Let's compare the reaction of Democrats to 9-11 to that of Republicans after Orlando

Refugees --- from any nation -- are accepted only "after subjecting them to the most rigorous screening and security vetting of any traveler to the United States," a senior administration official said.

My grandmother was 15 years old when she came to America. She was uneducated, poor, and didn't speak English. Though she couldn't read them at the time, here are the words which greeted her...
If you brain-dead, coward-driven, regressive-conservative, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals don't like it, then get the fuck out. Helping downtrodden immigrants, and offering them the freedom we enjoy, is what America is all about.

Only problem is these folks are coming from a war ravaged country.

Only a brain dead, no common sense idiot, regressive Democratic, knuckle dragging Neaderthal like you would think any screening they do will be any good.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

What a pity for you that I do think for myself. The same can't be said for you.

You have no common sense and no, taking in refugee's isn't what we do. Not when you can't vet them and not when they are going to cost the taxpayer millions. You might want to support these people for decades but I sure don't.

How do you know none of them have committed terror attacks? How do you know there aren't jihadists among them. The FBI has already said they can't property vet them.

No I didn't say they weren't screened. I said they can't be vetted properly. How could they be. They are coming from a war torn country and I'm sure there is no way to verify any paperwork they may have. Common Sense you idiot.

Its idiots like you who make the terrorists plans so easy to implement. Your bleeding heart is a dead giveaway.

I sure hope nothing happens with these folks but I wouldn't bet the farm on it and neither should you.
You didn't say they aren't vetted properly -- you said they aren't vetted. And both comments are bullshit. Again, not a single one of the refugees who came here have committed any acts of terror.

Bullshit. They aren't vetted because they CAN'T be properly vetted.

Grow a brain idiot.
I already provided the link which dismissed your nonsense. :eusa_hand:
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Yeah, the Democrats waited about 6 months before they pissed all over the President, the troops and the mission. I understand though, fat slugs like that lousy turd Jack Murtha and that botox accident John Kerry started sooner though.

Hardly. It was at least a 6 months into the occupation phase of Iraq blunder before any serious pissing began. Long after 9-11, about the time that they could no longer deny that there just weren't the WMD in Iraq the Bush Administration invaded for and the increasing problems of the occupation. Namely the Civil war that started, that we were in the middle of......President Bush's poll number reflect the same trend.

Don't matter. John Kerry Jack Murtha waited the obligatory am out of time to piss on our solders. Funny to since him and Kerry were both shit birds when they served.glad that fat fuck is worm food now. Hope bums piss on his head stone. Hopefully Mr. botox follows soon.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

After 9/11, I don't remember the president saying the planes were at fault, or coming up with excuses for the religion of those who were at fault.
Go on...explain the differences in the programs.

I'll start. We have the opportunity to gather better and more detailed information about Saudis due to the relatively stable government and better record keeping.

Now your turn...
I'm talking about the Syrian refugees. You're talking about something entirely different.

Since you don't know, I will help you out.

It starts with applications sent to the UN in most cases. Then our government assumes the info on those applications are honest and correct. Then they compare them to a bunch of databases the US has created over the years. In the case of the female California shooter the billions of dollars worth of databases ignored her radical Islamic rants and threats she posted on social media.
You're literally conflating entry into the U.S. on a fiance visa with political refugees seeking asylum via the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. Two entirely different methods of entering the country with two entirely different vetting processes. Before San Bernardino, it was not at all difficult for a foreigner engaged to an American to get a fiance visa. Proving their marriage, or soon to be marriage, was real was their biggest hurdle. Hopefully, that's changed given the circumstances. Whereas political refugees seeking asylum from Syria may take as long as 18 months to be vetted sufficiently for admission. And again.... there hasn't been a single one of them who's committed an act of terrorism here.
Don't you dare RW.....

All obama has done is divide us he had 7 plus years for his "hope and "change"

And all he gave us was a fucking pen and a phone.

What's it been almost 4 years since Newtown? And the dumb ass still couldn't get passed any sensible gun laws. He'll he can't even enoforce the 1968 gun law. ...

Who the hell would want to unite behind a known divider?


Well Republicans certainly do, they're loving divider Trump.

Funny trump never held public office, but we do know what happened in the past when democrats held public office ...

Concentration camps~.FDR.

And obama dividing the nation, ya know go sit in back of the bus.


But Trump hasn't even held public office, and he's still managed to divide the nation far more than Obama will ever do, even being black.

I love this person, lol............he is spinning faster than Beanie and Cecil.

Who do you really have to dislike, lets count them...........rich people, business owners, republicans, conservatives, libertarians, uncle tom black folk, white people, coal miners, oil workers, anyone named Trump!

Who taught you this? Why the liberals of course. And who is the head of the Democratic party? President Obama. So he IS the divider and chief, and nobody I know wields enough power to hold a candle to him!
Only problem is these folks are coming from a war ravaged country.

Only a brain dead, no common sense idiot, regressive Democratic, knuckle dragging Neaderthal like you would think any screening they do will be any good.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

What a pity for you that I do think for myself. The same can't be said for you.

You have no common sense and no, taking in refugee's isn't what we do. Not when you can't vet them and not when they are going to cost the taxpayer millions. You might want to support these people for decades but I sure don't.

