Let's Give Interviewing a Shot

I'm not sure you're providing much of an incentive for anyone.

Unless of course the price is right..... :deal:

Say, don't take this as condescension but -- isn't this a school night?
In which case, people would just turn me down. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

School is out, and I'm home schooled anyway, so I wouldn't care one way or the other.
How old are you?

Pumpkin Row isn't Legal yet.

But you're just an innocent girl who knows nothing about such things.. :eusa_angel:

You are correct ogo :smoke:

Which is which I didn't mention my collection of beautiful riding crops, most tipped with Moroccan leather :dev2:
-- or those Boots of Spanish Leather....
Since it does say "None of it matters here", this is the perfect place for my thread.

So, I was discussing interviewing members with a member of the staff and they said they think it's a great idea.

So, basically, I'll tag a member, then if they don't turn me down, I'll ask them some politic-related questions. At the conclusion of the interview, I'll tag another member, and the process will repeat from there.

This is in order to better understand the members here and their views. I'll keep my own opinions out of the interviews the best I can, and I'd like everything to remain as civil as humanly possible. To make sure things DO remain civil, a member of staff will be watching this thread.

If you don't want to answer a question, just say pass. If you'd like to be interviewed and haven't been asked yet, shoot me a PM requesting an interview.

Everyone besides the person being interviewed, please refrain from interrupting.

My first interview request will be... Odium

Are you up for an interview?
Absolutely up for it! Fire away.
Awesome! I've had questions I wanted to ask you for quite some time, so thank you for accepting my interview request.

Alright, hypothetically, if you were running for president, what platform would you run on and why? Which party would you be running as part of, and why? If you won the election you ran in, what changes would you make in your first 100 days, and why? For these questions, we'll be assuming you won the most recent election instead of Donald Trump.
1.Immediate withdrawal of all troops from all foreign bases and brought home
2.Immediate end to ALL foreign aide funds
3.Immediate audit of Federal Reserve and shutting down the Federal Reserve
4.Immediate reconsideration of ALL defense pacts,mutual defense pacts etc
5.Leave NATO,Kick UN off US property and leave UN
6.Pass nationwide open carry and reciprocation laws
7.Use money from closing bases,ending of foreign aide etc to pay down or off debt
8.Absolute closure of borders and then removal of ALL non citizens in US
9.Return to gold standard
10.Universal Education kindergarten-college,same with health care
I expect by now the establishment will be in an uproar and demanding my removal so I will have my a false flag attack happen and blamed on the Establishment trying to assassinate me and I will declare martial law and have all of Congress and SC arrested and throw in prison. Once that happens I will move to phase 2.
1. Take control of ALL banks,financial institutions,movie,book,art,music etc institutions
2.Shut down ACLU,NAACP,JDL,ADL,SPLC,any other Jewish,Negro,Latino group of any kind that will cause problems and arrest ALL of its members
3.Arrest all Lawyers,Judges
4.Have loyal military units disband non whites on base and put them in prison
5. Give ALL blacks 48 hours to move to a reservation in South Florida to live as long as they willingly become sterilized they get all drugs and alcohol they want
6. All Jews will be arrested and dealt with in a permanent fashion
7.All Latino's will be removed to Mexico by force,Mexico will eventually be invaded and cleansed as will Central and South America
8.Institute a payment to white families for having more than 2 children and upward including monetary payments and rewards and vacations for families
9. Institute eugenics and cleanse America's bloodlines of mental illnesses such as homosexuality,liberalism,etc etc
10.All homosexuals,mixed race,mentally ill people locked away and the homosexuals and mentally ill to be evaluated on case by case basis
11.Drop nuclear weapons on Israel,institute policy that if terrorists attack the US we will drop a nuclear weapon on your entire country.

I would run on the Democratic Party because I will be less open to attack etc and more willing to get elected with the more free stuff I offer. I am sure there are MORE things I would do but this would be a wonderful start IMO.

Amazon.com: Dark Millennium : A Visionary Tale (9781585010622): Gerald McManus: Books

Read those 2 books would be very helpful of what a nation under me would look like.

I know I am missing pieces here and there but its not all coming to me right now.
Very interesting, I can see you put a lot of thought into it.

