Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”

Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).
Geezus...you sound like a typical left-wing progressive with your shocking lack of knowledge about what transpired.
Uh-huh, if defending the freedom of expression and advocating having an actual reason and evidence based argument rather than simply relying on blanket smears makes me "sound like a typical left-wing progressive" to you then so be it
Dude...you sound like an idiot. Nobody...and I mean nobody...prevented their "freedom of expression".
Yeah, probably because you don't have to power to do so, however based on your OP it sounds as if you'd be perfectly ok with doing it if you could, since after all "they're a disgrace to America" and all ....... as far as actually discrediting their arguments with reason and evidence not so much.

Stop trying to sound like your Captain America. I'll run circles around you when it comes to defending the U.S. Constitution.
LOL, Oky-Doky Smokey, let me know when you're ready to begin your circular logic demonstration, however "defending the Constitution" isn't the same thing as defending rights, the Constitution is a piece of paper with words on it, not the well from which natural rights spring.


But I equally have the right to express my 1st Amendment rights about their march. And...we have decency laws in America whether you like it or not.
I don't particularly like it but remind me which "decency laws" did these women violate?

There were parents who brought their children to that rally having no idea that progressives would craft giant vagina lips.
Uh-huh, their children, I must have missed the part about you being a credible authority for what other peoples children see and don't see....

Tell me asshole
OOPS sorry to have "micro-aggressed" you by having the gall to disagree with your methodology, how very impudent of me to expect that you might actually be able to defend your position with reason and evidence.

....how do you explain that to your 6 year old son?
Perhaps by explaining that human beings are born with the right to express themselves and that sometimes the form the expression takes might not be to our liking but as long as it's peaceful and doesn't violate the life, liberty or property of others, it remains a right.
lighting someone's hair on fire cause they have a different view than you is humane? Hard to take people threatening to blow up houses and setting young women's hair on fire seriously. I laugh at pretendland.
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.
who brought trump to trial on sexual assault? I missed that one.
Yes...we know about anti-semitism.
Well duh....you progressives invented it. Your the side that wants Palestine and muslims to kill Israel and the "evil Jews".
Fascinating....how you've twisted yourself all around in a comfy little blankie of denial there.
I'm not denying it. I'm openly acknowledging that your side of the aisle is anti-Semitic, hates Israel and Jews, and wants to see Palestine wipe them off of the face of the earth. Here is one of your fellow marchers right here Bode...

The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.

Who did Trump admit to sexually assaulting? I must have missed that.
They never hold themselves to the same standards they demand of others...
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.

Who did Trump admit to sexually assaulting? I must have missed that.
They never hold themselves to the same standards they demand of others...
they have no standards and that's why.
I'm still trying to figure out what event magically triggered this concern over women's rights? Nary a peep in the last 8 years.. why now?
Like I said....this has nothing to do with "women's rights". That issued was solved like 85 years ago. It's a bunch of progressives furious that they can't get larger doses of socialism. They are outraged that they might have to actually hold a job.

Another post proving why the march was needed.
lighting someone's hair on fire cause they have a different view than you is humane? Hard to take people threatening to blow up houses and setting young women's hair on fire seriously. I laugh at pretendland.
nightfox said:
Perhaps by explaining that human beings are born with the right to express themselves and that sometimes the form the expression takes might not be to our liking but as long as it's peaceful and doesn't violate the life, liberty or property of others, it remains a right.
Which part didn't you understand?
Progressives are all the same. What man puts a fucking earring through his lip? What man wears a backpack? What man hits a woman? Also - are progressives not aware of this technology called a "razor"?

The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.

Who did Trump admit to sexually assaulting? I must have missed that.

LOL, you would be this dumb to actually post this.
Which part didn't you understand?
The part where you insist that people have an unfettered right to "freedom of expression" by condemning someone who is using their "freedom of expression". :lmao:
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.

Who did Trump admit to sexually assaulting? I must have missed that.

LOL, you would be this dumb to actually post this.
You just called bodecea "dumb" :lol:

(Psst....stupid....she posed that question first)
lighting someone's hair on fire cause they have a different view than you is humane? Hard to take people threatening to blow up houses and setting young women's hair on fire seriously. I laugh at pretendland.
nightfox said:
Perhaps by explaining that human beings are born with the right to express themselves and that sometimes the form the expression takes might not be to our liking but as long as it's peaceful and doesn't violate the life, liberty or property of others, it remains a right.
Which part didn't you understand?
so you denounce the women's march?
Progressives are all the same. What man puts a fucking earring through his lip? What man wears a backpack? What man hits a woman? Also - are progressives not aware of this technology called a "razor"?

You're really whining that a guy is wearing a backpack? Holy shit.

Odds are that you wear a fucking name tag to work, so who are you to judge Jethro.
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.

Who did Trump admit to sexually assaulting? I must have missed that.

LOL, you would be this dumb to actually post this.
You just called bodecea "dumb" :lol:

(Psst....stupid....she posed that question first)

Ok, so be it. Whats your point?
You're really whining that a guy is wearing a backpack? Holy shit. Odds are that you wear a fucking name tag to work, so who are you to judge Jethro.
Where the fuck do you work that they wear name tags?!? :lmao:

Also - at a job - you have to do what your employer tells you to do. That's a far cry from this tiny little homo wearing a backpack like a 2nd grader of his own choosing.

Any other really stupid things you want to say there RDD? :lmao:
Now NightFox can tell all of us how this @sshole progressive is just "expressing" themselves and that they have a "right" to this "expression"... (and of course how we inexplicably do not have the right to call it out, question it, or otherwise discuss it)
Apparently you have the same imperfect understanding of what rights are that plagues much of the citizenry in the United States, for your edification, (as I've already stated in this thread) the right to express yourself ends when it becomes other than peaceful and violates the life, liberty or property of others.

Nice try at building a straw man; though next time I would suggest you hire a competent construction crew. :cool:
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.

Who did Trump admit to sexually assaulting? I must have missed that.

LOL, you would be this dumb to actually post this.
You just called bodecea "dumb" :lol:

(Psst....stupid....she posed that question first)

Ok, so be it. Whats your point?
My point is threefold:
  • You just called your fellow progressive "dumb"
  • You're so ignorant you can't even follow the thread. No wonder you vote Dumbocrat
  • As always, you have no idea what you're talking about
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.

Who did Trump admit to sexually assaulting? I must have missed that.

LOL, you would be this dumb to actually post this.
You just called bodecea "dumb" :lol:

(Psst....stupid....she posed that question first)

Ok, so be it. Whats your point?
that you didn't answer who trump sexually assaulted. we're all patiently waiting for your answer.

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