let's review TWO years of WINNING with Donald John Trump!


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
and SIX more to go!

Say what you want about the man...I had my doubts. This man DELIVERS...

- Tax Cuts
- Economic Growth
- Reduced Unemployment
- Wage Growth
- Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
- Unprecedented # of Circuit Court confirmations
- Decimated ISIS
- Bullied NATO allies into more defense spending
- Promising North Korea negotiations
- Nuked Iran Deal & Paris accord
- ANWR/Keystone/Dakota Access
- Eliminated Obamacare mandate
- Jerusalem Embassy
- Revised NAFTA
- Right to Try
- VA Choice & Accountability Act
- Massive Military Funding increase
- Travel Ban and Extreme Vetting


and just gor fun...

2 Scoops
2 Genders
2 Terms
2 Doors
2 Justices

you're gonna trigger the lefties......and they deserve it

hey they have Trump on something, somewhere, with someone,......this time it's real!!!!!!!
Compare this to what the Golden Child Barack Obama got done in his first two years.. (the details are from a pro-Obama column, the comments are mine)
  • the economic stimulus - there was a major stock market meltdown in 2009, the worst since 1929
  • rescuing two automakers - by screwing the GM bondholders and rewarding the Union Leaders
  • universal health care - repealed by Trump
  • sweeping reform of financial regulation - unraveled by Trump
  • major changes in student loan programs - now considered a disaster by grads with $100,000 student loans
(articles continued...)
The voters administered a substantial rebuke in the November 2010 midterm elections. While some contests remain unresolved, the Democrats have lost at least six Senate seats, at least ten governorships, and more than sixty House seats, the most for a mid-term election since 1938. By any measure, this is a substantial and consequential expression of public discontent.
Compare this to what the Golden Child Barack Obama got done in his first two years.. (the details are from a pro-Obama column, the comments are mine)
  • the economic stimulus - there was a major stock market meltdown in 2009, the worst since 1929
  • rescuing two automakers - by screwing the GM bondholders and rewarding the Union Leaders
  • universal health care - repealed by Trump
  • sweeping reform of financial regulation - unraveled by Trump
  • major changes in student loan programs - now considered a disaster by grads with $100,000 student loans
(articles continued...)
The voters administered a substantial rebuke in the November 2010 midterm elections. While some contests remain unresolved, the Democrats have lost at least six Senate seats, at least ten governorships, and more than sixty House seats, the most for a mid-term election since 1938. By any measure, this is a substantial and consequential expression of public discontent.
I left out an important twofer


womp womo
and SIX more to go!

Say what you want about the man...I had my doubts. This man DELIVERS...

- Tax Cuts
- Economic Growth
- Reduced Unemployment
- Wage Growth
- Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
- Unprecedented # of Circuit Court confirmations
- Decimated ISIS
- Bullied NATO allies into more defense spending
- Promising North Korea negotiations
- Nuked Iran Deal & Paris accord
- ANWR/Keystone/Dakota Access
- Eliminated Obamacare mandate
- Jerusalem Embassy
- Revised NAFTA
- Right to Try
- VA Choice & Accountability Act
- Massive Military Funding increase
- Travel Ban and Extreme Vetting


and just gor fun...

2 Scoops
2 Genders
2 Terms
2 Doors
2 Justices


Don’t forget...while the oversized eared Kenyan added 2.5 million illegal wetbacks to our illegal population Trump has all but shut the border down.
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
This thread is sure to be a hit with the LibTardians....when good, REAL Americans WIN the Left shits themselves.
and SIX more to go!

Say what you want about the man...I had my doubts. This man DELIVERS...

- Tax Cuts
- Economic Growth
- Reduced Unemployment
- Wage Growth
- Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
- Unprecedented # of Circuit Court confirmations
- Decimated ISIS
- Bullied NATO allies into more defense spending
- Promising North Korea negotiations
- Nuked Iran Deal & Paris accord
- ANWR/Keystone/Dakota Access
- Eliminated Obamacare mandate
- Jerusalem Embassy
- Revised NAFTA
- Right to Try
- VA Choice & Accountability Act
- Massive Military Funding increase
- Travel Ban and Extreme Vetting


and just gor fun...