Since we're on the topic of the most recent election, what plan of action would you take while running against Bernie, Hillary, and O'Malley during the primaries, and why?

After the primaries, what would have been your strategy for beating Donald Trump?

If you had to choose someone on this forum as a running mate, who would it be? What about if it wasn't someone on the forum, who would you choose?

What's your view on abortion?

We've discussed what your plan of action would be, and if that's the case, is America your first choice of Nations to lead, or do you think your agenda would be easier to implement in another Nation?
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Absolutely up for it! Fire away.
Awesome! I've had questions I wanted to ask you for quite some time, so thank you for accepting my interview request.

Alright, hypothetically, if you were running for president, what platform would you run on and why? Which party would you be running as part of, and why? If you won the election you ran in, what changes would you make in your first 100 days, and why? For these questions, we'll be assuming you won the most recent election instead of Donald Trump.
1.Immediate withdrawal of all troops from all foreign bases and brought home
2.Immediate end to ALL foreign aide funds
3.Immediate audit of Federal Reserve and shutting down the Federal Reserve
4.Immediate reconsideration of ALL defense pacts,mutual defense pacts etc
5.Leave NATO,Kick UN off US property and leave UN
6.Pass nationwide open carry and reciprocation laws
7.Use money from closing bases,ending of foreign aide etc to pay down or off debt
8.Absolute closure of borders and then removal of ALL non citizens in US
9.Return to gold standard
10.Universal Education kindergarten-college,same with health care
I expect by now the establishment will be in an uproar and demanding my removal so I will have my a false flag attack happen and blamed on the Establishment trying to assassinate me and I will declare martial law and have all of Congress and SC arrested and throw in prison. Once that happens I will move to phase 2.
1. Take control of ALL banks,financial institutions,movie,book,art,music etc institutions
2.Shut down ACLU,NAACP,JDL,ADL,SPLC,any other Jewish,Negro,Latino group of any kind that will cause problems and arrest ALL of its members
3.Arrest all Lawyers,Judges
4.Have loyal military units disband non whites on base and put them in prison
5. Give ALL blacks 48 hours to move to a reservation in South Florida to live as long as they willingly become sterilized they get all drugs and alcohol they want
6. All Jews will be arrested and dealt with in a permanent fashion
7.All Latino's will be removed to Mexico by force,Mexico will eventually be invaded and cleansed as will Central and South America
8.Institute a payment to white families for having more than 2 children and upward including monetary payments and rewards and vacations for families
9. Institute eugenics and cleanse America's bloodlines of mental illnesses such as homosexuality,liberalism,etc etc
10.All homosexuals,mixed race,mentally ill people locked away and the homosexuals and mentally ill to be evaluated on case by case basis
11.Drop nuclear weapons on Israel,institute policy that if terrorists attack the US we will drop a nuclear weapon on your entire country.

I would run on the Democratic Party because I will be less open to attack etc and more willing to get elected with the more free stuff I offer. I am sure there are MORE things I would do but this would be a wonderful start IMO.

Amazon.com: Dark Millennium : A Visionary Tale (9781585010622): Gerald McManus: Books

Read those 2 books would be very helpful of what a nation under me would look like.

I know I am missing pieces here and there but its not all coming to me right now.
Very interesting, I can see you put a lot of thought into it.

Since we're on the topic of the most recent election, what plan of action would you take while running against Bernie, Hillary, and O'Malley during the primaries, and why?

After the primaries, what would have been your strategy for beating Donald Trump?

If you had to choose someone on this forum as a running mate, who would it be? What about if it wasn't someone on the forum, who would you choose?

What's your view on abortion?

We've discussed what your plan of action would be, and if that's the case, is America your first choice of Nations to lead, or do you think your agenda would be easier to implement in another Nation?
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
Awesome! I've had questions I wanted to ask you for quite some time, so thank you for accepting my interview request.

