Lets defund Disney

My God, you really are sick.
You are calling me sick for pointing out reality?
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Prog agendas are making people with families lives much more difficult. The sad stats of traditional unions with kids proves it. the Prog soccer moms have started to wise up. Raising children is not a comedy act.
How has Disney affected your family life?

THIS. is a problem.
It's a problem for the city of Atlanta as well as Houston, Chicago.
You know...the ore i find out about what The Disney Empire has become i am confident they are slowly but surely suiciding themselves.
Seriously lets do it. They are woke assholes.

We subscribed to Disney + because of when our grand kids visit. We cancelled it. No more Disney movies or any other kind of entertainment.

We need to boycott the woke shitheads.

I hope DeSantis and the Legislature cancelled all their tax deals here in Florida. They are discussing how to do it.

Join me in telling the Hollywood queer assholes to go fuck themselves
Primer on The Deviancy Agenda for America.

Every MAGA mom, dad, grandparent and concerned patriot needs to read this article, to understand that the crisis they have suddenly awakened to in the form of a Dystopian Pedophilic Disney Corporation – and the blatant, aggressive LGBT recruitment of their children and grandchildren in U.S. public schools and colleges – has very deep and dark roots. And that far more than boycotts and pressure campaigns will be needed to take back more than just a few inches of territory from the Cultural Marxists responsible for it. The LGBTs conquered this ground using those exact same tactics – they are the victorious grand masters of the game of cultural regime change and will crush you like a bug if you underestimate them.

Some of us have been fighting this relentless incrementalism........
I've said on here before that these folk are compelled to tell us what they want to do, their plans. I don't know if this photo is legit but it seems to be and it IS in keeping with Lady Gaga's character.

Lady Gaga out in public and wearing a Disney Porn Shirt. PERFECT example of what i just stated. THEY MUST tell you what they're up to. They must tell you what they support. I won't post the photo but i'll post the link. You can look at it yourself or don't. Just be warned.

The whole disney family is screwed up. Even Walt's descendants...but that is what happens. The patriarch sets up the empire, his children maintain it and the grandchildren destroy it.
ROY O. is another situation. He may have been normal at his brother's side but his descendants are frackin' nutz. And to top that off...the descendants inheritance is managed by the new disney folk. WHY In Queen Elizabeth's Underpants would you turn over the running of your empire to unknowns with no connection to you or seemingly the business.
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thanks for the heads up on what Disney owns. It's like a cancer isn't it. All these entities are living off each other, parasites of the worst kind and sucking the blood out of the american people, destroying our children and this nation. Satan owns them now.

You can remember the old Walt and his dream. But the new disney is not your mama's disney. Nearly all the Disney Heirs have kids who are trans or some facsimile thereof.

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