Lets Say,Supreme Court Says No To Paying Off Student Loans.Will The Far Left/Infamous Liberals Declare The Five Judges As Racists?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
Somewhere In Florida
So what happens if they say no to paying off student loans? and at least five judges agree. are we gonna go thru this again will complete losers getting paid to protest in front of their homes? will the cast of the view call all of them "racists"? and that would be laffable being the case has nothing to do with race. but odds are the left will create an excuse/reasons why the decision by at least five judges will be considered a "White Racist" decison to not pay off the student loans of about 100 Million black college graduates who are still living with their parents, or living paycheck to paycheck. Right?
So what happens if they say no to paying off student loans? and at least five judges agree. are we gonna go thru this again will complete losers getting paid to protest in front of their homes? will the cast of the view call all of them "racists"? and that would be laffable being the case has nothing to do with race. but odds are the left will create an excuse/reasons why the decision by at least five judges will be considered a "White Racist" decison to not pay off the student loans of about 100 Million black college graduates who are still living with their parents, or living paycheck to paycheck. Right?
You are saying there is more black student college debt than white? I graduated from a private university, far more expensive than state schools. Many of those kids were racking up college debt like there was no tomorrow and their futures secured. It was a predominately white Christian university. I, of course graduated debt free, the tab picked up by the Army under the GI bill and the corporation I worked for.
Racist? No
But the TRUMPcourt will continue its quest of denying benefits for citizens while savagely defending benefits for corporations
So what happens if they say no to paying off student loans? and at least five judges agree. are we gonna go thru this again will complete losers getting paid to protest in front of their homes? will the cast of the view call all of them "racists"? and that would be laffable being the case has nothing to do with race. but odds are the left will create an excuse/reasons why the decision by at least five judges will be considered a "White Racist" decison to not pay off the student loans of about 100 Million black college graduates who are still living with their parents, or living paycheck to paycheck. Right?

Of course they will, as well as "sexist" and "homophobic." They might even call them "white supremacists", "climate change deniers", "anti-vaxxers", "Islamophobes", "insurrectionsists", "Putin-lovers", and "poopy heads."
No one wants this but the students that fucked up and chose worthless majors.....
They will go to the justices homes, vandalize them and call it venting social justice
So what happens if they say no to paying off student loans? and at least five judges agree. are we gonna go thru this again will complete losers getting paid to protest in front of their homes? will the cast of the view call all of them "racists"? and that would be laffable being the case has nothing to do with race. but odds are the left will create an excuse/reasons why the decision by at least five judges will be considered a "White Racist" decison to not pay off the student loans of about 100 Million black college graduates who are still living with their parents, or living paycheck to paycheck. Right?
There are 45 million total blacks so 100 million of them are not college graduates in the time frame that “pay my debt” became vogue
Racist? No
But the TRUMPcourt will continue its quest of denying benefits for citizens while savagely defending benefits for corporations

When did being a fucking deadbeat become a citizen's "benefit"? Is that some kind of a liberal privilege or something?

So you're saying if I become a Democrat, I'll never have to pay my bills again?

Thanks for the offer, but no thanks.

Lets Say,Supreme Court Says No To Paying Off Student Loans.Will The Far Left/Infamous Liberals Declare The Five Judges As Racists?​

The left can do the usual and run against the cruelty of the right. Biden will just continue the pause on loan payments, and then conservatives with student loan debt can vote whether or not they want to re-enter financial ruin in January 2025 by voting for republicans. The ruling would be born of cruelty and the wish to increase misery on people, but it will be a political gift to Democrats.
So what happens if they say no to paying off student loans? and at least five judges agree. are we gonna go thru this again will complete losers getting paid to protest in front of their homes? will the cast of the view call all of them "racists"? and that would be laffable being the case has nothing to do with race. but odds are the left will create an excuse/reasons why the decision by at least five judges will be considered a "White Racist" decison to not pay off the student loans of about 100 Million black college graduates who are still living with their parents, or living paycheck to paycheck. Right?

I am betting you get called a racist more than the average person.

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