Let's Keep It Real On Race

Piss Bucket

Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2014
Blacks represent, oh, approximately 12-15% of the American population. Black teens represent probably less than 5% of the population, which I think is a lot less than homos. However, blacks make up well over 90% of the prison population, and black teens make up way more than the majority of that group.

Now, so far I have merely stated facts, so do not have a hissy fit, yet. In addition, this is the point where leftists will use disparate impact to try to create the inference that the underlying system is racist and corrupt. This is truly a destructive thing to do that breeds distrust of our system.

Now to the point: black youth are committing a WAY disproportionate amount of the crime in our country. Be it theft, drugs, violence, fraud, whatever, young black men are FAR more likely than whites or even Mexicans to commit crimes.

Here is another leftist bag of bullshit: the socio-economic system is stacked against young black men. Their unemployment rate is high. They see no other way out, so they turn to drugs and other crimes. The system disproportionately affects young blacks negatively. Therefore, the system is racist and corrupt.

If you vomit violently after hearing such tripe then congratulations: that is the correct response. Do you know why the unemployment rate is so high (like, in excess of 20%)? I will let you ponder this. However, consider this: is it more likely, more reasonable, that after decades of having civil rights crammed down our throats, that the whole socio-economic system is stacked against young black males, or that

They just do not give a shit about working

The drug trade pays more

There are a ton of benefits they can get...why be a chump and "werk fo da man"?

That their urban culture does not value hard work, opting instead to look away from a hard work ethic and toward shit like professional sports and rap music as things to aspire to. Every brotha knows dat Jay-Z won't do no work go da white man.

Now, is there anything "racist" about what I have said so far? Of course not. We need to be able to talk freely about shit like this rather than allowing ourselves to be cowered by PC fascists.

If we conclude that a hugely disproportionate amount of our crime problem is perpetrated by young black men, then is it not reasonable that we focus on them and doing something about this problem? I am not talking about midnight basketball or Beyoncé tickets either. They know what they are doing. They are not stupid. They know that a prison sentence is a risk in a criminal enterprise. What about that Ferguson kid? That fucker knew that if he robbed that store owner and walked down the middle of a busy street like a fucking dick that he may be, at some point, stopped by police. He wasn't some innocent angel.

The way to deal with this first and foremost is to have the black community regulate itself. Of course, they will have to be motivated. We may have to cut some benefits and take away some tax credits. Let's be real here: that Ferguson kid that was shot was one fat fuck. He could stand to skip a few meals. You can cut the fuck out of food stamps and nobody will starve. But it will get their attention.

My main point here is that we need to be able to point our finger at the blacks and say that it is them and their culture that is responsible for most of the crime in our country. That is a fact. What kind of fucked up situation have we got ourselves into where you cannot state a simple fact without being attacked and run into the ground.

At some point we are going to have to stand up and say "enough".
I figured this was going to be another racist thread, but i found your post to be spot on. Nice work!
Did you guys know that just over .02% of America's black population is in prison?

There's a stat for you fuckers.
Blacks represent, oh, approximately 12-15% of the American population. Black teens represent probably less than 5% of the population, which I think is a lot less than homos.

Numerous surveys put homosexuals between 1 to 2 percent of the population.

They just do not give a shit about working

They do care about working but liberals have imported a peon class to replace poor blacks because liberals feel less guilty having a Hispanic cleaning their toilet than a black.

Secondly, employers actually prefer to hire Hispanics because they're better workers. Blacks have too much attitude, they don't work as hard, they're less reliable and they talk back too much. These behaviors all cause headaches for employers.

Blacks have baggage but most of them do want to work.

The drug trade pays more

There have been a few in-depth studies which have looked at the economics of the drug trade. Most of the dealers are making about minimum wage.

My main point here is that we need to be able to point our finger at the blacks and say that it is them and their culture that is responsible for most of the crime in our country. That is a fact. What kind of fucked up situation have we got ourselves into where you cannot state a simple fact without being attacked and run into the ground.

At some point we are going to have to stand up and say "enough".

True, but let's say they police themselves and now you have an army of young black men who want to work in the regular economy. Who is going to hire them when millions of Mexican peasants are already in the workforce and are about to be legalized by liberals?
Just take a simple thread on the subject and watch how it gets hijacked and turned into anything other then honest debate.
Did you guys know that just over .02% of America's black population is in prison?

There's a stat for you fuckers.

According to your "stat" the black population in the U.S. is 5 billion. (1 million divided by .0002)

According to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), African Americans constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population.
Did you guys know that just over .02% of America's black population is in prison?

There's a stat for you fuckers.

