Let’s Drone Strike Any Americans We Believe Is Inciting Violence!

Cracking down on those you think are inciting violence always sounds good when you are the one in control doing the cracking sounds less good to you when you are no longer in control and are the one being accused of doing the inciting.
Rick 'em! Rack 'em! Ruck 'em take that ball and really FIGHT!


All the burners, looters, and murderers, of the last few years need to be rounded up and charged with insurrection.


Libs babbling about drone strikes in conjunction with Americans who oppose the stolen election is very close to inciting violence itself

My friend just drove through Portland Ore and was shocked by the destruction he saw there...the media is not showing this so it took his breath away to see an American city under siege by its own citizens....he said absolutely no business is being done anywhere in that city....

Where is the media?....

Even the national guard can't get things under control there....the scum own the streets....

Order a pizza in Portland and call the cops and see which gets to you first....
Nicole Wallace is obviously wrong to propose drone strikes. We need to carpet bomb the neighborhoods where these football-loving, church-going extremists live. Guilt by association is obvious - the neighbors are obviously sympathizers or they would have sold their homes and left the neighborhood long ago. While we're at it shut down all churches because this is where the hate speech begins. Joking aside what are these liberals really afraid of that they need to propose drones, GITMO or any other number of extreme solutions to quell a difference of opinion?


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