Lets just say...

MtnBiker said:
Trick question, this nation's wealth is not a zero sum game.
I mean the pesonal wealth in the Country M..That's what Sage seems to have a problem with..

BTW...Sage Define greed for me, please. My guess is it will be something like this..If you have more than you need it's greed..right?
Mr. P said:
I mean the pesonal wealth in the Country M..That's what Sage seems to have a problem with..

BTW...Sage Define greed for me, please. My guess is it will be something like this..If you have more than you need it's greed..right?

No, it's if you have more than ME!!! ;)
Mr. P said:
I mean the pesonal wealth in the Country M..That's what Sage seems to have a problem with..

BTW...Sage Define greed for me, please. My guess is it will be something like this..If you have more than you need it's greed..right?

I would define greed as an almost uncontrollable desire to acculmulate, in this case wealth, and in addition, lacking a definitive or purposeful reason to acquire it, other than just to get more...... have more. It also would have to include my personal opinion regarding the method and structure regarding what I consider fair and respectable as to how it is obtained.... my list would include a need for truthful representation, and certainly any fraud or illegal activity would be a negative.
GunnyL said:
Damn ... hope i didn't blow a clandestine operation! :smoke:

I dont think that Im being backed into a corner to ask for my definition of greed here......actually the issue of this post was incompetence....but nobody really got it. I can deal with MR. P
sagegirl said:
I dont think that Im being backed into a corner to ask for my definition of greed here......actually the issue of this post was incompetence....but nobody really got it. I can deal with MR. P

Did you watch Oprah today? Sad in deed.
sagegirl said:
I would define greed as an almost uncontrollable desire to acculmulate, in this case wealth, and in addition, lacking a definitive or purposeful reason to acquire it, other than just to get more...... have more. It also would have to include my personal opinion regarding the method and structure regarding what I consider fair and respectable as to how it is obtained.... my list would include a need for truthful representation, and certainly any fraud or illegal activity would be a negative.
This is all your opinion not a definition of greed. Why should your opinion dictate what someone else seeks to achieve or acquire? If they want to make 100k, why shouldn't they be able to collect 100k in the end? Should you grant permission for someone to rise to a particular level? Is this a control thing for you, or do you think you just know best?

Come on you're almost there.. :eek:
Mr. P said:
This is all your opinion not a definition of greed. Why should your opinion dictate what someone else seeks to achieve or acquire? If they want to make 100k, why shouldn't they be able to collect 100k in the end? Should you grant permission for someone to rise to a particular level? Is this a control thing for you, or do you think you just know best?

Come on you're almost there.. :eek:

Everything I post here is just my opinion......I dont dictate nor do I desire to, but I do alot of observing, its just my nature, ....YOU asked me what my definition of greed was and I told you......
Do I know what is best????? Nope....... Im not always right but Im never in doubt.
sagegirl said:
Everything I post here is just my opinion......I dont dictate nor do I desire to, but I do alot of observing, its just my nature, ....YOU asked me what my definition of greed was and I told you......
Do I know what is best????? Nope....... Im not always right but Im never in doubt.
So you were just venting because some people make more money than others and you don't think they're worthy of it? Is that it?
Mr. P said:
So you were just venting because some people make more money than others and you don't think they're worthy of it? Is that it?

Remember P, Sage was the one whinning about single mother's and how they get all the breaks *cough* attention *cough*, even though "others" work harder and are just better, in an overall sense.
Said1 said:
Remember P, Sage was the one whinning about single mother's and how they get all the breaks *cough* attention *cough*, even though "others" work harder and are just better, in an overall sense.
Missed that I guess..Fits though.
Said1 said:
Remember P, Sage was the one whinning about single mother's and how they get all the breaks *cough* attention *cough*, even though "others" work harder and are just better, in an overall sense.

You are either purposefully twisting what I posted or you didnt understand it.......you must have some axe to grind because what I said didnt please you....I think single moms work hard, all moms do, extremely hard, but that is a choice that they made ....... some literally walk away from the job..contributing to the high number of children in foster care, so I have great respect for the moms who stick with it and do a good job. I think good social relationships enhance ones experience, and thus I think a stable home atmosphere adds to the personal enjoyment of that experience and helps build good character . We do influence our own realities and we generally get good results if we put our best effort into it. Expecting anyone else to provide the things we want is a sham.......it is disempowering and demeaning, we are EMPOWERED when we accomplish our goals and leave others blameless.
Mr. P said:
So you were just venting because some people make more money than others and you don't think they're worthy of it? Is that it?

You missed it......
sagegirl said:
You are either purposefully twisting what I posted or you didnt understand it.

No, I didn't twist or misunderstand anything. My comment was an observation pertaining to your attitude about certain people not being "worthy" of certain things they have earned or are granted and how "unfair" things are in light of their actual imcompetence - according to you.
Said1 said:
No, I didn't twist or misunderstand anything. My comment was an observation pertaining to your attitude about certain people not being "worthy" of certain things they have earned or are granted and how "unfair" things are in light of their actual imcompetence - according to you.

I dont think I have ever said or even implied that a person is not worthy of what they earn, (maybe a problem with what they are "granted"), in fact I am all in favor of the rewards system. The last thing I expect is that things will be "fair". I dont even know if I understand the concept of fairness, I believe we get what we bargain for. There was a documentary regarding the Chinese moving into Tibet and the Chinese soldier that was being interviewed said it was alright to mix with the Tibetians, but they created a problem because they were more interested in having fun than working, and they smiled all the time. They must have been well served by that philosphy until the Chinese came. My point is that here is an indigenous people, living in a harsh enviornment, and according to our standards lacking almost all modern conveniences. They own very little property or wealth and whats the problem?????they are too busy being happy and having a good time. I dont want to go to Tibet and live, it is not my place or time, but there is something to be learned from their experience.
sagegirl said:
I dont think I have ever said or even implied that a person is not worthy of what they earn, (maybe a problem with what they are "granted"), in fact I am all in favor of the rewards system. The last thing I expect is that things will be "fair". I dont even know if I understand the concept of fairness, I believe we get what we bargain for.

You made some comments in the thread starter pertaining to huge disparities in wages, those being in the top end not being worth what they get.

There was a documentary regarding the Chinese moving into Tibet and the Chinese soldier that was being interviewed said it was alright to mix with the Tibetians, but they created a problem because they were more interested in having fun than working, and they smiled all the time. They must have been well served by that philosphy until the Chinese came. My point is that here is an indigenous people, living in a harsh enviornment, and according to our standards lacking almost all modern conveniences. They own very little property or wealth and whats the problem?????they are too busy being happy and having a good time. I dont want to go to Tibet and live, it is not my place or time, but there is something to be learned from their experience.

So people should not worry and be happy in the west, adopting Buhddist/Gia (sp) philosophies, have fun and not work? How low are your living standards? Just how much are you willing to give up, in exchange for meditation and well being?????????
Mr. P said:
Guess so, try again...Why do the top people not deserve the salary they make.
Cuz Sage says so?

I'll wait, I know ya wanna take care of me.. :eek:

By the way, wasn’t it you that admitted soon after you joined that you were a socialist, or maybe that was someone else, I don’t remember.

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