Alright, hypothetically, if you were running for president, what platform would you run on and why? Which party would you be running as part of, and why? If you won the election you ran in, what changes would you make in your first 100 days, and why? For these questions, we'll be assuming you won the most recent election instead of Donald Trump.
1.Immediate withdrawal of all troops from all foreign bases and brought home
2.Immediate end to ALL foreign aide funds
3.Immediate audit of Federal Reserve and shutting down the Federal Reserve
4.Immediate reconsideration of ALL defense pacts,mutual defense pacts etc
5.Leave NATO,Kick UN off US property and leave UN
6.Pass nationwide open carry and reciprocation laws
7.Use money from closing bases,ending of foreign aide etc to pay down or off debt
8.Absolute closure of borders and then removal of ALL non citizens in US
9.Return to gold standard
10.Universal Education kindergarten-college,same with health care
I expect by now the establishment will be in an uproar and demanding my removal so I will have my a false flag attack happen and blamed on the Establishment trying to assassinate me and I will declare martial law and have all of Congress and SC arrested and throw in prison. Once that happens I will move to phase 2.
1. Take control of ALL banks,financial institutions,movie,book,art,music etc institutions
2.Shut down ACLU,NAACP,JDL,ADL,SPLC,any other Jewish,Negro,Latino group of any kind that will cause problems and arrest ALL of its members
3.Arrest all Lawyers,Judges
4.Have loyal military units disband non whites on base and put them in prison
5. Give ALL blacks 48 hours to move to a reservation in South Florida to live as long as they willingly become sterilized they get all drugs and alcohol they want
6. All Jews will be arrested and dealt with in a permanent fashion
7.All Latino's will be removed to Mexico by force,Mexico will eventually be invaded and cleansed as will Central and South America
8.Institute a payment to white families for having more than 2 children and upward including monetary payments and rewards and vacations for families
9. Institute eugenics and cleanse America's bloodlines of mental illnesses such as homosexuality,liberalism,etc etc
10.All homosexuals,mixed race,mentally ill people locked away and the homosexuals and mentally ill to be evaluated on case by case basis
11.Drop nuclear weapons on Israel,institute policy that if terrorists attack the US we will drop a nuclear weapon on your entire country.

I would run on the Democratic Party because I will be less open to attack etc and more willing to get elected with the more free stuff I offer. I am sure there are MORE things I would do but this would be a wonderful start IMO.

Amazon.com: Dark Millennium : A Visionary Tale (9781585010622): Gerald McManus: Books

Read those 2 books would be very helpful of what a nation under me would look like.

I know I am missing pieces here and there but its not all coming to me right now.
Very interesting, I can see you put a lot of thought into it.

Since we're on the topic of the most recent election, what plan of action would you take while running against Bernie, Hillary, and O'Malley during the primaries, and why?

After the primaries, what would have been your strategy for beating Donald Trump?

If you had to choose someone on this forum as a running mate, who would it be? What about if it wasn't someone on the forum, who would you choose?

What's your view on abortion?

We've discussed what your plan of action would be, and if that's the case, is America your first choice of Nations to lead, or do you think your agenda would be easier to implement in another Nation?
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!

At the risk of sounding cliché ---- y'all all look alike to me....
Awesome! I've had questions I wanted to ask you for quite some time, so thank you for accepting my interview request.

Alright, hypothetically, if you were running for president, what platform would you run on and why? Which party would you be running as part of, and why? If you won the election you ran in, what changes would you make in your first 100 days, and why? For these questions, we'll be assuming you won the most recent election instead of Donald Trump.
1.Immediate withdrawal of all troops from all foreign bases and brought home
2.Immediate end to ALL foreign aide funds
3.Immediate audit of Federal Reserve and shutting down the Federal Reserve
4.Immediate reconsideration of ALL defense pacts,mutual defense pacts etc
5.Leave NATO,Kick UN off US property and leave UN
6.Pass nationwide open carry and reciprocation laws
7.Use money from closing bases,ending of foreign aide etc to pay down or off debt
8.Absolute closure of borders and then removal of ALL non citizens in US
9.Return to gold standard
10.Universal Education kindergarten-college,same with health care
I expect by now the establishment will be in an uproar and demanding my removal so I will have my a false flag attack happen and blamed on the Establishment trying to assassinate me and I will declare martial law and have all of Congress and SC arrested and throw in prison. Once that happens I will move to phase 2.
1. Take control of ALL banks,financial institutions,movie,book,art,music etc institutions
2.Shut down ACLU,NAACP,JDL,ADL,SPLC,any other Jewish,Negro,Latino group of any kind that will cause problems and arrest ALL of its members
3.Arrest all Lawyers,Judges
4.Have loyal military units disband non whites on base and put them in prison
5. Give ALL blacks 48 hours to move to a reservation in South Florida to live as long as they willingly become sterilized they get all drugs and alcohol they want
6. All Jews will be arrested and dealt with in a permanent fashion
7.All Latino's will be removed to Mexico by force,Mexico will eventually be invaded and cleansed as will Central and South America
8.Institute a payment to white families for having more than 2 children and upward including monetary payments and rewards and vacations for families
9. Institute eugenics and cleanse America's bloodlines of mental illnesses such as homosexuality,liberalism,etc etc
10.All homosexuals,mixed race,mentally ill people locked away and the homosexuals and mentally ill to be evaluated on case by case basis
11.Drop nuclear weapons on Israel,institute policy that if terrorists attack the US we will drop a nuclear weapon on your entire country.