2 Scoops
2 Genders
2 Terms
2 Doors
2 Justices


Don’t forget...while the oversized eared Kenyan added 2.5 million illegal wetbacks to our illegal population Trump has all but shut the border down.
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
This thread is sure to be a hit with the LibTardians....when good, REAL Americans WIN the Left shits themselves.
this is a YUGE reason that wages have gone up and jobs numbers are so good
and SIX more to go!

Say what you want about the man...I had my doubts. This man DELIVERS...

- Tax Cuts
- Economic Growth
- Reduced Unemployment
- Wage Growth
- Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
- Unprecedented # of Circuit Court confirmations
- Decimated ISIS
- Bullied NATO allies into more defense spending
- Promising North Korea negotiations
- Nuked Iran Deal & Paris accord
- ANWR/Keystone/Dakota Access
- Eliminated Obamacare mandate
- Jerusalem Embassy
- Revised NAFTA
- Right to Try
- VA Choice & Accountability Act
- Massive Military Funding increase
- Travel Ban and Extreme Vetting


and just gor fun...

2 Scoops
2 Genders
2 Terms
2 Doors
2 Justices


- Tax Cuts (Go deficit spending?!?)
- JOBS (Obama recovery continues)
- Economic Growth (Obama recovery continues)
- Reduced Unemployment (Obama recovery continues)
- Wage Growth (Obama recovery continues)
- Gorsuch and Kavanaugh( (Trump has filed the paperwork)
- Unprecedented # of Circuit Court confirmations (Trump has filed the paperwork)
- Decimated ISIS
- Bullied NATO allies into more defense spending (an accomplishment)
- Promising North Korea negotiations (an accomplishment and slap in the face to all the hardline warhawks who ever ridiculed FDR for working with Stalin or warned Obama not to negotiate w/o pre conditions. This IS an accomplishment, just a slap in the face to them ppl)
- Nuked Iran Deal & Paris accord
- ANWR/Keystone/Dakota Access (lazy economics)
- Eliminated Obamacare mandate (a math and political failure, why do we have the expensive part of Obamacare still in place with no mandate?)
- Jerusalem Embassy (ok)
- Revised NAFTA (A slap to George H Bush for sure but I do support this)
- Right to Try (cool)
- VA Choice & Accountability Act (let's hope that gets better)
- Massive Military Funding increase(Go deficit spending?!?)
- Travel Ban and Extreme Vetting (I can tell this is working by how many fewer terrorist attacks we've had on our shores this year vs 2016?)

Really I can find some silver linings.

The NAFTA thing isn't a rock star win but if its 5% better (and you have to explain to me how much past the dairy exports) but if its any better I am thrilled.

The enjoyment of throwing the "non repulbican" Trump ideas at republican party cheerleaders is GREAT! I love tariffs! Too bad that I've been hearing how they are bad and anti capitalist demosocialist tools since the 90's. This is as good as comparing Reagan's recovery's deficits to Obama's.

I didn't skip ISIS and the Paris accord, I just need to wait and see.

Overall I think Donald has outperformed my expectations. I knew he was a great trophy wife hunter. I didn't think he'd pull off the North Korea talks. He's screwing up on some environmental issues in favor of lazy economics.
and SIX more to go!

Say what you want about the man...I had my doubts. This man DELIVERS...

- Tax Cuts
- Economic Growth
- Reduced Unemployment
- Wage Growth
- Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
- Unprecedented # of Circuit Court confirmations
- Decimated ISIS
- Bullied NATO allies into more defense spending
- Promising North Korea negotiations
- Nuked Iran Deal & Paris accord
- ANWR/Keystone/Dakota Access
- Eliminated Obamacare mandate
- Jerusalem Embassy
- Revised NAFTA
- Right to Try
- VA Choice & Accountability Act
- Massive Military Funding increase
- Travel Ban and Extreme Vetting


and just gor fun...

