Let's compare the reaction of Democrats to 9-11 to that of Republicans after Orlando

After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Well, that's because when there is a crisis, children look to the adults in the room. The children (Dumbocrats) all looked to the adults (George Bush and the Republican's) for help during 9/11. The children (Dumnocrats) received the exact help that they needed.

However, adults never look to children for help. Therefore, after Orlando, nobody is going to go to Obama (a fuck'n child) for help. They would just get immature, ideological, nonsensical answers like "well just outlaw guns". We need adults when it's not play time. The best thing to do in a situation like this RW is just to sit down in a corner, shut up, and play with your toys while we handle this.

I know you're scared to death that the people will now want an adult in the White House again and that Trump will win in a landslide over Hilldabeast. But you just have to trust the adults. Take a deep breath. Focus on your toys. And know that stuff like this isn't your responsibility.
Now that's funny. This is your idea of an "adult in the room."


... looks more like the childish dunce who has to sit in the corner.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Yeah, the Democrats waited about 6 months before they pissed all over the President, the troops and the mission. I understand though, fat slugs like that lousy turd Jack Murtha and that botox accident John Kerry started sooner though.

Hardly. It was at least a 6 months into the occupation phase of Iraq blunder before any serious pissing began. Long after 9-11, about the time that they could no longer deny that there just weren't the WMD in Iraq the Bush Administration invaded for and the increasing problems of the occupation. Namely the Civil war that started, that we were in the middle of......President Bush's poll number reflect the same trend.
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After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Republicans have given up on this democracy. Their political party is the only god they worship now. It is their Politburo. The Republican Politburo.

For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing?

Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this

Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault
In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, and there have been a hundred thousand, who have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?
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Republicans have given up on this democracy. Their political party is the only god they worship now. It is their Politburo. The Republican Politburo.

For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing?

Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this

Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault
In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, bad there have been hundreds of thousands, have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?

Yet. The left suffers from an appalling inability to see past their nose.
Don't you dare RW.....

All obama has done is divide us he had 7 plus years for his "hope and "change"

And all he gave us was a fucking pen and a phone.

What's it been almost 4 years since Newtown? And the dumb ass still couldn't get passed any sensible gun laws. He'll he can't even enoforce the 1968 gun law. ...

Who the hell would want to unite behind a known divider?


Well Republicans certainly do, they're loving divider Trump.

Funny trump never held public office, but we do know what happened in the past when democrats held public office ...

Concentration camps~.FDR.

And obama dividing the nation, ya know go sit in back of the bus.


At least with the concentration camps there was some legitimate excuse. The idea was to round up all Japanese on the West coast thereby rounding all potential spies. Funny they didn't feel the need to round up Germans.

But something much worse, in my opinion, happened during FDR. Something so sinister that I can not believe the democrat party still exist let alone tries to take any moral high ground. In 1932 was the start of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. You don't hear that when FDR's name is mentioned. How blacks remain in a party that did this to their grandparents is beyond my understanding. Become Republicans, they could but don't have to. But to sit by and take it from the democrats, makes absolutely no sense.
Maybe you don't hear FDR's name in conjunction with the Tuskegee experiment for the same reason you also don't hear Truman's, Eisenhower's, Kennedy's, Johnson's or Nixon's?
There is a reason as to why people are pissed about open borders and unvetted muslim immigrants that are being overtly and covertly flown over here and dropped in the laps of unsuspecting towns and cities and told by the federal "gubermint"..."Hey, they are your problem now...deal with them".

Actually it is the Churches who are welcoming these refugees (with open arms). But don't let facts stand in your way.

Ten thousand Syrian refugees will be coming to America over the next year.

And churches will be ready to welcome them with open arms, says Stephan Bauman, president of World Relief, an evangelical agency active in refugee resettlement

“Whether it’s hosting refugees in our own country, or supporting churches serving them in other countries, the American church has chosen to act,” said Bauman.

Bauman and other Christian leaders also called on the US to resettle another 100,000 refugees from other nations.

