Let's compare the reaction of Democrats to 9-11 to that of Republicans after Orlando

After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

While leftards, Barrypuppet and Hitlery were blaming guns with the alleged bodies not even removed from the club. I already have a shitload of questions about the details of this alleged event. They follow the same fucking script for every mass casualty event. They throw bad crisis actors in front of the TV that cut their eyes away so they can read the script and then talk about gun control. I saw this same shit at the false flag events like Aurora, Sandy Hook, Charleston, the Virginia TV reporter shooting, San Bernadino. What is so telling is that when you do a "Google" search of the main players you find ties to the demcrat party and they are very anti-gubn.....and then Barrypuppet does a press conference and spends more time talking softball questions about gun control then the alleged evenmts of that day. It's trul;y sickening to see how they are playing us for idiots.
Do you ever stop being batshit crazy?

Even for ONE Thread?
No, never.
Democrats understood 9-11 terrors attacks were about rallying behind your country

There were no claims that Bush was soft or America was weak. Democrats gave the President anything he asked for

Yesterday, Republicans scrambled to find out how many ways they could find to blame Obama and Hillary
That's because Republicans, and conservatives, hate America.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Well, it's the truth. Obama has been weak and he has been bringing in more radicals. When they attack, he uses it to push his gun control agenda. He should be called on it.

If he had denounced radical Islam and vowed to stop more terrorist attacks, he would have support. Since he decided to blame the wrong thing, he doesn't deserve support.

Obama has led to the killing of more terrorists than any leader on earth. He has killed bin Laden and led the international attack on ISIS

It is what Republucans call weak on terror
Obama didn't kill anyone and all those ops were in motion already when he got elected
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Republicans have given up on this democracy. Their political party is the only god they worship now. It is their Politburo. The Republican Politburo.

For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing?

Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this

Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault
In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

Here is a well known fact...

Refugees go through far more vetting than people coming on Holiday visas... How did the 911 attackers get into America...

So lets be clear, you want to ban all muslim travellers into the US, all 1.3 billion.

So lets give you your first challenge? How do you identify someone as Muslim?
Don't you dare RW.....

All obama has done is divide us he had 7 plus years for his "hope and "change"

And all he gave us was a fucking pen and a phone.

What's it been almost 4 years since Newtown? And the dumb ass still couldn't get passed any sensible gun laws. He'll he can't even enoforce the 1968 gun law. ...

Who the hell would want to unite behind a known divider?


Well Republicans certainly do, they're loving divider Trump.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Maybe someone can explain to me how President Obama could have prevented the mass shooting in Orlando?

Stop every immigrant from Muslim nations?

That is great had the person that did the shooting was from a Muslim country and had not been born here...

Do away with Gun Free Zones?

That would be great but it is the states that regulates this issue and I do not know of a state that allows guns into bars, and also seeing the place was dark how would someone with a gun that was not a terrorist been able to hit the terrorist and not someone that was a innocent victim?

Now if they want to discuss the fact that the FBI had investigated this individual and he was still able to carry out the attacks, then let discuss their failure and the ATF failure but as for passing the buck to Hillary Clinton and President Obama, well no dice on that one!

You are just blind to the DOTS! SEE the DOTS! Connect the DOTS! Hillary and Barrack couldn't be any less guilty if they hadn't personally sold the dude his weapons, loaded the Terrorist's clips and acted a diversion at the front door of Pulse allowing the Muslim attacker access to the club. You just refuse to see the connection. You will go to hell for your blindness. I suggest that you hold off from dying. It won't be pretty.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage
Probably because Bush didn't run to the microphone to blame Americans for having planes causing the attack. He called out the problem and began doing something about it so he got support. Something this crap ass president has never done.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Well, that's because when there is a crisis, children look to the adults in the room. The children (Dumbocrats) all looked to the adults (George Bush and the Republican's) for help during 9/11. The children (Dumnocrats) received the exact help that they needed.

