Let's Shoot Black People for Fun

Doing what you guys do. There are a lot more of these.

Here it is. YOU making that choice of false equivalences and kinda threatening to do it out of spite and revenge. Here's an idea. Find SOME where the discussion could save lives or produce conversations with SOLUTIONS to problems that the 535 mental midgets we call Congress never thought of to fix stuff like these stories.
Well they are trying to shoot justice Thomas and his wife
Is that what you are referencing?
High school kids say stupid shit all of the time.
Right, but they never going into a school shooting.
Maybe it's worth investigating if this kid is a nutcase or just saying stupid shit. We can't get to the point where a high school kid posts something and that sends people into a frenzy.
You're right they could sit idly by and do nothing, but when he starts shooting then you ask the question why no one took him serious.
Your statements are unproven. Asking me to find a school shooter for example is asking me to prove a negative. Just because it wasn't brought out for the public, does not mean it didn't exist. It is true, kids learn a lot of bad crap from peers and even some adults outside the home, but how they succumb to those teaching is highly influenced by parenting, good or bad. I am not a "give up and blame it on society" kind of guy. I exert influence as observer results where I can. With kids, it has been in my home and as a youth leader.
You don't understand logic, do you? Had I asked you to prove that no school shooter had ever learned hate at school would be proving a negative. Asking you to back up your claim and prove that a person had learned hate at home is proving a positive. Proving a negative is proving something never happened because you can't prove that; you can only show that you don't know of it. Proving something did happen is proving a positive. You claim it is the case so prove it's so.

Your claims that parents can influence the outcome of schools teaching hate doesn't mean that the hate isn't being taught. The source of the hate is schools and your response does absolutely nothing to refute that. That some parents naively trust the schools and don't spend hours trying to undo the evil ideas planted in their children's minds doesn't change that the hate is learned, by intent, in the schools.

You have a very long history here of pretending to take the middle ground, pretending to be a centrist and above it all. That's all a lie, of course. You've no doubt heard the phrase that evil prevails when good men do nothing but that phrase misses the point that good men don't do nothing. And being a youth leader is not doing something even if you think that clears your conscious. Good men fight against the teaching of hate in the schools. Good men try to prevent harm to children rather than trying to undo it. Good men take a stand and good men do not try to stay in the middle and please everybody because, in reality, they - and you - please nobody.
That kid in Buffalo believed that and went out and did it. Sorry, but I'm black and I'm going to take this seriously.

I'm sure of this had been a black kid there would be a hundred threads created full of white racist bs.
And white people should react as strongly, taking every bit as seriously, when black leaders and community members talk about attacking white people, saying things like the only solution is to get rid of white people?

I just write it off as wacko statements. You, on the other hand, back those statements from blacks and use less deadly statements from whites to promote a race war in the United States. I think that's your dream, an all out race war.
It can be taught, no only as something you support, but something you tolerate in your home in front of kids, that for some people it is acceptable if they talk that way in your home, in front of one's kids.
I never said racism couldn't be taught at home or that this kid wasn't taught racism at home. But when we look at the likely causes of something, especially if we want to really make a difference, we should go first to the known reasons and last to the speculative reasons. We know for certain that race hate is taught by teachers and schools. That's a known direction we can take in working to eliminate racial violence. Accusing the father is simply speculation in order to divert the conversation from the known problem.

We can have an impact 100 per cent of the time that we force teachers to quit telling children that they're evil based on their race or perpetual victims with no capability of their own based on their race. We may not stop all cases because some kids might also be learning it at home, but if no one is teaching a child racism at school and no one is teaching a child racism at home, there's a strong chance that the child will grow up not a racist.

If the parents are not teaching the child to be racist but the school is, there's a strong chance that the child will grow up to be a racist. Some parents, as you suggested, will overcome the teaching of the schools but, unfortunately, some will be too naive. But the point is that parents should not have to undo the teachings of the schools. How about we just admit that schools teaching children that they're either evil because of their race, or incapable of success in life because of their race, is a terrible thing and we just stop doing it?
The kid might be in trouble but why does senator Schumer get away with threatening a black Supreme Court Justice as well as eight other white Judges even after his climate of hatred caused an overt assassination attempt?
View attachment 658964
An investigation is underway after a video went viral showing a Maryland high school student -- who is the son of a local school board member -- holding a pellet gun and saying, “Shoot n*****s for fun, you hear me?” 47ABC reports.

