thoughts they've already implanted in your mind , but it will stop them from implanting new ones.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

There was plenty of finger-pointing by leftists. You suffer from a condition exhibited by many liberals. Selective memory loss.

It is a shame Clinton removed the shooter from the watch list. Just like it was a shame the democrats built a wall between intelligence gathering agencies before 9/11.

Show me some Democrats who pointed the finger at Bush in the days after 9-11 and we can compare it to Trump blaming Obama within hours
Because even Dumbocrats knew that it was Bill Clinton gutting defense to the tune of half a billion dollars over 8 years and ignoring Al Qaeda for the same period of time that lead to 9/11 just 8 months after Bush had assumed the presidency (and still operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget).

Conversely though, the entire nation knows that Obama and the Dumbocrats are to blame for facilitating both ISIS and eliminating all border security - all for selfish political gain.

Except it is Congress who sets and allocates spending. The threat of international terrorism is one of the important issues brought to the transition team. The incoming Bush administration ignore it for nearly 8 months. Their primary focus was on missile defense not ME terrorism.

ISIS is the result of the Bush Inspired Iraq Civil War.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

There was plenty of finger-pointing by leftists. You suffer from a condition exhibited by many liberals. Selective memory loss.

It is a shame Clinton removed the shooter from the watch list. Just like it was a shame the democrats built a wall between intelligence gathering agencies before 9/11.

Show me some Democrats who pointed the finger at Bush in the days after 9-11 and we can compare it to Trump blaming Obama within hours
Because even Dumbocrats knew that it was Bill Clinton gutting defense to the tune of half a billion dollars over 8 years and ignoring Al Qaeda for the same period of time that lead to 9/11 just 8 months after Bush had assumed the presidency (and still operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget).

Conversely though, the entire nation knows that Obama and the Dumbocrats are to blame for facilitating both ISIS and eliminating all border security - all for selfish political gain.

Except it is Congress who sets and allocates spending. The threat of international terrorism is one of the important issues brought to the transition team. The incoming Bush administration ignore it for nearly 8 months. Their primary focus was on missile defense not ME terrorism.

ISIS is the result of the Bush Inspired Iraq Civil War.

Oh good grief.... not this tired old debunked shit again. Everything 9/11 forward, all Bush's fault. Everything on Obama's watch, still Bush's fault. Everything pre-9/11... Bush's fault. The Civil War, Bush's fault...

Holy mother of God.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

Except your wrong Faun, but I doubt you'll acknowledge it. Libs prefer to ignore reality.

Report: San Bernardino Shooter Passed DHS Counterterrorism Vetting, by Joel Gehrke, National Review
So you think Saudi Arabia is a war torn country? Or do you think being screened for a fiance visa is the same screening as the Syrian refugee's go through, which takes about 18 months to complete?

Your example is not what I was talking about. But I will give you partial credit for finding one of the terrorists did manage to slip in from overseas. Feel better?
Go on...explain the differences in the programs.

I'll start. We have the opportunity to gather better and more detailed information about Saudis due to the relatively stable government and better record keeping.

Now your turn...
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, and there have been a hundred thousand, who have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?

They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.
Refugees --- from any nation -- are accepted only "after subjecting them to the most rigorous screening and security vetting of any traveler to the United States," a senior administration official said.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.
My grandmother was 15 years old when she came to America. She was uneducated, poor, and didn't speak English. Though she couldn't read them at the time, here are the words which greeted her...
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
If you brain-dead, coward-driven, regressive-conservative, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals don't like it, then get the fuck out. Helping downtrodden immigrants, and offering them the freedom we enjoy, is what America is all about.

Only problem is these folks are coming from a war ravaged country.

Only a brain dead, no common sense idiot, regressive Democratic, knuckle dragging Neaderthal like you would think any screening they do will be any good.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

What a pity for you that I do think for myself. The same can't be said for you.

You have no common sense and no, taking in refugee's isn't what we do. Not when you can't vet them and not when they are going to cost the taxpayer millions. You might want to support these people for decades but I sure don't.

How do you know none of them have committed terror attacks? How do you know there aren't jihadists among them. The FBI has already said they can't property vet them.

No I didn't say they weren't screened. I said they can't be vetted properly. How could they be. They are coming from a war torn country and I'm sure there is no way to verify any paperwork they may have. Common Sense you idiot.