However, adults never look to children for help. Therefore, after Orlando, nobody is going to go to Obama (a fuck'n child) for help. They would just get immature, ideological, nonsensical answers like "well just outlaw guns". We need adults when it's not play time. The best thing to do in a situation like this RW is just to sit down in a corner, shut up, and play with your toys while we handle this.

I know you're scared to death that the people will now want an adult in the White House again and that Trump will win in a landslide over Hilldabeast. But you just have to trust the adults. Take a deep breath. Focus on your toys. And know that stuff like this isn't your responsibility.
For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing? Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this. Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault

The irony is so thick one could cut it with a knife. The most anti-American person on USMB, who immediately took to the message board and started politicizing the issue, is crying about those things.

Why do you do all of the things you claim upset you? How many voices do you hear in your head at night? And how many arguments do you have with them?
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage
Probably because Bush didn't run to the microphone to blame Americans for having planes causing the attack. He called out the problem and began doing something about it so he got support. Something this crap ass president has never done.

Guns are part of our national mindset. You can't address the problem without asking ....how do we keep the bad guys from getting their weapons of choice?
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Republicans have given up on this democracy. Their political party is the only god they worship now. It is their Politburo. The Republican Politburo.

For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing?

Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this

Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault
In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Both advocate bringing more and more unvetted muslim refugees over here.....so where was Trump wrong???

I agree. That douchebag is bringing Syrian refugee's into this country daily. One hundred a day and forcing the States to take them. Hitlery is in full agreement with douchebag.

Kinda wonder just who has America's best interests at heart??

These people are uneducated, don't speak our language and we taxpayers will supporting their sorry asses forever.

Hope a few land in RW's house.
Don't you dare RW.....

All obama has done is divide us he had 7 plus years for his "hope and "change"

And all he gave us was a fucking pen and a phone.

What's it been almost 4 years since Newtown? And the dumb ass still couldn't get passed any sensible gun laws. He'll he can't even enoforce the 1968 gun law. ...

Who the hell would want to unite behind a known divider?


Well Republicans certainly do, they're loving divider Trump.

Indeed, this is how Trump and other republicans react:

Trump: Must Be "Consequences" For Muslims Not Reporting Potential Terrorists

And this:

Trump Calls To Ban Immigration From Countries With 'Proven History Of Terrorism'

Democrats respond with intelligence and restraint; republicans respond with ignorance and hate, as demonstrated by their nominee.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage
Probably because Bush didn't run to the microphone to blame Americans for having planes causing the attack. He called out the problem and began doing something about it so he got support. Something this crap ass president has never done.

Guns are part of our national mindset. You can't address the problem without asking ....how do we keep the bad guys from getting their weapons of choice?

You can't. There is a huge black market for guns out there and its all over the world. If you want a gun and have the money you can buy one.

People in Europe don't have weapons yet the jihadists have no problem getting them.

Grow the fuck up and catch a damned clue.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
Holy crap RWer I wondered what happened to Baghdad Bob, now I know.

You are guilty of the very crime you accuse others. What president denial was accused of was ignoring the Islamic threat and doing what liberals do divert to making it a gun issue. He and Mrs. Tuzla did that minutes after the last bullet was fired.

The only comparison between this event and 9/11 is that both are the results of Islamic extremism. But you and Obama or Clinton will never admit it.
Don't you dare RW.....

All obama has done is divide us he had 7 plus years for his "hope and "change"

And all he gave us was a fucking pen and a phone.

What's it been almost 4 years since Newtown? And the dumb ass still couldn't get passed any sensible gun laws. He'll he can't even enoforce the 1968 gun law. ...

Who the hell would want to unite behind a known divider?


Well Republicans certainly do, they're loving divider Trump.

Indeed, this is how Trump and other republicans react:

Trump: Must Be "Consequences" For Muslims Not Reporting Potential Terrorists

And this:

Trump Calls To Ban Immigration From Countries With 'Proven History Of Terrorism'

Democrats respond with intelligence and restraint; republicans respond with ignorance and hate, as demonstrated by their nominee.

