Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”

That is a great question. The simple answer: the fact that the American people rejected socialism.
I don't think that's it. Progressives love perverts. Progressive females explicably live to be treated as sex toys. The left worships Bill Clinton, Hugh Hefner, Anthony Weiner, etc.

Yes it it.
Trump is a pervert.
You’re okay with that.
So are a ton of other people.
Hence the protest.
A precedent was set with Bill Clinton that is okay for a pervert to be president. It has just taken the republicans 25 years to catch up.

Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert.
Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
If he were a liberal democrat, supporting abortion, the women groups that protested him would give it a pass (ref. Bill Clinton). It seems that democrat perverts are acceptable as president and republican perverts are not. FDR, JFK and WJC were perverts and are beloved by democrats. Seems like a big double standards to me......but that's politics.

Speculation that they would let it pass.
Not speculation that Trump is a pervert.

Trump is a pervert. He'd be the first to admit it... Why you guys support a pervert for President...nobody knows.
Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert. Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
You still haven't explained why your side of the aisle would "protest" what they love the most. Why do you feel the need to lie about why they marched? Bizarre.

You still haven't offered any proof of such love. I guess we could just assume since Larry Craig and you support the same things...that you like playing footsie in bathroom stalls as well?
What are you talking about? :uhh:

If you are a product of who you support politically, you must like playing footsie in the bathroom with other boys. It's precisely the argument you're making.
Because Larry Craig advocated for homosexual bathroom relations?!? Really?!? I have no idea who this individual is so could you please explain to me when he did that? Please add exact dates, legislation he introduced by bill number, etc.

If you can't do that - then have the decency to admit you're literally lying about everything here in an attempt to defend the indefensible.

You started out lying about what this march was about. I called you out on it. Now you're trying to twist the discussion into being "a product of who you support". I never stated that. The fact is - the left (the people) heavily embrace sexually deviance. Is the porn industry made up of conservatives or liberals CC? Are writers of sexual liberation articles conservatives or liberals CC? Are LGBT groups marching in the streets half naked with all kinds of sex toys conservative or liberal CC?

Final question: do you have an honest bone left in your body? Why can't you just admit reality instead of denying it? This march had nothing to do with "women's rights", "inequality", or LGBT issues. This was a bunch of children who can't deal with losing and are furious that the American people rejected socialism. This march happens whether Donald Trump is inaugurated or Ben Carson. They are mad that a Republican sits in the White House. Nothing less. Nothing more.
Yes it it.
Trump is a pervert.
You’re okay with that.
So are a ton of other people.
Hence the protest.
A precedent was set with Bill Clinton that is okay for a pervert to be president. It has just taken the republicans 25 years to catch up.

Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert.
Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
If he were a liberal democrat, supporting abortion, the women groups that protested him would give it a pass (ref. Bill Clinton). It seems that democrat perverts are acceptable as president and republican perverts are not. FDR, JFK and WJC were perverts and are beloved by democrats. Seems like a big double standards to me......but that's politics.

Speculation that they would let it pass.
Not speculation that Trump is a pervert.

Trump is a pervert. He'd be the first to admit it... Why you guys support a pervert for President...nobody knows.

Do you really want to discuss the wife cheating intern abusing filth Bill Clinton?
Trump is a pervert. He'd be the first to admit it... Why you guys support a pervert for President...nobody knows.
Bill Clinton is an exponentially bigger "pervert". You've spent years worshipping the ground he walks on. Tell me CC - why would you worship a man who cheats on his wife and sexually assaults women, but then denounce a man for "locker room talk"?
What a great day this would be. She's exponentially more qualified than her father. She's very bright, articulate, and has a great demeanor.

There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”
It was a Woman's march, get over it.
There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”
It was a Woman's march, get over it.
That organized to celebrate Hillary winning.....:rofl:
There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”
It was a Woman's march, get over it.
Those weren't women. Those were progressive pigs. It was a socialist march. I'll "get over it" when you call it for what it was.
There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”
It was a Woman's march, get over it.
Those weren't women. Those were progressive pigs. It was a socialist march. I'll "get over it" when you call it for what it was.
You are the pig.
There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”
Saturday's really got you Trump snowflakes reeling, huh?

