Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”

You are full of it sonny boy, always a pathetic excuse. You sound like Trump. There were also no arrests in Chicago with 250,000 attendees
Chicago? You mean the city that was so oppressive and so violent, a Trump rally actually go cancelled? And Rham Emanuel did nothing about it?

Can you imagine that? I never thought I would see the day in America where a peaceful political rally would be cancelled because of an opposition so violent and so oppressive, they prevented it and the government of that city did nothing to stop them.

Any other stupid things you'd like to say brummelben?
Yes...there were no arrests in Chicago with over 250,000 marching. Not quite as scary as you make it out to be, eh?
Well the government (run by Rham Emanuel there - who is a serious radical) didn't step in and stop the violence when Trump held his constitutional right to a political rally. If they didn't step in then, why in the world would they step in now and arrest people?

Sorry ladies - you'll have to point to a city not run by lawless radicals. For God's sakes - Bill de Blasio used his honeymoon to travel to Nicaragua just to support the communist Sandinistas. Sorry if I'm not impressed by violent protestors not being arrested in New York.
We are talking Saturday...this last Saturday. Where was the violence and destruction on Saturday?
Exactly. This Saturday. You keep pointing to the most radical left-wing administrations in the nation not arresting left-wing violent protestors as "proof" that there was no violence and destruction. There were tons of both. It's just that Chicago and New York mayors will never arrest or indict one of their own precious progressive minions that vote for them. It really is that simple.
My snowflake sister participated in that march. Needless to say the family is ashamed.
At least your sister isn't famous. How would you like being in the Judd family right now?
That was one of the most cringe-inducing moments in television history.

"I am a naaaaaaasty woman".

Are ya? Are ya really Ashley? Are you "naaaaaasty" in your million dollar mansions (plural)? Are you "naaaaasty" while you have your pedicures and manicures at your favorite exclusive spa?

The problem with Hollywood is that they are bored. Too much money. Too much time on their hands. Caused their minds to go to mush and it causes them to look for cause - even in places where there isn't one.
You can't elect serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton and have any credibility to point a finger at Trump. Your credibility is 0.00
Kindly show us that "serial wife cheater intern abuser cigar dipper Bill Clinton" did those things AND was known to have done those things before he was elected..........in 1992 or 1996.

:itsok: I'd mock your ignorance but that would be mean.
Lewinsky scandal - Wikipedia

Came to light in 1998.....Bill Clinton's last election was 1996. You were talking about "ignorance"? I could say more but that would be mean.........besides the fact it's rather self-explanatory.
Here from Wikipedia, all before he was president.
Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Sexual misconduct allegations against Bill Clinton)
Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States (1993–2001), has been personally accused publicly by several women of sexual misconduct.

Juanita Broaddrick accused Clinton of rape; Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her without consent; and Paula Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself and sexually harassing her. Charges of sexual misconduct somewhat gained heightened publicity during Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. In addition to these accusers, several other women have accused Clinton of consensual adultery.
Allegations.......just like all those sexual allegations against Drumplethinskin. Show where he admitted to sexual assault like Drumplethinskin did before either of his two elections.........
I gave you who, look them up for the allegations. you walk around bumping into walls or do you use your eyes. I gave you the women who accused him. You can find the allegation dates.
You are full of it sonny boy, always a pathetic excuse. You sound like Trump. There were also no arrests in Chicago with 250,000 attendees
Chicago? You mean the city that was so oppressive and so violent, a Trump rally actually go cancelled? And Rham Emanuel did nothing about it?

Can you imagine that? I never thought I would see the day in America where a peaceful political rally would be cancelled because of an opposition so violent and so oppressive, they prevented it and the government of that city did nothing to stop them.

Any other stupid things you'd like to say brummelben?
Yes...there were no arrests in Chicago with over 250,000 marching. Not quite as scary as you make it out to be, eh?
Well the government (run by Rham Emanuel there - who is a serious radical) didn't step in and stop the violence when Trump held his constitutional right to a political rally. If they didn't step in then, why in the world would they step in now and arrest people?

