Let's Shoot Black People for Fun

Westforth Sports in Gary, Indiana
GARY, Ind. (WLS) -- The City of Chicago is trying to plug what investigators believe is one big part of an illicit gun pipeline between Indiana and Illinois.

According to the lawsuit, Westforth Sports in Gary, Indiana is the number one supplier of guns used in Chicago crimes during a seven-year period, and the lawsuit cites a 2019 I-Team report focusing on so-called straw purchases that result in missing guns.

The lawsuit accuses family-owned Westforth of breaking U.S. laws by selling hundreds of guns to straw purchasers - guns the city claims in the lawsuit were funneled to felons and Chicago gang members.

Dad used to run heavy iron from Garydice to South Hollandistan.....About the time Michelle Jackson was hatched. No. No. US steel for the Sears tower project.
He DID carry firepower. Dick Daley loved panthers
Westforth Sports in Gary, Indiana
GARY, Ind. (WLS) -- The City of Chicago is trying to plug what investigators believe is one big part of an illicit gun pipeline between Indiana and Illinois.

According to the lawsuit, Westforth Sports in Gary, Indiana is the number one supplier of guns used in Chicago crimes during a seven-year period, and the lawsuit cites a 2019 I-Team report focusing on so-called straw purchases that result in missing guns.

The lawsuit accuses family-owned Westforth of breaking U.S. laws by selling hundreds of guns to straw purchasers - guns the city claims in the lawsuit were funneled to felons and Chicago gang members.

You understand that 40% of the guns used in Chicago crimes actually come from Illinois, right? And what you're suggesting is that Westforth Sports should determine visually, since no store knows their customer details and intent, which customers plan to give the gun they purchase to someone not allowed to own a gun. So what would you have them make that assessment from?

Presumably, since it's not mentioned in the article, they're selling guns to people with proper Indiana ID, and to people that the FBI tells them can purchase a gun.

So, the only thing left would be for them to not sell to black people. But what about black people that legitimately want a gun for self defense, considering that black people die at the hands of black people more than 4 times the rate of white people dying at the hands of white people. Doesn't it make sense that black people in Indiana would want to buy a gun? But, being the racist that you are, you want Westforth Sports to not sell guns to black people based on the color of their skin, regardless of having passed a background check with the FBI.

You really are a disgusting, black hating, racist.
Yea, because it doesn't really amount to anything. When was the last time we saw a HS kid shoot up a school.
High school kids say stupid shit all of the time. Maybe it's worth investigating if this kid is a nutcase or just saying stupid shit. We can't get to the point where a high school kid posts something and that sends people into a frenzy.
He will probably grow up to hate blacks, that what his parents taught him. They say your thoughts are formed by 7-10 years of age.

Do some research. Find a single school shooting that was caused because the parents taught their shooter child to be a racist. I doubt you'll find one. Racism is taught in every public school in the United States. Hate is required learning.
High school kids say stupid shit all of the time. Maybe it's worth investigating if this kid is a nutcase or just saying stupid shit. We can't get to the point where a high school kid posts something and that sends people into a frenzy.
But NEITHER can we IGNORE a student who writes RACIST MANIFESTOS
This is why anti racism must be taught in scools.
That’s not going to happen.

Conservatives will continue to oppose teaching facts and the truth concerning America’s past and the history of racism in America – with lies about ‘woke,’ ‘cancel culture,’ and preventing white students from ‘feeling bad.’
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An investigation is underway after a video went viral showing a Maryland high school student -- who is the son of a local school board member -- holding a pellet gun and saying, “Shoot n*****s for fun, you hear me?” 47ABC reports.

Tonya Laird Lewis

Tonya Laird Lewis
was appointed to the Wicomico County Board of Education by the Wicomico County Council, and was sworn in on June 18, 2019. She holds the District 3 seat formerly held by the late David L. Goslee Sr.

This is why anti racism must be taught in scools.
Only blacks can have fun?
No, probably he didn't get his attitudes in the family. Do you think the grandmother that the Uvalde shot in the face gave the kid the idea to go shoot up a school?

No doubt, some kids learn bad stuff at home but many millennia of human progress show that children mostly learn good things from their parents and families.

Where children today learn to hate and develop the mental health problems that lead to shootings or planned shootings is in the schools.

