Let's Shoot Black People for Fun

You're absolutely right; some kids are taught to be racists in the home. Find a single school shooter where any evidence of that was found or raised.

Where every school shooter in modern times, from Columbine to Uvalde, learned hate is in public school along with wherever else they may have learned it and along with whatever else they learned in school.
Your statements are unproven. Asking me to find a school shooter for example is asking me to prove a negative. Just because it wasn't brought out for the public, does not mean it didn't exist. It is true, kids learn a lot of bad crap from peers and even some adults outside the home, but how they succumb to those teaching is highly influenced by parenting, good or bad. I am not a "give up and blame it on society" kind of guy. I exert influence as observer results where I can. With kids, it has been in my home and as a youth leader.
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An investigation is underway after a video went viral showing a Maryland high school student -- who is the son of a local school board member -- holding a pellet gun and saying, “Shoot n*****s for fun, you hear me?” 47ABC reports.

Tonya Laird Lewis

Tonya Laird Lewis
was appointed to the Wicomico County Board of Education by the Wicomico County Council, and was sworn in on June 18, 2019. She holds the District 3 seat formerly held by the late David L. Goslee Sr.

This is why anti racism must be taught in scools.

Sounds kinda like the knockout game played by negroes only less harmful.
The kid was probably mad at his parents and getting back at them. But you use these dumb posts to smear all White people and demand "anti Racism" teaching because of this brat. Fail.
That occurred to me also, as it could have been the kid's way of lashing out to embarrass dear old dad on the school board (teenage angst thing), but I still lean toward parenting mistakes early, not corrected. Would not be surprise to find the kid is the oldest of the siblings. We make more mistakes with our first, even if we had good models growing up.
That occurred to me also, as it could have been the kid's way of lashing out to embarrass dear old dad on the school board (teenage angst thing), but I still lean toward parenting mistakes early, not corrected. Would not be surprise to find the kid is the oldest of the siblings. We make more mistakes with our first, even if we had good models growing up.
Good post! Everyone is on hair trigger (pardon the phrase) these days. Sometimes it's just a bratty kid trying to stick it to his parents. Like I said it's worth some digging into this kid's history to see if there is a pattern of violence.
Good post! Everyone is on hair trigger (pardon the phrase) these days. Sometimes it's just a bratty kid trying to stick it to his parents. Like I said it's worth some digging into this kid's history to see if there is a pattern of violence.
Thanks. Bet we don't see it though.
Good post! Everyone is on hair trigger (pardon the phrase) these days. Sometimes it's just a bratty kid trying to stick it to his parents. Like I said it's worth some digging into this kid's history to see if there is a pattern of violence.
That kid in Buffalo believed that and went out and did it. Sorry, but I'm black and I'm going to take this seriously.

I'm sure of this had been a black kid there would be a hundred threads created full of white racist bs.
That’s not going to happen.

Conservatives will continue to oppose teaching facts and the truth concerning America’s past and the history of racism in America – with lies about ‘woke,’ ‘cancel culture,’ and preventing white students from ‘feeling bad.’
Sad but true. Meanwhile, they'll teach their children racist garbage at home.
Great choice. Let's a competition between "Stupid White People" news and "Stupid Black People" news. That's productive.
Let's stop making flase equivalences flacaltenn.
Let's stop making flase equivalences flacaltenn.

WTF -- YOU just made the equivalence dude. You said you were gonna post more "Stupid White People" threads like this one on a 15 year old. I cant' count the times we've moved "Stupid Black People" threads to Badlands or Current Events from the Race forum and here you are -- just a post or 2 ago -- promising us more of the same.

NO FALSE equivalence dude. YOURE making the equivalence and choosing the same racist tactics that BONIFIDE PEDIGREED white racists use. THis is an insane cycle with NO PURPOSE to it. Because it's ALL ANECTDOTAL -- no matter HOW MANY OF these "stupid people" threads get posted, it's JUST AN EXCUSE to race blame and bait.

IT COULD be just a news story. That's why it's gets allowed on USMB. HOPING that some PRODUCTIVE conversations and problem solving comes OUT of it. But with so MANY racists of all colors here -- that's not a likely thing.

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