Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”

You are full of it sonny boy, always a pathetic excuse. You sound like Trump. There were also no arrests in Chicago with 250,000 attendees
Chicago? You mean the city that was so oppressive and so violent, a Trump rally actually go cancelled? And Rham Emanuel did nothing about it?

Can you imagine that? I never thought I would see the day in America where a peaceful political rally would be cancelled because of an opposition so violent and so oppressive, they prevented it and the government of that city did nothing to stop them.

Any other stupid things you'd like to say brummelben?
No one was out of control. IN NYC with 500,000 marchers not a single arrest
That's because a radical progressive mayor - a devout communist - instructed law enforcement not to make any arrests. That doesn't mean laws weren't violated.
You are full of it sonny boy, always a pathetic excuse. You sound like Trump. There were also no arrests in Chicago with 250,000 attendees
well like was stated earlier, there weren't arrests even though there was disruption of others. The Homeland team isn't set up fully yet. These disruptions will not be tolerated in the future and arrests will be made. protests are not to disrupt. Period. you thinking it's ok is just more libturd-i-dess
Yes...we know about anti-semitism.
Well duh....you progressives invented it. Your the side that wants Palestine and muslims to kill Israel and the "evil Jews".
Fascinating....how you've twisted yourself all around in a comfy little blankie of denial there.
The timing on this news story couldn't be any more perfect....

Obama quietly gave $221 million to Palestinians just hours before Trump’s inauguration
If that's the case, I hate to be the one to burst your bubble but neither you nor anybody has that right when it comes to the commons; nor have you been granted the discretion to dictate what may or may not be appropriate expression for other peoples children to be "exposed to".
Sorry snowflake...but you've already lost the "right" to discuss rights when you illustrated your complete and total lack of knowledge about rights.
LOL, do me a favor and point out exactly where that happened?

When you said you abhor decency laws,
You have quite a penchant for attempting to put words into other peoples mouths, huh? Either that or you're not aware that people can actually go back and read what was actually posted, what I REALLY said was "I don't particularly like it but remind me which "decency laws" did these women violate?" in response to your assertion "we have decency laws in America whether you like it or not." the word "abhor" was never used nor were you willing/able to answer the question I asked (no big surprise there).

that children can be exposed to anything, and when you cited "freedom of expression" as your excuse for challenging my posts (which is, ironically, my freedom of expression).
LOL, again with the misquoting, what I actually said was that the discretion of the PARENTS were in force NOT yours or societies, an explanation which wouldn't have been required if you actually understand the difference between LAWS (opinions on a piece of paper) and RIGHTS (granted by their creator and/or by virtue of their humanities), and I never challenged your right to express yourself I challenged your methodology and the crude and ineffective manner that you went about it.

Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert.
Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
If he were a liberal democrat, supporting abortion, the women groups that protested him would give it a pass (ref. Bill Clinton). It seems that democrat perverts are acceptable as president and republican perverts are not. FDR, JFK and WJC were perverts and are beloved by democrats. Seems like a big double standards to me......but that's politics.

Speculation that they would let it pass.
Not speculation that Trump is a pervert.

Trump is a pervert. He'd be the first to admit it... Why you guys support a pervert for President...nobody knows.

Do you really want to discuss the wife cheating intern abusing filth Bill Clinton?

I didn't bring him up; just the fact that your messiah is a pervert.

You can't elect serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton and have any credibility to point a finger at Trump. Your credibility is 0.00
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.
So if a person doesn't admit something, it never actually happened :uhh:

I bet victims of rape just adore you...
What another fascinating twisty fantastical alternative reality you are continuing to weave.
If he were a liberal democrat, supporting abortion, the women groups that protested him would give it a pass (ref. Bill Clinton). It seems that democrat perverts are acceptable as president and republican perverts are not. FDR, JFK and WJC were perverts and are beloved by democrats. Seems like a big double standards to me......but that's politics.

Speculation that they would let it pass.
Not speculation that Trump is a pervert.