Its idiots like you who make the terrorists plans so easy to implement. Your bleeding heart is a dead giveaway.

I sure hope nothing happens with these folks but I wouldn't bet the farm on it and neither should you.
You didn't say they aren't vetted properly -- you said they aren't vetted. And both comments are bullshit. Again, not a single one of the refugees who came here have committed any acts of terror.
Go on...explain the differences in the programs.

I'll start. We have the opportunity to gather better and more detailed information about Saudis due to the relatively stable government and better record keeping.

Now your turn...
I'm talking about the Syrian refugees. You're talking about something entirely different.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

Except your wrong Faun, but I doubt you'll acknowledge it. Libs prefer to ignore reality.

Report: San Bernardino Shooter Passed DHS Counterterrorism Vetting, by Joel Gehrke, National Review
Faun is always wrong. You would think by blind dumb luck she would be right once in awhile....but nope!
Poor, rottedWeiner. So thoroughly humiliated on this forum, he felt compelled to change his screen name to hide his past.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

There was plenty of finger-pointing by leftists. You suffer from a condition exhibited by many liberals. Selective memory loss.

It is a shame Clinton removed the shooter from the watch list. Just like it was a shame the democrats built a wall between intelligence gathering agencies before 9/11.

Show me some Democrats who pointed the finger at Bush in the days after 9-11 and we can compare it to Trump blaming Obama within hours
Because even Dumbocrats knew that it was Bill Clinton gutting defense to the tune of half a billion dollars over 8 years and ignoring Al Qaeda for the same period of time that lead to 9/11 just 8 months after Bush had assumed the presidency (and still operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget).

Conversely though, the entire nation knows that Obama and the Dumbocrats are to blame for facilitating both ISIS and eliminating all border security - all for selfish political gain.
Tell me you're not so ignorant that you don't know the Congress funds and maintains the military, not the president? :eusa_doh:
They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.
Refugees --- from any nation -- are accepted only "after subjecting them to the most rigorous screening and security vetting of any traveler to the United States," a senior administration official said.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.
My grandmother was 15 years old when she came to America. She was uneducated, poor, and didn't speak English. Though she couldn't read them at the time, here are the words which greeted her...
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
If you brain-dead, coward-driven, regressive-conservative, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals don't like it, then get the fuck out. Helping downtrodden immigrants, and offering them the freedom we enjoy, is what America is all about.

Only problem is these folks are coming from a war ravaged country.

Only a brain dead, no common sense idiot, regressive Democratic, knuckle dragging Neaderthal like you would think any screening they do will be any good.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

What a pity for you that I do think for myself. The same can't be said for you.

You have no common sense and no, taking in refugee's isn't what we do. Not when you can't vet them and not when they are going to cost the taxpayer millions. You might want to support these people for decades but I sure don't.

How do you know none of them have committed terror attacks? How do you know there aren't jihadists among them. The FBI has already said they can't property vet them.

No I didn't say they weren't screened. I said they can't be vetted properly. How could they be. They are coming from a war torn country and I'm sure there is no way to verify any paperwork they may have. Common Sense you idiot.

Its idiots like you who make the terrorists plans so easy to implement. Your bleeding heart is a dead giveaway.

I sure hope nothing happens with these folks but I wouldn't bet the farm on it and neither should you.
Are you seriously asking little Fauny to illustrate common sense? Fauny can't tie her shoes without the government helping her.
I find it quite revealing how you claim to have me on ignore, yet you could see Claudette was posting to me; which of course, would not be possible if you actually had me on ignore. You're so stupid, you expose your idiocy with every single post.
They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.
Refugees --- from any nation -- are accepted only "after subjecting them to the most rigorous screening and security vetting of any traveler to the United States," a senior administration official said.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.
My grandmother was 15 years old when she came to America. She was uneducated, poor, and didn't speak English. Though she couldn't read them at the time, here are the words which greeted her...
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
If you brain-dead, coward-driven, regressive-conservative, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals don't like it, then get the fuck out. Helping downtrodden immigrants, and offering them the freedom we enjoy, is what America is all about.

Only problem is these folks are coming from a war ravaged country.

Only a brain dead, no common sense idiot, regressive Democratic, knuckle dragging Neaderthal like you would think any screening they do will be any good.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

What a pity for you that I do think for myself. The same can't be said for you.

