Lets Say.President Biden Runs Again.What Stadium,Huge Indoor Hall,Arena,Football Field Will Biden Fill To The Max?

Lets Say.President Biden Runs Again.What Stadium,Huge Indoor Hall,Arena,Football Field Will Biden Fill To The Max?​

With all the recent, undeniable evidence exposing Biden as the compromised head of a family crime syndicate, a criminal, and traitor, lets hope the only venue he is able to fill is a federal penetentiary cell.
A Brandon rally couldn’t fill a phone booth.

(For you youngsters, a “phone booth” used to ba a place where you could use a public phone for a quarter and stand inside that booth with the door closed to have a private telephone conversation.)

A trance named Pedrillo wins
I don't envy the western female athletes. Soon they will have this shit everywhere.
Maybe it's time for countries with a normal orientation, not susceptible to western lust, to unite and create their own Olympics world championships?
But it's just... a question into the void...
Maybe trans folks can play

in the “Special” Olympics?
Considering what is going on as we speak. And we know the numerous messes we are in.So many national and international matters that up to 70% of us are not happy about. So, if Biden does run again, where will he campaign? where will he hold the rallies of 10,000 to 20,000 screaming fans?
Got any great answers?
Ask they have is crowd size victories.
Interesting how pedo, cross-dressing, child murdering / screwing / trans-indoctrinating / genital mutilating / trafficking Dems who don't know what a woman is, don't know what bathroom to use, who believes a biological male can give birth, and who accuse others of being misogynists are the ones refusing to protect women's rights and want to see 'girly-men' compete against women in sports.

The object is no longer encourage male liberals to train and work harder to get better to do better competing against other men but instead to make it easier for these fairies to win a trophy by competing against women.

A Brandon rally couldn’t fill a phone booth.

(For you youngsters, a “phone booth” used to ba a place where you could use a public phone for a quarter and stand inside that booth with the door closed to have a private telephone conversation.)

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What is so difficult to understand that Biden avoided rallies because he was respecting COVID protections and didn’t want people exposed.

Why do Republicans brag about Trump conducting Super Spreader events with no masks or social distancing?
What is so difficult to understand that Biden avoided rallies because he was respecting COVID protections and didn’t want people exposed.

Why do Republicans brag about Trump conducting Super Spreader events with no masks or social distancing?
Because it was all for show, and to create fear, and get obedience, and to make money for Big Pharma, and to change voting methods to influence an election.

It was also a convenient excuse for low energy Joe to hide in his basement.

COVID was the biggest scandal of our lives.


Governments pushed millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated... The got perfectly healthy young people to take the jab using false arguments. The called the people who refused to comply "anti-social." Many governments introduced COVID passports. These passports made access to parts of society conditional. Those who did not wish to get vaccinated could not visit a restaurant or a gym, all in the name of public health.

This was real institutionalized discrimination.

Vaccine mandates were introduced for certain professions. Many people lost their job, their livelihood, their business, because they stood by their principles.

The government of some countries literally imprisoned people within their own homes.

All of this was based on the idea that vaccination helps prevent the spread of the virus.

This has now proven to be a big lie. There was no scientific basis to say that vaccination would stop the transmission of the virus, and it's one of the biggest scandals of our time.
Because it was all for show, and to create fear, and get obedience, and to make money for Big Pharma, and to change voting methods to influence an election.

It was also a convenient excuse for low energy Joe to hide in his basement.

COVID was the biggest scandal of our lives.


Governments pushed millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated... The got perfectly healthy young people to take the jab using false arguments. The called the people who refused to comply "anti-social." Many governments introduced COVID passports. These passports made access to parts of society conditional. Those who did not wish to get vaccinated could not visit a restaurant or a gym, all in the name of public health.

This was real institutionalized discrimination.

Vaccine mandates were introduced for certain professions. Many people lost their job, their livelihood, their business, because they stood by their principles.

The government of some countries literally imprisoned people within their own homes.

All of this was based on the idea that vaccination helps prevent the spread of the virus.

This has now proven to be a big lie. There was no scientific basis to say that vaccination would stop the transmission of the virus, and it's one of the biggest scandals of our time.
Over a million people died
Many could have been saved if Trump took COVID seriously
Considering what is going on as we speak. And we know the numerous messes we are in.So many national and international matters that up to 70% of us are not happy about. So, if Biden does run again, where will he campaign? where will he hold the rallies of 10,000 to 20,000 screaming fans?
Got any great answers?



What is so difficult to understand that Biden avoided rallies because he was respecting COVID protections and didn’t want people exposed.
Nonsense. He tried. He failed miserably. Why is it so difficult for you salad tossing liberals to accept that the demented mold racist can’t draw crowds? Flies, maybe. Crowds? No.
Why do Republicans brag about Trump conducting Super Spreader events with no masks or social distancing?
Nobody is bragging about that nonsense.

The fact is, Trump draws massive crowds where those who can’t get in are much more massive than any crowd IN a Brandon “rally.”
Why do Republicans brag about Trump conducting Super Spreader events with no masks or social distancing?
There was much ado when the college football games started again, no super spreader event happened.
If you haven't heard, masks never were much use at all.
Considering what is going on as we speak. And we know the numerous messes we are in.So many national and international matters that up to 70% of us are not happy about. So, if Biden does run again, where will he campaign? where will he hold the rallies of 10,000 to 20,000 screaming fans?
Got any great answers?

So are you saying Taylor Swift should run for President???? Because she can outsell anyone when it comes to thousands of screaming fans if that's what it takes.

Lots of people come out when the circus comes to town. It doesn't mean they're gonna vote for the clown. People aren't voting for Joe Biden to entertain them. They're voting for him for sound, competent goverenance.
Considering what is going on as we speak. And we know the numerous messes we are in.So many national and international matters that up to 70% of us are not happy about. So, if Biden does run again, where will he campaign? where will he hold the rallies of 10,000 to 20,000 screaming fans?
Got any great answers?

Since President Biden is not a cult leader - TV ads would be just fine. No need for NaziCon Klan-like cult gatherings.

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