Lets stay out of anymore middle eastern wars

The Obabble Syria doctrine appears to be...."kill as many women and children as is necessary....just do it with conventional weapons...to include beheading and slow strangulation...just do not kill them with WMD...that kills them too fast...we prefer to spread the deaths over a decade or more...we still feel blaming Bush is feasible for that extended period."
I can think of several countries that are pretty great but dont get involved in every tom, dick and harry fight out there. Some, only fight over the land nearest to their "borders" and nothing more. Presumably they will never achieve greatness.

Part of the reason why any country is able to achieve "greatness" today is being successful within the global economy. But that global economy requires a certain amount of stability and while these "great" countries may not get involved in security issues around the world, someone else is doing the work for them!

yes, we're well known around the world for our stabilization efforts. :lmao:
Israel as well. The only war they involve themselves in is their own border related wars. Otherwise they only ask for help from other countries.

Well, when you're a small country that has its physical security constantly threatened, that's pretty much all you have time and money for.

Not to mention all the aid they receive from us in money to help them out. I guess they are a long shot away from greatness, based on Rabbi's criteria.
Lets stay out of anymore Islamic middle eastern wars as we lose nothing but blood and treasure. For what??? To be hated for it.

For these fucking cock suckers to kill our troops and spit at us 5 years after we choose to invade. :mad::mad::mad::mad: Hey Saudi Arabia or Pakistan??? Where are you doing to help your people?

We all fucking know these bastards will be bitching about human rights when we try to help them.
We all fucking know the violence won't stop!

So let's stay home and spend the MONEY on infrastructure, science and technology on America. How about it Barack???? Going back to the fucking moon and mars makes a lot more sense as it would bring more high paid jobs for Americans.

Building roads
Building bridges
Building our educational system

All makes sense

This fucking doesn't.

Fuck you arabs! Fix your own country...America aint your butt boy.

I don't give a damn if Assad uses all his chemical Weapons....America doesn't need to be the only nation holding this world together.

Matthew do you truly believe that we send troops and devote treasure to these nation out of the goodness of our hearts?

Do you not understand that SOME groups benefit tremendously when we send "aid" to these nations?

Do youy not understand that most of that "aid" never gets to those nations, but simply goes to western arms merchants who then send FREE ARMAMENTS to our favorite totalitarians?

What you ask for would be perfectly logical if the people running out nation actually cared more about this nation than they do their BALANCE SHEETS.

What part of this nation is captured and being systematically milked by an elite class of corporations do you as yet NOT understand?

So there is no "elite class of corporations" systematically milking the nation to build roads and bridges? Not enough money in it?

Where did I say THAT. BillyV?

What you are describing is still another class of insiders who use government to enrich themselves.

In fact on the state levels especially, if you want to find the insiders, look to the folks building or "maintaining" the road or bridges.
No country has ever achieved greatness by withdrawing into its borders.

That isnt a reason to get involved in every conflict but it does suggest picking and choosing fights. I dont know what the right answer on Syria is, both sides suck. But Obama drew a red line in the sand and Assad crossed it. If he doesnt do anything he will have even less credibility than he does now.

Syria is a red herring. Without full support through the UN, I don't see how we can do much without inviting a potential direct confrontation with Russia. One way or another, Assad's days are numbered. I imagine his entire family will be executed when he falls.

This is Assad's future:

[ame=http://youtu.be/XsRQP7TifME]Romanian Dictator Nicolae and Elena ceausescu executed. - YouTube[/ame]
There could be nothing good coming out of the US entering Syria. Both sides are bad, if there's any innocent people being killed, it's being done by both sides.

If there's gas being used to kill jihadists, so be it.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out there's already Tier 1 assets on the ground under a corporate flag.
I can think of several countries that are pretty great but dont get involved in every tom, dick and harry fight out there. Some, only fight over the land nearest to their "borders" and nothing more. Presumably they will never achieve greatness.

Part of the reason why any country is able to achieve "greatness" today is being successful within the global economy. But that global economy requires a certain amount of stability and while these "great" countries may not get involved in security issues around the world, someone else is doing the work for them!

yes, we're well known around the world for our stabilization efforts. :lmao:

You mean shock and awe didn't work to pacify the ME?

:Boom2: :dance:
I can think of several countries that are pretty great but dont get involved in every tom, dick and harry fight out there. Some, only fight over the land nearest to their "borders" and nothing more. Presumably they will never achieve greatness.

Really? Name 3. Switzerland doesnt count.

Norway, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Netherlands. Oh... and Switzerland. :eusa_shifty:
Norway--bad economy, rioting Muslims.
Sweden-bad economy, rioting Muslims
New Zealand. Seriously? Does anyone actually think New Zealand is a great country, as opposed to a decent place where sheep outnumber people?
Netherlands-drug-infested country over run with eastern european mafia, Muslims, and of course a poor economy. Maybe 500 years ago the Dutch made a name for themselves but they and their empire declined because, guess what, they retreated within their borders.
Part of the reason why any country is able to achieve "greatness" today is being successful within the global economy. But that global economy requires a certain amount of stability and while these "great" countries may not get involved in security issues around the world, someone else is doing the work for them!

yes, we're well known around the world for our stabilization efforts. :lmao:

You mean shock and awe didn't work to pacify the ME?

