Lets stay out of anymore middle eastern wars


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Lets stay out of anymore Islamic middle eastern wars as we lose nothing but blood and treasure. For what??? To be hated for it.

For these fucking cock suckers to kill our troops and spit at us 5 years after we choose to invade. :mad::mad::mad::mad: Hey Saudi Arabia or Pakistan??? Where are you doing to help your people?

We all fucking know these bastards will be bitching about human rights when we try to help them.
We all fucking know the violence won't stop!

So let's stay home and spend the MONEY on infrastructure, science and technology on America. How about it Barack???? Going back to the fucking moon and mars makes a lot more sense as it would bring more high paid jobs for Americans.

Building roads
Building bridges
Building our educational system

All makes sense

This fucking doesn't.

Fuck you arabs! Fix your own country...America aint your butt boy.

I don't give a damn if Assad uses all his chemical Weapons....America doesn't need to be the only nation holding this world together.
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Sorry bout that,

1. *Not Our Problem*.
2. Let them sort out who own Syria.
3. Better we stay out than get killed for no reason sending in troops or even firing missiles.
4. Back the fuck off, McCain needs to shut his pie hole too!

No country has ever achieved greatness by withdrawing into its borders.

That isnt a reason to get involved in every conflict but it does suggest picking and choosing fights. I dont know what the right answer on Syria is, both sides suck. But Obama drew a red line in the sand and Assad crossed it. If he doesnt do anything he will have even less credibility than he does now.
I can think of several countries that are pretty great but dont get involved in every tom, dick and harry fight out there. Some, only fight over the land nearest to their "borders" and nothing more. Presumably they will never achieve greatness.
Lets stay out of anymore Islamic middle eastern wars as we lose nothing but blood and treasure. For what??? To be hated for it.

For these fucking cock suckers to kill our troops and spit at us 5 years after we choose to invade. :mad::mad::mad::mad: Hey Saudi Arabia or Pakistan??? Where are you doing to help your people?

We all fucking know these bastards will be bitching about human rights when we try to help them.
We all fucking know the violence won't stop!

So let's stay home and spend the MONEY on infrastructure, science and technology on America. How about it Barack???? Going back to the fucking moon and mars makes a lot more sense as it would bring more high paid jobs for Americans.

Building roads
Building bridges
Building our educational system

All makes sense

This fucking doesn't.

Fuck you arabs! Fix your own country...America aint your butt boy.

I don't give a damn if Assad uses all his chemical Weapons....America doesn't need to be the only nation holding this world together.

Matthew do you truly believe that we send troops and devote treasure to these nation out of the goodness of our hearts?

Do you not understand that SOME groups benefit tremendously when we send "aid" to these nations?

Do youy not understand that most of that "aid" never gets to those nations, but simply goes to western arms merchants who then send FREE ARMAMENTS to our favorite totalitarians?

What you ask for would be perfectly logical if the people running out nation actually cared more about this nation than they do their BALANCE SHEETS.

What part of this nation is captured and being systematically milked by an elite class of corporations do you as yet NOT understand?
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No country has ever achieved greatness by withdrawing into its borders.

That isnt a reason to get involved in every conflict but it does suggest picking and choosing fights. I dont know what the right answer on Syria is, both sides suck. But Obama drew a red line in the sand and Assad crossed it. If he doesnt do anything he will have even less credibility than he does now.
Obama's started more wars than Bush did.
obama has to get involved in Syria because Al Quaeda is getting its ass kicked and Al Quaeda is his ally in obama's private war against Christians.
I can think of several countries that are pretty great but dont get involved in every tom, dick and harry fight out there. Some, only fight over the land nearest to their "borders" and nothing more. Presumably they will never achieve greatness.

Really? Name 3. Switzerland doesnt count.
I can think of several countries that are pretty great but dont get involved in every tom, dick and harry fight out there. Some, only fight over the land nearest to their "borders" and nothing more. Presumably they will never achieve greatness.

Really? Name 3. Switzerland doesnt count.

Norway, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Netherlands. Oh... and Switzerland. :eusa_shifty:
Israel as well. The only war they involve themselves in is their own border related wars. Otherwise they only ask for help from other countries.
Lets stay out of anymore Islamic middle eastern wars as we lose nothing but blood and treasure. For what??? To be hated for it.

For these fucking cock suckers to kill our troops and spit at us 5 years after we choose to invade. :mad::mad::mad::mad: Hey Saudi Arabia or Pakistan??? Where are you doing to help your people?