You have no common sense and no, taking in refugee's isn't what we do. Not when you can't vet them and not when they are going to cost the taxpayer millions. You might want to support these people for decades but I sure don't.

How do you know none of them have committed terror attacks? How do you know there aren't jihadists among them. The FBI has already said they can't property vet them.

No I didn't say they weren't screened. I said they can't be vetted properly. How could they be. They are coming from a war torn country and I'm sure there is no way to verify any paperwork they may have. Common Sense you idiot.

Its idiots like you who make the terrorists plans so easy to implement. Your bleeding heart is a dead giveaway.

I sure hope nothing happens with these folks but I wouldn't bet the farm on it and neither should you.
You didn't say they aren't vetted properly -- you said they aren't vetted. And both comments are bullshit. Again, not a single one of the refugees who came here have committed any acts of terror.

Bullshit. They aren't vetted because they CAN'T be properly vetted.

Grow a brain idiot.
Go on...explain the differences in the programs.

I'll start. We have the opportunity to gather better and more detailed information about Saudis due to the relatively stable government and better record keeping.

Now your turn...
I'm talking about the Syrian refugees. You're talking about something entirely different.

Since you don't know, I will help you out.

It starts with applications sent to the UN in most cases. Then our government assumes the info on those applications are honest and correct. Then they compare them to a bunch of databases the US has created over the years. In the case of the female California shooter the billions of dollars worth of databases ignored her radical Islamic rants and threats she posted on social media.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

There was plenty of finger-pointing by leftists. You suffer from a condition exhibited by many liberals. Selective memory loss.

It is a shame Clinton removed the shooter from the watch list. Just like it was a shame the democrats built a wall between intelligence gathering agencies before 9/11.

Show me some Democrats who pointed the finger at Bush in the days after 9-11 and we can compare it to Trump blaming Obama within hours
Because even Dumbocrats knew that it was Bill Clinton gutting defense to the tune of half a billion dollars over 8 years and ignoring Al Qaeda for the same period of time that lead to 9/11 just 8 months after Bush had assumed the presidency (and still operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget).

Conversely though, the entire nation knows that Obama and the Dumbocrats are to blame for facilitating both ISIS and eliminating all border security - all for selfish political gain.

Except it is Congress who sets and allocates spending. The threat of international terrorism is one of the important issues brought to the transition team. The incoming Bush administration ignore it for nearly 8 months. Their primary focus was on missile defense not ME terrorism.

ISIS is the result of the Bush Inspired Iraq Civil War.

Oh good grief.... not this tired old debunked shit again. Everything 9/11 forward, all Bush's fault. Everything on Obama's watch, still Bush's fault. Everything pre-9/11... Bush's fault. The Civil War, Bush's fault...

Holy mother of God.

What a weenie whine.

The foreign policy in Clinton's final two years was dominated by the threat of terrorism and how to combat it. President Bushes Administration ignored and made camel butts and cruise missile jokes about the perceived threat from ME terrorist. Nope, all his eggs were going into Missile defense as the way to protect American from Rogue Nations.. Bush is responsible for his own decisions. The one to invade Iraq will haunt him the rest of his days. It was a monumental strategic blunder whose full consequences have yet to be fully realized.
The foreign policy in Clinton's final two years was dominated by the threat of terrorism and how to combat it.

The news cycles were dominated by threats of terrorism. Clinton's entire policy was dominated by pussy and cutting defense. Remember, this is the asshole who actually lost the nuclear launch codes. They were later found in the pocket of a suit that had been sent off to dry cleaners. That's right - minimum wage dry cleaner workers had access to the launch codes for the U.S. nuclear arsenal. I guess blowjobs we're clouding Clinton's mind to the point that he couldn't even remember his most critical National Security responsibility.

President Bushes Administration ignored and made camel butts and cruise missile jokes about the perceived threat from ME terrorist. Nope, all his eggs were going into Missile defense as the way to protect American from Rogue Nations.. Bush is responsible for his own decisions. The one to invade Iraq will haunt him the rest of his days. It was a monumental strategic blunder whose full consequences have yet to be fully realized.

"Strategic blunder" :lmao:

We eliminated one of the greatest threats in the world (Saddam Hussein) and unlike the Obama debacles - his removal did not result in a muslim brotherhood government which implemented Sharia Law.

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