Lets see what happens when we hit bottom


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
How Much Worse Can it Get? - American Thinker

and no doubt under Thief in Chief Biden more than likely we will.

Things may actually get a little worse than they are now. The Democrats under the ā€œBidenā€ administration have shed any last vestiges of pretense surrounding their desire to utterly remake the United States into some idealized version of their socialistic, utopian land where all the inhabitantsā€™ lives are totally controlled and orchestrated by an all-knowing, benevolent government -- for the supposed good of the individual, of course. That the populace will then be totally and completely dependent on the government for everything is never explicitly disclosed, although this is actually the ultimate goal: unconditional control, no opposing viewpoint, no competing power, no hindrance to absolute Progressive domination.

Hereā€™s the progressive wish list:

  1. Control the media and thus manipulate the exact message you want the voting public to receive.
  2. Continue to have elections, to maintain the appearance of national self-determination.
  3. Rig those elections in your favor and howl with protest when youā€™re caught doing so. The media will cover for you and forestall any serious fraud inquires, preserving your stolen elections. Mountains of bona fide fraud evidence will be ignored and not acted upon.
  4. Admit unrestricted numbers of illegal aliens, all of whom will become your voters, permanently shifting the voter demographic in your favor.
  5. Admit D.C. and Puerto Rico as states, collecting four additional progressive senators in the process.
  6. Eliminate the filibuster, making a simple Senate majority sufficient for passing any initiative, so you can ā€œeliminate debate,ā€ as one of your leading voices said so memorably.
Progressives are trying hard to do all of this, right now. If they should achieve total control, what do they want to impose on the country? What is their ultimate aim? There are several progressive goals, some more substantial and damaging than others. Taken as a whole, however, a progressive America will be starkly different than one you grew up in.

Their vision includes:

  • Green initiatives, meaning zero carbon emissions, no internal combustion engine cars by 2030, no meat, and no oil, natural gas, or fracking.
  • Greatly relaxed policing practices, elimination of cash bail, nonprosecution of ā€˜low-levelā€™ crimes like prostitution and petty theft.
  • A military hamstrung by politically-correct policies that place a higher priority on socially-acceptable appearances (ā€œMaternity flight suitsā€) than maintaining an effective national security and preserving our ability to influence world affairs by dint of our military potential.
  • A return to the America Second approach of the Obama era. Offer hotel accommodations, free health care and stimulus payments to illegal immigrants, while disabled American veterans have to beg for the generosity of private donations in order to be able to afford their rehabilitative care or be able to stay in their home. Think about that: Wounded Warriors Project and Tunnels to Towers depend on individual donations, while the progressives foot the bill for illegal immigrantsā€™ room service -- on your dime.
  • Reparations for slavery. A bill for this is working its way through Congress.
Itā€™ll be interesting to see how reparations eligibility and payouts are determined. Who is ā€œpureā€ black enough to receive a full share? Are Halle Berry, Tiger Woods and Barack Obama eligible despite their mixed parentage? Are only ā€œAfricanā€ Americans eligible or will Caribbean Island people of color -- like Kamala Harris or former Red Sox star David ā€œBig Papiā€ Ortiz -- also qualify? The way this plays out will indeed be fascinating, although the betting here is that any portion of mixed background will receive the full payment, as long as that payment is confiscated from the approved hide.
How Much Worse Can it Get? - American Thinker

and no doubt under Thief in Chief Biden more than likely we will.

Things may actually get a little worse than they are now. The Democrats under the ā€œBidenā€ administration have shed any last vestiges of pretense surrounding their desire to utterly remake the United States into some idealized version of their socialistic, utopian land where all the inhabitantsā€™ lives are totally controlled and orchestrated by an all-knowing, benevolent government -- for the supposed good of the individual, of course. That the populace will then be totally and completely dependent on the government for everything is never explicitly disclosed, although this is actually the ultimate goal: unconditional control, no opposing viewpoint, no competing power, no hindrance to absolute Progressive domination.

Hereā€™s the progressive wish list:

  1. Control the media and thus manipulate the exact message you want the voting public to receive.
  2. Continue to have elections, to maintain the appearance of national self-determination.
  3. Rig those elections in your favor and howl with protest when youā€™re caught doing so. The media will cover for you and forestall any serious fraud inquires, preserving your stolen elections. Mountains of bona fide fraud evidence will be ignored and not acted upon.
  4. Admit unrestricted numbers of illegal aliens, all of whom will become your voters, permanently shifting the voter demographic in your favor.
  5. Admit D.C. and Puerto Rico as states, collecting four additional progressive senators in the process.
  6. Eliminate the filibuster, making a simple Senate majority sufficient for passing any initiative, so you can ā€œeliminate debate,ā€ as one of your leading voices said so memorably.
Progressives are trying hard to do all of this, right now. If they should achieve total control, what do they want to impose on the country? What is their ultimate aim? There are several progressive goals, some more substantial and damaging than others. Taken as a whole, however, a progressive America will be starkly different than one you grew up in.