Nah. The whole thing was paid for by Soros. It cost him 90 million dollars and he used over fifty organizations to do it. Some of those organizations weren't quite on the up and up.

Most of those women had no idea what they were marching for. Those that did obviously bought into the media blitz on Trump. Stupid women.

I have no problem with peaceful protests and by and large this was peaceful though a few of the speaker need their heads examined.

All in all this whole thing will be forgotten in a weeks time. Unless Soros wants to pony up some more of his millions and stage another march.

Pointless really.
A precedent was set with Bill Clinton that is okay for a pervert to be president. It has just taken the republicans 25 years to catch up.

Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert.
Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
If he were a liberal democrat, supporting abortion, the women groups that protested him would give it a pass (ref. Bill Clinton). It seems that democrat perverts are acceptable as president and republican perverts are not. FDR, JFK and WJC were perverts and are beloved by democrats. Seems like a big double standards to me......but that's politics.

Speculation that they would let it pass.
Not speculation that Trump is a pervert.

Trump is a pervert. He'd be the first to admit it... Why you guys support a pervert for President...nobody knows.

Do you really want to discuss the wife cheating intern abusing filth Bill Clinton?

I didn't bring him up; just the fact that your messiah is a pervert.
Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert. Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
You still haven't explained why your side of the aisle would "protest" what they love the most. Why do you feel the need to lie about why they marched? Bizarre.

You still haven't offered any proof of such love. I guess we could just assume since Larry Craig and you support the same things...that you like playing footsie in bathroom stalls as well?
What are you talking about? :uhh:

If you are a product of who you support politically, you must like playing footsie in the bathroom with other boys. It's precisely the argument you're making.
Because Larry Craig advocated for homosexual bathroom relations?!? Really?!? I have no idea who this individual is so could you please explain to me when he did that? Please add exact dates, legislation he introduced by bill number, etc.
Google is your friend. Likely it's alone in that designation.

You started out lying about what this march was about. I called you out on it.
Now that's funny. The entire OP is a pack of lies. I explained what it was about...Trump being a pervert. Then you went on some crazy assed rant about Clinton and Weiner etc.... Not sure why, you have to ask your psychiatrist.
Because Larry Craig advocated for homosexual bathroom relations?!? Really?!? I have no idea who this individual is so could you please explain to me when he did that? Please add exact dates, legislation he introduced by bill number, etc.
Google is your friend. Likely it's alone in that designation.
Hahaha! In other words - it never happened. He never advocated for such a thing, never introduced legislation for such a thing, etc.

Nothing pisses off CC quite like the truth...
There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

No reason to get all bent out of shape because you disagree with their "grievances" that they peaceably assembled to petition their government for redress of.

I say let 'em "march" all they want but next time let me have the Starbucks and Valium concession contract. :)

"I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself." -- Oscar Wilde
This thread is the very reason that the march happened....in every major U.S. city and countless cities around the world. Trump is a pig, supported by pigs and those people are the minority of this country. This march was to remind him of that.
Because Larry Craig advocated for homosexual bathroom relations?!? Really?!? I have no idea who this individual is so could you please explain to me when he did that? Please add exact dates, legislation he introduced by bill number, etc.
Google is your friend. Likely it's alone in that designation.
Hahaha! In other words - it never happened. He never advocated for such a thing, never introduced legislation for such a thing, etc.

Nothing pisses off CC quite like the truth...
This thread is the very reason that the march happened....in every major U.S. city and countless cities around the world. Trump is a pig, supported by pigs and those people are the minority of this country. This march was to remind him of that.

Nope. Soros paid 90 million dollars for that to happen.
March was a waste of time. No one can explain what exactly they were marching for and what policies they believe trump has that will go against woman's rights. Whole thing was pointless but believe in the right to protest just don't understand nor do I think they understood what they were protesting.
One could say the same thing about voting for Trump.

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