Let’s go on the record for what the House/Senate balance of Power will be after the midterms

Republicans hold the senate, changes in the house, how much or how little is just a guess.

But it’s not a guess.

A guess is the lottery numbers.

We have empirical data on the election via polling. There is inherent margin of error in all polling, but it’s not darts at a dartboard.

There is a very finite confidence interval.

The Mathematical bottom for Pubs is 161 House and 46 Senate.

The Mathematical top for Pubs is 63 Senate and 262 House.
55-45 Republican Senate

[46-74] Republican losers


You need to start looking for a new Avatar because your current one will make you look stupid when Hillary runs in the 2020 election and WINS!!!!!!!

Wait, I have found one for you and I give you permission to use it
And being as good of friends as you are you don't even have to thank me for it.

55-45 Republican Senate

232 -203 Republican House

38 House races are now solid Republican or leaning republican. Bet we pick up 5-10 seats.

I love it and I hope you are correct.

Why? Are you afraid that the power of the Federal Government will be increased by the Separation of Power?

It's disgusting that so many on the Right fail to comprehend the true father of our Constitution, Charles, Baron de Montesqulue, in his seminal work, Spirit of Laws (1748)***

*** is a treatise on political theory, as well as a pioneering work in comparative law, published in 1748 by Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu."

The separation of powers allocates power to three separate branches to minimize the possibility of "political tyranny or despotism".

the spirit of the laws 1748 summary - Google Search
55-45 Republican Senate

232 -203 Republican House

38 House races are now solid Republican or leaning republican. Bet we pick up 5-10 seats.

I love it and I hope you are correct.

Why? Are you afraid that the power of the Federal Government will be increased by the Separation of Power?

It's disgusting that so many on the Right fail to comprehend the true father of our Constitution, Charles, Baron de Montesqulue, in his seminal work, Spirit of Laws (1748)***

*** is a treatise on political theory, as well as a pioneering work in comparative law, published in 1748 by Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu."

The separation of powers allocates power to three separate branches to minimize the possibility of "political tyranny or despotism".

the spirit of the laws 1748 summary - Google Search

Settle down, skippy,

I want Republicans to have a majority in both sides of Congress because they most closely align with my conservative ideology.

I’d personally love to see the Federal budget cut in half and a national flat tax of 12%, or a national sales tax of about 10% instead of the current tax structure...but that’s just me being specific with my opinions.

Dimms Love vagaries so they can never be called out.

“The rich need to pay their fair share” is nothing but bullshit words making a sentence.
Continued from post #26, link:

"Montesquieu's work represents a great deal of effort and time on his beliefs in political Enlightenment ideas. For example, the idea of separation of powers for government to be divided into different branches to allocate the power to multiple arenas help to minimize political tyranny or despotism."

Trumpism which dominates the Republican Party today is far and away a repudiation of the Age of Enlightenment.
53 to 47 Senate Republican
218 to 217 House Republicans

My man, I think you are very close.

We will see in 3 weeks.

I think it’s incredibly unlikely that elephants lose the senate and I think it’s 50/50 as to whether they lose the house.

Funny that libs need more evidence to make a decision on the midterms, but they made a definitive conclusion about Fords allegations of attempted Rape against Kavanaugh with no evidence.
53 to 47 Senate Republican
218 to 217 House Republicans

My man, I think you are very close.

We will see in 3 weeks.

I think it’s incredibly unlikely that elephants lose the senate and I think it’s 50/50 as to whether they lose the house.

Funny that libs need more evidence to make a decision on the midterms, but they made a definitive conclusion about Fords allegations of attempted Rape against Kavanaugh with no evidence.
Mid Terms are low turn out votes.......always have been.........Historically the advantage goes against the incumbent President..........

It all comes down to the turn out. Gonna be very close in the House.
55-45 Republican Senate

232 -203 Republican House

38 House races are now solid Republican or leaning republican. Bet we pick up 5-10 seats.

I love it and I hope you are correct.

Why? Are you afraid that the power of the Federal Government will be increased by the Separation of Power?