Trump is a pervert. He'd be the first to admit it... Why you guys support a pervert for President...nobody knows.

Do you really want to discuss the wife cheating intern abusing filth Bill Clinton?

I didn't bring him up; just the fact that your messiah is a pervert.

You can't elect serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton and have any credibility to point a finger at Trump. Your credibility is 0.00
Kindly show us that "serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton" did those things AND was known to have done those things before he was elected..........in 1992 or 1996.
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.

Who did Trump admit to sexually assaulting? I must have missed that.
"I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.
who brought trump to trial on sexual assault? I missed that one.
He's not on trial......he admitted to it. As I said in my post.
The Navy doesn't teach us to accept sexual assault as "locker room talk". What exactly IS your image of the Navy??????
That's surprising to me given that your Commander in Chief during the 1990's was a man who routinely engaged in sexual assault.
"routinely"? You will have to show the evidence of his admitting to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did.....or else being convicted of such.
who brought trump to trial on sexual assault? I missed that one.
He's not on trial......he admitted to it. As I said in my post.
he admitted to what? BTW, sexual harassment is unwanted. If he did something that was unwanted, then why no arrests?
Now NightFox can tell all of us how this @sshole progressive is just "expressing" themselves and that they have a "right" to this "expression"... (and of course how we inexplicably do not have the right to call it out, question it, or otherwise discuss it)
Apparently you have the same imperfect understanding of what rights are that plagues much of the citizenry in the United States, for your edification, (as I've already stated in this thread) the right to express yourself ends when it becomes other than peaceful and violates the life, liberty or property of others.

Nice try at building a straw man; though next time I would suggest you hire a competent construction crew. :cool:
so you denounce all of the weekend's anti-trump marches? Cause they were all violent and destructive.
The Saturday marches were "all violent and destructive"?
Now NightFox can tell all of us how this @sshole progressive is just "expressing" themselves and that they have a "right" to this "expression"... (and of course how we inexplicably do not have the right to call it out, question it, or otherwise discuss it)
Apparently you have the same imperfect understanding of what rights are that plagues much of the citizenry in the United States, for your edification, (as I've already stated in this thread) the right to express yourself ends when it becomes other than peaceful and violates the life, liberty or property of others.

Nice try at building a straw man; though next time I would suggest you hire a competent construction crew. :cool:
so you denounce all of the weekend's anti-trump marches? Cause they were all violent and destructive.
The Saturday marches were "all violent and destructive"?
much of it was.
Now NightFox can tell all of us how this @sshole progressive is just "expressing" themselves and that they have a "right" to this "expression"... (and of course how we inexplicably do not have the right to call it out, question it, or otherwise discuss it)
Apparently you have the same imperfect understanding of what rights are that plagues much of the citizenry in the United States, for your edification, (as I've already stated in this thread) the right to express yourself ends when it becomes other than peaceful and violates the life, liberty or property of others.
The children's lives were "violated" when they were forced to view giant vaginas. Thank you for proving yourself wrong yet again.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Now NightFox can tell all of us how this @sshole progressive is just "expressing" themselves and that they have a "right" to this "expression"... (and of course how we inexplicably do not have the right to call it out, question it, or otherwise discuss it)
Apparently you have the same imperfect understanding of what rights are that plagues much of the citizenry in the United States, for your edification, (as I've already stated in this thread) the right to express yourself ends when it becomes other than peaceful and violates the life, liberty or property of others.

Nice try at building a straw man; though next time I would suggest you hire a competent construction crew. :cool:
so you denounce all of the weekend's anti-trump marches? Cause they were all violent and destructive.
The Saturday marches were "all violent and destructive"?
much of it was.
Oh really? Point out the "much" of the Saturday marches that was violent and destructive.
Speculation that they would let it pass.
Not speculation that Trump is a pervert.

Trump is a pervert. He'd be the first to admit it... Why you guys support a pervert for President...nobody knows.

Do you really want to discuss the wife cheating intern abusing filth Bill Clinton?

