Let's hear from all of the USMB Covid vax supporters: Who is getting the new booster shot for the latest variant?

So you have had every shot? You might be the first I know of, no one else really gets the shots at all anymore. Your post is ancient of times, it used to be that way for 1.3% but the other 98.7% were fine. You don’t need to lie anymore.
i do not yet have the new booster but will get it soon. i don't care if you all die of covid. the vaccine is much safer than the disease.
i do not yet have the new booster but will get it soon. i don't care if you all die of covid. the vaccine is much safer than the disease.
I think that like COVID the Vax may effect some people more than others. That's why I am against mandatory vaccination. I, myself, am fully vaxed and just got the booster. The vax has not negatively affected me and my wife has health issues so I choose to get vaxed so as not to compromise her.
I think that like COVID the Vax may effect some people more than others. That's why I am against mandatory vaccination. I, myself, am fully vaxed and just got the booster. The vax has not negatively affected me and my wife has health issues so I choose to get vaxed so as not to compromise her.

Guess you haven't heard the shots do not stop infection and do not stop transmission.

Just feel lucky you are not one of these people. You are welcome to gamble with your own health that is freedom.

NBC News Atlanta: US Government Vaccine Injury Program Overwhelmed by COVID Vaccine Injury Claims
I see you’ve dropped your “reasonable guy” mask and have exposed your inner asshole

I never said I was reasonable, that is you. You have been an asshole for decades, what’s the big deal? You seem to only get outraged is one of your own is called out. If she didn’t want to be called an asshole, she shouldn’t have acted like one.
i do not yet have the new booster but will get it soon. i don't care if you all die of covid. the vaccine is much safer than the disease.
Where did I mention whether I vaxxed or not? I don’t care if you die, so now what, we done?
Guess you haven't heard the shots do not stop infection and do not stop transmission.

Just feel lucky you are not one of these people. You are welcome to gamble with your own health that is freedom.

NBC News Atlanta: US Government Vaccine Injury Program Overwhelmed by COVID Vaccine Injury Claims

Yes I heard that but have seen no real evidence either way. In fact, I myself contracted Covid however I wouldn't have even known I had it if it were not for a head cold I got but tested positive for Covid. It didn't really affect me. If my wife contracted Covid and (God fobid) die, I'd never forgive myself for not getting the vax.
Interesting Scientific American article:

"Taken at face value, these numbers may appear to indicate that vaccination does not make that much of a difference. But this perception is an example of a phenomenon known as the base rate fallacy. One also has to consider the denominator of the fraction—that is, the sizes of the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. With shots widely available to almost all age groups, the majority of the U.S. population has been vaccinated. So even if only a small fraction of vaccinated people who get COVID die from it, the more people who are vaccinated, the more likely they are to make up a portion of the dead."

Not sure what to make of it just yet. They lumped together ALL vaccinated no matter how many pokes they took. Also I question the vagueness of the 'geographically state and representative local health departments and recent reported debunked so-called 'Covid' deaths. There is a pretty fine line separating a Covid-caused death and a death with Covid found in the body. What do you all think? Right now I'm thinking that among the whole population, deaths from both Covid itself and the vax represent a very small fraction of the population. I am thinking the elderly and folks with other health problems or compromised immune systems should have been the targeted population for the vax.

They should have never vaccinated the whole population. I heard early on that the already sick and elderly were most at risk. We could have had treatments if the government hadn't stuck their big pharma noses in. thousands of lives may have been saved. Many doctors endorsed using treatments but were shouted down by the big pharma money grubbing lobby paid government officials.

Nobody knew how bad Covid was going to be but most of the 'news' was very bad. Only 1 man in America knew the truth and, that's the man that created the virus. Dr. Fauci. (I know I'm ranting).
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This one's a bit more difficult for me to access. Previously, the hospital complex, where the gym I to is located, had a "vaxing station" a couple of days a week. Not so now. I can get it at Krogers with an appointment, which isn't too bad, but .... an extra trip unless I want to be near a bunch of people, which I don't.
The same here.
This won't be too popular but I got all available shots and boosters, interrupted only by an asymptomatic Covid bout September 2022. But consolation; I am against lockdowns and masks.
i do not yet have the new booster but will get it soon. i don't care if you all die of covid. the vaccine is much safer than the disease.
The Covid shots are NOT vaccines. My best friend held off for 2 years, finally got the jabs and a few weeks later contracted Covid. NOT A VACCINE. Wake up.
I had three shots, back in the day. I heard that this latest one is only good for three months. I'm going to pass, and just get a Flu shot. I've yet to contract Covid, though I've been around plenty of people who've had it.

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