Lets defund Disney

You RWI's are sure leading the way in Cancel Culture.

You RWI's are a huge bunch of pussies. :abgg2q.jpg:
Prog agendas are making people with families lives much more difficult. The sad stats of traditional unions with kids proves it. the Prog soccer moms have started to wise up. Raising children is not a comedy act.
Paul Ryan is on the board of directors at FOX. Not good.
meh. .. all these elites are the same in my book.

I have watched TEE VEE in nearly two decades. It's been nearly five years now since I canceled my Netflix.

I believe Obama went onto their board.
The entire family had Disney subscriptions. I bet you guys are a hoot at Thanksgiving.
As opposed to self righteous moralizing, virtue signaling leftards with no sense of humor of course.
Can any of you pissed off conservatives post, in your own words, not a link to a video or article, why Disney has made you so angry. Be specific and give an exact detail of what Disney has done.

Don't make this about me, tell me YOUR reason for dropping Disney.

There are turning into Queer Nation. They are too fucking woke. Nothing on their shows anymore except goddamn Negroes and queers.

Hell, at Disney World at Christmas they even had a fucking Negro Santa Clause. Even a Jungle Monkey Snow White. Don't want to have anything to do with the shitheads.

If you love the queers, Negroes and the woke bullshit you will not see what is wrong.

, lol no Disney or any other kind of entertainment for your grandchildren. Hilarious talk about a brain washed piece of shit fool. Lol, make sure your grandchildren get their daily beating for their perverted brainwashed sinful minds while you're at it.
Six year old kids like Mickey Mouse. However, no more.
Seriously lets do it. They are woke assholes.

We subscribed to Disney + because of when our grand kids visit. We cancelled it. No more Disney movies or any other kind of entertainment.

We need to boycott the woke shitheads.

I hope DeSantis and the Legislature cancelled all their tax deals here in Florida. They are discussing how to do it.

Join me in telling the Hollywood queer assholes to go fuck themselves
All this because Disney spoke up against DeSantis’ law? Cancel Culture strikes again.
Can any of you pissed off conservatives post, in your own words, not a link to a video or article, why Disney has made you so angry. Be specific and give an exact detail of what Disney has done.

Don't make this about me, tell me YOUR reason for dropping Disney.

If Disney holds more value in globalization and doing business in dictatorships they can do it without me....
All this because Disney spoke up against DeSantis’ law? Cancel Culture strikes again.
The Florida Legislature is going to defund all the special shit the assholes get. That is because Disney doesn't understand the concept of parental control. They think they fucking state should brainwash our young kids to be queers.

Disney been going queer and Negro Loving for too long now. Their entertainment is shitty.

The only thing decent is the new Star Wars series. Outside of that nothing they have made in the last 20 years has been worth a crap.
Seriously lets do it. They are woke assholes.

We subscribed to Disney + because of when our grand kids visit. We cancelled it. No more Disney movies or any other kind of entertainment.

We need to boycott the woke shitheads.

I hope DeSantis and the Legislature cancelled all their tax deals here in Florida. They are discussing how to do it.

Join me in telling the Hollywood queer assholes to go fuck themselves
Tissue, snowflakes?
Can any of you pissed off conservatives post, in your own words, not a link to a video or article, why Disney has made you so angry. Be specific and give an exact detail of what Disney has done.

Don't make this about me, tell me YOUR reason for dropping Disney.

I dropped Disney ( Lucas film,Marvel) several years ago when I witnessed how their vile employees behaved daily on social media.

Most hateful group of assholes on the internet ( and now we can add child groomers/ pedo protectors to the list) but then they are leftards and it’s who they are.
When the grandkids come over, the RWI's pull the plug on Disney and force them to watch Hannity and Fucker Carlson.
Kids couldn’t care less about Disney. They are into other things. It’s the 20/30 something’s that have infiltrated Disney for their own sociopolitical propaganda pushing.

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