I would run on the Democratic Party because I will be less open to attack etc and more willing to get elected with the more free stuff I offer. I am sure there are MORE things I would do but this would be a wonderful start IMO.

Amazon.com: Dark Millennium : A Visionary Tale (9781585010622): Gerald McManus: Books

Read those 2 books would be very helpful of what a nation under me would look like.

I know I am missing pieces here and there but its not all coming to me right now.
Very interesting, I can see you put a lot of thought into it.

Since we're on the topic of the most recent election, what plan of action would you take while running against Bernie, Hillary, and O'Malley during the primaries, and why?

After the primaries, what would have been your strategy for beating Donald Trump?

If you had to choose someone on this forum as a running mate, who would it be? What about if it wasn't someone on the forum, who would you choose?

What's your view on abortion?

We've discussed what your plan of action would be, and if that's the case, is America your first choice of Nations to lead, or do you think your agenda would be easier to implement in another Nation?
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
1.Immediate withdrawal of all troops from all foreign bases and brought home
2.Immediate end to ALL foreign aide funds
3.Immediate audit of Federal Reserve and shutting down the Federal Reserve
4.Immediate reconsideration of ALL defense pacts,mutual defense pacts etc
5.Leave NATO,Kick UN off US property and leave UN
6.Pass nationwide open carry and reciprocation laws
7.Use money from closing bases,ending of foreign aide etc to pay down or off debt
8.Absolute closure of borders and then removal of ALL non citizens in US
9.Return to gold standard
10.Universal Education kindergarten-college,same with health care
I expect by now the establishment will be in an uproar and demanding my removal so I will have my a false flag attack happen and blamed on the Establishment trying to assassinate me and I will declare martial law and have all of Congress and SC arrested and throw in prison. Once that happens I will move to phase 2.
1. Take control of ALL banks,financial institutions,movie,book,art,music etc institutions
2.Shut down ACLU,NAACP,JDL,ADL,SPLC,any other Jewish,Negro,Latino group of any kind that will cause problems and arrest ALL of its members
3.Arrest all Lawyers,Judges
4.Have loyal military units disband non whites on base and put them in prison
5. Give ALL blacks 48 hours to move to a reservation in South Florida to live as long as they willingly become sterilized they get all drugs and alcohol they want
6. All Jews will be arrested and dealt with in a permanent fashion
7.All Latino's will be removed to Mexico by force,Mexico will eventually be invaded and cleansed as will Central and South America
8.Institute a payment to white families for having more than 2 children and upward including monetary payments and rewards and vacations for families
9. Institute eugenics and cleanse America's bloodlines of mental illnesses such as homosexuality,liberalism,etc etc
10.All homosexuals,mixed race,mentally ill people locked away and the homosexuals and mentally ill to be evaluated on case by case basis
11.Drop nuclear weapons on Israel,institute policy that if terrorists attack the US we will drop a nuclear weapon on your entire country.

I would run on the Democratic Party because I will be less open to attack etc and more willing to get elected with the more free stuff I offer. I am sure there are MORE things I would do but this would be a wonderful start IMO.

Amazon.com: Dark Millennium : A Visionary Tale (9781585010622): Gerald McManus: Books

Read those 2 books would be very helpful of what a nation under me would look like.

I know I am missing pieces here and there but its not all coming to me right now.
Very interesting, I can see you put a lot of thought into it.

