Lets stand together in next election


Active Member
Jan 21, 2012
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

and whom are you proposing to vote IN?

the left does not have candidates which are not bought and payed for by Wall street and big business.
So one side is empty-handed.
When I see posts like these, I know they are referring to my legislator, not theirs.

The country is being destroyed from within by a crazy handful of "Freshmen" legislators. Thanks, but when serious issues arise, I like having people with experience around.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

I understand your frustration, but we'll just end up with another croud of corrupt idiots. As long as Americans don't give a shit about the Constitution, we will have this problem. It was written with holding these politicians in check and over time we have let them pollute it and lately, completely ignore it.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

and whom are you proposing to vote IN?

the left does not have candidates which are not bought and payed for by Wall street and big business.
So one side is empty-handed.

And the right is equally corrupt.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

I understand your frustration, but we'll just end up with another croud of corrupt idiots. As long as Americans don't give a shit about the Constitution, we will have this problem. It was written with holding these politicians in check and over time we have let them pollute it and lately, completely ignore it.

It's not about the Constitution and Americans not caring about it. It's the fucking lobbyists and $$$. Shut all the lobbyists down, reverse Citizens United and make it legal to only contribute $2500 to a campaign, not $200,000,000.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

and whom are you proposing to vote IN?

the left does not have candidates which are not bought and payed for by Wall street and big business.
So one side is empty-handed.

And the right is equally corrupt.

Ss are you...and that is the reason you tolerate corruption and incompetence and lack of virtue.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????
Somebody has been hitting the bottle pretty hard today.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

and whom are you proposing to vote IN?

the left does not have candidates which are not bought and payed for by Wall street and big business.
So one side is empty-handed.

And the right is equally corrupt.

They can screech all they want but the money trail for this debacle leads back to Heritage Action and the Koch brothers. Prior to the NYT reporting, Bloomsberg Newsweek broke the story several weeks ago:

Jim DeMint, Congressional Republicans' Shadow Speaker
Jim DeMint, Congressional Republicans' Shadow Speaker - Businessweek

Don't rely on cable television for your news! Turn off Fox, MSNBC, CNN. It's brainwashing at its finest.
Why don't we listen to the new faces and take a hard look at the incumbents? I know I am unhappy with my representatives and am eager to hear from new people that want a turn to represent us. I'm willing to keep an open mind to anyone.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

That’s very simplistic and naïve.

The problem isn’t incumbency, it’s extremism.

For example, most of the TPM House republicans responsible for the credit downgrade, sequester, government shutdown, and pending default are relatively new to Washington.

The last thing we need is more extremism from the right.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Just removed the cancerous hemorrhoid called the Tea Party and we'll all be better off.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

That’s very simplistic and naïve.

The problem isn’t incumbency, it’s extremism.

For example, most of the TPM House republicans responsible for the credit downgrade, sequester, government shutdown, and pending default are relatively new to Washington.

The last thing we need is more extremism from the right.

Clayton, no, the TPM did not do that all by themselves. Your leader was a major factor in all of those problematic situations. The one who blames everyone for his messes is the one to blame.
When I see posts like these, I know they are referring to my legislator, not theirs.

The country is being destroyed from within by a crazy handful of "Freshmen" legislators. Thanks, but when serious issues arise, I like having people with experience around.

The experienced representatives are the ones that cannot compromise, negotiate or reach across the aisle.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

That’s very simplistic and naïve.

The problem isn’t incumbency, it’s extremism.

For example, most of the TPM House republicans responsible for the credit downgrade, sequester, government shutdown, and pending default are relatively new to Washington.

The last thing we need is more extremism from the right.

You have a great point. Which takes me back to my point: Incumbent or freshmen, it's all about $$$. My wake up call was Watergate and Deep Throat's tip to Bob Woodard: "Follow the money". Nothing was ever different before Watergate and nothing has changed since then.
When I see posts like these, I know they are referring to my legislator, not theirs.

The country is being destroyed from within by a crazy handful of "Freshmen" legislators. Thanks, but when serious issues arise, I like having people with experience around.

I have no dog in this hunt, but my understanding of American politics is that the Founding Fathers meant political positions to be TEMPORARY, i.e. if you have the calling for improving and the devotion to do so, run for election, get elected, do your stuff and then, mission accomplished, go back to whatever you were doing before the election.

The Founding Fathers never meant politics to be a life-long occupation, because they realized that when a person has no loyalty to his family, to his roots, to his occupation, then politics is the best place to be a life-long free-loader.

If George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, etc. saw the current crop of politicians, they would be weeping and rolling in their grave. Especially, seeing that a petulant bully shut down their memorials to the public.

What America needs is more honest, eager and HARDWORKING 'freshman legislators' instead of mouldy, long-past-before-their-time, incompetent fossils, like Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel, brothers Michigan Senator and Congressmen, Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, etc. etc. etc. whose "Best Before" stamp on their forehead reads 1957.
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I'm by no means sure I'm voting in the next election or any elections any more you vote for a greedy corrupt incumbent asshole or a new future greedy corrupt asshole I am truly to the point where they can all fuck off.

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