2 Scoops
2 Genders
2 Terms
2 Doors
2 Justices


- Tax Cuts (Go deficit spending?!?)
- JOBS (Obama recovery continues)
- Economic Growth (Obama recovery continues)
- Reduced Unemployment (Obama recovery continues)
- Wage Growth (Obama recovery continues)
- Gorsuch and Kavanaugh( (Trump has filed the paperwork)
- Unprecedented # of Circuit Court confirmations (Trump has filed the paperwork)
- Decimated ISIS
- Bullied NATO allies into more defense spending (an accomplishment)
- Promising North Korea negotiations (an accomplishment and slap in the face to all the hardline warhawks who ever ridiculed FDR for working with Stalin or warned Obama not to negotiate w/o pre conditions. This IS an accomplishment, just a slap in the face to them ppl)
- Nuked Iran Deal & Paris accord
- ANWR/Keystone/Dakota Access (lazy economics)
- Eliminated Obamacare mandate (a math and political failure, why do we have the expensive part of Obamacare still in place with no mandate?)
- Jerusalem Embassy (ok)
- Revised NAFTA (A slap to George H Bush for sure but I do support this)
- Right to Try (cool)
- VA Choice & Accountability Act (let's hope that gets better)
- Massive Military Funding increase(Go deficit spending?!?)
- Travel Ban and Extreme Vetting (I can tell this is working by how many fewer terrorist attacks we've had on our shores this year vs 2016?)

Really I can find some silver linings.

The NAFTA thing isn't a rock star win but if its 5% better (and you have to explain to me how much past the dairy exports) but if its any better I am thrilled.

The enjoyment of throwing the "non repulbican" Trump ideas at republican party cheerleaders is GREAT! I love tariffs! Too bad that I've been hearing how they are bad and anti capitalist demosocialist tools since the 90's. This is as good as comparing Reagan's recovery's deficits to Obama's.

I didn't skip ISIS and the Paris accord, I just need to wait and see.

Overall I think Donald has outperformed my expectations. I knew he was a great trophy wife hunter. I didn't think he'd pull off the North Korea talks. He's screwing up on some environmental issues in favor of lazy economics.
interestingly, I don't disagree with everything you said, the biggest thing I take umbridge with is the "continuation of the Obama economy" - tgats patently ridiculous

the tax cuts _which he shoukd have coupled with a demand for spending reductions), deregulation and border enforcement (and to a lesser extent, refugees policy) ar the primary reasons for the ecomonic explosion

we can also talk about the repatriation of American money and corps, (which is due to deregulation) has also helped

Nice post BTW
Two Supreme's in less than two years !
Talk about a lasting legacy.
Ruth Buzzy is fucking 85, is a third Justice just around the corner ?
and SIX more to go!

Say what you want about the man...I had my doubts. This man DELIVERS...

- Tax Cuts
- Economic Growth
- Reduced Unemployment
- Wage Growth
- Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
- Unprecedented # of Circuit Court confirmations
- Decimated ISIS
- Bullied NATO allies into more defense spending
- Promising North Korea negotiations
- Nuked Iran Deal & Paris accord
- ANWR/Keystone/Dakota Access
- Eliminated Obamacare mandate
- Jerusalem Embassy
- Revised NAFTA
- Right to Try
- VA Choice & Accountability Act
- Massive Military Funding increase
- Travel Ban and Extreme Vetting


and just gor fun...

2 Scoops
2 Genders
2 Terms
2 Doors
2 Justices


Outstanding post! Also good job President Trump MAGA!
and SIX more to go!

Say what you want about the man...I had my doubts. This man DELIVERS...

- Tax Cuts
- Economic Growth
- Reduced Unemployment
- Wage Growth
- Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
- Unprecedented # of Circuit Court confirmations
- Decimated ISIS
- Bullied NATO allies into more defense spending
- Promising North Korea negotiations
- Nuked Iran Deal & Paris accord
- ANWR/Keystone/Dakota Access
- Eliminated Obamacare mandate
- Jerusalem Embassy
- Revised NAFTA
- Right to Try
- VA Choice & Accountability Act
- Massive Military Funding increase
- Travel Ban and Extreme Vetting


and just gor fun...

2 Scoops
2 Genders
2 Terms
2 Doors
2 Justices

This may be winning to you but not to me.
So much winning going on. If libs lose the house, the fallout could make jonestown look like childs play.
Think it would be a very nice gesture on our part if we offer to buy the Kool-Aid. It’s the least we can do for these stupid jackasses on the left, suffering as they are from world-class butthurt and all.
Their big plans to dispense with our fundamental freedoms have taken a hit, they're not handling it very well

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