Tonya Laird Lewis

Tonya Laird Lewis
was appointed to the Wicomico County Board of Education by the Wicomico County Council, and was sworn in on June 18, 2019. She holds the District 3 seat formerly held by the late David L. Goslee Sr.

This is why anti racism must be taught in scools.

No one was actually shot with pellet gun, or even shot at.

The teenager was just exercising his Right to Free Speech and his teenage nature of wanting to cheese off the adults.

In other words, who give a shit?
You have exactly identified the problem. The Government sucks at follow up for deranged, mentally ill, and violent people. Example: The Virginia Tech shooter was TDO'd in Virginia. That is a Temporary Detention Order for someone who is mentally ill and at high risk to harm himself and others. He was in the hospital for a few days, had his hearing, and was released.

The released order stated he needed to voluntarily follow up at the local Community Mental Health Center. I know you will be shocked, but he never showed up. There was zero outreach by the State or local mental health officials. A month later he killed 32 people.

I know so much about this because I worked Mental Health Emergency Services in Virginia for years. The director of the Community Services Board I knew, he was fired. The rest was swept under the rug. That is your Government in action.

And we wonder why so many mass shootings happen. :(

The government is not in the mental health business, dummy.

The law is very clear. A credible threat requires a target. I can freely say "I'm going to shoot every commie terrorist I can get my hands on", because there's no specific target.

But if I say "I'm going to kill Joe Blow", or, "I"m going to shoot up XYZ school", those are specific targets and the authorities will be (hopefully) beating down my door faster than I can turn around

My question to you is, do you know the difference? Between rhetoric and the for-real?

Weaponizing the law blurs the line
You don't understand logic, do you? Had I asked you to prove that no school shooter had ever learned hate at school would be proving a negative. Asking you to back up your claim and prove that a person had learned hate at home is proving a positive. Proving a negative is proving something never happened because you can't prove that; you can only show that you don't know of it. Proving something did happen is proving a positive. You claim it is the case so prove it's so.

Your claims that parents can influence the outcome of schools teaching hate doesn't mean that the hate isn't being taught. The source of the hate is schools and your response does absolutely nothing to refute that. That some parents naively trust the schools and don't spend hours trying to undo the evil ideas planted in their children's minds doesn't change that the hate is learned, by intent, in the schools.

You have a very long history here of pretending to take the middle ground, pretending to be a centrist and above it all. That's all a lie, of course. You've no doubt heard the phrase that evil prevails when good men do nothing but that phrase misses the point that good men don't do nothing. And being a youth leader is not doing something even if you think that clears your conscious. Good men fight against the teaching of hate in the schools. Good men try to prevent harm to children rather than trying to undo it. Good men take a stand and good men do not try to stay in the middle and please everybody because, in reality, they - and you - please nobody.
Nothing being out there, may only prove they don't know or didn't feel it necessary to go down that road. Believe what you like.
Your idea that kids are only influenced out in the world is the same a liberals saying society is to blame. It doesn't wash with me and never have. Until my kids were out of school and on their own, I (that is we) held ourselves responsible for what we produced. For us, it worked, but we cheated by knowing what we were doing when we got married, not having kids until we were ready, following the basic patterns that we learned, and my parents learned and grandparents lived, and staying together, and doing the right things, teaching the right things, reinforcing the right things.
Other ways might work, but this did work, and part of that was holding ourselves responsible, until they could be successfully responsible on their own. That works, not thinking our kids were beyond control, simply because they went to school, were out and about with friends (we knew their friends, by the way) and not turning our kids completely over to the system, as if powerless pawns in the societal bullshit.
I understand you, and it is boring the shit out of me.
I never said racism couldn't be taught at home or that this kid wasn't taught racism at home. But when we look at the likely causes of something, especially if we want to really make a difference, we should go first to the known reasons and last to the speculative reasons. We know for certain that race hate is taught by teachers and schools. That's a known direction we can take in working to eliminate racial violence. Accusing the father is simply speculation in order to divert the conversation from the known problem.