Their vision includes:

  • Green initiatives, meaning zero carbon emissions, no internal combustion engine cars by 2030, no meat, and no oil, natural gas, or fracking.
  • Greatly relaxed policing practices, elimination of cash bail, nonprosecution of ā€˜low-levelā€™ crimes like prostitution and petty theft.
  • A military hamstrung by politically-correct policies that place a higher priority on socially-acceptable appearances (ā€œMaternity flight suitsā€) than maintaining an effective national security and preserving our ability to influence world affairs by dint of our military potential.
  • A return to the America Second approach of the Obama era. Offer hotel accommodations, free health care and stimulus payments to illegal immigrants, while disabled American veterans have to beg for the generosity of private donations in order to be able to afford their rehabilitative care or be able to stay in their home. Think about that: Wounded Warriors Project and Tunnels to Towers depend on individual donations, while the progressives foot the bill for illegal immigrantsā€™ room service -- on your dime.
  • Reparations for slavery. A bill for this is working its way through Congress.
Itā€™ll be interesting to see how reparations eligibility and payouts are determined. Who is ā€œpureā€ black enough to receive a full share? Are Halle Berry, Tiger Woods and Barack Obama eligible despite their mixed parentage? Are only ā€œAfricanā€ Americans eligible or will Caribbean Island people of color -- like Kamala Harris or former Red Sox star David ā€œBig Papiā€ Ortiz -- also qualify? The way this plays out will indeed be fascinating, although the betting here is that any portion of mixed background will receive the full payment, as long as that payment is confiscated from the approved hide.
At one time, people who could escape their Socialist nations would come to America to be free.....if you know what i mean...
IMO, it started in 2000

a choice between Bush and Gore?

Why bother?

Bush v Kerry?

a step down in choices.

Obama v McCain?

another step down.

Obama v Romney?

I'm starting to see individual blades of grass.

Trump v Biden?

That wasn't grass, that was pond
scum covering a sewer, and my ankles are getting wet..


I don't see Biden lasting 4 years, so in 2024, it will be Harris, (if she gets the nomination as incumbent. Not sure thing)

So it will be Harris v ?

Trump? Unlikely.

Who else could be a Republican choice?

Doesn't matter,

It will, again, be a poor choice that may, or mayn't beat Harris, or whoever the Democrats pull from the dregs of their party.
Lets see what happens when we hit bottom

Rambunctious waving goodbye....

Lets see what happens when we hit bottom
Bottom of what? Everything is on the way up.
Maybe in lala land, but not in the USA.
Right here in Kansas, in the middle of red state territory, things are getting better as stimulus reaches the economy, people get vaccinated, and people lose their fear of going out.

Your fear-mongering is just that, fear-mongering. Nothing more.
You and looney left are the fear monger specialists. Just posting what the demrats in DC want, even if they are not forthright about it.
Lets see what happens when we hit bottom
Bottom of what? Everything is on the way up.
Maybe in lala land, but not in the USA.
Right here in Kansas, in the middle of red state territory, things are getting better as stimulus reaches the economy, people get vaccinated, and people lose their fear of going out.

Your fear-mongering is just that, fear-mongering. Nothing more.
You and looney left are the fear monger specialists. Just posting what the demrats in DC want, even if they are not forthright about it.
Nope. You're reposting some crap you were told on some RWNJ blogsite.

You're frightened and you want everyone else to be as well.
Lets see what happens when we hit bottom
Bottom of what? Everything is on the way up.
Maybe in lala land, but not in the USA.
Right here in Kansas, in the middle of red state territory, things are getting better as stimulus reaches the economy, people get vaccinated, and people lose their fear of going out.

Your fear-mongering is just that, fear-mongering. Nothing more.
You and looney left are the fear monger specialists. Just posting what the demrats in DC want, even if they are not forthright about it.
Nope. You're reposting some crap you were told on some RWNJ blogsite.

You're frightened and you want everyone else to be as well.
Just posting what the demrats want. Given your bs from left wing lala land, better think twice if you can think at all.
Lets see what happens when we hit bottom
Bottom of what? Everything is on the way up.
Maybe in lala land, but not in the USA.
Right here in Kansas, in the middle of red state territory, things are getting better as stimulus reaches the economy, people get vaccinated, and people lose their fear of going out.

Your fear-mongering is just that, fear-mongering. Nothing more.
You and looney left are the fear monger specialists. Just posting what the demrats in DC want, even if they are not forthright about it.
Nope. You're reposting some crap you were told on some RWNJ blogsite.

