Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”

Men define themselves by Johnson size... Geeze, is that in the lesbian manual?
Well...you have to remember Sog....progressive women only associate themselves with progressive men. Progressive men are pretty freaking immature and ignorant. I imagine every man they've ever known really does think about his penis size 24x7.

For the rest of America though....the thought never crosses our mind. We're too busy living life (actually holding a job, taking care of our children that we didn't kill in an abortion, defending the U.S. from the left, etc.).

I just don't get these folks.... they say the most absurd shit. Bod was in the Navy... I'm sure she's heard some pretty foul shit. You'd think she'd be a bit thicker skinned.
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????

At least we don't now......read up on Tailhook Tailhook scandal - Wikipedia
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
Women have the right to freedom of expression and to make utter fools of themselves. They have the right to be laughed at, dismissed as inconsequential and ignored.
Yes....ignore millions of women and men at your peril.

These types deserve to be ignored:

There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”
^ This is why we marched.
so you could type messages on a message board? that seems odd.
Men define themselves by Johnson size... Geeze, is that in the lesbian manual?
Well...you have to remember Sog....progressive women only associate themselves with progressive men. Progressive men are pretty freaking immature and ignorant. I imagine every man they've ever known really does think about his penis size 24x7.

For the rest of America though....the thought never crosses our mind. We're too busy living life (actually holding a job, taking care of our children that we didn't kill in an abortion, defending the U.S. from the left, etc.).

I just don't get these folks.... they say the most absurd shit. Bod was in the Navy... I'm sure she's heard some pretty foul shit. You'd think she'd be a bit thicker skinned.
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????

At least we don't now......read up on Tailhook Tailhook scandal - Wikipedia

I only know what two friends who served had to say about it... anyway, who assaulted whom?
Trump should be proud.
The march against him was yuuuge...probably the yuuugist ever.
sounds like the outrage was at obummer since trump hasn't been in charge of anything they marched against.
it's the absurdity of it all, why wear that T shirt ...what will she gain, apart from the contempt of the world!
Ever notice how the left lacks all grace and sophistication? For the side that claims to be all about "education", they sure are a bunch of crass, vulgar, classless, Neanderthals. Even at my age now, if either of my parents saw me wearing something like that they'd cave my skull in. You have to wonder who raises liberals?

I've got $100 right now that says she comes from a broken home.

That's the problem, so many of those women didn't grow up in a household with a father and a mother.

They are completely lost souls! :dunno:
or they live in pretendland in hollywood. where they aren't anybody.
Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).
Geezus...you sound like a typical left-wing progressive with your shocking lack of knowledge about what transpired.
Uh-huh, if defending the freedom of expression and advocating having an actual reason and evidence based argument rather than simply relying on blanket smears makes me "sound like a typical left-wing progressive" to you then so be it
Dude...you sound like an idiot. Nobody...and I mean nobody...prevented their "freedom of expression".
Yeah, probably because you don't have to power to do so, however based on your OP it sounds as if you'd be perfectly ok with doing it if you could, since after all "they're a disgrace to America" and all ....... as far as actually discrediting their arguments with reason and evidence not so much.

Stop trying to sound like your Captain America. I'll run circles around you when it comes to defending the U.S. Constitution.
LOL, Oky-Doky Smokey, let me know when you're ready to begin your circular logic demonstration, however "defending the Constitution" isn't the same thing as defending rights, the Constitution is a piece of paper with words on it, not the well from which natural rights spring.


But I equally have the right to express my 1st Amendment rights about their march. And...we have decency laws in America whether you like it or not.
I don't particularly like it but remind me which "decency laws" did these women violate?

There were parents who brought their children to that rally having no idea that progressives would craft giant vagina lips.
Uh-huh, their children, I must have missed the part about you being a credible authority for what other peoples children see and don't see....

Tell me asshole
OOPS sorry to have "micro-aggressed" you by having the gall to disagree with your methodology, how very impudent of me to expect that you might actually be able to defend your position with reason and evidence.

....how do you explain that to your 6 year old son?
Perhaps by explaining that human beings are born with the right to express themselves and that sometimes the form the expression takes might not be to our liking but as long as it's peaceful and doesn't violate the life, liberty or property of others, it remains a right.
...we have decency laws in America whether you like it or not.
I don't particularly like it but remind me which "decency laws" did these women violate?
Exactly. And here's the thing my fragile little snowflake - nobody cares what you like or don't like. We have decency laws in America. Deal with it.

Liberty does not equal anarchy.
Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).
Geezus...you sound like a typical left-wing progressive with your shocking lack of knowledge about what transpired.
Uh-huh, if defending the freedom of expression and advocating having an actual reason and evidence based argument rather than simply relying on blanket smears makes me "sound like a typical left-wing progressive" to you then so be it
Dude...you sound like an idiot. Nobody...and I mean nobody...prevented their "freedom of expression".
Yeah, probably because you don't have to power to do so, however based on your OP it sounds as if you'd be perfectly ok with doing it if you could, since after all "they're a disgrace to America" and all ....... as far as actually discrediting their arguments with reason and evidence not so much.

Stop trying to sound like your Captain America. I'll run circles around you when it comes to defending the U.S. Constitution.
LOL, Oky-Doky Smokey, let me know when you're ready to begin your circular logic demonstration, however "defending the Constitution" isn't the same thing as defending rights, the Constitution is a piece of paper with words on it, not the well from which natural rights spring.


But I equally have the right to express my 1st Amendment rights about their march. And...we have decency laws in America whether you like it or not.
I don't particularly like it but remind me which "decency laws" did these women violate?

There were parents who brought their children to that rally having no idea that progressives would craft giant vagina lips.
Uh-huh, their children, I must have missed the part about you being a credible authority for what other peoples children see and don't see....

Tell me asshole
OOPS sorry to have "micro-aggressed" you by having the gall to disagree with your methodology, how very impudent of me to expect that you might actually be able to defend your position with reason and evidence.

....how do you explain that to your 6 year old son?
Perhaps by explaining that human beings are born with the right to express themselves and that sometimes the form the expression takes might not be to our liking but as long as it's peaceful and doesn't violate the life, liberty or property of others, it remains a right.
what the fk is their argument?

"as far as actually discrediting their arguments with reason and evidence not so much."
Perhaps by explaining that human beings are born with the right to express themselves and that sometimes the form the expression takes might not be to our liking but as long as it's peaceful and doesn't violate the life, liberty or property of others, it remains a right.
But it doesn't. So then you would be lying to the child. You have no "right" to public indecency. It doesn't exist. Never has. Never will.
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.
Uh-huh, if defending the freedom of expression and advocating having an actual reason and evidence based argument rather than simply relying on blanket smears makes me "sound like a typical left-wing progressive" to you then so be it
Dude...you sound like an idiot. Nobody...and I mean nobody...prevented their "freedom of expression".
Yeah, probably because you don't have to power to do so
So you're now admitting you just lied.

Oh the irony of this nitwit. All about "freedom of expression" - until I do it. Then she has to whine about why I am engaging in "freedom of expression".

You are literally too stupid to see that you defeat your own argument by even engaging me in the first place. If "freedom of expression" is so important to you - then why even challenge me about my posts?!? :lol:

This is like progressives who say they are "tolerant" but have no tolerance for intolerance... :lmao:
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.
So if a person doesn't admit something, it never actually happened :uhh:

I bet victims of rape just adore you...
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.

Who did Trump admit to sexually assaulting? I must have missed that.

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