We can have an impact 100 per cent of the time that we force teachers to quit telling children that they're evil based on their race or perpetual victims with no capability of their own based on their race. We may not stop all cases because some kids might also be learning it at home, but if no one is teaching a child racism at school and no one is teaching a child racism at home, there's a strong chance that the child will grow up not a racist.

If the parents are not teaching the child to be racist but the school is, there's a strong chance that the child will grow up to be a racist. Some parents, as you suggested, will overcome the teaching of the schools but, unfortunately, some will be too naive. But the point is that parents should not have to undo the teachings of the schools. How about we just admit that schools teaching children that they're either evil because of their race, or incapable of success in life because of their race, is a terrible thing and we just stop doing it?
Well if it is all the school, and you are feeling impotent and hopeless, feel free to throw up you hands and give up. It will not effect me and mine.
The government is not in the mental health business, dummy.

The law is very clear. A credible threat requires a target. I can freely say "I'm going to shoot every commie terrorist I can get my hands on", because there's no specific target.

But if I say "I'm going to kill Joe Blow", or, "I"m going to shoot up XYZ school", those are specific targets and the authorities will be (hopefully) beating down my door faster than I can turn around

My question to you is, do you know the difference? Between rhetoric and the for-real?

Weaponizing the law blurs the line

The Government is most definitely in the Mental Health business. I worked in two different Government Mental Health Agencies. You are retarded. Second, you do not know the Law. The Law states you can be detained (locked up in a Psychiatric Hospital} if you are a danger to self or others or unable to care for self due to mental illness of substance abuse. That is the exact language, Fucking idiot.
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The Government is most definitely in the Mental Health business. I worked in two different Government Mental Health Agencies. You are retarded. Second, you do not know the Law. The Law states you can be detained (locked up in a Psychiatric Hospital if you are a danger to self or others or unable to care for self due to mental illness of substance abuse. That is the exact language, Fucking idiot.
I am familiar with the language, thank you.

What you just said has NO RELATION to calling someone a terrorist for protecting their family.

Does it, leftie?

(scratches head)

LEFTIES threaten children.

Righties threaten the lefties who threaten children. See how that works?

Righties PROTECT children. Lefties threaten them.
Probably, but he could have developed the hate in response to being bullied by blacks. I'm just giving a possible example. Speech should NOT be criminalized unless it is directed in such a way that it incites violence. Obviously, threatening to shoot someone deserves some serious blowback.
And sometimes kids say stuff because its taboo and thus they think its cool to say. Teens like to rebel against authority.
And sometimes kids say stuff because its taboo and thus they think its cool to say. Teens like to rebel against authority.
EVERYONE likes to rebel against BOGUS authority.

A lot of these kids, think pretty much "all" the authority they see, is bogus. That's kinda the problem. They can't tell the difference

Hey - it's not ALL their fault. Kids have a hard time these days. Compared to when I was a kid
Nothing being out there, may only prove they don't know or didn't feel it necessary to go down that road. Believe what you like.
Your idea that kids are only influenced out in the world is the same a liberals saying society is to blame. It doesn't wash with me and never have. Until my kids were out of school and on their own, I (that is we) held ourselves responsible for what we produced. For us, it worked, but we cheated by knowing what we were doing when we got married, not having kids until we were ready, following the basic patterns that we learned, and my parents learned and grandparents lived, and staying together, and doing the right things, teaching the right things, reinforcing the right things.
Other ways might work, but this did work, and part of that was holding ourselves responsible, until they could be successfully responsible on their own. That works, not thinking our kids were beyond control, simply because they went to school, were out and about with friends (we knew their friends, by the way) and not turning our kids completely over to the system, as if powerless pawns in the societal bullshit.
I understand you, and it is boring the shit out of me.
Yet another lie from you. Not in any post is there anything I've said from which anyone with half a brain could infer that I said kids are only influenced out in the world. I've been explicit that what you said was possible, that the kid learned to hate from his schoolboard father. But still you have to turn it into a lie.

You're just about the most dishonest, dishonorable, person on these forums. You're a coward and a liar.

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