Lets defund Disney

Fuck Disney....defund Disney.:mad:

Why? Nice to see you guys finally being open about dismantling free speech.
They can run their yaps all they want but when it's my money they are after they can pound sand. Pretty simple stuff....But I'll flesh it out for you.

Look at it like this.....I would not expect anti-2A liberals to send money to the VCDL because I know that they are at complete loggerheads for what we stand for but yet you don't hear me complaining about that.

The sword cuts both ways.....It's just seems to me that it cuts much deeper when it's your ilk's ox being gored.

Maybe it's because your ilk is so spoiled that when any resistance is shown to your agenda you people break-out into little whiney assholes and then start lashing out about how unfair it all is. Unfair? It's my money so how could it be unfair not to want to spend it on a Disney product?

Disney is playing their stupid game to appease a loud-mouthed and miniscule minority so they should not be surprised when they win stupid prizes from the majority who, you know, are their real customer base that once thought that they were family friendly and with the disposable income to spend on their products or not.

Meh, it's just lost goodwill right?....What's that worth?

The world wonders.
Well, now we know what YOU like to think about. :heehee: Not surprising, tho.
with the left promoting faggotry 24 7 in schools music movies the msm ect theres no way to avoid thinking on the sickness and evil the left is unleashing ! it was bad enough at the start but now the left is going after children with their perverted ideology !
Nor does the average woman anymore. :heehee:
the averege democrat male does ! bwaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa ! most women wear dresses at social gatherings ect ... are dresses the next target of the leftist maniacs ??? do dresses represent minimization of women !
"traditional unions with kids"....:heehee: Like the Duggars? Like the trumps? :heehee:
Or the Bidens where the widow of a brother is fair game or where ole Joe dumps his sick wife for a new hottie? Or maybe when the coke head brother knocks up strippers or when Joe makes out with granddaughter in public.

Of course we could use the Obama model where ole Momma does a little porn on the side after the BBC drops her.
Yes you are a total hypocrite. You had no problem with Milk grooming pre teens. Even rewarded him with honors.

The Duck Dynasty mother admitted to marrying at 15/16 ( which was legal btw). Her husband states he approves of women marrying that young and the left threw a snit and started a campaign to have him fired.
Seriously lets do it. They are woke assholes.

We subscribed to Disney + because of when our grand kids visit. We cancelled it. No more Disney movies or any other kind of entertainment.

We need to boycott the woke shitheads.

I hope DeSantis and the Legislature cancelled all their tax deals here in Florida. They are discussing how to do it.

Join me in telling the Hollywood queer assholes to go fuck themselves

Me, my ex and our grandkids parents have ended our subscription as of this weekend. Plus two friends of mine. As well as others they all know.
Yes you are a total hypocrite. You had no problem with Milk grooming pre teens. Even rewarded him with honors.

The Duck Dynasty mother admitted to marrying at 15/16 ( which was legal btw). Her husband states he approves of women marrying that young and the left threw a snit and started a campaign to have him fired.
When did I award him with honors?

Get a grip.

So the take away seems to be that you are fine child marriage.
Funny how you allegedly Constitutionally literate little monkeys righties…know less than a leftist on what those rights mean.

The first amendment protects those rights from GOVERNMENT interference. That distinction seems to have disappeared. There is no “right of free speech” on private property such as Disney or Twitter.
Democrats admitted to colliding with Social Media/ big tech and the MSM to silence voices they didn’t agree with in the name of “ misinformation” and they still do it. That is the definition of government interference.
LMAO, what is really funny is that you guys actually had a Disney subscription.

I did it because they bought out Star Wars. Plus Disney is the only place to watch a few cartoon shows like, like "Up."
I was really enjoying the Mandalorian. Luckily the season 2 ended and won't be back til December. Maybe Disney will dump this whole broke woke BS by the time season 3 starts up.
If you have a Facebook account, check out the comments on almost of their posts. Completely opposed to all this sexualization of children.

Only Disney's relation to sports is what I feel will be tough to avoid. Everything else was terrible even before their horrible political stance. Can't believe anyone wanted to watch that shit, recently. Kids or not.
Only Disney's relation to sports is what I feel will be tough to avoid. Everything else was terrible even before their horrible political stance. Can't believe anyone wanted to watch that shit, recently. Kids or not.

A lot of Disney's stuff was awesome. I still love the Lion King. And now that they have Star Wars, I like Disney even more. But still cancelled my subscription. Hoping things will go back to being non woke soon.
When did I award him with honors?

Get a grip.

So the take away seems to be that you are fine child marriage.
The left rewarded him with commemorative postal stamps. Books celebrating him. A movie lording him and election to office.

No…the take away is that the left has no problem with pedos grooming kids. Even though they pretend they do.

I have no opinion on Duck Dynasty I didn’t watch that show. And you are the one that brought it up because you were trying to point out an alleged perversion …while ignoring democrats predilections to being attracted to minors…see pedo Joe and his pedo son.

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