Lets Say,Supreme Court Says No To Paying Off Student Loans.Will The Far Left/Infamous Liberals Declare The Five Judges As Racists?

You mean when they were locked down and not working?????
That was a Dimtard policy from three years ago, Moron.

You literally know NOTHING about how the US operates. NOTHING.

So sit down, STFU, and try to fix your shithole country who cant even defend itself from $12 Hobby Club balloons without begging the US for help.

Seriously, fuck off Forever.
Not racist

Corporatist assholes with no respect for the middle class
No problem, Dems will pass a bill in congress forgiving student loans. Oh wait, do Dems have the votes for that? Will the people's representatives in congress forgive student loans? Of course not, hence Biden's illegal EO's.
my chinchilla plans of farting in the general direction of any butthead who protests in front of any home of a conservative justice when/after the decision is made
Will people please stop saying the loans are being forgiven they are not. The only way they are forgiven is if those who loaned the money say that it doesn't have to be paid back and take the loss.
Will people please stop saying the loans are being forgiven they are not. The only way they are forgiven is if those who loaned the money say that don't have to be paid back and take the loss.
gee, i wonder how all of these democrat teachers are able to buy summer homes on cape cod/maine/long island, etc? hmm,,and how much is the average college tuition? dont these babies know that some of what they are paying for college is actually going towards these very expensive summer homes in the northeast?
Will people please stop saying the loans are being forgiven they are not. The only way they are forgiven is if those who loaned the money say that it doesn't have to be paid back and take the loss.

The US government made most of those loans.
The US government (Biden at least) says that it doesn't have to be paid back and will take the loss.
Racist? No
But the TRUMPcourt will continue its quest of denying benefits for citizens while savagely defending benefits for corporations
Don’t you mean benefits for SOME citizens at the expense of others? I graduated Jr. College without student debt. My doctor has paid off her student debt in full. Why should either of us pay someone else’s student debt? We don’t benefit from the education THEY decided to get in a field that won’t allow them to pay back their own debts.
It is already common knowledge that student debt is more of a burden to POC's than to "white" people. More so because so many POC's fail to graduate from college, and they study subjects that have little or no economic value.

It is nauseating in the extreme that the Left manages to "discuss" this odious topic endlessly with no mention of the fact that these are legal debts, voluntarily entered into, by people who, statistically speaking, will earn twice as much in their working lives as the working class people who would be paying much of the cost.

The Left is evil. Never forget it.
my chinchilla plans of farting in the general direction of any butthead who protests in front of any home of a conservative justice when/after the decision is made
When Dems can't muster the support of the people or votes in congress they resort to violence, intimidation, threats. Let's be honest, Democrats are festering boils on our great nation.
Don’t you mean benefits for SOME citizens at the expense of others? I graduated Jr. College without student debt. My doctor has paid off her student debt in full. Why should either of us pay someone else’s student debt? We don’t benefit from the education THEY decided to get in a field that won’t allow them to pay back their own debts.
I paid off my son’s college loans. I have no problem with loan forgiveness. It does NOT come directly out of your pocket but it very well COULD directly benefit you kid… or your neighbors kid.

It might mean that a young person can but your house when you go to sell it.

We need to stop being so selfish…. And sanctimonious

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