Sorry ladies - you'll have to point to a city not run by lawless radicals. For God's sakes - Bill de Blasio used his honeymoon to travel to Nicaragua just to support the communist Sandinistas. Sorry if I'm not impressed by violent protestors not being arrested in New York.
We are talking Saturday...this last Saturday. Where was the violence and destruction on Saturday?
Here is a prime example Bode... a progressive refusing to enforce a constitutional federal law:

Governor Greg Abbott hammers a Texas sheriff after she refuses to comply with immigration laws
Trump should be proud.
The march against him was yuuuge...probably the yuuugist ever.
sounds like the outrage was at obummer since trump hasn't been in charge of anything they marched against.
There were a lot of confused women referencing Trump on their placards in that case.
The left seems to think that no one should face consequences for their own decisions. The women's march protesters seemed to be saying stay out of their vaginas but hand over money to pay for whatever they want to do with them.

Abortion will remain legal. Women have rights. But they still aren't happy because their choices might just end up with a medical bill. And somehow they've come to believe that they aren't the ones who should have to pay it.

Life isn't fair.

So, you don't want to be pregnant. You made choices to end up that way. Abortion is legal. Get one. Pay for it even if you have to make payments for a few years. It's called facing responsibility.

Did tax payers hand Kate Steinle's family money for her funeral? After all, she didn't decide to get murdered by an illegal alien in a sanctuary city. And it's hardly something you can avoid these days with so many criminals running loose in sanctuary cities.

What about all the other victims of illegal aliens, gangs and other criminals? No one made the choice to die or get assaulted. People have accidents or get sick every day. They lose their cars in accidents and lose their homes in fires. If they didn't personally buy insurance, they are screwed. So, they are just out and it costs them money to get back on track. Their own money and it takes years. They don't march and demand that others pay their way.

When it comes to abortion, the left wants us to pay for them as if women who want one are more deserving of our money than others who find themselves in an undesirable situation.

We all make choices knowing that there are risks. If you aren't willing to pay the price, make different choices.
The left has more sympathy for people who screw up than for people who are actual victims. Most victims have no choice and no way to prevent becoming one.

My problems with some demands is that the left barely considers an abortion a medical procedure. They treat it as both an entitlement and as routine as a manicure. It's surgery and has risks. Despite that, you guys whine about ultrasounds and other tests being done prior to the surgery. Yes, it gets expensive when things are done according to sound medical practices. Maybe if women were aware of what it would cost them, they'd think twice or at least take more precautions.

Refusing to bail people out isn't denying them anything or forcing them to be a victim. It's just a matter of not dragging others into your problem and expecting them to pay the price for your own mistake. Most are already dealing with their own problems so handle your own.

Sure, it stinks to get a huge doctor bill. Those of us who are paying higher premiums and have insanely high deductibles can feel your pain. I had to pay for an ER visit, including stitches, X-rays and a slew of other charges. Added up to hundreds for a minor injury. Sure sucked but it's my own problem just as wanting an abortion is your own problem.

It's clear that you guys support anything that leads to population control or redistribution of wealth. That pretty much sums you guys up these days.

You want less people and socialism/communism. At least be honest. You don't stand for anything but those things these days. Creating a victimhood mentality among people and redistribution of wealth is all you guys know how to do. Grow up.
Trump should be proud.
The march against him was yuuuge...probably the yuuugist ever.
sounds like the outrage was at obummer since trump hasn't been in charge of anything they marched against.
There were a lot of confused women referencing Trump on their placards in that case.

No kidding--LOL Confused women everywhere--LOL and YES it was the YUUUGEST protest this country or should I say the WORLD has ever witnessed.











For all 50 STATES that participated you can see the pictures here.
Woman's march pictures

Republicans have awoken a SLEEPING GIANT. They were in the millions, and every state in this country participated.
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Trump should be proud.
The march against him was yuuuge...probably the yuuugist ever.
sounds like the outrage was at obummer since trump hasn't been in charge of anything they marched against.
There were a lot of confused women referencing Trump on their placards in that case.

