Lets stand together in next election

Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

don't you mean Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent with R next to there name out. that will work just fine
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now what are we going to do about Eli Manning?????
well you can't have his brother ... this Denver fan is quit happy with his brother ... you know, what's his name !!!! hehehehehehehehe I don't think Eli is the problem ... its all them damn dropped balls .... its like all their receivers hands have frozen open and the running back hands have butter on them ... whats up with that ...

Nothing is going to change as long as professional politicians prioritize fundraising and re-election over anything else, and as long as they can play with taxpayer money to buy votes as they pretend to "care".

1. Balanced Budget Amendment
2. Strict, short term limits
3. Publicly-funded elections

There is nothing special about these people.

Remove the power from those who abuse it most.

My weekly rant!


Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

and whom are you proposing to vote IN?

the left does not have candidates which are not bought and payed for by Wall street and big business.
So one side is empty-handed.

i will be voting for those who do not have incumbent by their name. i will not vote for anyone that has been in washington for years and years such as clintons, who are making careers off politic's at our expense.
there are plenty of people that could do a better job then what we have in D.C now. Its time to give New people that uphold the constitution and will work for the people, not for themselves. I hope everyone will stand together and lets take back america. I can't imagine why anyone would want the Gov't to run their lives, or IRS take over your healthcare. Obamacare is going to be the ruinnation of everyones finances. Not just mine, but yours also. Believe it. Its already started showing how expensive healthcare is going to be now on everyone. I hope you didn't think it was FREE. LOL.
and whom are you proposing to vote IN?

the left does not have candidates which are not bought and payed for by Wall street and big business.
So one side is empty-handed.

And the right is equally corrupt.

They can screech all they want but the money trail for this debacle leads back to Heritage Action and the Koch brothers. Prior to the NYT reporting, Bloomsberg Newsweek broke the story several weeks ago:

Jim DeMint, Congressional Republicans' Shadow Speaker
Jim DeMint, Congressional Republicans' Shadow Speaker - Businessweek

Don't rely on cable television for your news! Turn off Fox, MSNBC, CNN. It's brainwashing at its finest.

They have a very short, biased, left wing memory. It really started with Michael Moore and his Bush bashing movies, move on.org and financing a bunch left wing loons and media propaganda sites.
Another Michael named Bloomberg funds dozens of anti first amendment candidates. All they have to say is I hate guns and out comes the campaign cash.
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

I have a Representative that votes the way I prefer and will continue to vote for him. One of my Senators is retiring next year, so I will have a choice to make in the primary and the general elections. My other Senator has three years to go so I will reserve judgment on him.
When I see posts like these, I know they are referring to my legislator, not theirs.

The country is being destroyed from within by a crazy handful of "Freshmen" legislators. Thanks, but when serious issues arise, I like having people with experience around.

I have no dog in this hunt, but my understanding of American politics is that the Founding Fathers meant political positions to be TEMPORARY, i.e. if you have the calling for improving and the devotion to do so, run for election, get elected, do your stuff and then, mission accomplished, go back to whatever you were doing before the election.

The Founding Fathers never meant politics to be a life-long occupation, because they realized that when a person has no loyalty to his family, to his roots, to his occupation, then politics is the best place to be a life-long free-loader.

If George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, etc. saw the current crop of politicians, they would be weeping and rolling in their grave. Especially, seeing that a petulant bully shut down their memorials to the public.

What America needs is more honest, eager and HARDWORKING 'freshman legislators' instead of mouldy, long-past-before-their-time, incompetent fossils, like Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel, brothers Michigan Senator and Congressmen, Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, etc. etc. etc. whose "Best Before" stamp on their forehead reads 1957.

I can't find a thing wrong with your post. The problem I have is I cannot vote for or against a single one of the politicians you name.
I did not say you have to vote for one party or the other. The bottom line is vote for the person, not the party. The person that upholds the constitution and will do something also in our behalf, not for their own personal greed. You can tell by listening to them. You are not obligated to vote for either party no matter which one you belong too. You can vote for the person. We need the right people and we need to get out all these career politicians that want to be elected over and over and over again. I wish there was no two party system, because it seperates the people and causes argueing and causes fraud, and many other things.........vote for the PERSON. Lets get new faces, new people, and get rid of all these in D.C right now.
When I see posts like these, I know they are referring to my legislator, not theirs.

The country is being destroyed from within by a crazy handful of "Freshmen" legislators. Thanks, but when serious issues arise, I like having people with experience around.

I have no dog in this hunt, but my understanding of American politics is that the Founding Fathers meant political positions to be TEMPORARY, i.e. if you have the calling for improving and the devotion to do so, run for election, get elected, do your stuff and then, mission accomplished, go back to whatever you were doing before the election.

The Founding Fathers never meant politics to be a life-long occupation, because they realized that when a person has no loyalty to his family, to his roots, to his occupation, then politics is the best place to be a life-long free-loader.

If George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, etc. saw the current crop of politicians, they would be weeping and rolling in their grave. Especially, seeing that a petulant bully shut down their memorials to the public.

What America needs is more honest, eager and HARDWORKING 'freshman legislators' instead of mouldy, long-past-before-their-time, incompetent fossils, like Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel, brothers Michigan Senator and Congressmen, Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, etc. etc. etc. whose "Best Before" stamp on their forehead reads 1957.

We allow money to buy politicians (dems and repubs) in this country. The #1 priority should be to push for taxpayer funded elections only. This is something that democrat and republican activists could work together on. The politicians themselves won't ever do it on their own.
When I see posts like these, I know they are referring to my legislator, not theirs.

The country is being destroyed from within by a crazy handful of "Freshmen" legislators. Thanks, but when serious issues arise, I like having people with experience around.

I have no dog in this hunt, but my understanding of American politics is that the Founding Fathers meant political positions to be TEMPORARY, i.e. if you have the calling for improving and the devotion to do so, run for election, get elected, do your stuff and then, mission accomplished, go back to whatever you were doing before the election.

The Founding Fathers never meant politics to be a life-long occupation, because they realized that when a person has no loyalty to his family, to his roots, to his occupation, then politics is the best place to be a life-long free-loader.

If George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, etc. saw the current crop of politicians, they would be weeping and rolling in their grave. Especially, seeing that a petulant bully shut down their memorials to the public.

What America needs is more honest, eager and HARDWORKING 'freshman legislators' instead of mouldy, long-past-before-their-time, incompetent fossils, like Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel, brothers Michigan Senator and Congressmen, Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, etc. etc. etc. whose "Best Before" stamp on their forehead reads 1957.

And yet Washington, Adams, Jefferson, etc did not write term limits into the Constitution. They could have, but didn't. That means if I like my representative and think they are doing a good job serving me, their constituent, I can send them back again and again to keep doing it.

The petulant bullies in this story are the Freshmen House GOP members who don't realize that you can't spin on your back in the parking lot like a spoiled toddler, shutting down the government, because you can't get your agenda through legislatively (because their agenda LOST in the 2012 election cycle).
Lets stand together and vote all those with incubent next to there name out.
If we don't stand together, we are all going to struggle in the next years no matter what party you belong too. To heck with the party. Lets stand together as citizens, not as a party affliation.
Are you in??????????????

What does incubent mean? They're alive?

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