Let's get together and make a deal....What are the real drivers of our debt?

and what does it have to do with me being a big republican spender?

link to prove those words, liar.

You want us to build a third world shit hole in the middle east, retard idiot. People like you are radical as you can't look at the debt without letting your emotions control you.

If you could you'd see that the nation building and welfare are the drivers of the debt. BUT people like you want to punish innocent working Americans here at home.

You're a liar and that's a fact.

You call him a radical when YOU have called for the extermination of muslims and a subservient role for blacks.

YOU Matthew are an idiot being led around on a nose ring by liberal idiots.

Racist faggot
The only way to get debt and spending under control is to dismantle broad based entitlements for the middle class (SS and Medicare), as well as the regulatory/tax "expenditure" system which benefits Big Government Cronies.
and what does it have to do with me being a big republican spender?

link to prove those words, liar.

You want us to build a third world shit hole in the middle east, retard idiot. People like you are radical as you can't look at the debt without letting your emotions control you.

If you could you'd see that the nation building and welfare are the drivers of the debt. BUT people like you want to punish innocent working Americans here at home.

You're a liar and that's a fact.

You call him a radical when YOU have called for the extermination of muslims and a subservient role for blacks.

YOU Matthew are an idiot being led around on a nose ring by liberal idiots.

Racist faggot

Wow, you people won't look at the data. The only thing you have is attacks as that's your strength...:badgrin: I am for exterminating radical Islamic thugs certainly. Who that is sane isn'??? I believe in freedom for blacks, but when they do violent crimes also believe they should pay the same price as everyone else. Why should the media be one sided against whites? I ask this honest question.

How is this "liberal"...This is the budget break down and reality we're talking about. Jeez.
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The only way to get debt and spending under control is to dismantle broad based entitlements for the middle class (SS and Medicare), as well as the regulatory/tax "expenditure" system which benefits Big Government Cronies.

No question about it....The worse thing Obama did is double welfare and take away a lot of the safe guards.
You want us to build a third world shit hole in the middle east, retard idiot. People like you are radical as you can't look at the debt without letting your emotions control you.

If you could you'd see that the nation building and welfare are the drivers of the debt. BUT people like you want to punish innocent working Americans here at home.

You're a liar and that's a fact.

You call him a radical when YOU have called for the extermination of muslims and a subservient role for blacks.

YOU Matthew are an idiot being led around on a nose ring by liberal idiots.

Racist faggot

Wow, you people won't look at the data. The only thing you have is attacks as that's your strength...:badgrin: I am for exterminating radical Islamic thugs certainly. Who that is sane isn'??? I believe in freedom for blacks, but when they do violent crimes also believe they should pay the same price as everyone else.

How is this "liberal"...This is the budget break down and reality we're talking about. Jeez.

Nice "spin"

Later fool
Why is it that whenever budget discussions come up, the only solution is to cut spending. Why does no one ever suggest raising revenues by closing corporate loopholes. Raising minimum wages would also help.

Multinationals are hip deep in cash due to outsourcing and loopholes. Small companies pay too much in taxes and big ones don't pay enough. The average tax rate for large corporations is 15%. Close the loopholes, and nail the companies manufacturing outside the US to the wall.
Why is it that whenever budget discussions come up, the only solution is to cut spending. Why does no one ever suggest raising revenues by closing corporate loopholes. Raising minimum wages would also help.

Multinationals are hip deep in cash due to outsourcing and loopholes. Small companies pay too much in taxes and big ones don't pay enough. The average tax rate for large corporations is 15%. Close the loopholes, and nail the companies manufacturing outside the US to the wall.

Another good idea.

1. A loopholeless corporate tax at 25%
2. Tax (tariff) all imports coming from these offshoring corps
3. Get out of the middle east(-100 billion off of defense spending). No more nation building but we can still use drones to kill terrorist.
4. Cap welfare and require the work requirement to be strengthen
5. Raise ssi to 72.

Cap spending for 2-3 years.