No kidding--LOL Confused women everywhere--LOL and YES it was the YUUUGEST protest this country or should I say the WORLD has ever witnessed.











For all 50 STATES that participated you can see the pictures here.
Woman's march pictures

Republicans have awoken a SLEEPING GIANT. They were in the millions, and every state in this country participated.
well too bad they didn't all vote to keep him out of office. Don't you think it's kinda too late now?

I don't care about this protest in any shape or form. It is meaningless. It does nothing the day after inauguration day.
Trump should be proud.
The march against him was yuuuge...probably the yuuugist ever.
sounds like the outrage was at obummer since trump hasn't been in charge of anything they marched against.
There were a lot of confused women referencing Trump on their placards in that case.

No kidding--LOL Confused women everywhere--LOL and YES it was the YUUUGEST protest this country or should I say the WORLD has ever witnessed.











For all 50 STATES that participated you can see the pictures here.
Woman's march pictures

Republicans have awoken a SLEEPING GIANT. They were in the millions, and every state in this country participated.
well too bad they didn't all vote to keep him out of office. Don't you think it's kinda too late now?

I don't care about this protest in any shape or form. It is meaningless. It does nothing the day after inauguration day.

Oh Yeah it does, it does a lot--and it means a lot. There were Senate & House Republicans crapping their pants over this protest. They saw it all. Many of them know they're up for reelection in 2 short years.

Trump and his supporters have made a lot of Republican enemies on the hill. These Republicans know that this protest was a huge part of him winning the election. Now the question is will they protect their own seats by completely distancing themselves from him, or will they go down with the Trump Titanic by protecting and standing with him.

Here is Atlanta Georgia

Trump should be proud.
The march against him was yuuuge...probably the yuuugist ever.
sounds like the outrage was at obummer since trump hasn't been in charge of anything they marched against.
There were a lot of confused women referencing Trump on their placards in that case.

No kidding--LOL Confused women everywhere--LOL and YES it was the YUUUGEST protest this country or should I say the WORLD has ever witnessed.











For all 50 STATES that participated you can see the pictures here.
Woman's march pictures

Republicans have awoken a SLEEPING GIANT. They were in the millions, and every state in this country participated.
well too bad they didn't all vote to keep him out of office. Don't you think it's kinda too late now?

I don't care about this protest in any shape or form. It is meaningless. It does nothing the day after inauguration day.

Oh Yeah it does, it does a lot--and it means a lot. There were Senate & House Republicans crapping their pants over this protest. They saw it all. Many of them know they're up for reelection in 2 short years.

Trump and his supporters have made a lot of Republican enemies on the hill. These Republicans know that this protest was a huge part of him winning the election. Now the question is will they protect their own seats by completely distancing themselves from him, or will they go down with the Trump Titanic by protecting and standing with him.

Here is Atlanta Georgia


you keep telling yourself that.
sounds like the outrage was at obummer since trump hasn't been in charge of anything they marched against.
There were a lot of confused women referencing Trump on their placards in that case.

No kidding--LOL Confused women everywhere--LOL and YES it was the YUUUGEST protest this country or should I say the WORLD has ever witnessed.











For all 50 STATES that participated you can see the pictures here.
Woman's march pictures

Republicans have awoken a SLEEPING GIANT. They were in the millions, and every state in this country participated.
well too bad they didn't all vote to keep him out of office. Don't you think it's kinda too late now?

I don't care about this protest in any shape or form. It is meaningless. It does nothing the day after inauguration day.

Oh Yeah it does, it does a lot--and it means a lot. There were Senate & House Republicans crapping their pants over this protest. They saw it all. Many of them know they're up for reelection in 2 short years.

Trump and his supporters have made a lot of Republican enemies on the hill. These Republicans know that this protest was a huge part of him winning the election. Now the question is will they protect their own seats by completely distancing themselves from him, or will they go down with the Trump Titanic by protecting and standing with him.

Here is Atlanta Georgia


you keep telling yourself that.

And you're Baghdad Bob. "The Americans really aren't here, this is just a media hoax."



Houston Texas


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