Let’s define crisis and emergency...When would you want political intervention?

I just have to say as an immigrant myself, it is so deeply offensive to see the harm that Trump’s causing to people across the country, people who are terrified, who don’t feel they belong. The people who are seeking asylum who can no longer can get in, even though it’s legal to seek asylum, and not just at a legal port of entry. All the people who have come to this country because of what we represent, the deep harm that is being done and the violence that is being committed against Muslims through hate crimes, against Latinos, against folks of color. There is real damage, not only to real people but also to our soul and our psyche

Sure, these are the same folks that didn't know what asylum meant until they got within 100 yards of the U.S. border. Many were also offered asylum in Mexico...which many turned down. Dumbass.
No. It is a metric of how many people were caught crossing the border.

Now, where is your statistic that shows for every arrest, X number of people crossing were not caught. That would be the definitive indicator of what kind of crisis we are facing.

I’ll let you provide some official numbers on how many people get through. I did see where the BP claims 81% success rates in apprehensions.

View attachment 239735
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

So if 400,000 is 4 of every 5; that would mean its about 100k or so are getting through.

I’ll be happy to see your statistics and your sourcing if not the CBP…after all they are the boots on the ground.
Frankly, I would be amazed at an 81% rate. that is 4 of every 5 attempts. The truth is likely closer to 1 in 10. I would consider it a victory if it was 1 in 4.

Which means that when 1.4 million were getting arrested, then it was closer to 1.6m and at the current rate of what? 300k? That means the actual number of people making it into the US is 360k.

A crisis would be if 10k were able to enter, we're talking about numbers nearing a half million at a time when it is supposedly the lowest ever.

Sorry, but as I said, the 'number arrested" is just so much fluff and nothing but a talking point trying to minimalize a real problem.

Okay…where are your stats. I showed you what CBP says…. What are you basing your 90% failure rate on?

As for the “crisis” of 10,000…it’s crap. Lets say that your highly questionable 90% failure rate is correct. That would mean that when we were apprehending 1 million, another 9 million were entering; right? With me so far?

During the 9M entering for decades during the 80’s and 90’s and early outs….our economy expanded greatly, we had (during the 1990’s) a decade of peace and prosperity, violent crime in the US has been on a decline for about the same time period. These are all macro-statistics that are buttressed by every reputable source. Hell, the NRA will even vouch for the reduced violent crime rate.

Again…where is the “crisis”?
So, let's start with your so-called statistics. The link you posted even admits that they don't know. When it says, "Tries to estimate" what they are saying is that they are taking a guess at it. In addition to that, there are roughly 1300 miles of the border that has next to no barrier, is rarely patrolled, and has nearly no surveillance. As I said, I would be AMAZED that they caught 4 out of every 5 attempts to cross the border.

The 1990s was when the Democrats reneged on their promise to build border security and gave amnesty to nearly 3 million illegals. None of which is actually a causation fo good economic activity. Our economy was going through the Dot Com bubble and illegal immigration was not the cause of increased economic expansion.

The truth is, if we allow even 10k illegals a year into this country, we are doing damage to local economies, and to our republic in the form of stress on the social safety net as well as the burden on open and fair representation.
Republicans make bigger burdens on our social safety nets just by being alive.
I'm sure you meant Democrats. That would actually be closer to the truth.
At what point would you be willing to consider the illegal immigration issue a “crisis”...one that would require an “emergency” response?

noun: crisis; plural noun: crises
  1. a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.
    "the current economic crisis"
    synonyms: catastrophe, calamity, cataclysm, emergency, disaster; More
    predicament, plight, mess, dilemma, quandary, setback, reverse, reversal, upheaval, drama;
    trouble, dire straits, hard times, hardship, adversity, extremity, distress, difficulty;
    informalfix, pickle, jam, stew, scrape, bind, hole, sticky situation, hot water, hell, hell on earth, hassle, stress;
    informalcar crash, spot of bother
    "the country was in the grip of an economic crisis"
    • a time when a difficult or important decision must be made.
      "a crisis point of history"
      synonyms: critical point, decisive point, turning point, crossroads, critical period, crux, climax, climacteric, culmination, height, head, moment of truth, zero hour, point of no return, Rubicon;
      "events across the North Sea were building to a crisis"

      noun: emergency; plural noun: emergencies
      1. a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
        "your quick response in an emergency could be a lifesaver"
        synonyms: crisis, urgent situation, extremity, exigency; More
        accident, disaster, catastrophe, calamity;
        difficulty, plight, predicament, tight spot, tight corner, mess;
        quandary, dilemma;
        unforeseen circumstances, dire/desperate straits, danger;
        informalscrape, jam, fix, pickle, spot, hole, hot water, crunch, panic stations
        "your quick response in an emergency could be a lifesaver"
        • arising from or needed or used in an emergency.
          modifier noun: emergency
          "an emergency exit"
          synonyms: urgent, crisis; More
          impromptu, extraordinary
          "an emergency meeting"
        • a person with a medical condition requiring immediate treatment.
          short for emergency room.
          "he was rushed into emergency"
There is no emergency or crisis in regards to the border. The only crisis is in the minds of the intellectually challenged. 90% of the illegals arrive on a plane with a green card. 87% of drugs come in by truck or boat in legal shipments of goods.