:Boom2: :dance:
Yeah actually it did when we were practicing it. That's why al Qaeda got their asses kicked in Iraq, we restored some stability to the country, giving it the first free elections ever, and we neutralized Ghaddafi's nuclear program.
After that some yellow belly anti American got into office and pissed all of that away promising a kinder gentler America to people who scorn weakness.
Part of the reason why any country is able to achieve "greatness" today is being successful within the global economy. But that global economy requires a certain amount of stability and while these "great" countries may not get involved in security issues around the world, someone else is doing the work for them!

yes, we're well known around the world for our stabilization efforts. :lmao:

You mean shock and awe didn't work to pacify the ME?

:Boom2: :dance:

We just weren't shock and awing enough. We need to bomb a few more Middle Eastern countries... for the sake of peace. :lol:
yes, we're well known around the world for our stabilization efforts. :lmao:

You mean shock and awe didn't work to pacify the ME?

:Boom2: :dance:
Yeah actually it did when we were practicing it. That's why al Qaeda got their asses kicked in Iraq, we restored some stability to the country, giving it the first free elections ever, and we neutralized Ghaddafi's nuclear program.
After that some yellow belly anti American got into office and pissed all of that away promising a kinder gentler America to people who scorn weakness.

Oh, yeah. Definitely. :lmao:

Iraq is FAR less stable now than it was before we entered. Even the biggest proponents of that war agree. Like Paul W.

The terroists in Iraq, after ten years of practice, are the best in the world. There is no substitute when it comes to spawning the best terrorists. The USA is #1!

Apparently you stopped reading about Iraq once....oh, I dont think you ever did. Because that place is a blistering shithole now. Far more than it was when we entered. But like Paul, I'm sure you think we should just give it another 50 years or so...thats when the merits of the war will come to fruition. :lmao:
yes, we're well known around the world for our stabilization efforts. :lmao:

You mean shock and awe didn't work to pacify the ME?

:Boom2: :dance:
Yeah actually it did when we were practicing it. That's why al Qaeda got their asses kicked in Iraq, we restored some stability to the country, giving it the first free elections ever, and we neutralized Ghaddafi's nuclear program.
After that some yellow belly anti American got into office and pissed all of that away promising a kinder gentler America to people who scorn weakness.

Yeah blitzkrieg followed by peaceful occupation was Rome and Germany's plan too, how'd that work out for them?
You mean shock and awe didn't work to pacify the ME?

:Boom2: :dance:
Yeah actually it did when we were practicing it. That's why al Qaeda got their asses kicked in Iraq, we restored some stability to the country, giving it the first free elections ever, and we neutralized Ghaddafi's nuclear program.
After that some yellow belly anti American got into office and pissed all of that away promising a kinder gentler America to people who scorn weakness.

Oh, yeah. Definitely. :lmao:

Iraq is FAR less stable now than it was before we entered. Even the biggest proponents of that war agree. Like Paul W.

The terroists in Iraq, after ten years of practice, are the best in the world. There is no substitute when it comes to spawning the best terrorists. The USA is #1!

Apparently you stopped reading about Iraq once....oh, I dont think you ever did. Because that place is a blistering shithole now. Far more than it was when we entered. But like Paul, I'm sure you think we should just give it another 50 years or so...thats when the merits of the war will come to fruition. :lmao:

What? You mean training terrorists how we fight terrorists and giving them billions on billions in cash while we killed their children didn't make them love us?
You mean shock and awe didn't work to pacify the ME?

:Boom2: :dance:
Yeah actually it did when we were practicing it. That's why al Qaeda got their asses kicked in Iraq, we restored some stability to the country, giving it the first free elections ever, and we neutralized Ghaddafi's nuclear program.
After that some yellow belly anti American got into office and pissed all of that away promising a kinder gentler America to people who scorn weakness.

Oh, yeah. Definitely. :lmao:

Iraq is FAR less stable now than it was before we entered. Even the biggest proponents of that war agree. Like Paul W.

The terroists in Iraq, after ten years of practice, are the best in the world. There is no substitute when it comes to spawning the best terrorists. The USA is #1!

Apparently you stopped reading about Iraq once....oh, I dont think you ever did. Because that place is a blistering shithole now. Far more than it was when we entered. But like Paul, I'm sure you think we should just give it another 50 years or so...thats when the merits of the war will come to fruition. :lmao:
Funny, things went to hell about the time we announced a complete withdrawl. Wonder why that happened?
You mean shock and awe didn't work to pacify the ME?