We all fucking know these bastards will be bitching about human rights when we try to help them.
We all fucking know the violence won't stop!

So let's stay home and spend the MONEY on infrastructure, science and technology on America. How about it Barack???? Going back to the fucking moon and mars makes a lot more sense as it would bring more high paid jobs for Americans.

Building roads
Building bridges
Building our educational system

All makes sense

This fucking doesn't.

Fuck you arabs! Fix your own country...America aint your butt boy.

I don't give a damn if Assad uses all his chemical Weapons....America doesn't need to be the only nation holding this world together.

The United States intervenes in the Middle East sometimes because it has deep economic interest in this part of the world and has since the early 1940s. Cheap energy makes it less costly, affordable, to build roads, bridges, and schools. Cheap energy means the average American has more money to spend on other things rather than gas or the electric bill. Cheap energy reduces the price you pay for the food you put in your mouth everyday. Why? Because that food you purchased as the supermarket had to be transported there from some farm. That cost of transportation gets passed on to you the consumer when you buy the food you put in your mouth.

Cheap energy is what the United States and the rest of the world gets from countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in the form of oil and natural gas. Yes, the United States and other parts of the world have oil and natural gas, but not in the quantities that the Persian Gulf has. The Persian Gulf's ability to increase the supply of oil and natural gas as global demand continues to rise is what keeps the price of oil and natural gas from permanently rising to levels that would be damaging to the global and US economy.

In addition, countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait thanks to the geology of the area and their technology in this field, are able to extract oil and natural gas at a much lower cost than other area's of the world can.

With energy demand rising every year, countries in the Persian Gulf remain vital to the security and economic well being of the rest of the planet including the United States.

Syria is NOT an oil rich country though despite being in the middle east. If and when the United States intervenes there, it will NOT be for energy issues but for humanitarian issues or security issues related to WMD.
I can think of several countries that are pretty great but dont get involved in every tom, dick and harry fight out there. Some, only fight over the land nearest to their "borders" and nothing more. Presumably they will never achieve greatness.

Part of the reason why any country is able to achieve "greatness" today is being successful within the global economy. But that global economy requires a certain amount of stability and while these "great" countries may not get involved in security issues around the world, someone else is doing the work for them!
I can think of several countries that are pretty great but dont get involved in every tom, dick and harry fight out there. Some, only fight over the land nearest to their "borders" and nothing more. Presumably they will never achieve greatness.

Really? Name 3. Switzerland doesnt count.

Norway, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Netherlands. Oh... and Switzerland. :eusa_shifty:

Netherlands and Denmark have sent troops to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Bosnia. Pretty much everywhere the United States has been in the past two decades, so have the Dutch and the Danes.
Israel as well. The only war they involve themselves in is their own border related wars. Otherwise they only ask for help from other countries.

Well, when you're a small country that has its physical security constantly threatened, that's pretty much all you have time and money for.
Lets stay out of anymore Islamic middle eastern wars as we lose nothing but blood and treasure. For what??? To be hated for it.

For these fucking cock suckers to kill our troops and spit at us 5 years after we choose to invade. :mad::mad::mad::mad: Hey Saudi Arabia or Pakistan??? Where are you doing to help your people?

We all fucking know these bastards will be bitching about human rights when we try to help them.
We all fucking know the violence won't stop!

So let's stay home and spend the MONEY on infrastructure, science and technology on America. How about it Barack???? Going back to the fucking moon and mars makes a lot more sense as it would bring more high paid jobs for Americans.

Building roads
Building bridges
Building our educational system

All makes sense

This fucking doesn't.

Fuck you arabs! Fix your own country...America aint your butt boy.

I don't give a damn if Assad uses all his chemical Weapons....America doesn't need to be the only nation holding this world together.

Matthew do you truly believe that we send troops and devote treasure to these nation out of the goodness of our hearts?

Do you not understand that SOME groups benefit tremendously when we send "aid" to these nations?

Do youy not understand that most of that "aid" never gets to those nations, but simply goes to western arms merchants who then send FREE ARMAMENTS to our favorite totalitarians?

What you ask for would be perfectly logical if the people running out nation actually cared more about this nation than they do their BALANCE SHEETS.

What part of this nation is captured and being systematically milked by an elite class of corporations do you as yet NOT understand?

So there is no "elite class of corporations" systematically milking the nation to build roads and bridges? Not enough money in it?

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