Alrighty, lets hear it for the intellectually challenged....dumbass.
obama border crisis - Bing video
If you watch the video you will hear him say it is that children are being sent by themselves. Do you read or listen to what you post?

wow, your picture is right next to the definition of 'gullible'.
No. It is a metric of how many people were caught crossing the border.

Now, where is your statistic that shows for every arrest, X number of people crossing were not caught. That would be the definitive indicator of what kind of crisis we are facing.

I’ll let you provide some official numbers on how many people get through. I did see where the BP claims 81% success rates in apprehensions.

View attachment 239735
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

So if 400,000 is 4 of every 5; that would mean its about 100k or so are getting through.

I’ll be happy to see your statistics and your sourcing if not the CBP…after all they are the boots on the ground.
Frankly, I would be amazed at an 81% rate. that is 4 of every 5 attempts. The truth is likely closer to 1 in 10. I would consider it a victory if it was 1 in 4.

Which means that when 1.4 million were getting arrested, then it was closer to 1.6m and at the current rate of what? 300k? That means the actual number of people making it into the US is 360k.

A crisis would be if 10k were able to enter, we're talking about numbers nearing a half million at a time when it is supposedly the lowest ever.

Sorry, but as I said, the 'number arrested" is just so much fluff and nothing but a talking point trying to minimalize a real problem.

Okay…where are your stats. I showed you what CBP says…. What are you basing your 90% failure rate on?

As for the “crisis” of 10,000…it’s crap. Lets say that your highly questionable 90% failure rate is correct. That would mean that when we were apprehending 1 million, another 9 million were entering; right? With me so far?

During the 9M entering for decades during the 80’s and 90’s and early outs….our economy expanded greatly, we had (during the 1990’s) a decade of peace and prosperity, violent crime in the US has been on a decline for about the same time period. These are all macro-statistics that are buttressed by every reputable source. Hell, the NRA will even vouch for the reduced violent crime rate.

Again…where is the “crisis”?
So, let's start with your so-called statistics. The link you posted even admits that they don't know. When it says, "Tries to estimate" what they are saying is that they are taking a guess at it. In addition to that, there are roughly 1300 miles of the border that has next to no barrier, is rarely patrolled, and has nearly no surveillance. As I said, I would be AMAZED that they caught 4 out of every 5 attempts to cross the border.
Well….at least it’s based on something. Your “stat” is based on what? But lets say it is 3 out of 5; that would be 200,000. Still no where near the “crisis” levels that would have been back in the 80s, 90s, etc…

Again..show us your objective sources.

The 1990s was when the Democrats reneged on their promise to build border security and gave amnesty to nearly 3 million illegals. None of which is actually a causation fo good economic activity. Our economy was going through the Dot Com bubble and illegal immigration was not the cause of increased economic expansion.
Just to review; if we go with your highly questionable 90% allowance rate, that would mean millions came across during the 80’s 90’s early auts. Every year. Regardless for the cause for expansion….the “millions” who came in every year didn’t seem to injure the expansion much.

The truth is, if we allow even 10k illegals a year into this country, we are doing damage to local economies, and to our republic in the form of stress on the social safety net as well as the burden on open and fair representation.


We’ve had the situation on the border since the 1960’s or so. From every reputable source, entries are at a low point. There has been little real damage to those safety nets or “open and fair representation”. It’s much like you guys having a cow over the Syrian refugees that were going to take in.

Search Results for Query: syrian refugees | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What ever happened to the supposed calamity it would cause?

This is the same song, different verse.

That wasn’t much of a crisis…neither is this.
You've begun to repeat yourself, which means the argument is over.

No one knows the number of people who cross versus the number arrested. Which is why the arrest number is not only bogus but worthless as a measure of anything other than the people caught. It is a talking point that proves nothing.
I’ll let you provide some official numbers on how many people get through. I did see where the BP claims 81% success rates in apprehensions.

View attachment 239735
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

So if 400,000 is 4 of every 5; that would mean its about 100k or so are getting through.

I’ll be happy to see your statistics and your sourcing if not the CBP…after all they are the boots on the ground.
Frankly, I would be amazed at an 81% rate. that is 4 of every 5 attempts. The truth is likely closer to 1 in 10. I would consider it a victory if it was 1 in 4.