Since we're on the topic of the most recent election, what plan of action would you take while running against Bernie, Hillary, and O'Malley during the primaries, and why?

After the primaries, what would have been your strategy for beating Donald Trump?

If you had to choose someone on this forum as a running mate, who would it be? What about if it wasn't someone on the forum, who would you choose?

What's your view on abortion?

We've discussed what your plan of action would be, and if that's the case, is America your first choice of Nations to lead, or do you think your agenda would be easier to implement in another Nation?
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
Jews have been expelled from EVERY country damn near and still find a way back in and a way to control the world via financial means. There is only one way left. I am obviously more extreme but its cool. I am too extreme for people on Stormfront as well lol
1.Immediate withdrawal of all troops from all foreign bases and brought home
2.Immediate end to ALL foreign aide funds
3.Immediate audit of Federal Reserve and shutting down the Federal Reserve
4.Immediate reconsideration of ALL defense pacts,mutual defense pacts etc
5.Leave NATO,Kick UN off US property and leave UN
6.Pass nationwide open carry and reciprocation laws
7.Use money from closing bases,ending of foreign aide etc to pay down or off debt
8.Absolute closure of borders and then removal of ALL non citizens in US
9.Return to gold standard
10.Universal Education kindergarten-college,same with health care
I expect by now the establishment will be in an uproar and demanding my removal so I will have my a false flag attack happen and blamed on the Establishment trying to assassinate me and I will declare martial law and have all of Congress and SC arrested and throw in prison. Once that happens I will move to phase 2.
1. Take control of ALL banks,financial institutions,movie,book,art,music etc institutions
2.Shut down ACLU,NAACP,JDL,ADL,SPLC,any other Jewish,Negro,Latino group of any kind that will cause problems and arrest ALL of its members
3.Arrest all Lawyers,Judges
4.Have loyal military units disband non whites on base and put them in prison
5. Give ALL blacks 48 hours to move to a reservation in South Florida to live as long as they willingly become sterilized they get all drugs and alcohol they want
6. All Jews will be arrested and dealt with in a permanent fashion
7.All Latino's will be removed to Mexico by force,Mexico will eventually be invaded and cleansed as will Central and South America
8.Institute a payment to white families for having more than 2 children and upward including monetary payments and rewards and vacations for families
9. Institute eugenics and cleanse America's bloodlines of mental illnesses such as homosexuality,liberalism,etc etc
10.All homosexuals,mixed race,mentally ill people locked away and the homosexuals and mentally ill to be evaluated on case by case basis
11.Drop nuclear weapons on Israel,institute policy that if terrorists attack the US we will drop a nuclear weapon on your entire country.

I would run on the Democratic Party because I will be less open to attack etc and more willing to get elected with the more free stuff I offer. I am sure there are MORE things I would do but this would be a wonderful start IMO.

Amazon.com: Dark Millennium : A Visionary Tale (9781585010622): Gerald McManus: Books

Read those 2 books would be very helpful of what a nation under me would look like.

I know I am missing pieces here and there but its not all coming to me right now.
Very interesting, I can see you put a lot of thought into it.

Since we're on the topic of the most recent election, what plan of action would you take while running against Bernie, Hillary, and O'Malley during the primaries, and why?

After the primaries, what would have been your strategy for beating Donald Trump?

If you had to choose someone on this forum as a running mate, who would it be? What about if it wasn't someone on the forum, who would you choose?

What's your view on abortion?

We've discussed what your plan of action would be, and if that's the case, is America your first choice of Nations to lead, or do you think your agenda would be easier to implement in another Nation?
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!

At the risk of sounding cliché ---- y'all all look alike to me....
Because you are a dumbass.

I am not even a white nationalist. I am just a humanist who truly believes white people get the shit end of the stick, and I truly believe segregation will fix much of the world's problems.

I wouldn't even move to an all white country unless I absolutely had to.
Very interesting, I can see you put a lot of thought into it.

Since we're on the topic of the most recent election, what plan of action would you take while running against Bernie, Hillary, and O'Malley during the primaries, and why?

After the primaries, what would have been your strategy for beating Donald Trump?

If you had to choose someone on this forum as a running mate, who would it be? What about if it wasn't someone on the forum, who would you choose?

What's your view on abortion?