White children are told they're evil and the cause of all that's evil in the world. Even when they don't believe they're actually evil, what do you think it does to a kid's psyche when he realizes that most people in the school, including teachers, students, administration, and even many of the white kids, hate him because he's white?

If he does believe the lies that he was born evil, what do you think comes from that? Repentance? Or living up to expectations? I've learned in my life that most people live up to expectations. Mostly I've learned that setting high expectations leads to delivering high results but setting low expectations leads to low results. I suppose that setting evil expectations must lead to evil results.

These same lessons of hate in the schools lead to black on white violence as well. When a child spends his formative years being told that white people are evil, that white people hate him, that all of his troubles, his families troubles, his entire communities troubles, come from white people, then, as someone already pointed out in this thread, no doubt black kids talk about shooting white people, too.
My experience growing up and living in the mid-south, tell me differently than yours, wherever is is you are from or live. It largely seems to run (especially in adolescent age groups) relating to what is repeatedly said and tolerated in the home. Often it goes with parents, but often, growing up you hear talking with other kids, "my uncles says this" or "my granddad says that". Interactions with other kids are shaped by what they hear in family, giving background or confirmation bias to interaction with peers from other cultures. As I said, not just immediate nuclear family but family outside the home, the trusted uncle or grandfather, whose casual remark tolerated in the home, parents not wanting to correct their own sibling or parents in front of the child. I have been known to muzzle (so to speak) use of words, expressions or ways of looking at the world and people in it, in my home, around my kids, they weren't ready to understand, the way I wanted them understood at times while raising them. Subtle at time, not so subtly at others. I can look back and see my parents doing the same, more commonly send we three boys out, as some conversations were for adults. Later, maybe hoeing the garden or chopping wood, I'd ask dad or he'd bring up an "adult" conversation of these viewpoints, him imparting to me what he wanted me to know, or consider, rather than what may have been said before I was sent out, just when the grown talk was getting interesting.
This type thing is what I see missing in modern parenting, this intentional molding from an early age, with a view to future acceptable conduct and conduct outside the home. I suspect this is across cultures, as kids see more than they can correctly interpret morally at a much earlier age, as if they should be allowed to experience a much wider field of influences, often to their detriment.
My experience growing up and living in the mid-south, tell me differently than yours, wherever is is you are from or live. It largely seems to run (especially in adolescent age groups) relating to what is repeatedly said and tolerated in the home. Often it goes with parents, but often, growing up you hear talking with other kids, "my uncles says this" or "my granddad says that". Interactions with other kids are shaped by what they hear in family, giving background or confirmation bias to interaction with peers from other cultures. As I said, not just immediate nuclear family but family outside the home, the trusted uncle or grandfather, whose casual remark tolerated in the home, parents not wanting to correct their own sibling or parents in front of the child. I have been known to muzzle (so to speak) use of words, expressions or ways of looking at the world and people in it, in my home, around my kids, they weren't ready to understand, the way I wanted them understood at times while raising them. Subtle at time, not so subtly at others. I can look back and see my parents doing the same, more commonly send we three boys out, as some conversations were for adults. Later, maybe hoeing the garden or chopping wood, I'd ask dad or he'd bring up an "adult" conversation of these viewpoints, him imparting to me what he wanted me to know, or consider, rather than what may have been said before I was sent out, just when the grown talk was getting interesting.
This type thing is what I see missing in modern parenting, this intentional molding from an early age, with a view to future acceptable conduct and conduct outside the home. I suspect this is across cultures, as kids see more than they can correctly interpret morally at a much earlier age, as if they should be allowed to experience a much wider field of influences, often to their detriment.
Probably a disturbed kid but maybe the 15 minutes of fame the pop-culture generation craves. Meanwhile the House Speaker refused to condemn the over 50 violent attacks against pro-life centers.
I never spanked my children

They grew into productive citizens
Loving husbands
Amazing fathers
I did. Likewise, they grew into productive citizens. Not to let you think we beat our kids or anything, but controlled use of a good paddling can be very reinforcing. My parents were fairly religious, my grandparents even more so. Spare the rod and spoil the child has been spoken in all generations.
THe good news is -- this kid should never pass a firearms background check if we're doing THAT system right. SO -- up to school and local police to make CERTAIN that this information is available to REPORT to NICS. And NICS should REQUIRE school files on threats and violence. They should reject applications until an appeal is accomplished.