Which means that when 1.4 million were getting arrested, then it was closer to 1.6m and at the current rate of what? 300k? That means the actual number of people making it into the US is 360k.

A crisis would be if 10k were able to enter, we're talking about numbers nearing a half million at a time when it is supposedly the lowest ever.

Sorry, but as I said, the 'number arrested" is just so much fluff and nothing but a talking point trying to minimalize a real problem.

Okay…where are your stats. I showed you what CBP says…. What are you basing your 90% failure rate on?

As for the “crisis” of 10,000…it’s crap. Lets say that your highly questionable 90% failure rate is correct. That would mean that when we were apprehending 1 million, another 9 million were entering; right? With me so far?

During the 9M entering for decades during the 80’s and 90’s and early outs….our economy expanded greatly, we had (during the 1990’s) a decade of peace and prosperity, violent crime in the US has been on a decline for about the same time period. These are all macro-statistics that are buttressed by every reputable source. Hell, the NRA will even vouch for the reduced violent crime rate.

Again…where is the “crisis”?
So, let's start with your so-called statistics. The link you posted even admits that they don't know. When it says, "Tries to estimate" what they are saying is that they are taking a guess at it. In addition to that, there are roughly 1300 miles of the border that has next to no barrier, is rarely patrolled, and has nearly no surveillance. As I said, I would be AMAZED that they caught 4 out of every 5 attempts to cross the border.
Well….at least it’s based on something. Your “stat” is based on what? But lets say it is 3 out of 5; that would be 200,000. Still no where near the “crisis” levels that would have been back in the 80s, 90s, etc…

Again..show us your objective sources.

The 1990s was when the Democrats reneged on their promise to build border security and gave amnesty to nearly 3 million illegals. None of which is actually a causation fo good economic activity. Our economy was going through the Dot Com bubble and illegal immigration was not the cause of increased economic expansion.
Just to review; if we go with your highly questionable 90% allowance rate, that would mean millions came across during the 80’s 90’s early auts. Every year. Regardless for the cause for expansion….the “millions” who came in every year didn’t seem to injure the expansion much.

The truth is, if we allow even 10k illegals a year into this country, we are doing damage to local economies, and to our republic in the form of stress on the social safety net as well as the burden on open and fair representation.


We’ve had the situation on the border since the 1960’s or so. From every reputable source, entries are at a low point. There has been little real damage to those safety nets or “open and fair representation”. It’s much like you guys having a cow over the Syrian refugees that were going to take in.

Search Results for Query: syrian refugees | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What ever happened to the supposed calamity it would cause?

This is the same song, different verse.

That wasn’t much of a crisis…neither is this.
You've begun to repeat yourself, which means the argument is over.
I tend to repeat myself when I'm right. You seem to have a lesser standard.

No one knows the number of people who cross versus the number arrested.
That includes you then, right? When it comes to the unknown, the intelligent thing to do is to be listen to the experts versus some guy on a messageboard. The CBP says about 81 percent are apprehended. Sounds about right given that your "9 in 10" get through bull would mean that a population four times the size of Chicago was traveling through our border yearly..

Which is why the arrest number is not only bogus but worthless as a measure of anything other than the people caught. It is a talking point that proves nothing.

Your "cut it to fit" approach to facts is humorous.
There will be a Democratic president in the near future. If the Russian asset in the Oval Office pulls the trigger on declaring the southern border a "crisis" requiring an emergency response, just think of the precedent it sets. Gun violence and climate change anyone?
There will be a Democratic president in the near future. If the Russian asset in the Oval Office pulls the trigger on declaring the southern border a "crisis" requiring an emergency response, just think of the precedent it sets. Gun violence and climate change anyone?

Haha...so weird that you Loons can’t make simple distinctions.
Your founders granted you the right to bear arms....your founders never granted wetbacks the right to invade our nation and fuck America all up.
What other rights / liberties do you hate?
The most fundamental responsibility of a President Of The United States is to protect our sovereignty as we are a nation funded and run by We The People. It’s so fucking weird that you twisted wacks hate the idea of your President taking action to protect you both physically and fiscally.
Imagine this scenario...you’re buying the food and paying the rent at a house for yourself and three others...the three others keep moving others into the house and demand that you keep paying and pay more as they continue moving more people in...they’re fucking your house up, your quality of life is fucked, you’re paying out your ass and somehow your fucked up twisted mind is okay with it all...in fact, you beg to pay more and fuck yourself even more.
Worse yet, someone else sticks up for you, tries to protect you and stop you from getting fucked over and you get pissed at him for trying to look out for you.
Stop for a minute Loons....consider the aforementioned scenario and realize just how fucked in the head you dumb mothafuckers really are.
Let’s define crisis and emergency...When would you want political intervention

Never, ever, ever, short of military invasion

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