How do you know none of them have committed terror attacks? How do you know there aren't jihadists among them. The FBI has already said they can't property vet them.

No I didn't say they weren't screened. I said they can't be vetted properly. How could they be. They are coming from a war torn country and I'm sure there is no way to verify any paperwork they may have. Common Sense you idiot.

Its idiots like you who make the terrorists plans so easy to implement. Your bleeding heart is a dead giveaway.

I sure hope nothing happens with these folks but I wouldn't bet the farm on it and neither should you.
You didn't say they aren't vetted properly -- you said they aren't vetted. And both comments are bullshit. Again, not a single one of the refugees who came here have committed any acts of terror.

Bullshit. They aren't vetted because they CAN'T be properly vetted.

Grow a brain idiot.
I already provided the link which dismissed your nonsense. :eusa_hand:

Bullshit. Google is your friend. Google what the FBI said idiot.

Talk about nonsense. That's all you have in anything you post. Nonsense.
What a pity you're not smart enough to think for yourself that you're reduced to squawking back what you hear like a parrot. Taking refugees from a war torn country is what we do. What we have always done. And screening has worked. Not one of them has committed an act of terror. Not to mention, you're now calling yourself an idiot. Before, you said they weren't screened at all. Now you complain screening doesn't work. :cuckoo:

... except that it has.

What a pity for you that I do think for myself. The same can't be said for you.

You have no common sense and no, taking in refugee's isn't what we do. Not when you can't vet them and not when they are going to cost the taxpayer millions. You might want to support these people for decades but I sure don't.

How do you know none of them have committed terror attacks? How do you know there aren't jihadists among them. The FBI has already said they can't property vet them.

No I didn't say they weren't screened. I said they can't be vetted properly. How could they be. They are coming from a war torn country and I'm sure there is no way to verify any paperwork they may have. Common Sense you idiot.

Its idiots like you who make the terrorists plans so easy to implement. Your bleeding heart is a dead giveaway.

I sure hope nothing happens with these folks but I wouldn't bet the farm on it and neither should you.
You didn't say they aren't vetted properly -- you said they aren't vetted. And both comments are bullshit. Again, not a single one of the refugees who came here have committed any acts of terror.

Bullshit. They aren't vetted because they CAN'T be properly vetted.

Grow a brain idiot.
I already provided the link which dismissed your nonsense. :eusa_hand:

Bullshit. Google is your friend. Google what the FBI said idiot.

Talk about nonsense. That's all you have in anything you post. Nonsense.
You're funny. Google what, the link I already gave you? :lmao:
What a pity for you that I do think for myself. The same can't be said for you.

You have no common sense and no, taking in refugee's isn't what we do. Not when you can't vet them and not when they are going to cost the taxpayer millions. You might want to support these people for decades but I sure don't.

How do you know none of them have committed terror attacks? How do you know there aren't jihadists among them. The FBI has already said they can't property vet them.

No I didn't say they weren't screened. I said they can't be vetted properly. How could they be. They are coming from a war torn country and I'm sure there is no way to verify any paperwork they may have. Common Sense you idiot.

Its idiots like you who make the terrorists plans so easy to implement. Your bleeding heart is a dead giveaway.

I sure hope nothing happens with these folks but I wouldn't bet the farm on it and neither should you.
You didn't say they aren't vetted properly -- you said they aren't vetted. And both comments are bullshit. Again, not a single one of the refugees who came here have committed any acts of terror.

Bullshit. They aren't vetted because they CAN'T be properly vetted.

Grow a brain idiot.
I already provided the link which dismissed your nonsense. :eusa_hand:

Bullshit. Google is your friend. Google what the FBI said idiot.

Talk about nonsense. That's all you have in anything you post. Nonsense.
You're funny. Google what, the link I already gave you? :lmao:

I have a link to idiot.
FBI Says There IS No Way To Vet Incoming Syrian Refugees | NumbersUSA
You didn't say they aren't vetted properly -- you said they aren't vetted. And both comments are bullshit. Again, not a single one of the refugees who came here have committed any acts of terror.

Bullshit. They aren't vetted because they CAN'T be properly vetted.

Grow a brain idiot.
I already provided the link which dismissed your nonsense. :eusa_hand:

Bullshit. Google is your friend. Google what the FBI said idiot.

Talk about nonsense. That's all you have in anything you post. Nonsense.
You're funny. Google what, the link I already gave you? :lmao:

I have a link to idiot.
FBI Says There IS No Way To Vet Incoming Syrian Refugees | NumbersUSA
Quote the FBI saying they can't be properly vetted....

Bullshit. They aren't vetted because they CAN'T be properly vetted.

Grow a brain idiot.
I already provided the link which dismissed your nonsense. :eusa_hand:

Bullshit. Google is your friend. Google what the FBI said idiot.

Talk about nonsense. That's all you have in anything you post. Nonsense.
You're funny. Google what, the link I already gave you? :lmao:

I have a link to idiot.
FBI Says There IS No Way To Vet Incoming Syrian Refugees | NumbersUSA
Quote the FBI saying they can't be properly vetted....

FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

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