You're frightened and you want everyone else to be as well.
Just posting what the demrats want. Given your bs from left wing lala land, better think twice if you can think at all.
No, you're not. You're posting what you were told the Democrats want. You were told that to frighten you. That's fear-mongering. Stop doing it.
How Much Worse Can it Get? - American Thinker

and no doubt under Thief in Chief Biden more than likely we will.

Things may actually get a little worse than they are now. The Democrats under the ā€œBidenā€ administration have shed any last vestiges of pretense surrounding their desire to utterly remake the United States into some idealized version of their socialistic, utopian land where all the inhabitantsā€™ lives are totally controlled and orchestrated by an all-knowing, benevolent government -- for the supposed good of the individual, of course. That the populace will then be totally and completely dependent on the government for everything is never explicitly disclosed, although this is actually the ultimate goal: unconditional control, no opposing viewpoint, no competing power, no hindrance to absolute Progressive domination.

Hereā€™s the progressive wish list:

  1. Control the media and thus manipulate the exact message you want the voting public to receive.
  2. Continue to have elections, to maintain the appearance of national self-determination.
  3. Rig those elections in your favor and howl with protest when youā€™re caught doing so. The media will cover for you and forestall any serious fraud inquires, preserving your stolen elections. Mountains of bona fide fraud evidence will be ignored and not acted upon.
  4. Admit unrestricted numbers of illegal aliens, all of whom will become your voters, permanently shifting the voter demographic in your favor.
  5. Admit D.C. and Puerto Rico as states, collecting four additional progressive senators in the process.
  6. Eliminate the filibuster, making a simple Senate majority sufficient for passing any initiative, so you can ā€œeliminate debate,ā€ as one of your leading voices said so memorably.
Progressives are trying hard to do all of this, right now. If they should achieve total control, what do they want to impose on the country? What is their ultimate aim? There are several progressive goals, some more substantial and damaging than others. Taken as a whole, however, a progressive America will be starkly different than one you grew up in.

Their vision includes:

  • Green initiatives, meaning zero carbon emissions, no internal combustion engine cars by 2030, no meat, and no oil, natural gas, or fracking.
  • Greatly relaxed policing practices, elimination of cash bail, nonprosecution of ā€˜low-levelā€™ crimes like prostitution and petty theft.
  • A military hamstrung by politically-correct policies that place a higher priority on socially-acceptable appearances (ā€œMaternity flight suitsā€) than maintaining an effective national security and preserving our ability to influence world affairs by dint of our military potential.
  • A return to the America Second approach of the Obama era. Offer hotel accommodations, free health care and stimulus payments to illegal immigrants, while disabled American veterans have to beg for the generosity of private donations in order to be able to afford their rehabilitative care or be able to stay in their home. Think about that: Wounded Warriors Project and Tunnels to Towers depend on individual donations, while the progressives foot the bill for illegal immigrantsā€™ room service -- on your dime.
  • Reparations for slavery. A bill for this is working its way through Congress.
Itā€™ll be interesting to see how reparations eligibility and payouts are determined. Who is ā€œpureā€ black enough to receive a full share? Are Halle Berry, Tiger Woods and Barack Obama eligible despite their mixed parentage? Are only ā€œAfricanā€ Americans eligible or will Caribbean Island people of color -- like Kamala Harris or former Red Sox star David ā€œBig Papiā€ Ortiz -- also qualify? The way this plays out will indeed be fascinating, although the betting here is that any portion of mixed background will receive the full payment, as long as that payment is confiscated from the approved hide.
At one time, people who could escape their Socialist nations would come to America to be free.....if you know what i mean...
Life in America will continue to improve as the GOP continues to weaken and degenerate.

This is a fun thread.

There are actually people out there who think the Democrats are going to outlaw meat.
Yes, Virginia, they really ARE that stupid and gullible.
Its a good thing we have that clean start policy...that states

"To sum that up.. We're REQUIRING the Original Posters to START a clean topical discussion.,. No more juiced incendiary titles and ranting OPs.."

Otherwise threads like this would be moved to the basement if a moderator caught wind of them. LOL
Life in America will continue to improve as the GOP continues to weaken and degenerate.

This is a fun thread.

There are actually people out there who think the Democrats are going to outlaw meat.
Yes, Virginia, they really ARE that stupid and gullible.
Its a good thing we have that clean start policy...that states

"To sum that up.. We're REQUIRING the Original Posters to START a clean topical discussion.,. No more juiced incendiary titles and ranting OPs.."

Otherwise threads like this would be moved to the basement if a moderator caught wind of them. LOL
If your or I started one like it it sure would be.

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