This would be my debt deal in January ;)
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The only way to get debt and spending under control is to dismantle broad based entitlements for the middle class (SS and Medicare), as well as the regulatory/tax "expenditure" system which benefits Big Government Cronies.

the best way would be the tax code overhaul and reform of SS/Medicare/welfare systems.
Plus EMTALA and tort reform.

all are the parts of Tea Party programs .
and what does it have to do with me being a big republican spender?

link to prove those words, liar.

You want us to build a third world shit hole in the middle east, retard idiot. People like you are radical as you can't look at the debt without letting your emotions control you.

If you could you'd see that the nation building and welfare are the drivers of the debt. BUT people like you want to punish innocent working Americans here at home.

You're a liar and that's a fact.

You call him a radical when YOU have called for the extermination of muslims and a subservient role for blacks.

YOU Matthew are an idiot being led around on a nose ring by liberal idiots.

Racist faggot

Here is a major part of the present economic problem in this nation.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMhvYeQPOcE]Wealth Distribution in the USA - SHOCKING! - YouTube[/ame]

Were there a more equitable distribution of wealth in this nation, there would be more revenue for the government. And before you start talking about cutting SS, I want to see those making millions of dollars a year having at least the same percentage coming out of thier income as I see coming out of mine.

R and D, infrastructure, and education are all wealth creators. Wars, military expenditures, are money that is essentially thrown away. Is there any reason that we have to spend more money on military than the next dozen or so nations put together? How about limiting our expenditures to that of the next 3 nations combined? Welfare can either be a wealth creator, or waste. If the way it is administered results in generations of welfare reciepient, then it is a waste. If it is a safety net that puts a person back on their feet, and allows them a new start after a bad time, it is a wealth creator. No sane person wishes to go back to a Dicksonian society. Medicare, Mediaid, and the ACA are all the result of the failure of our present health care system. We pay more for less, with third world results. Time to look at the successful Health Care Systems of the other Western Democracies.

Just arching ones back, and saying no to whatever is proposed by anyone that is not of the prefered political stripe is the way to get oneself ostrisized from any real discussion.
Here is a major part of the present economic problem in this nation.

Wealth Distribution in the USA - SHOCKING! - YouTube

Were there a more equitable distribution of wealth in this nation, there would be more revenue for the government. And before you start talking about cutting SS, I want to see those making millions of dollars a year having at least the same percentage coming out of thier income as I see coming out of mine.

R and D, infrastructure, and education are all wealth creators. Wars, military expenditures, are money that is essentially thrown away. Is there any reason that we have to spend more money on military than the next dozen or so nations put together? How about limiting our expenditures to that of the next 3 nations combined? Welfare can either be a wealth creator, or waste. If the way it is administered results in generations of welfare reciepient, then it is a waste. If it is a safety net that puts a person back on their feet, and allows them a new start after a bad time, it is a wealth creator. No sane person wishes to go back to a Dicksonian society. Medicare, Mediaid, and the ACA are all the result of the failure of our present health care system. We pay more for less, with third world results. Time to look at the successful Health Care Systems of the other Western Democracies.

Just arching ones back, and saying no to whatever is proposed by anyone that is not of the prefered political stripe is the way to get oneself ostrisized from any real discussion.

Heck, if we cut back to pre-war military budget and caped the "wasteful" welfare = a good plan. Dragonlady also has a good point too with the tax code.
Based on the chart above (pre-war) I'd be fair and set out a plan to restructure the military and allow time for things to withdraw from the middle east. This is mostly because I wouldn't want to harm the effectiveness or effect r@d towards the defense of our nation.

Maybe over 5-6 years? with a pre-war budget of 600 billion.
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I would raise welfare and scrap the food stamp program which is expensive to administer and nothing more than a corporate subsidy since it can only be used to buy food which is processed through big chains.

The average benefit is only $120 per month. It would be cheaper to increase welfare by $120 per month and get rid of the duplication required to qualify people for SNAP and administer the funds.
I would raise welfare and scrap the food stamp program which is expensive to administer and nothing more than a corporate subsidy since it can only be used to buy food which is processed through big chains.

The average benefit is only $120 per month. It would be cheaper to increase welfare by $120 per month and get rid of the duplication required to qualify people for SNAP and administer the funds.

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