We've discussed what your plan of action would be, and if that's the case, is America your first choice of Nations to lead, or do you think your agenda would be easier to implement in another Nation?
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
Jews have been expelled from EVERY country damn near and still find a way back in and a way to control the world via financial means. There is only one way left. I am obviously more extreme but its cool. I am too extreme for people on Stormfront as well lol
Hitler empowered the Jews to do what they are doing today. Without Hitler Jews would be a much smaller problem for white people, and they wouldn't have the special protected status that they currently enjoy.

Hitler also destroyed European cities and caused Europe to import workers from non-white countries to help rebuild them, and he single-handedly created "white guilt" in all of Europe.
Very interesting, I can see you put a lot of thought into it.

Since we're on the topic of the most recent election, what plan of action would you take while running against Bernie, Hillary, and O'Malley during the primaries, and why?

After the primaries, what would have been your strategy for beating Donald Trump?

If you had to choose someone on this forum as a running mate, who would it be? What about if it wasn't someone on the forum, who would you choose?

What's your view on abortion?

We've discussed what your plan of action would be, and if that's the case, is America your first choice of Nations to lead, or do you think your agenda would be easier to implement in another Nation?
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!

At the risk of sounding cliché ---- y'all all look alike to me....
Because you are a dumbass.

I am not even a white nationalist. I am just a humanist who truly believes white people get the shit end of the stick, and I truly believe segregation will fix much of the world's problems.

I wouldn't even move to an all white country unless I absolutely had to.

As I said.....

I don't think you're the interviewee here anyway.
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!

At the risk of sounding cliché ---- y'all all look alike to me....
Because you are a dumbass.

I am not even a white nationalist. I am just a humanist who truly believes white people get the shit end of the stick, and I truly believe segregation will fix much of the world's problems.

I wouldn't even move to an all white country unless I absolutely had to.

As I said.....

I don't think you're the interviewee here anyway.
Odium literally wants to re-create the Roman Empire, with modern technology, and without the multiculturalism.

If you can't tell the difference between that and my defending of white people's humanity and indigenous rights in Europe, then you are not intelligent enough to discuss politics.
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
Jews have been expelled from EVERY country damn near and still find a way back in and a way to control the world via financial means. There is only one way left. I am obviously more extreme but its cool. I am too extreme for people on Stormfront as well lol
Hitler empowered the Jews to do what they are doing today. Without Hitler Jews would be a much smaller problem for white people, and they wouldn't have the special protected status that they currently enjoy.

Hitler also destroyed European cities and caused Europe to import workers from non-white countries to help rebuild them, and he single-handedly created "white guilt" in all of Europe.
Oh good god. I have run into people like you before. Jews ULTIMATE goal ALWAYS was and ALWAYS will be complete world domination and genocide of the white race. That was the goal LONG before Hitler was around and has only picked up speed since then.
Very interesting, I can see you put a lot of thought into it.

Since we're on the topic of the most recent election, what plan of action would you take while running against Bernie, Hillary, and O'Malley during the primaries, and why?

After the primaries, what would have been your strategy for beating Donald Trump?

If you had to choose someone on this forum as a running mate, who would it be? What about if it wasn't someone on the forum, who would you choose?

What's your view on abortion?

We've discussed what your plan of action would be, and if that's the case, is America your first choice of Nations to lead, or do you think your agenda would be easier to implement in another Nation?
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
Jews have been expelled from EVERY country damn near and still find a way back in and a way to control the world via financial means. There is only one way left. I am obviously more extreme but its cool. I am too extreme for people on Stormfront as well lol
I am a member of Stormfront btw....

I am just one of the most moderate members.
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
Jews have been expelled from EVERY country damn near and still find a way back in and a way to control the world via financial means. There is only one way left. I am obviously more extreme but its cool. I am too extreme for people on Stormfront as well lol
I am a member of Stormfront btw....

I am just one of the most moderate members.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
Jews have been expelled from EVERY country damn near and still find a way back in and a way to control the world via financial means. There is only one way left. I am obviously more extreme but its cool. I am too extreme for people on Stormfront as well lol
Hitler empowered the Jews to do what they are doing today. Without Hitler Jews would be a much smaller problem for white people, and they wouldn't have the special protected status that they currently enjoy.