Let me remember.......yep, I remember the left wing starting out with the mantra that it might have been a religious, right wing of course, fanatic. When that didn't prove to be the case they went onto it was the gun lovers fault for having so many guns. Of course the religion of peace wasn't mentioned, but we certainly would have heard about it if this were an Eric Rudolph type you folks would have been all over it.

But now that it is clearly shown that once again it is the religion of peace you folks take another demented tact to steer away from the truth.

The left wing trying to claim any moral high ground is down right laughable.
Don't you dare RW.....

All obama has done is divide us he had 7 plus years for his "hope and "change"

And all he gave us was a fucking pen and a phone.

What's it been almost 4 years since Newtown? And the dumb ass still couldn't get passed any sensible gun laws. He'll he can't even enoforce the 1968 gun law. ...

Who the hell would want to unite behind a known divider?


Well Republicans certainly do, they're loving divider Trump.

Funny trump never held public office, but we do know what happened in the past when democrats held public office ...

Concentration camps~.FDR.

And obama dividing the nation, ya know go sit in back of the bus.

Don't you dare RW.....

All obama has done is divide us he had 7 plus years for his "hope and "change"

And all he gave us was a fucking pen and a phone.

What's it been almost 4 years since Newtown? And the dumb ass still couldn't get passed any sensible gun laws. He'll he can't even enoforce the 1968 gun law. ...

Who the hell would want to unite behind a known divider?


Well Republicans certainly do, they're loving divider Trump.

Funny trump never held public office, but we do know what happened in the past when democrats held public office ...

Concentration camps~.FDR.

And obama dividing the nation, ya know go sit in back of the bus.


At least with the concentration camps there was some legitimate excuse. The idea was to round up all Japanese on the West coast thereby rounding all potential spies. Funny they didn't feel the need to round up Germans.

But something much worse, in my opinion, happened during FDR. Something so sinister that I can not believe the democrat party still exist let alone tries to take any moral high ground. In 1932 was the start of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. You don't hear that when FDR's name is mentioned. How blacks remain in a party that did this to their grandparents is beyond my understanding. Become Republicans, they could but don't have to. But to sit by and take it from the democrats, makes absolutely no sense.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage
Probably because Bush didn't run to the microphone to blame Americans for having planes causing the attack. He called out the problem and began doing something about it so he got support. Something this crap ass president has never done.

Guns are part of our national mindset. You can't address the problem without asking ....how do we keep the bad guys from getting their weapons of choice?

You can't. There is a huge black market for guns out there and its all over the world. If you want a gun and have the money you can buy one.

People in Europe don't have weapons yet the jihadists have no problem getting them.

Grow the fuck up and catch a damned clue.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

Not only can't we...we do everything in our power to ensure nothing impedes them in purchasing the weapons of their choice....we don't want to inconvenience terrorists do we?
Don't you dare RW.....

All obama has done is divide us he had 7 plus years for his "hope and "change"

And all he gave us was a fucking pen and a phone.

What's it been almost 4 years since Newtown? And the dumb ass still couldn't get passed any sensible gun laws. He'll he can't even enoforce the 1968 gun law. ...

Who the hell would want to unite behind a known divider?


Well Republicans certainly do, they're loving divider Trump.

Funny trump never held public office, but we do know what happened in the past when democrats held public office ...

Concentration camps~.FDR.

And obama dividing the nation, ya know go sit in back of the bus.


But Trump hasn't even held public office, and he's still managed to divide the nation far more than Obama will ever do, even being black.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Bull shit. Within hours after the attacks the criminal Hillary went on air calling it a gun problem. Later that same day, our idiot president went on air calling it a gun problem. That was when we blasted him. The purpose of all that was gaining political advantage.
She said it was a gun problem not a Republican problem

That is the difference between the two parties

On 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President, yesterday Republicans rallied to find a way to blame the Democrats

More bull shit already debunked.

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