Lets stay out of anymore middle eastern wars

The GOP have been total lying incompetent feck ups since 1980. See Voodoo, S+L, Raygun pals with Saddam and OBLaden, April telling Saddam we weren't interested in their border dispute with Kuwait- then Booosh with 9/11, ruin of Afghan victory with Iraq mess, the cronyism and corruption meltdown, and now Rush Seanbeck etc etc in charge of the GOP mindless obstruction.

In fact, only the independant Ike wasn't a disaster since Teddy Roosevelt LOL...

The United States was not interested in a border dispute between Iraq and Kuwait that they were both capable of resolving. Unfortunately Saddam had other plans and INVADED KUWAIT and then several weeks later ANNEXED Kuwait into Iraq. Kuwait was the first country to be annexed since ADOLF HITLER did it in the early 1940s.

There are lots of border disputes around the world. But few would ever think of it as a green light for invasion and annexation of another country.
You could see why Saddam was confused after being pals with Raygun and Rummy, getting help with chemical weapons and no static over killing thousands, and fighting a war against Iran for us.
And Kuwait was part of Iraq (or whatever- Babylonia, etc) for thousands of years, until Britain decided they'd like an independant oil state they could dominate.
Infrastructure, science and tech

Let's build a moon base instead of a pointless war
Let's improve our educational system instead of a pointless war

Americans have been getting fucked.

At least demand Pakistan, India, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia to supply the majority of the fire power and troops.
Infrastructure, science and tech

Let's build a moon base instead of a pointless war
Let's improve our educational system instead of a pointless war

Americans have been getting fucked.

At least demand Pakistan, India, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia to supply the majority of the fire power and troops.

What are you talking about? Pakaistan and India dont even like each other. The only country that has the fire power is The USA. It is plain and simple folks, Chemical warfare is a war crime and once a country crosses that line it has to be delt with force, Otherwise we will have tards using it all across the world.
Infrastructure, science and tech

Let's build a moon base instead of a pointless war
Let's improve our educational system instead of a pointless war

Americans have been getting fucked.

At least demand Pakistan, India, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia to supply the majority of the fire power and troops.

Do you have any other ideas? Every post is "Let's spend money on worthless shit that's been a proven loser". You need a new bag.
Infrastructure, science and tech

Let's build a moon base instead of a pointless war
Let's improve our educational system instead of a pointless war

Americans have been getting fucked.

At least demand Pakistan, India, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia to supply the majority of the fire power and troops.

What are you talking about? Pakaistan and India dont even like each other. The only country that has the fire power is The USA. It is plain and simple folks, Chemical warfare is a war crime and once a country crosses that line it has to be delt with force, Otherwise we will have tards using it all across the world.

What is the appropriate way for the world to deal with a country where chemical weapons have been used ?
Infrastructure, science and tech

Let's build a moon base instead of a pointless war
Let's improve our educational system instead of a pointless war

Americans have been getting fucked.

At least demand Pakistan, India, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia to supply the majority of the fire power and troops.

Do you have any other ideas? Every post is "Let's spend money on worthless shit that's been a proven loser". You need a new bag.

I know matthew acts like a girl poster same old posts every day. You can not be a isolationist with a kick ass milatary like ours. all we got out of obamas last stimulus was pay back to his friends and cute new trees, lamp posts and signs down the freeway saying good job Obozo.!!!
Lets stay out of anymore Islamic middle eastern wars as we lose nothing but blood and treasure. For what??? To be hated for it.

For these fucking cock suckers to kill our troops and spit at us 5 years after we choose to invade. :mad::mad::mad::mad: Hey Saudi Arabia or Pakistan??? Where are you doing to help your people?

We all fucking know these bastards will be bitching about human rights when we try to help them.
We all fucking know the violence won't stop!

So let's stay home and spend the MONEY on infrastructure, science and technology on America. How about it Barack???? Going back to the fucking moon and mars makes a lot more sense as it would bring more high paid jobs for Americans.

Building roads
Building bridges
Building our educational system

All makes sense

This fucking doesn't.

Fuck you arabs! Fix your own country...America aint your butt boy.

I don't give a damn if Assad uses all his chemical Weapons....America doesn't need to be the only nation holding this world together.
You and I don't agree on a lot of things, but this ain't one of them.
Infrastructure, science and tech

Let's build a moon base instead of a pointless war
Let's improve our educational system instead of a pointless war

Americans have been getting fucked.

At least demand Pakistan, India, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia to supply the majority of the fire power and troops.

What are you talking about? Pakaistan and India dont even like each other. The only country that has the fire power is The USA. It is plain and simple folks, Chemical warfare is a war crime and once a country crosses that line it has to be delt with force, Otherwise we will have tards using it all across the world.