Hitler also destroyed European cities and caused Europe to import workers from non-white countries to help rebuild them, and he single-handedly created "white guilt" in all of Europe.
Oh good god. I have run into people like you before. Jews ULTIMATE goal ALWAYS was and ALWAYS will be complete world domination and genocide of the white race. That was the goal LONG before Hitler was around and has only picked up speed since then.
That makes no sense.

There are certainly terrible Jews like Spectre and Tim Wise etc but the average Jewish person is no more terrible and anti-white than the average white person.

I understand that some Jews think they are the chosen race and all, but confining those who feel that way to Israel via global segregation would be enough.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
Jews have been expelled from EVERY country damn near and still find a way back in and a way to control the world via financial means. There is only one way left. I am obviously more extreme but its cool. I am too extreme for people on Stormfront as well lol
Hitler empowered the Jews to do what they are doing today. Without Hitler Jews would be a much smaller problem for white people, and they wouldn't have the special protected status that they currently enjoy.

Hitler also destroyed European cities and caused Europe to import workers from non-white countries to help rebuild them, and he single-handedly created "white guilt" in all of Europe.
Oh good god. I have run into people like you before. Jews ULTIMATE goal ALWAYS was and ALWAYS will be complete world domination and genocide of the white race. That was the goal LONG before Hitler was around and has only picked up speed since then.
That makes no sense.

There are certainly terrible Jews like Spectre and Tim Wise etc but the average Jewish person is no more terrible and anti-white than the average white person.

I understand that some Jews think they are the chosen race and all, but confining those who feel that way to Israel via global segregation would be enough.
As I said Jews have been kicked out of HUNDREDS of countries some more than once and yet they STILL control the worlds financial economy. We won't agree,period. YOUR way has been tried it didn't work obviously.
Since it does say "None of it matters here", this is the perfect place for my thread.

So, I was discussing interviewing members with a member of the staff and they said they think it's a great idea.

So, basically, I'll tag a member, then if they don't turn me down, I'll ask them some politic-related questions. At the conclusion of the interview, I'll tag another member, and the process will repeat from there.

This is in order to better understand the members here and their views. I'll keep my own opinions out of the interviews the best I can, and I'd like everything to remain as civil as humanly possible. To make sure things DO remain civil, a member of staff will be watching this thread.

If you don't want to answer a question, just say pass. If you'd like to be interviewed and haven't been asked yet, shoot me a PM requesting an interview.

Everyone besides the person being interviewed, please refrain from interrupting.

My first interview request will be... Odium

Are you up for an interview?

Sure, ask away.
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
Jews have been expelled from EVERY country damn near and still find a way back in and a way to control the world via financial means. There is only one way left. I am obviously more extreme but its cool. I am too extreme for people on Stormfront as well lol
Hitler empowered the Jews to do what they are doing today. Without Hitler Jews would be a much smaller problem for white people, and they wouldn't have the special protected status that they currently enjoy.

Hitler also destroyed European cities and caused Europe to import workers from non-white countries to help rebuild them, and he single-handedly created "white guilt" in all of Europe.
Oh good god. I have run into people like you before. Jews ULTIMATE goal ALWAYS was and ALWAYS will be complete world domination and genocide of the white race. That was the goal LONG before Hitler was around and has only picked up speed since then.
That makes no sense.

There are certainly terrible Jews like Spectre and Tim Wise etc but the average Jewish person is no more terrible and anti-white than the average white person.

I understand that some Jews think they are the chosen race and all, but confining those who feel that way to Israel via global segregation would be enough.
As I said Jews have been kicked out of HUNDREDS of countries some more than once and yet they STILL control the worlds financial economy. We won't agree,period. YOUR way has been tried it didn't work obviously.
My way has never been tried.

With modern technology and modern understanding of science, history etc, we could preserve homogenous nations for more years than you can count.

Once we erase the idea of tribalism,"xenophobia" etc being bad things, then we can learn to understand each other and appreciate true human diversity to a degree that we never even thought possible with globalism.

My way will work because it turns everything the left thinks it has over the right onto itself. I use the left to purge itself of anti-whiteness and achieve its most outlandish, utopian goals to the point that "progressivism" can't keep up, even in theory.
The other board I frequent has been doing this for years.

