Let's compare the reaction of Democrats to 9-11 to that of Republicans after Orlando

Of course Democrats rallied around the president in 2001.

It helped hide the fact that Clinton let Osama go several times....barely reacted after the FIRST bombing of WTC in 1993....and all but invited 9-11 to happen because he was busy with Monica.

Democrats are to blame for both.
Obama has killed more innocents than libs ever claimed Bush did.....In a four month span 2/3 of people killed in drone strikes were unknown.....not the targets
Of course Democrats rallied around the president in 2001.

It helped hide the fact that Clinton let Osama go several times....barely reacted after the FIRST bombing of WTC in 1993....and all but invited 9-11 to happen because he was busy with Monica.

Democrats are to blame for both.

More evidence supporting the OP
Obama has killed more innocents than libs ever claimed Bush did.....In a four month span 2/3 of people killed in drone strikes were unknown.....not the targets
But Trump says he is soft on terror.....which is it?
There's a huge difference. Republicans want gays dead.
Well, many of them are sure conflicted.

Bullshit. I fully stand with my fellow Americans....who happen to be LGBT.

We can disagree on bathrooms and marriage....but when savages try to kill you all...I stand with you and only wish I could be on the SWAT team who responds to the NEXT attack Radical Islam will commit on gay Americans or any others.

And....somehow I think if savages brought guns to mow down a NASCAR event or monster truck rally or SEC football game....many LGBT Americans would fight and stand with their countrymen also.

I can only speak for myself but fuck these savages. I'd gladly hold a rifle and guard a Gay Pride event if needed.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Republicans have given up on this democracy. Their political party is the only god they worship now. It is their Politburo. The Republican Politburo.

For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing?

Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this

Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault

A genuine patriotic American would do everything in his power to make sure Hillary never gets elected.
Yeah but blaming Republicans the NRA and all other gun rights people for this even before all the dead had been removed from the club and the families had been notified wasn't trying to gain a political advantage. Wasn't it President Obamas good buddy Raham Emanuel who said something along the lines of never let a crisis go to waste.

Our homicide rate and 300,000,000 guns are apolitical. Trying to get our laws changed s not partisan
Of course it's political, you fucking douche bag.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage

Republicans have given up on this democracy. Their political party is the only god they worship now. It is their Politburo. The Republican Politburo.

For gods sake....can't they be Americans for a few days before they start the finger pointing?

Their first reaction was ...oh....GREAT....what political gain can we get from this

Terrorism is Obamas and Hillary's fault
In fact, scumbag Trump was attempting to propagate those very lies today.

Lie: the president is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorist attacks.

Lie: Clinton wants to ‘bring Muslim terrorists’ to the United States.

Of course he's responsible. That's his job.

Clinton has said she wants to import a lot more of these bloodthirsty muzzie savages. Some of them are bound to be terrorists. So yes she does want to bring Muslim terrorists to this country.
so where was Trump wrong???

"Each year, the United States permanently admits more than 100,000 immigrants from the Middle East, and many more from Muslim countries outside the Middle East" Donald "The Liar" Trump

During a press briefing on Sept. 10, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that the president would direct his administration to prepare to accept at least 10,000 refugees from Syria in fiscal year 2016.

This is not done through an executive order, either. Each year, the president, after submitting a proposal to Congress, issues a determination on the number of refugees the country can accept for the fiscal year. The total set to be accepted from around the world in fiscal 2016 is 85,000.

Facts about the Syrian Refugees

How did that prove Donald Trump wrong?
Obama has killed more innocents than libs ever claimed Bush did.....In a four month span 2/3 of people killed in drone strikes were unknown.....not the targets
But Trump says he is soft on terror.....which is it?
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage
Well, it's an election year. Everything is about political points. Besides, the victims were queers, which the right hates. It's a perfect storm for Repugs. They can be happy about dead queers. They can vilify all Muslims. They can blame Obama like they blame him for everything else. They can rally anti-immigration feelings. They can fan the fears of gun law reforms.
Let's compare the reaction of Democrats to 9-11 to that of Republicans after Orlando

There is no comparison. Republicans are reacting like rabid jackals.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage
Well, it's an election year. Everything is about political points. Besides, the victims were queers, which the right hates. It's a perfect storm for Repugs. They can be happy about dead queers. They can vilify all Muslims. They can blame Obama like they blame him for everything else. They can rally anti-immigration feelings. They can fan the fears of gun law reforms.

So what rock did you crawl out from under? Do you know how many leftards crow when something bad happens in a "red state"? Dry your little eyes, you petulant whiner. There is a reason as to why people are pissed about open borders and unvetted muslim immigrants that are being overtly and covertly flown over here and dropped in the laps of unsuspecting towns and cities and told by the federal "gubermint"..."Hey, they are your problem now...deal with them". There are also quite a few people that are waking up to all these fake and staged shootings that are so fucking OBVIOUS that even Ray Charles could see through this bullshit if'n he was still alive. Leave the border open to dug dealers and mexican gangs, fly in unvetted muslims many of which have a grudge because USA.INC blew up their country....but "Mr and Mrs American", turn in your guns because you are not safe......typical communist leftard bullshit and I am calling them on it.
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the President and asked what can we do to help you? There was no blaming, no politics and the focus was on the victims

Within hours after the Orlando attack, Republicans were blaming the President and Hillary, claiming their weakness was responsible. Rather than mourn the victims, they seemed more interested in gaining political advantage
Well, it's an election year. Everything is about political points. Besides, the victims were queers, which the right hates. It's a perfect storm for Repugs. They can be happy about dead queers. They can vilify all Muslims. They can blame Obama like they blame him for everything else. They can rally anti-immigration feelings. They can fan the fears of gun law reforms.

It's a "perfect storm" for Republicans only because it's a perfect cluster fuck for Hillary and Obama. These two idiots are still gung ho to import more of these monsters from the Middle East. They have made it possible for ISIS to fester in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Obama has freed hundreds of terrorists from Gitmo so they can return to their bloody trade. They have even refused to call it "terrorism."
"God. not humans, should punish gays" - said the killer's father. Where's the outrage from the Left? Where is the call for "tolerance"? The Left wants to keep fingering Republicans. This killer was a registered Democrat who was influenced by an ideology, not Republican nor Democrat, to kill gays.
Regardless of the terror attack........Republicans find a way to blame the Democrats

Benghazi was not an act of terror, it was an impossible rescue mission with Republicans still blaming Hillary after almost four years

Orlando was not an act of terror ....it was Obama somehow being complicit

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