What is the appropriate way for the world to deal with a country where chemical weapons have been used ?

A hundred tomahawk missles, then bring in the F22's to clean up the place and then bring in the big boys the B2's and B52's. to bomb it to oblivion.
What are you talking about? Pakaistan and India dont even like each other. The only country that has the fire power is The USA. It is plain and simple folks, Chemical warfare is a war crime and once a country crosses that line it has to be delt with force, Otherwise we will have tards using it all across the world.

What is the appropriate way for the world to deal with a country where chemical weapons have been used ?

A hundred tomahawk missles, then bring in the F22's to clean up the place and then bring in the big boys the B2's and B52's. to bomb it to oblivion.

Even Israel wouldn't find that acceptable.
Infrastructure, science and tech

Let's build a moon base instead of a pointless war
Let's improve our educational system instead of a pointless war

Americans have been getting fucked.

At least demand Pakistan, India, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia to supply the majority of the fire power and troops.

Do you have any other ideas? Every post is "Let's spend money on worthless shit that's been a proven loser". You need a new bag.

So education, science and infrastructure = a proven loser??? No developing nation on earth would agree with you.

This is why your party sucks. A party that would take this country backwards...What's good with a powerful military when everything else sucks.
What are you talking about? Pakaistan and India dont even like each other. The only country that has the fire power is The USA. It is plain and simple folks, Chemical warfare is a war crime and once a country crosses that line it has to be delt with force, Otherwise we will have tards using it all across the world.

What is the appropriate way for the world to deal with a country where chemical weapons have been used ?

A hundred tomahawk missles, then bring in the F22's to clean up the place and then bring in the big boys the B2's and B52's. to bomb it to oblivion.

Why not long range missiles and drones to take out the chemicals??? No use in putting anymore of our pilots in harms way.

We could ask the arabs to do everything else.
Infrastructure, science and tech

Let's build a moon base instead of a pointless war
Let's improve our educational system instead of a pointless war

Americans have been getting fucked.

At least demand Pakistan, India, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia to supply the majority of the fire power and troops.

Do you have any other ideas? Every post is "Let's spend money on worthless shit that's been a proven loser". You need a new bag.

So education, science and infrastructure = a proven loser??? No developing nation on earth would agree with you.

This is why your party sucks. A party that would take this country backwards...What's good with a powerful military when everything else sucks.

We probably spend more on grade school thru high school than any other country. And it sucks.
Gov't funding of science sucks
The major part of the last stimulus bill was infrastructure. That was 5 years ago. And our infrastructure sucks. How is doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different outcome make sense?
What is the appropriate way for the world to deal with a country where chemical weapons have been used ?

A hundred tomahawk missles, then bring in the F22's to clean up the place and then bring in the big boys the B2's and B52's. to bomb it to oblivion.

Why not long range missiles and drones to take out the chemicals??? No use in putting anymore of our pilots in harms way.

We could ask the arabs to do everything else.

I guess you are worried like alot of young folks are, you think you might get drafted dont worry the draft is over we learned the mistake from Nam'.
You do bring up a good point though if we could target one guy from a drone what is so hard about using drones to take out chemical weapons? We dont need to put any troops on the ground, the killing will continue but if the US dominates the Air we or the Rebels will get Assad sooner or latter like Sadam or the duck Quadaffi.
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No country has ever achieved greatness by withdrawing into its borders.

That isnt a reason to get involved in every conflict but it does suggest picking and choosing fights. I dont know what the right answer on Syria is, both sides suck. But Obama drew a red line in the sand and Assad crossed it. If he doesnt do anything he will have even less credibility than he does now.
Obama's started more wars than Bush did.

Can you name them? Did he start them or engage in them on the same scale as the previous Administration? How many service members participated?

That said, I am totally against this proposed or threatened intervention into Syria, I was also against his Libyan experiment, I don't think that we should have had any American personnel there until they (Libya) got their own shit straight.
No country has ever achieved greatness by withdrawing into its borders.

That isnt a reason to get involved in every conflict but it does suggest picking and choosing fights. I dont know what the right answer on Syria is, both sides suck. But Obama drew a red line in the sand and Assad crossed it. If he doesnt do anything he will have even less credibility than he does now.
Obama's started more wars than Bush did.

Can you name them? Did he start them or engage in them on the same scale as the previous Administration? How many service members participated?

That said, I am totally against this proposed or threatened intervention into Syria, I was also against his Libyan experiment, I don't think that we should have had any American personnel there until they (Libya) got their own shit straight.

So you're OK with civilians getting gassed?

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