You'd have to be a stupid fucker to give any weight to that statistic. Who cares about a 1-day old black baby or a 78 year old black great grandmother.

The relevant statistics relate to black men and those statistics are:

One in 10 African-American males between the ages of 25 and 29 were incarcerated in state or federal prisons by the end of 2001.

In the U.S., approximately one in four (23 percent) African-American males ages 20-29 are either in prison, jail, on probation or parole on any given day.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, nearly one in three African- American males born in 2001 will go to prison during his lifetime.

In 2001, 16.6 percent of African-American males had been incarcerated at some point in their life, compared to 2.6 percent of White males and 7.7 percent of Hispanic males.​
Funny title on this article but it makes a point:

Why Drug Dealers Live With Their Moms

During the crack cocaine boom of the 1990s, the image of the millionaire crack dealer implanted itself on the public consciousness. But anyone who spent time around the Crips or Bloods or any other crack-selling gang might have noticed something odd: A great many crack dealers still lived at home with their moms. Why was that?

Sudhir Venkatesh, a University of Chicago graduate student at the time, discovered the answer.

He had originally been sent by his thesis advisor into a Chicago housing project to administer a sociological survey. But after a harrowing encounter with a local crack gang, he befriended its leader and virtually embedded himself with the gang for six years. He was given a pile of notebooks containing four years' worth of the gang's financial transactions -- a trove of data that, when subjected to an economic analysis, proved incredibly revealing.

At root, economics is the study of incentives -- how people get what they want, or need, especially when other people want or need the same thing. The rules apply just as well to a crack gang as to a Fortune 500 business.

As it turned out, the gang worked a lot like most American businesses, though perhaps none more so than McDonald's. If you were to hold a McDonald's organizational chart and the crack gang's organizational chart side by side, you could hardly tell the difference.


The gang was one of about 100 branches -- franchises, really -- of the Black Gangster Disciple Nation. The franchise leader whom Venkatesh befriended, a college graduate named J. T., reported to a board of directors. J. T. employed three senior officers and, depending on the season, from 25 to 75 "foot soldiers," or street-level salesmen. (Autumn was the busiest season for selling crack; summer and Christmastime were slow.) At the bottom of the organization were as many as 200 "rank-and-file" members, who weren't employees but did pay dues, hoping to one day become foot soldiers.

J. T.'s gang took in revenues of about $32,000 a month. Not counting wages, it cost J. T. about $14,000 to operate, including $5,000 for the wholesale purchase of cocaine and another $5,000 as a kickback to the board of directors.

J. T.'s single largest expense was the wage he paid himself: $8,500 a month, for an annual salary of about $100,000. There were roughly 100 leaders of J. T.'s stature within the Black Disciple network. These were the drug dealers who could indeed afford to live large, or -- in the case of the board of directors -- extremely large. Each of those roughly 20 directors stood to earn about $500,000 a year.

So the top 120 men on the Black Disciples' pyramid were paid very well. But the pyramid they sat atop was gigantic. Using J. T.'s franchise as a yardstick -- three officers and roughly 50 foot soldiers -- there were about 5,300 other men working for those 120 bosses. Then there were the 20,000 unpaid rank-and-file members, many of whom wanted nothing more than a chance to become a foot soldier. And how well did that dream job pay? About $3.30 an hour.

J. T.'s three officers didn't do much better: about $7 an hour. So the answer to the original question -- if drug dealers make so much money, why are they still living with their mothers? -- is that, except for the top cats, they don't make much money. They have no choice but to live with their mothers.

A crack gang works pretty much like the standard capitalist enterprise: You have to be near the top of the pyramid to make a big wage. But selling crack is a lot more dangerous than most menial labor. Anyone who was a member of J. T.'s gang for the four years covered in the notebooks stood a 1-in-4 chance of being killed. That's more than five times as deadly as being a timber cutter, which the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls the most dangerous job in the United States.

So if crack dealing is really the most dangerous job in America, and it pays less than minimum wage, why on Earth would anyone take such a job? Well, for the same reason a pretty Wisconsin farm girl moves to Hollywood. For the same reason that a high school quarterback wakes up at 5 a.m. to lift weights.


They all want to succeed in an extremely competitive field in which, if you reach the top, you are paid a fortune (to say nothing of the attendant glory and power). But in each of these glamour professions, the same problem exists: A lot of people are competing in what is essentially a tournament.

Earning big money in J. T.'s crack gang wasn't much more likely than the Wisconsin farm girl becoming a movie star or the high school quarterback playing in the NFL. But criminals, like everyone else, respond to incentives.​

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