Let's take a look at our last five Democrat Presidents

Let's take a look at our last five Democrat Presidents​

Let’s not, it invites a similar retrospective of GOPer presidents, who sucked equally each in his own unique way

Here’s a look at average GDP growth rates under the last six U.S. presidents:

Jimmy Carter (D): 3.25%

Ronald Reagan (R): 3.48%

George H.W. Bush (R): 2.25%

Bill Clinton (D): 3.88%

George W. Bush (R): 2.2%

Barack Obama (D): 1.62%

Donald Trump (R): 0.95%

In his first four years in office, Trump has had by far the lowest average U.S. GDP growth rate of any of the last seven U.S. presidents.

Overall, U.S. GDP growth was highest under Clinton and Reagan in this group.
Trump was President

He took credit when the economy was good
Blames Democrats when it was bad

In the three years before COVID
Trump never delivered a GDP over 3.0

Biden gave 5.9
Yes he was president that was fighting a two front battle between the democrats and the Rino's. And the democrat communist controlled media installed their puppet. And you believe Joey won 😆😆😆😆😅😁😁😁
And the democrat communist controlled media installed their puppet. And you believe Joey won
Actually you just posted a scenario explaining Bidens victory.
The communist controlled media convinced 81 million people to vote for Biden.

Your words.
Yes he was president that was fighting a two front battle between the democrats and the Rino's. And the democrat communist controlled media installed their puppet. And you believe Joey won 😆😆😆😆😅😁😁😁
Trump seemed to be fighting battles with everyone
Real or imagined
Trump was at war with the mainstream media from the very start.

He forgot (or never learned, which is more likely) the old adage. “Never argue with anyone who buys the ink by the barrel.”
1. LBJ - Prosecuted a disastrous war and condemned African Americans to lives of welfare slavery.
2. Jimmy Carter - Gave away the Panama Canal, abrogated our treaty with Taiwan and undermined our military.
3. Bill Clinton - Personally corrupt, sold military secrets to China for campaign contributions.
4. Obama - Racist America-hater who negotiated with terrorists & gave $billions to Iran for a phony nuclear deal.
5. Biden - Crooked shake-down artist who would start a new war if he thought it would benefit him politically.

Quite a lineup, eh? It is a wonder that we haven't collapsed already. Or have we?

5 pieces of shit. 💩💩💩💩💩
Great Lineup

LBJ accomplished more than any President since FDR
Carter was a good man in a bad position
Clinton had the best economy in history
Obama saved us from a Republican Depression
Biden added the most jobs of any President in his first year

History considers Obama, LBJ and Clinton among the best Presidents
Lol, people going back to the jobs they lost because of a shutdown. Isn't adding jobs Biden's upcoming recession is really going to lose jobs.
Trump was at war with the mainstream media from the very start.

He forgot (or never learned, which is more likely) the old adage. “Never argue with anyone who buys the ink by the barrel.”
Because mainstream media was pushing the created Clinton Russia narrative.
Quick observation.

Under Trump - Riots in the streets over racial injustice. Cities burned, looting, etc.
Under Biden - No more race riots.
That's because the rioters do what the democrat party says. But let another George Floyd happen and let's see what Biden does.
Interesting. Due to Obamacare I lost a job in a company I worked for for over 10 + years. Company split up sending jobs to the Philippines,India and Mexico.
My health insurance now not only costs more but has higher deductibles,co pays and supplies less coverage.

Obama also sent race relations into the toilet and started the ball rolling on demonizing law enforcement to the point that we are now less safe and crime is out of control.

Obama sucked.
I bopped back into a DoD job, at a decent GS level, as I have an eclectic skillset, decent education and a history of responsible position in and out of the military. My wife worked for a major regional healthcare provider, so we never lost healthcare for us or the two twins (due to the affordable healthcare act that let us keep them on our family plan while in college) we put in college (one public and one private universities) the fall, we lost our ass, as I had been the significantly higher income earner.
I skipped the culture wars and get along with people of all races. It is really a person thing, not a society thing at our level, if you don't get hooked on the drumbeat of the talking heads on both sides. There are black families on our street, and they think the world of us, of course they are just working families, teachers, retired preachers, just normal folks that happen to be black. If there is something serious, they call or come me get as they are calling the ambulance or police, which goes back to my eclectic skillset, willingness to get involved and do what has to be done. My daughter married a black guy, though he really was a piece of sh#t, not because he is black, but just because he isn't worth a damn, and I bought her a divorce near the end of the Obama years. My neighborhood is pretty quiet, and I am not personally experiencing a rise in crime in my neighborhood, we are long term residents, I used to be the organizer and head of the neighborhood watch and am known to walk my 90 lb German shepherd, armed in the neighborhood. New people that move into the subdivision seem to think I look like a cop and have asked if Lexie is a K-9 dope dog. To which I have replied, "Not anymore. Why? You holding?" So, since I have not had to experience an increase in crime or race relations problems, I don't get involved much in the culture wars thing, preferring just to have a good time and treat others as I Expect to be treated, and it seems to work.
Sorry you had a rough time during the Obama years, I just missed it as, I was busy getting my sh#t back together.
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1. LBJ - Prosecuted a disastrous war and condemned African Americans to lives of welfare slavery.
2. Jimmy Carter - Gave away the Panama Canal, abrogated our treaty with Taiwan and undermined our military.
3. Bill Clinton - Personally corrupt, sold military secrets to China for campaign contributions.
4. Obama - Racist America-hater who negotiated with terrorists & gave $billions to Iran for a phony nuclear deal.
5. Biden - Crooked shake-down artist who would start a new war if he thought it would benefit him politically.

Quite a lineup, eh? It is a wonder that we haven't collapsed already. Or have we?
Hyper-partisan wankers can pleasure themselves however they choose, but the recent public approval and disapproval upon completion of their presidential terms according to Gallup surveys is what it is:

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Trump provided the regular guy with historic prosperity and fought the two party's you say you dislike.... All I can do is to shake my head over people like you... You are intelligent but yet you have fallen for lies about the best people's president in my lifetime....
I'm a regular guy, working hard and serving most my adult life. He did bring me historic prosperity, as I said, for my generation that was the Clinton administration with Newt balancing the act. I retired in the late summer or early fall of 2016, having already secured my prosperity and paid my dues. I thought he was probably going to be a divisive, crooked dick and didn't vote for him.

Here’s a look at average GDP growth rates under the last six U.S. presidents:

Jimmy Carter (D): 3.25%

Ronald Reagan (R): 3.48%

George H.W. Bush (R): 2.25%

Bill Clinton (D): 3.88%

George W. Bush (R): 2.2%

Barack Obama (D): 1.62%

Donald Trump (R): 0.95%

In his first four years in office, Trump has had by far the lowest average U.S. GDP growth rate of any of the last seven U.S. presidents.

Overall, U.S. GDP growth was highest under Clinton and Reagan in this group.
Thanks for your deep analysis. Do you ever stop to think about external factors that might affect these "statistics?"
Reagan came out of the Carter recession.
Bush Sr. inherited Reagan's economy.
Clinton inherited an already improving economy (4th Quarter/1992) and managed to get a GOP Congress elected in 1994.
Bush Jr. inherited the Fanny/Freddie housing scandal that caused the Great Recession.
Obama inherited a recovering economy but did little to help it.
Trump created a booming economy that was crushed by the Covid pandemic.
Biden inherited a tanked economy that was already starting to recover.
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