The bad news is -- you're wrong. Haranguing entire classes with inclusion/diversity messaging is not gonna FIX THIS kid. He needs EXTENSIVE one on one attention and follow-up. Should do this for ANY color kid that does the same. EVEN IF their threat is towards their OWN race...

You have exactly identified the problem. The Government sucks at follow up for deranged, mentally ill, and violent people. Example: The Virginia Tech shooter was TDO'd in Virginia. That is a Temporary Detention Order for someone who is mentally ill and at high risk to harm himself and others. He was in the hospital for a few days, had his hearing, and was released.

The released order stated he needed to voluntarily follow up at the local Community Mental Health Center. I know you will be shocked, but he never showed up. There was zero outreach by the State or local mental health officials. A month later he killed 32 people.

I know so much about this because I worked Mental Health Emergency Services in Virginia for years. The director of the Community Services Board I knew, he was fired. The rest was swept under the rug. That is your Government in action.

And we wonder why so many mass shootings happen. :(

There’s a 50-60 percent chance the kids father isn’t in the household. And an 80percent chance that it was caused by the mother. If that happens to be the situation…
That would be surprising as the point was made, his father was a school board member. If voting for a school board member, it would be highly relevant to me as a voter, the guy running for the position was partly responsible for a broken home, his own kids were being raised in, and I would doubt his ability to know the right path in administrating schools for my kids.

Gawd I need to join THAT group... text me that website or secret code.

You mean the kids of Congress critters or what?

Lately, the govt is trying to steal my most important belongings. Including my liberties, 10 Bill of Rights rights and my financial stability. I spend a LOT of time OPPOSING them trying.

This is a common held viewpoint of black Americans.
They believe since whites set up the government, that whites therefore receive all of the benefits of the system. Not necessarily just simply the handouts we think of, like welfare, food stamps etc, but things that make up the entire governing system. Things like prison sentences, our financial structure, lending, housing, education, literally everything.
This is their belief.
That would be surprising as the point was made, his father was a school board member. If voting for a school board member, it would be highly relevant to me as a voter, the guy running for the position was partly responsible for a broken home, his own kids were being raised in, and I would doubt his ability to know the right path in administrating schools for my kids.
And yet you said that the father taught the kid to be a racist. It's certainly not out of the question but wouldn't you expect such blatant racism to show up somewhere in the father's history?

Then again, the school boards are certainly a big part of the reason that children are taught hate. You might be on to something.
My experience growing up and living in the mid-south, tell me differently than yours, wherever is is you are from or live. It largely seems to run (especially in adolescent age groups) relating to what is repeatedly said and tolerated in the home. Often it goes with parents, but often, growing up you hear talking with other kids, "my uncles says this" or "my granddad says that". Interactions with other kids are shaped by what they hear in family, giving background or confirmation bias to interaction with peers from other cultures. As I said, not just immediate nuclear family but family outside the home, the trusted uncle or grandfather, whose casual remark tolerated in the home, parents not wanting to correct their own sibling or parents in front of the child. I have been known to muzzle (so to speak) use of words, expressions or ways of looking at the world and people in it, in my home, around my kids, they weren't ready to understand, the way I wanted them understood at times while raising them. Subtle at time, not so subtly at others. I can look back and see my parents doing the same, more commonly send we three boys out, as some conversations were for adults. Later, maybe hoeing the garden or chopping wood, I'd ask dad or he'd bring up an "adult" conversation of these viewpoints, him imparting to me what he wanted me to know, or consider, rather than what may have been said before I was sent out, just when the grown talk was getting interesting.
This type thing is what I see missing in modern parenting, this intentional molding from an early age, with a view to future acceptable conduct and conduct outside the home. I suspect this is across cultures, as kids see more than they can correctly interpret morally at a much earlier age, as if they should be allowed to experience a much wider field of influences, often to their detriment.

You're absolutely right; some kids are taught to be racists in the home. Find a single school shooter where any evidence of that was found or raised.

Where every school shooter in modern times, from Columbine to Uvalde, learned hate is in public school along with wherever else they may have learned it and along with whatever else they learned in school.
And yet you said that the father taught the kid to be a racist. It's certainly not out of the question but wouldn't you expect such blatant racism to show up somewhere in the father's history?

Then again, the school boards are certainly a big part of the reason that children are taught hate. You might be on to something.
It can be taught, no only as something you support, but something you tolerate in your home in front of kids, that for some people it is acceptable if they talk that way in your home, in front of one's kids.

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