The interviewer will PM the questions, not limited to politics, to the interviewee who answers the questions, PMs them back at which time they are posted in a thread for all to read, but not respond. If you want to do that, you have to start a thread. Keeps the insults and other bullshit to a minimum.
Bernie:make him a deal to implement some of his policies because we agree on health care and education and he becomes my SOS
Clinton:Attack her constantly with the emails etc just like Bernie did
O'Malley: just ignore,he was going no where

Not sure how I would have beat Trump because I like A LOT of his policies and included several in my platform,I would use his 1% status against him,point out how he was given a 1 million dollar loan to get started in life and it would do well with my working class people,I would pick a nonwhite female as my VP to keep the nonwhite vote up and the female vote up.

On this forum I would pick cnelsen or ptbw forever NOT from this forum I would have picked Louis Farrakhan or Cynthia McKinney to get the FAR left and black and female vote :D Use them for my own purposes and also I think Farrakhan could be a VERY good ally to remove blacks from the US.

My view on abortion is I am against it 100% except in cases of incest,rape or mental or physical harm to the child or mother. I am 100% FOR IT in the case of nonwhites having abortions the more the better. I prefer to reintroduce Eugenics in America and thats a good start.

I would choose America because with ALL the different groups both racially,economically,etc etc it would be VERY easy to make each turn on each other and help me achieve me aims.
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
Jews have been expelled from EVERY country damn near and still find a way back in and a way to control the world via financial means. There is only one way left. I am obviously more extreme but its cool. I am too extreme for people on Stormfront as well lol
Hitler empowered the Jews to do what they are doing today. Without Hitler Jews would be a much smaller problem for white people, and they wouldn't have the special protected status that they currently enjoy.

Hitler also destroyed European cities and caused Europe to import workers from non-white countries to help rebuild them, and he single-handedly created "white guilt" in all of Europe.
I disagree. Jews achieved the most power in a white country when they took power in Russia in 1917--well before Hitler. Once they had power, they exterminated 20 million white Christians, including the high IQ segment of society and their children and the Tsar and his family (and left a note saying מנא מנא תקל ופרסין‎ ) affixed to the bloodstained wall (mene mene tekel parsin). Jews brought the United States into WWI and played the key role in involving us in WWII. Jews have always been a problem for white people, and not only for white people, but for anyone they've been in contact with. They can't seem to help themselves. After all, the founding documents of their culture is full of stuff like this:

When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD thy God hath given thee.

Deut 20:11
And I would use you to achieve power and ultimately stop most of your crazy ass agenda.
Oh bullshit! You sure seem a lot like me on this forum but granted cnelsen is A LOT more extreme like me. Alright that's it! ptbw forever is of my VP list!
I am pro-white, and in favor of Europe being "ethnically cleansed" by means of repatriation and intimidation, but I am not in favor of mandatory sterilization of non-whites, or using a nuclear weapon on any country that isn't salvageable.

My goal is peace by segregation on a global scale, not mass murdering non-whites and giving them an excuse to use nuclear weapons on us.
Jews have been expelled from EVERY country damn near and still find a way back in and a way to control the world via financial means. There is only one way left. I am obviously more extreme but its cool. I am too extreme for people on Stormfront as well lol
Hitler empowered the Jews to do what they are doing today. Without Hitler Jews would be a much smaller problem for white people, and they wouldn't have the special protected status that they currently enjoy.

Hitler also destroyed European cities and caused Europe to import workers from non-white countries to help rebuild them, and he single-handedly created "white guilt" in all of Europe.
I disagree. Jews achieved the most power in a white country when they took power in Russia in 1917--well before Hitler. Once they had power, they exterminated 20 million white Christians, including the high IQ segment of society and their children and the Tsar and his family (and left a note saying מנא מנא תקל ופרסין‎ ) affixed to the bloodstained wall (mene mene tekel parsin). Jews brought the United States into WWI and played the key role in involving us in WWII. Jews have always been a problem for white people, and not only for white people, but for anyone they've been in contact with. They can't seem to help themselves. After all, the founding documents of their culture is full of stuff like this:

When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD thy God hath given thee.

Deut 20:11
Which is why I would confine them to Israel.

Judaism would wither and die pretty quickly.

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