It's disgusting that so many on the Right fail to comprehend the true father of our Constitution, Charles, Baron de Montesqulue, in his seminal work, Spirit of Laws (1748)***

*** is a treatise on political theory, as well as a pioneering work in comparative law, published in 1748 by Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu."

The separation of powers allocates power to three separate branches to minimize the possibility of "political tyranny or despotism".

the spirit of the laws 1748 summary - Google Search

Settle down, skippy,

I want Republicans to have a majority in both sides of Congress because they most closely align with my conservative ideology.

I’d personally love to see the Federal budget cut in half and a national flat tax of 12%, or a national sales tax of about 10% instead of the current tax structure...but that’s just me being specific with my opinions.

Dimms Love vagaries so they can never be called out.

“The rich need to pay their fair share” is nothing but bullshit words making a sentence.

Address me as "Sir" or Mr. Catcher; your opening comment is both offensive and elitist. There is nothing you/ve posted that is special, sagacious or substantive.

Cutting the Federal Budget in half is a very stupid comment. To do so would put hundreds of thousands of working men and women out of work.

It seems macroeconomics* is way beyond your grasp.

*Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that studies the behavior and performance of an economy as a whole. It focuses on the aggregate changes in the economy such as unemployment, growth rate, gross domestic product and inflation.

Grow up and go back to school.
55-45 Republican Senate

232 -203 Republican House

38 House races are now solid Republican or leaning republican. Bet we pick up 5-10 seats.

I love it and I hope you are correct.

Why? Are you afraid that the power of the Federal Government will be increased by the Separation of Power?

It's disgusting that so many on the Right fail to comprehend the true father of our Constitution, Charles, Baron de Montesqulue, in his seminal work, Spirit of Laws (1748)***

*** is a treatise on political theory, as well as a pioneering work in comparative law, published in 1748 by Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu."

The separation of powers allocates power to three separate branches to minimize the possibility of "political tyranny or despotism".

the spirit of the laws 1748 summary - Google Search

Settle down, skippy,

I want Republicans to have a majority in both sides of Congress because they most closely align with my conservative ideology.

I’d personally love to see the Federal budget cut in half and a national flat tax of 12%, or a national sales tax of about 10% instead of the current tax structure...but that’s just me being specific with my opinions.

Dimms Love vagaries so they can never be called out.

“The rich need to pay their fair share” is nothing but bullshit words making a sentence.

Address me as "Sir" or Mr. Catcher; your opening comment is both offensive and elitist. There is nothing you/ve posted that is special, sagacious or substantive.

Cutting the Federal Budget in half is a very stupid comment. To do so would put hundreds of thousands of working men and women out of work.

It seems macroeconomics* is way beyond your grasp.

*Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that studies the behavior and performance of an economy as a whole. It focuses on the aggregate changes in the economy such as unemployment, growth rate, gross domestic product and inflation.

Grow up and go back to school.
Who da fuck is gonna call you Sir after that snobbish remark.

While it's true there is no way to cut the budget in half..........your snobbish words are worthy of the Snob of the Week award ........Congrats......

Mandatory spending is the Elephant in the room and as more retire from the Boomers it is growing..........It makes cutting very very impossible........with the unfunded Liabilities coming ...........no one will ever stop this train wreck............it can't be paid..............and will tank this country eventually. No politician will ever touch it........and without touching it the cycle will never end............

Paid over 500 billion last year on the interest on the debt alone..........spiked because of the Feds Rate hikes.
It’s truly bizarre that more people won’t make a prediction.

I don’t understand this “Gotcha!!” Culture.

Ann Coulter was blasted for saying that Trump would win the election.

Who, among those who chastised her, ever apologized for marginalizing her, when she was 100% correct?

No one...because liberals are inherently whiny cvnts.
It’s truly bizarre that more people won’t make a prediction.

I don’t understand this “Gotcha!!” Culture.

Ann Coulter was blasted for saying that Trump would win the election.

Who, among those who chastised her, ever apologized for marginalizing her, when she was 100% correct?