“While the US government continues to admit refugees, the annual intake has declined significantly from 1980, when the country accepted and, with the help of churches, schools, and community organizations, integrated more than 200,000 refugees. In the current fiscal year, the US is on track to accept about 70,000 refugees,” he said.

10,000 Syrian Refugees Headed for the United States
For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing?

Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this

Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault
In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, bad there have been hundreds of thousands, have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?

Yet. The left suffers from an appalling inability to see past their nose.
Your non-answer is noted.... and discarded.

Republicans have given up on this democracy. Their political party is the only god they worship now. It is their Politburo. The Republican Politburo.

For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing?

Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this

Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault
In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, and there have been a hundred thousand, who have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?

They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage
Probably because Bush didn't run to the microphone to blame Americans for having planes causing the attack. He called out the problem and began doing something about it so he got support. Something this crap ass president has never done.

Guns are part of our national mindset. You can't address the problem without asking ....how do we keep the bad guys from getting their weapons of choice?


Why do you want to take our guns away?

In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, bad there have been hundreds of thousands, have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?

Yet. The left suffers from an appalling inability to see past their nose.
Your non-answer is noted.... and discarded.


Meh, I cannot force you to learn.
For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing?

Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this

Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault
In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, and there have been a hundred thousand, who have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?
They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.

link to any of your shit?
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

That's some balls starting this thread when you know full well Democrats threw Bush under the bus at the first opportunity.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Dont forget that someone thinks that Obama is a secret terrorist Trump said. I think that someone is his publicists....meaning Trump told Trump that Obama is a secret terrorist.

Thats the right for you.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

That's some balls starting this thread when you know full well Democrats threw Bush under the bus at the first opportunity.

Completely false. They didn't start until President Bush started morphing the mission to kill or capture those responsible for 9-11 into an invasion and occupation of Iraq. Even then many democrats still gave him their full support..
In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, and there have been a hundred thousand, who have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?
They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.

link to any of your shit?

Look it up yourself. Its out there.
Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, and there have been a hundred thousand, who have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?
They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.

link to any of your shit?

Look it up yourself. Its out there.

In moonbat land where u and the Big Fat Racist live, I am sure.
For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing?

Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this

Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault
In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
How many Syrian immigrants who've come here, and there have been a hundred thousand, who have committed an act of terrorism? You realize more came from New York than came from Syria?

They are unvetted. Even the FBI says they can't vet any of them.

There will be jihadists among them. If that doesn't concern you than nothing ever will.
Refugees --- from any nation -- are accepted only "after subjecting them to the most rigorous screening and security vetting of any traveler to the United States," a senior administration official said.

Not to mention the fact that these bastards will cost we taxpayers up the ass forever.

They are uneducated and don't speak English. If that's okay with you then you are a bigger fool that you appear to be.
My grandmother was 15 years old when she came to America. She was uneducated, poor, and didn't speak English. Though she couldn't read them at the time, here are the words which greeted her...
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
If you brain-dead, coward-driven, regressive-conservative, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals don't like it, then get the fuck out. Helping downtrodden immigrants, and offering them the freedom we enjoy, is what America is all about.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

That's some balls starting this thread when you know full well Democrats threw Bush under the bus at the first opportunity.
Bullshit. That didn't happen until it became blindingly clear there were no stockpiles of WMDs in Iraq.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

That's some balls starting this thread when you know full well Democrats threw Bush under the bus at the first opportunity.

Bullshit they did

Democrats supported Bush in his requests for Homeland Security, Patriot Act, Afghanistan and even Iraq

It wasn't till they found out how much Bush lied about Iraq that the well of support ran dry
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

That's some balls starting this thread when you know full well Democrats threw Bush under the bus at the first opportunity.

Bullshit they did

Democrats supported Bush in his requests for Homeland Security, Patriot Act, Afghanistan and even Iraq

It wasn't till they found out how much Bush lied about Iraq that the well of support ran dry

Oh good grief.. not this tired debunked bullshit again. Good Gawd.... lay of the meth.

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