I didn't bring him up; just the fact that your messiah is a pervert.

You can't elect serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton and have any credibility to point a finger at Trump. Your credibility is 0.00
Kindly show us that "serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton" did those things AND was known to have done those things before he was elected..........in 1992 or 1996.

:itsok: I'd mock your ignorance but that would be mean.
Who did Trump admit to sexually assaulting? I must have missed that.

LOL, you would be this dumb to actually post this.
You just called bodecea "dumb" :lol:

(Psst....stupid....she posed that question first)

Ok, so be it. Whats your point?
that you didn't answer who trump sexually assaulted. we're all patiently waiting for your answer.

You didn't hear Trump brag how he moves in on women and grabs them by the pussy. He kisses them, "doesn't even ask".

Oh that's right, you did. But because he's a republican you're ok with it.

Didn't we just get another Republican politician get arrested for doing the same thing?
Now NightFox can tell all of us how this @sshole progressive is just "expressing" themselves and that they have a "right" to this "expression"... (and of course how we inexplicably do not have the right to call it out, question it, or otherwise discuss it)
Apparently you have the same imperfect understanding of what rights are that plagues much of the citizenry in the United States, for your edification, (as I've already stated in this thread) the right to express yourself ends when it becomes other than peaceful and violates the life, liberty or property of others.

Nice try at building a straw man; though next time I would suggest you hire a competent construction crew. :cool:
so you denounce all of the weekend's anti-trump marches? Cause they were all violent and destructive.
The Saturday marches were "all violent and destructive"?
much of it was.
Oh really? Point out the "much" of the Saturday marches that was violent and destructive.
Well let's see Madonna gave a speech in a venue that she wanted to blow up the white house? That is against the law. BTW, The Secret Service will be visiting her.

many protestors were in the face of non protestors already posted in here. Girls hair was set on fire, did you see the garbage on the streets? you had women in vi-jay-jays so appropriate for public viewing. did I mention the garbage in the streets and the fires? disruption of businesses in other cities outside of DC imposing views on to others who could give two shits about their fear.

Much of it was disruption for no point at all except to say fk you to 65 million voters for trump. Well I say fk them
Trump is a pervert. He'd be the first to admit it... Why you guys support a pervert for President...nobody knows.

Do you really want to discuss the wife cheating intern abusing filth Bill Clinton?

I didn't bring him up; just the fact that your messiah is a pervert.

You can't elect serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton and have any credibility to point a finger at Trump. Your credibility is 0.00
Kindly show us that "serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton" did those things AND was known to have done those things before he was elected..........in 1992 or 1996.

:itsok: I'd mock your ignorance but that would be mean.
Lewinsky scandal - Wikipedia

Came to light in 1998.....Bill Clinton's last election was 1996. You were talking about "ignorance"? I could say more but that would be mean.........besides the fact it's rather self-explanatory.
LOL, you would be this dumb to actually post this.
You just called bodecea "dumb" :lol:

(Psst....stupid....she posed that question first)

Ok, so be it. Whats your point?
that you didn't answer who trump sexually assaulted. we're all patiently waiting for your answer.

You didn't hear Trump brag how he moves in on women and grabs them by the pussy. He kisses them, "doesn't even ask".

Oh that's right, you did. But because he's a republican you're ok with it.

Didn't we just get another Republican politician get arrested for doing the same thing?
so name a name.
Do you really want to discuss the wife cheating intern abusing filth Bill Clinton?

I didn't bring him up; just the fact that your messiah is a pervert.

You can't elect serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton and have any credibility to point a finger at Trump. Your credibility is 0.00
Kindly show us that "serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton" did those things AND was known to have done those things before he was elected..........in 1992 or 1996.

:itsok: I'd mock your ignorance but that would be mean.
Lewinsky scandal - Wikipedia

Came to light in 1998.....Bill Clinton's last election was 1996. You were talking about "ignorance"? I could say more but that would be mean.........besides the fact it's rather self-explanatory.

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