No one...because liberals are inherently whiny cvnts.
Elections are very unpredictable..........tough to gauge the outcome.......don't know who's gonna get the votes out.

Couple of weeks........a new OUTRAGE will occur from the left to engage their base.........don't know what it will be though.
55-45 Republican Senate

232 -203 Republican House

38 House races are now solid Republican or leaning republican. Bet we pick up 5-10 seats.

I love it and I hope you are correct.

Why? Are you afraid that the power of the Federal Government will be increased by the Separation of Power?

It's disgusting that so many on the Right fail to comprehend the true father of our Constitution, Charles, Baron de Montesqulue, in his seminal work, Spirit of Laws (1748)***

*** is a treatise on political theory, as well as a pioneering work in comparative law, published in 1748 by Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu."

The separation of powers allocates power to three separate branches to minimize the possibility of "political tyranny or despotism".

the spirit of the laws 1748 summary - Google Search

Settle down, skippy,

I want Republicans to have a majority in both sides of Congress because they most closely align with my conservative ideology.

I’d personally love to see the Federal budget cut in half and a national flat tax of 12%, or a national sales tax of about 10% instead of the current tax structure...but that’s just me being specific with my opinions.

Dimms Love vagaries so they can never be called out.

“The rich need to pay their fair share” is nothing but bullshit words making a sentence.

Address me as "Sir" or Mr. Catcher; your opening comment is both offensive and elitist. There is nothing you/ve posted that is special, sagacious or substantive.

Cutting the Federal Budget in half is a very stupid comment. To do so would put hundreds of thousands of working men and women out of work.

It seems macroeconomics* is way beyond your grasp.

*Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that studies the behavior and performance of an economy as a whole. It focuses on the aggregate changes in the economy such as unemployment, growth rate, gross domestic product and inflation.

Grow up and go back to school.
Who da fuck is gonna call you Sir after that snobbish remark.

While it's true there is no way to cut the budget in half..........your snobbish words are worthy of the Snob of the Week award ........Congrats......

Mandatory spending is the Elephant in the room and as more retire from the Boomers it is growing..........It makes cutting very very impossible........with the unfunded Liabilities coming ...........no one will ever stop this train wreck............it can't be paid..............and will tank this country eventually. No politician will ever touch it........and without touching it the cycle will never end............

Paid over 500 billion last year on the interest on the debt alone..........spiked because of the Feds Rate hikes.

I'm not a snob, I treat all people with respect, all that are not bullies, cowards and punks. Those who attack my character while hiding behind a keyboard, get what they deserve.
It’s truly bizarre that more people won’t make a prediction.

I don’t understand this “Gotcha!!” Culture.

Ann Coulter was blasted for saying that Trump would win the election.

Who, among those who chastised her, ever apologized for marginalizing her, when she was 100% correct?

No one...because liberals are inherently whiny cvnts.
Elections are very unpredictable..........tough to gauge the outcome.......don't know who's gonna get the votes out.

Couple of weeks........a new OUTRAGE will occur from the left to engage their base.........don't know what it will be though.

Correct, which is why Fear is creating efforts in Georgia, for example, to suppress the vote.
It’s truly bizarre that more people won’t make a prediction.

I don’t understand this “Gotcha!!” Culture.

Ann Coulter was blasted for saying that Trump would win the election.

Who, among those who chastised her, ever apologized for marginalizing her, when she was 100% correct?

No one...because liberals are inherently whiny cvnts.
Elections are very unpredictable..........tough to gauge the outcome.......don't know who's gonna get the votes out.

Couple of weeks........a new OUTRAGE will occur from the left to engage their base.........don't know what it will be though.

Correct, which is why Fear is creating efforts in Georgia, for example, to suppress the vote.
New laws there caused the fuss in Georgia.............those not voting for a time have to re register........there has been a move to update voter rolls in all the states and Georgia is no exception.................all those removed were primarily people who haven't voted in a couple of cycles which was a new rule..........I believe over 6 million registrations have been done so far and the other 53000 are still out in that equation..............

According to some sources they will be done soon..........for those that have reapplied under the new voter laws there.

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