:Boom2: :dance:
Yeah actually it did when we were practicing it. That's why al Qaeda got their asses kicked in Iraq, we restored some stability to the country, giving it the first free elections ever, and we neutralized Ghaddafi's nuclear program.
After that some yellow belly anti American got into office and pissed all of that away promising a kinder gentler America to people who scorn weakness.

Yeah blitzkrieg followed by peaceful occupation was Rome and Germany's plan too, how'd that work out for them?
Huh? Rome had an empire that lasted 1000 years. Ever hear of the Pax Romana? Does the phrase "para bellum" mean anything to you? Probably not. That requires an education.
Yeah actually it did when we were practicing it. That's why al Qaeda got their asses kicked in Iraq, we restored some stability to the country, giving it the first free elections ever, and we neutralized Ghaddafi's nuclear program.
After that some yellow belly anti American got into office and pissed all of that away promising a kinder gentler America to people who scorn weakness.

Oh, yeah. Definitely. :lmao:

Iraq is FAR less stable now than it was before we entered. Even the biggest proponents of that war agree. Like Paul W.

The terroists in Iraq, after ten years of practice, are the best in the world. There is no substitute when it comes to spawning the best terrorists. The USA is #1!

Apparently you stopped reading about Iraq once....oh, I dont think you ever did. Because that place is a blistering shithole now. Far more than it was when we entered. But like Paul, I'm sure you think we should just give it another 50 years or so...thats when the merits of the war will come to fruition. :lmao:
Funny, things went to hell about the time we announced a complete withdrawl. Wonder why that happened?

Considering the complete withdrawal was due to the Iraqi's not having any "love" for us, there is no correlation. Furthermore, that's not when it "went to shit". I'd suggest reading up on it and speaking less. That place is a rubbed raw, infected shithole.
Matthew do you truly believe that we send troops and devote treasure to these nation out of the goodness of our hearts?

Do you not understand that SOME groups benefit tremendously when we send "aid" to these nations?

Do youy not understand that most of that "aid" never gets to those nations, but simply goes to western arms merchants who then send FREE ARMAMENTS to our favorite totalitarians?

What you ask for would be perfectly logical if the people running out nation actually cared more about this nation than they do their BALANCE SHEETS.

What part of this nation is captured and being systematically milked by an elite class of corporations do you as yet NOT understand?

So there is no "elite class of corporations" systematically milking the nation to build roads and bridges? Not enough money in it?

Where did I say THAT. BillyV?

What you are describing is still another class of insiders who use government to enrich themselves.

In fact on the state levels especially, if you want to find the insiders, look to the folks building or "maintaining" the road or bridges.

You didn't say it, but your post implied that we "devote treasure" for the benefit of some "elite class of corporations" for defense rather than spending that treasure on roads and bridges because they don't care as much about the nation as they do about their balance sheets. The point is someone's balance sheet will get fatter either way; there are at least as many companies (in some cases probably the same companies) making money on roads and bridges as there are making money on weapons. So perhaps the decision on whether to fund defense or domestic agendas are made on some different basis than the "balance sheet," given the entrenched interests on both sides. Maybe some of them are actually considering the needs for one over the other without wondering which corporate interest is benefiting.
Yeah actually it did when we were practicing it. That's why al Qaeda got their asses kicked in Iraq, we restored some stability to the country, giving it the first free elections ever, and we neutralized Ghaddafi's nuclear program.
After that some yellow belly anti American got into office and pissed all of that away promising a kinder gentler America to people who scorn weakness.

Yeah blitzkrieg followed by peaceful occupation was Rome and Germany's plan too, how'd that work out for them?
Huh? Rome had an empire that lasted 1000 years. Ever hear of the Pax Romana? Does the phrase "para bellum" mean anything to you? Probably not. That requires an education.

How long do you think our empire will last? The Romans funded their conquests by pillaging and making slaves of their conquests. We, by contrast, are funding our conquests by going into debt.
Oh, yeah. Definitely. :lmao:

Iraq is FAR less stable now than it was before we entered. Even the biggest proponents of that war agree. Like Paul W.

The terroists in Iraq, after ten years of practice, are the best in the world. There is no substitute when it comes to spawning the best terrorists. The USA is #1!

Apparently you stopped reading about Iraq once....oh, I dont think you ever did. Because that place is a blistering shithole now. Far more than it was when we entered. But like Paul, I'm sure you think we should just give it another 50 years or so...thats when the merits of the war will come to fruition. :lmao:
Funny, things went to hell about the time we announced a complete withdrawl. Wonder why that happened?

Considering the complete withdrawal was due to the Iraqi's not having any "love" for us, there is no correlation. Furthermore, that's not when it "went to shit". I'd suggest reading up on it and speaking less. That place is a rubbed raw, infected shithole.
No, it was due to the incompetence of the Obama Administration and the anti-anti-terror Left, of which the narco-libtards are a part. Had he negotiated a small contingent to stay behind this probably wouldn't have happened.
I'd suggest getting your head out of Ron Paul's ass and seeing what happens when we withdraw our involvement from places. Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc etc.

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